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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Soul selling is it real ?

when i say soul selling i dont mean making a "pact" with a demon i mean literally selling your soul for gain so is it possible and if it is how ?

i know selling your soul became popular because of a book back in 1800 something like that but every book has a bit of reality in them nothing comes from nothing and alot of people in satanism keeps telling me its a pandora box that i dont wanna open but i really want to get more info about selling your soul then if i actually wanna go for it again if it is possible




I'll buy yoir soul for $1.50

One time offer OP


It's possible the thing is that anyone capable of using or taking your soul doesn't have to buy it from you, they can just take it by force, and you're helpless to stop them. At most they might try to pay you so that you agree to submit to the process of your soul being taken. You do realize though this is just selling yourself into slavery right? That or you end up MK Ultra'd, losing your memories and personality and getting a replacement soul.


Ye. but it's a bit more complicated then that. Usually they choose you rather then you choose them.


>when i say x i dont mean x i mean literally x

no one would buy your dumbass soul


so whats up with all the satanist saying they sold they're soul to satan/demon to gain power or something is it all bullshit ?



Satanists are just like Christians in the sense that there are very many groups of people with wildly different beliefs from each other, and they all use the same name. The basic types of self-referential satanists I've encountered are:

>atheists who needed a little more edge

>pagans who needed a little more edge

>christians who needed a little more edge

>con artists


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>Soul selling is it real ?


A "friend" of mine was gnashing his teeth over a pernicious breakup with his gf in Australia… Despite us telling him things would not work out, he persisted in dating her ("dating") over the internet. We let the issue go, and when the breakup reared its head, he kept asking me for advice…wizard advice.

Fine, I told him, I'll lend some occult help to you, but there's a price for everything. He didn't care; in fact, he OFFERED me his soul…not that I'd have any use for it. The idea of using someone's soul isn't my cup of tea unless they really piss me off. So it's fair to say this guy was desperate.

The only way I could shut him up was by lying about this and that to give him the impression I was doing something occult related. The finale was me and my circle of friends making fun of him for being a pussy.

Only desperate people try to sell their soul. No good can come of it, but don't let me tell you what to do.



You having fun there BULLSHIT OCCULTIST?

My friend, the very concept of selling your soul makes no sense. No offense, but that is a load of bs.



I have powers you could not imagine. Apologize or I will destroy you.



I'll apologize if you teach me senpai, and not because I fear you, but because I'll look up to you.

Why should I apologize? I have done nothing to you mate.



so how do you sell a soul since you seem to know what your doing



I'm also interested in knowing, because according to what I think I know about the soul, the very concept of selling it makes no sense.



Right? Why would the higher self give the lower self that kind of authority?


Everything on this board is written by people in psychosis. There is not one factual thing posted here. These people literally howl at the fucking moon. If you are lurking, make sure you don't fall for this slimeball trap. Nothing is real. Kill yourself.


Everything on this board is written by people in psychosis. There is not one factual thing posted here. These people literally howl at the fucking moon. If you are lurking, make sure you don't fall for this slimeball trap. Nothing is real. Kill yourself.

Read some of these fucking posts. Absolute 100% CRINGE.






I have been in years of therapy for anxiety and psychotic episodes, but I can do magic for all to see. You are just a wandering mundane, begone ye doubter!



Pure cringe. You are a delusional psychotic who has hallucinations. Get help you fucking loser.


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>I have psychosis

>You have psychosis!

>I'm getting help

>Get help!

That's plot summary, minus 10 points from your grade.



Cringe… You're obviously not getting help or you wouldn't believe in the batshit nonsense on this board. Anyone who believes the cringey shit on this board is insane and needs to be locked up for their own good. Pure cringe.



You clearly are unfamiliar with the Discordian tenet that it is our firm belief to hold no firm beliefs. I don't believe anything, I've just had so many more experiences than you. Here's a tip: read some books and try some magical mystical works!



Cringe. Just read your post it is just so cringe. You need meds.



!kcab em dloh t'now amrahp gib ,sllab dekcus yeht dna sdem deirt I


Are you mad bro? Your tantrum disguised as trolling is pathetic as fuck. Go drink a glass of water then check yourself into a mental hosptial. There are meds out there for you.



Bro I'm just messing around and I hope you are too.






It doesn't look like he's messing around. It's an influx of people suffering the classic syndrome of sliding down the rabbit hole too fast: "this shit makes me uncomfortable, so I'll just pretend you're just crazy people".

They're sitting up the place real good.


All this schizophrenic nonsense here makes me cringe.

"Help! I have been cursed!" - Personin Psychosis

Go get mental health treatment. That is the only answer to your problems. If you are in pain from doing magikal spells that means you are actually criminally insane. It wasn't the magic spells, or astrul parasytes, it was your fucked up brain. Go chemically lobotomize yourself for the good of the world.


So how do you sell your soul ?



Stick your magic wand (dildo) in your altar (ass) and INVOKE GAWD hahahahaha

You people are so fkn cringe ugh



You can sell me your girls vagina and some horse semen k thx and make good price or I curse you entire village


"I'm a wizurd!"

Holy fuck you schizos make me cringe!


Repent, vile satanist.



schizos are the only true wizzies/ the rest is obullshitism,


"Sell your soul

To do anything, even something bad or dishonest, in return for money, power, respect, success, etc." -

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sell%20your%20soul [ - ]



You're a fucking faggot


you can't sell your soul because you don't have a soul, you ARE a soul, you have a body.

God (not some religion or demiurge) the real one and only GOD loves you and also owns you.

everything else is fake fuckkkkkking bullshit.

so no, you can't sell yourself to some other thing, because no other thing exists, and even if it did, you couldn't for all the various other reasons.


sold RHYMES with soul in the past tense

when youre in the present ur the el



I doubt it. Your soul's fate is the result of karmic laws, and your own spiritual development. You can't consciously give it to some demon like that. Technically, you could, but you can't at the same time. If you're fully enlightened and have individuated your conscious and subconscious mind then technically you can consciously choose where your soul goes, but you probably aren't going to achieve gnosis if you're pledging yourself to demons. The closest thing you can get to "selling your soul" is just worshiping, revering, and offering sacrifices to the entity in question. Goetia has a lot of this. Although, I still wouldn't recommend ever putting yourself below an unholy entity. If you don't intend on being the master then stay away from that all together.


File: c8e1203d96e3b7d⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 802x598, 401:299, So, you've decided to go t….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1, 1, 6 = 8 (3d6)

I suggest anyone familiar with the occult watch Dave Chapelle's new shows on Netflix (from 2017).

He describes a process whereby soul acquisition is attained… If you want to know, start with the people who've claimed to have "sold their soul", and work from there.



Netflix gives me error messages. Now I can't watch Wakfu.

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