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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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is satan actually God?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread)


I think because all truths are half-truths and all religions contain some truth and some falsehood, it is most likely that there is some legitimate truth to be grasped at and intuited, which is shrouded in the falsehood of human corruption.



hmmm… sounds reasonable enough


The god of the Jews (Yaweh) is an evil weaponized thoughtform created by jewish magicians to wage magick warfare upon goyim, it's currently draining MP from 3.6 billion people every day.

Satan is a caricature of an alchemist who rejects the lies of the jews and advances The Path with his own power, then gets harshly punished by Yaweh for it, to encourage people to remain enslaved to the jews. At least that's what the jews portray him as, I don't know anything about the identity of the real Satan, if he even exists.



What's the false-truth in hermeticism?





>The identity of the real Satan, if he even exists.

The original and creator god of humanity. Before the days of the weaponized Jewish slavery thoughtform, From a time when the gods roamed the land and taught true magick.

He has gone by other names too. Enki, Shiva, Odin.

OP is closer to the truth than he realizes. All of the big three semetic religions (Christcuckdom, Islam and Judaism) are nothing more than control structures to feed their weaponized thoughtform -against us-.

Satan leads to the straight path without a book. The Occult and the empowerment it gives is his domain. Were you to ally yourself with him, you never need worry about negs or having loosh stolen again. He looks after his own, But only his own. He forces himself on noone. Stark contrast to a certain king Jew who we are bombarded with propaganda about from the moment we leave the womb.



Pure unadulterated BULLSHIT OCCULTISM.

Try using your head instead of just believing every JoS-esque BS you read. Nobody who knows how the universe works is going to explain it to you because if you can't figure it out yourself it would be a waste of time in any case. I will leave you a hint, it's this. YOUR BELIEFS ARE FAIRY TALE TIER MY MAN I KNOW YOU DON'T LITERALLY BELIEVE THEM TO THE CORE OF YOUR BEING SO DON'T PRETEND COME ON



There is probably something to do with the more literal aspects of the Three Initiates' interpretations of the Principles. In my experience, The Kybalion and the Tao Te Ching are the two closest books to what might possibly be "Absolute Truth" that I've read, and it helps that they are so vague and non-literal.


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It is appropriate to use a strong level of ambiguity because life and consciousness in of itself is also ambiguous. The poetic and more axiomatic approach also forces one to look inward in thoughtfulness for answers themselves rather than plainly told something which can then be rationalised in refutation.



Satan is a jewish faggot. He created all the false religions. Ever wonder why this universe is complete shit? Because it's run by this faggot. Eventually we will get out of here and never look back, and Carlos Satana will be fucking deleted.



wow anon, i identify with this post so much


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Is Yes the same as No? The answer is Yes… and No. Welcome to the Paradox.

Ultimately everything is…and isn't, and wasn't, yet was.



How do you expect your post to be taken seriously when you type in caps?


You can't hurt omnipotence. Why, then, are people so afraid of hurting omnipotence?


I think it is VERY, VERY conceivable that God organized Abrahamic religion to test people, to see if humanity would commit acts of persecution and serve a seemingly evil God.



Because we want to be honest with God and would never want to do anything to hurt him or offend Him.



Omnipotence is a fallacy



The only arguments I've seen against omnipotence are "why can't omnipotence contradict logic, god must be able to break logic for his omnipotence to be a reality, checkmate theists".

I say to counter that assertion that an illogical universe is one which the power principle can't even manifest. So omnipotence does rely on a logical, orderly universe.

Checkmate atheists.


Who here reckons evil's source btw to have been boredom and naivety?

The Corpus Hermeticum seems to indicate as much. People got bored and those born into the peace were naive. So basically what started as a joke escalated out of control and became a society of constant back-stabbing, hate, and degeneracy.



Omnipotence is a paradoxical concept because to omnipotent you would then have the it in you to not be omnipotent. How can something omnipotent not be omnipotent? Yet to be omnipotent you must be able to be non omnipotent.

It has nothing to do with atheism and theism its a philosophical concept that religion is by no means obligated to incorporate.



I can't dispense with the concept of omnipotence because it corresponds with fire and is too damned useful in my magick. Focusing on omnipotence and letting the quality infuse into me helps me overcome obstacles, charge up my vitality, and do "the impossible". From a pragmatic point of view, I have to believe in it, because it is a highly function and useful belief for me to have.

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