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File: b011fa32700006a⋯.jpg (136.11 KB, 638x479, 638:479, the-stemcell-innovation-py….jpg)


I am looking for a specific info graphic that showed the different phases of awareness and enlightenment and the final was something like everything is perfect or understanding everything is perfect.

Can you post all you have in hopes of finding it?


File: 124c9b8ecfdc0ce⋯.jpg (626.21 KB, 1512x1524, 126:127, 123f685e20b1031028c7f34f02….jpg)

File: 918e56bc0b150a5⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 2073x3719, 2073:3719, 1497cb7a3c17ac05b8039b2b09….jpg)

Did you say diagram general?

I'm sorry I don't have what you are asking. In the meantime, have a bump with some trees.


File: c400cd75d914eba⋯.png (80.87 KB, 955x793, 955:793, Foto 3-12-17, 7 22 29 PM.png)

File: 9e96a0ad9cc5f90⋯.jpg (220.61 KB, 751x1065, 751:1065, 1412334412572.jpg)

File: a14bf7c601c4825⋯.jpg (920.25 KB, 1600x1133, 1600:1133, Foto 4-24-17, 11 39 13 AM.jpg)

File: ba11c04444acacb⋯.jpg (90.59 KB, 507x631, 507:631, Foto 5-27-17, 6 08 44 PM.jpg)

File: 5dcd97f7a02573c⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 582x800, 291:400, Foto 6-20-17, 12 41 22 PM.jpg)

I'll post what I've got.


File: c626c6b5eddf170⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1404x2133, 52:79, Recommended Reading.png)

File: 6badbd84c577cd8⋯.jpg (709.7 KB, 1690x2720, 169:272, Foto 8-12-17, 4 35 46 PM.jpg)

File: d6f1c3461b1f36f⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1649x2148, 1649:2148, Archivo 8-15-17, 12 15 03….jpeg)

File: 04550177565418b⋯.gif (899.25 KB, 900x1080, 5:6, Archivo 8-15-17, 12 16 25 ….gif)



Could you explain part B of the sigil making? I dont quite understand that one.



Draw a crude depiction of something happening to somebody. Put the first letter of their first name on their chest to make it more individual, and even draw basic distinguishing features of them if you want. Simplify it by breaking it down into lines and swirls, then simplify it again by connecting and straightening some lines. Shift it around a bit one more time to make it actually look like a sigil, and there you have it. The literal process isn't as important as the thoughtful and emotional investment that comes from you creating the sigil yourself, charged with your intent.



Thank you!



Lots of importance in that third one. I'd be happy to explain if anyone wants to hear.



Go ahead, I can't make heads or tails about (what I suppose) is Hindu iconography.


File: 7f7cb2bbb751670⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 461x202, 461:202, element chart.JPG)

File: d35d6bd5fdbb9e0⋯.jpg (147.68 KB, 540x509, 540:509, Elements.JPG)

File: ef7f06be576b13d⋯.png (76.98 KB, 712x453, 712:453, physical alchemy2.png)

File: 7c5cbdb5100cd70⋯.png (339.42 KB, 2000x2368, 125:148, enlightenment tiers.png)

File: e27dd877fdf49bd⋯.jpg (42.62 KB, 489x244, 489:244, energy work.JPG)

I like this thread


File: 25edafaed6800b7⋯.png (382.99 KB, 837x6457, 837:6457, Ten_Bulls.png)



ty anon….appreciated this

really good thread


File: 4bd2d2017abc627⋯.jpg (34.11 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 797ebd8aa2d5bf59fb529583e4….jpg)


Tibetan Buddhist iconography. In creating any and all Vajrayana Buddhist pictures/art, it is a religious act. To get off even a slight detail is sacrilege.

Since there is so much to cover I'll just state the basics.

This picture is used to describe how samsara, the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth works. To escape samsara, one must become enlightened.

The very center of it are three animals: a pig, a snake, and a bird. They represent the three poisons of ignorance, anger, and attachment, respectively.

The 2nd layer is karmic actions, both positive and negative as seen on the dark and light side. One leads to enlightenment and the other leads downwards.

The 3rd layer with the six slices represent the six realms of samsara. On the top are gods, demigods and humans. The bottom half are animals, ghosts, and hell. None of these states are permanent unless enlightenment is reached, as seen by the Buddhas in the clouds above the wrathful figure holding the wheel of samsara who, by the way, represents impermanence.

The 4th layer with the 12 links are representative of cause and effect. Essentially they show how karma is developed.

Finally, as previously mentioned, the Buddhas on the clouds above the figure have achieved enlightenment and escaped samsara, the ultimate goal being that state.

Of course, some people choose to stay in the realm of samsara to help others achieve enlightenment. These are called Bodhisattvas.



Where are ayyliums on the buddhist scale


File: fea80aa01d836a3⋯.jpg (75.78 KB, 224x224, 1:1, fea.jpg)


Honestly I've never gotten any solid consensus as most of my teachers are either on retreat or busy traveling/teaching. So I'll take a crack at it, but don't take my word for it.

The teachings of the Buddha, the dharma, are the eternal cosmic order. Karma, lower/higher states of consciousness, etc. so there are a few qualifications for where we could place Ayy lmaos on one of the six realms.

1. If they are sentient being (As in not some kind of plant but a being with conscious behavior that aren't nervous system reactions)

2. How much, if any, compassion they have for other sentient beings and what level of consciousness they're on.

Depending on these two factors, we can say what realm they're on. But assuming they're just like us, then they're most likely in the human realm. Assuming they're lower than us, they're in the animal realm. Assuming they're higher than us, they're in the demigod realm.

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