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…figured I'd make a thread with all of the pages on the Hermes Trismegistus section of Manly P. Hall's "Secret Teachings of All Ages"…since I was at the bookstore photographing 'em


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….will continue posting if y'all want


keep going bby.


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i've certainly enjoyed what bits i've read of the kybalion, for sure…kybalion is s great read

i don't necessarily "believe in" hermes trismegistus, however…just posting this because i know you guys like it



Thanks. I won't read any of it, but the effort is much appreciated.


Thanks OP


File: aa7c82352802fc3⋯.jpg (430.71 KB, 1218x1000, 609:500, 644cb786185ff3fa94bb7e10eb….jpg)

Anyone interested in Hermeticism should also check out "The Hermetica" which are the original poems and axioms ascribed to Hermes before things like tha Kyballion came out. The Nag Hammadi is also filled with a multitude of Hermetic writing. It and Gnosticism overlap in quite a few ways.



lol, pic related?



Why is that dude chilling in his armor? Is he retarded? He doesn't seem to be anywhere near a battle. Why is he wearing it?

>be SWAT

>go to a date with my kevlar and tactical helmet

>grill nopes the fuck out



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I'm not actually 100% sure but I think the picture depicts Sir Percival from Arthurian legend. He wears a suit of hard armour and drinks timorously whilst the feminine/lunar aspect is expressed with an open gown and an almost mad look of longing.


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basically Percival is /ourguy/?

(just kidding)



>taking photos of books at the store

did you buy it at least, faggot



i personally wouldn't buy this book, though manly p. hall has a whole bunch of literature

one time i was at a library and all of a sudden people started bringing in (literally) crates and crates of manly p. hall books all at once… it was very strange…very intriguing…that was my first introduction to the writings of manly p. hall, but tbh i don't care for him as a writer and a man of words…i just respect the vast amount of research he's done


Thank you.


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Why post pics of a book when it's easily available on the internet?


information endangerment…..it's always good to check sources and compare them to each other…..a lot of stuff on the internet is either inaccurate or has been edited for one rason or another



>one time i was at a library and all of a sudden people started bringing in (literally) crates and crates of manly p. hall books all at once…

i'd literally bust a nut if i saw crates of MPH books

>i just respect the vast amount of research he's done

fair enough


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These are the final screenshots I've taken of the section on "Hermes Tirsmegistus" out of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall:


File: eb3667e47997803⋯.png (74.71 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, Revitlink Damien WArnings.png)


notice (strangely enough), which i find disagreeable, along with the Bible….these writings include a part where it compels people to follow and listen to Hermes Trismegistus….."or else"

…insinuating there that by these beliefs and writings regarding Hermes Trismegistus, there is some sort of 'monopoly' on truth expounded by these specific teachings that claim to have the 'monopoly on truth'


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here is something interesting i came across in a book i've received recently….

after the section on "Christian Inspiration", with regards to the culture of the West…the next chapter is "Faith for Freedom"


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I'm not quite sure how you have jumped to that conclusion on reading the word "or else". Could that not just be alluding to whatever consequences happen to take place in failure to recognise the validity of the Hermetic principles? Also does it actually claim to have a monopoly on Truth? If not why have you put it in quote marks? I think such a statement is contradictory in of itself to Hermeticism - Truth or truth in Hermetic philosophy is like a spectrum, it is not monopolistic for it incorporates all relative experience inside of a greater stance of Absolutes.



The words of file #0770 says….

"Some who heard mocked and scoffed and went their way, delivering themselves ot the Second Death from which there is no salvation. But others, casting themselves before the feet of Hermes, besought him to teach them the Way of Life."



I'm not trying to be a random hater, but to me this implies this notion of "…follow Hermes or suffer 'eternal hellfire'….."

this is also accompanied (in this text) with a good deal of 'otherworldly glorification' of this single person, "Hermes Trismegistus"…..what could a single person possibly need with such glorification?



I remember reading that when I got to this chapter, it seemed like perhaps the ancient Hermetic text cited had been severely corrupted by the Christian Church. I more or less chose to ignore it.



Wow, that's interesting.

Is it really the Christian Church who's responsible for that?



That would be my guess. The "Second Death" of "eternal hellfire" sentenced by the "Father" comes straight from the Bible, and while it could be that the Bible got that from Hermes, it doesn't seem likely because the alchemists didn't believe it and it doesn't really fit with the Principles. Also, powerful men in cahoots with the Church (like Theodosius) did everything in their power to destroy and Christianize occult/pagan literature.



You are saying that Hermes Trismegistus is quoting scripture or that you are saying you understand that specific text (about Hermes) to be referring to Christian theology?



If that is true, that's a good point that you say most alchemists did not believe in the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus!


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Yeah, I heard stories about some of those early writers in the Church (I think Athanasius of Alexandria), but for sure Origen, did a great deal to preserve literature that the state Church was trying to destroy.



I think Hermes said something, but we will never know what that was because between then and now somebody rewrote it to support the Church's beliefs.



Ohh, okay. True that.


Read all these faggot posts here. You are all larping schizos. Get on some meds. So cringey.



Ahh, yes this may be relevant to this claim of the Catholic Church whitewashing the fair works of Hermes.



I disagree. In this thread I feel we are partaking in intellectual discourse, although I would be free to hear any suggestions against it, like for instance if for some reason God didn't want people to devote time or attention to Hermes Trismegistus.



To me that read more along the lines of "heed these words of wisdom or else you'll remain ignorant and slave to your shadow. People have revered those who taught these things, for they are that valuable".

I frankly don't get the impression that we should worship anyone.


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So basically if something tells you that this is the way to salvation and all other ways will lead to hell you see it as malevolent or in some way dishonest? I don't understand that at all, that kind of idea is at the centre of all religious thought, that there is a right way to act and consequences for doing wrong, that you will be punished if you fuck up to much. I mean do you think buddhism has some monopoly on truth because its says the same thing? Do you think Hindu culture is morally wrong because it has concepts of Karma? What is the alternative if such a thing as God exists? The other way is the "Do As Thou Wilt" were all things are permitted, that even the rape and murder of others is not met with any form of chastisement or payback, there would be no justice only freewill and self-indulgence to do whatever you want.


Just because such an idea of you being condemned for your wrongs is offensive to you is not justification for refutation. You can't discredit philosophy by putting your personal feelings above it.

>this is also accompanied (in this text) with a good deal of 'otherworldly glorification' of this single person, "Hermes Trismegistus"…..what could a single person possibly need with such glorification?

Firstly Hermes Trismegistus is not simple a "single person". He is a representation of the Greek god Hermes, which is respectively Thoth in Egyptian, and Mercury in Latin. The otherwordly glorification you speak of is exactly what you want in the writing to emphasise the point that he is in fact otherworldly. Hermes is to be viewed as a divine joining of philosophy and spirituality inside of man, your interpretation is a little narrow.


The "Christian Church" wouldn't of even been formed at the times you are speaking of though I don't normally ever hear it referred to in its most broadest of terms. What exactly do you mean by "the Christian Church"?


I'm really surprised at how you are a Gnostic and do not see the huge relationship between Hermeticism and Christian Gnosticism. There are many Hermetic texts within the Nag Hammadi and it is evidently clear that the two conflated significantly along with the philosophy of Plato.


Not true, we have a large number of Hemertic texts recovered which had not been touched by church and they match with what they have. You two are spreading a lot of disinformation and making conclusions based on little evidence, little reading on the subject, and much conjecture.


>most alchemists did not believe in the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus

Where are you getting all this axiomatic information?




my intentions are not to be too pushy regarding these subjects or to offend but rather i post this for the sake of clarity

i wouldn't want somebody to be worried, myself having never received such a revelation….like let's say a schizophrenic person…..that for instance if they do not follow the teachings of hermes trismegistus they will burn in hell forever

Christianity, if I am not mistaken, in the book of Revelation defines the "Second Death" as "eternal hellfire"



….myself being a Christian, i actually sometimes suffer from this fear that, if i don't do this or that…then i will end up burning in hell forever…so i try to iterate these things for those who may be particularly susceptible to various ideologies or paradigms of thought which trap them in a certain mode of thinking




^the above posts are mine

…i am responding to the following post:


so, this anon says:

>"So basically if something tells you that this is the way to salvation and all other ways will lead to hell you see it as malevolent or in some way dishonest? I don't understand that at all,"

…and then you say:

>that kind of idea is at the centre of all religious thought,

I would say that the concept of "burning in hell forever", or rather the "Second Death" is not at the heart of 'all religions'…it is an Abrahamic concept for sure, but for instance, in Taoism….or in the Shinto religion….this belief is not necessarily present…if one were to reflect those religious beliefs with Abrahamic belief, that is.

So when you say, "do you not believe that it is right to receive evil for one's evil deeds"…on the contrary…I think this matches up with reality…however, I do not necessarily (just as it is said the "Orthodox" Christian theologian Origen believed) believe that this implies there will those suffering this "Second Death"…burning in hell forever!

IT MAY BE TRUE…yes, however….I give God more credit than that to be altruistic…until for instance I wake up in the lake of fire after death and realize otherwise

sorry…not trying to talk too much shite here, or single this anon out or anything like that.. just trying to iterate what i feel are important points

anon says:

>"that there is a right way to act and consequences for doing wrong, that you will be punished if you f*ck up too much."

I apologize….I actually understand what you're saying here…this is not necessarily the same thing as the concept of the "second death"

Regarding Buddhism's teachings on the "second death"…to be quite honest…I am actually not sure whether or not Buddhism teaches this concept of the "second death"….i understand that Buddhism for sure teaches a concept of "reincarnation"

anon says:

>"Do you think Hindu culture is morally wrong because it has concepts of Karma?"

No, of course not.

Sorry, anon. i apologize if i sound rude… i am not trying to sound rude……If I did not explain it properly already, what I am saying is that I would practice skepticism regarding any sort of 'religion' or 'school of thought' that says:

>"think this way, and believe this, or else you will suffer eternal hellfire where you will receive this punishment of torture forever"

…and then the belief fails to offer evidence that what it's saying regarding eternal hellfire is true

I actually happen to believe in Christianity, but not the whole Bible….i essentially believe in the parts of Christianity that i like because I have seen enough subjective evidence which testifies to the reality behind that religion…regarding such things in Christianity as "eternal hellfire"…I have not received really compelling evidence from God regarding this, so I choose not to believe it but I give God the "benefit of the doubt", to not be some evil being which subjects people to eternal hellfire

God actually may do this, and I just may be ignorant of this reality….but so far I am not on board with the concept of "eternal hellfire" for not doing "this or that"

i think that i am more altruistic than people who preach "Orthodox Christianity", because I think the specific way that I think as opposed to what they think, which is what I, in my possible ignorance, would reject from my personal beliefs as "dogmatic-thinking" or "dogmatic thought processes" based on influence which may not necessarily be rooted reality, despite the great deal of positivity which is brought into the world through the religion of Christianity



Sorry, what I am saying here at the end is:

"i think that i am more altruistic than people who preach "Orthodox Christianity" because I think the specific way that I think as opposed to what they think….their belief in the "second death" is what I, in my possible ignorance, would reject from my personal beliefs as "dogmatic-thinking" or "dogmatic thought processes" based on influence which may not necessarily be rooted reality, despite the great deal of positivity which is brought into the world through the religion of Christianity"***




so this anon also says:

>"What is the alternative if such a thing as God exists?"

I would ask, in what respect exactly are you asking this question?

Are you referring ot the existence of "divine retribution", so as to ask….

>"What is the alternative to God's divine retribution, or god's justice if god exists, rather than something along the lines of karma?"

Well, there is of course the non-dualistic concept within Christianity, saying something along the lines of….

>"God is free to be both 'good' and 'evil', as far as we can define duality."

Anon says:

>"The other way is the "Do As Thou Wilt" where all things are permitted, that even the rape and murder of others is not with any form of chastisement or payback, there would be no justice, only freewil and self-indulgence to do whatever you want"

My response: Well, you have what you may possibly refer to as the "secular/natural laws of nature" which may only exist in our own minds, such as (you might say) "social darwinism" or the "laws of nature"

…hmmm, I actually one time heard something really cool, that through mankind's efforts to explain its own nature….some ladies and gents once did one of those "scientific studies" of a demographic (go figure, whatever the hell "scientific studies" means idk)……in this study, they claimed in their results something along the lines of "that although one person who is selfish is more adaptable and capable of survival than another person"…..when it comes to sociology or social darwinism, "a group not having altruism amongst itself will not survive"

they were implying that, by their interpretation, they claim the laws of nature are that 'sure, the lack of altruism will help one person survive", but that 'groups of selfish individuals' will not survive in the long-run….especially amongst other groups who have 'armed themselves' in the 'sociological arms race' with the power of altruism and by recognizing what one might call 'the mechanics of social darwinism'

Perhaps we could learn a lot about 'natural retribution for wicked deeds' through plain auld darwinism as well, rather than social darwinism…but I think most folks here on /fringe/ would agree that there seems to be, in reality, some sort of "divine retribution' present and worked into the fabric of time and space and dimensions and spirits and what not…….

so, people who know God, or people who know the spirits and various sorts of religions and schools of thought…or people who know things about such things that other people don't know might say that there is some sort of "divine retribution" to some extent woven into existence, even though we might not be able to explain it properly….it may be that God chooses divine retribution upon some people, but does not choose divine retribution upon others…letting some get away with all kinds of silly shite…. whereas other people do not get away with all kinds of silly shite

many schools of thought, including Christendom, I think say that there is no evil deed done in Creation that is not repaid


>"Firstly Hermes Trismegistus is not simply a "single person". He is a representation of the Greek god Hermes, which is respectively Thoth in Egyptian, and Mercury in Latin. "

Oh, cool! To be quite honest, I personally have not read much on Thoth/Hermes nor his 'personification' in these works of philosophy (or other works like the Kybalion)

very interested in Hermes, though…I really must admit that I profess ignorance even regarding the pages of the book I have posted in this thread



anon says:

"The otherworldly glorification you speak of is exactly what you want in the writing to emphasize the point that he is in fact otherworldly."

I reckon 'glorification' is okay, IMO, as long as the text is not a recording of fiction events whilst the authors are declaring it to be actual events, without explaining to us that what they are writing about is actually fictional

Perhaps it may be that I am missing a point here about what you're saying that you could articulate for me.

anon also says:

"Hermes is to be viewed as a divine joining of philosophy and spirituality inside of man, your interpretation a little narrow."

I must say, I disagree vehemently at this part of your post. Is this to then imply that I am wrong, simply because I fail to recognize the "secret-actual interpreation"?…the likes of which the authors are intending, but never actually told the readers the text carried?

In Christianity, we might possibly refer to this line of thought as "replacement theology". If you are a Roman Catholic, you may not care for that specific term (replacement theology), but rather you might simply say the text carries symbolic meaning or that it is a 'parable'.

All things considered, I disagree with what you're saying strongly because the authors never really tell us the text is to be interpreted symbolically (unless I am mistaken)

…..whereas, in other "symbolic" texts, such as 'the Gospel of Thomas', we already know what to expect and already know that it is of some sort of "symbolic literature"

So, as many theologians have said before me, unless you have divine providence (like Joseph did in the book of Genesis by the interpretation of dreams) or like some sort of "ancient esoteric knowledge" or "gift of prophecy"….

then I reckon it is best to rely on an objective and plain auld interpretation of the language as we read it in plain auld objective enrish

as opposed to a 'mysterious' symbolic meaning!

>"I'm really surprised at how you are a Gnostic and do not see the huge relationship between Hermeticism and Christian Gnosticism. There are many Hermetic texts within the Nag Hammadi"

Tbh, I apologize anon, I haven't studied Hermeticism in-depth…I really would like to

anon says:

>"Just because such an idea of you being condemned for your wrongs is offensive to you is not justification for refutation. You can't discredit philosophy by putting your personal feelings above it."

I apologize anon, I am not 'refuting' the idea of 'condemnation' (like Karma, for instance)

…rather, I am "refuting" the concept of a person declaring…

>"you will suffer 'The Second Death' if you do not follow Hermes Trismegistus"

Regarding your claim of my 'refuting philosophy' because I am offended by it, it is only that I am refuting so that there is a voice of reason also present and so more gullible people aren't suffering the 'fear and dread of Hermes Trismegistus' or the 'fear and dread of this school of thought' leading to some sort of logical fallacy or negative outcome/circumstances

Also, I might add, I say these things because it appears that there is no evidence (at least to me, no subjective evidence) regarding the reality and validity of Hermes's teachings on the supernatural….so I feel that this particular school of thought (at least for me) does not carry a 'monopoly on truth'









Very sorry, Anon, for this wall of text.

In real life, I am a huge closet homosexual who spends way too much time wasting my life away on the computer.

The reason that I am typing this out, is that I feel strongly about the clarity of information, however, especially here on /fringe/ since I frequent here so often and find so much cool stuff here so often.

I feel we all can collectively do justice to the board, which is why I leave you with this wall of text, but my intentions are not to be rude and hardchat or troll here.

Sorry, I did not animate these posts too much or put much feeling into them…I am rather tired this evening and out of energy and just wanted to hammer all information out so that anybody studying these topics will have plenty of information.

Again, I am a pretty big loser IRL and it is always best to not allow me to indoctrinate you but to do the best you can to think for yourself and discern for yourself.

Power and knowledge are very mysterious things and I personally believe anything is possible.

Good luck, /fringe/. Peace be with you.



Schizo goes to mental hospital. More cringey news at 6.



Thanks anon.

May I recommend enrolling in Qi Gong classes? You'll meet new people and most probably learn to tap some untapped power there.

You might be surprised the kind of people you can meet in a place like that, including some cuties which will surely lighten your day especially if you are gay.



"(8) Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am.

(9) But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion."



The LORD has blessed me with a great capacity for abstinence, the likes of which I've come to view with a certain deal of satisfaction.

I would probably not marry, even if I was sexual, unless for some reason I felt compelled to do so.

I'm not trying to derail this thread with a sexual discussion, however was just posting so that my posts were not impersonal.

Seeing as I have a knack for abstinence I think I am better than everyone else who has sex all the time.




Theologically speaking, I do not necessarily personally believe that Jesus condemns sex as strongly as the Bible makes it seem, but I don't know the truth of the matter because I am not God.


However most of my lack of interest and participation in sex is because of my unpreparedness and my aversion to what appears to be a foreign concept to me for the time being.

I will not give an inch of ground to temptation.

However I know sex can be a very beautiful thing and change a person's life of course.

I personally view it as a loss, and to my disgrace that I have not been able to be a sexual person in life.

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