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Naamah thread.

Has anyone here had experience with this Goddess?

I've felt Her tugging at the edges of my consciousness for a year or two now, and been seeing malignant beauty and perversion pop up in my life in increasingly wonderful ways.

Also, any good ways of strengthening one's relationship with Her?





Yeah, well, you're a faggot.

I probably have more experience than a lot of people here. I also happen to have an enjoyment of certain thoughtforms and etheric games.

Whether s'real or not - whatever "Real" means - doesn't matter to somebody as insane as me, or probably to anyone else working with some of these entities.

If it's not your cup of tea, plz kindly fuck off out of my thread and find one to post in that actually interests you.



Make me you impotent fag LOL



Sure, I'll remember you.



I've kinda gtten tired of getting picked on, anyhow.

I know that sooner or later I need to fuck someone up or it'll never stop.

You're gonna be that guy.





Please report back wit whatever happens to either of you. Magic AAR are rare and beautiful.

Om the topic of the thread. Would Zoey Deschanel's type of beauty apply? Like in 500 days of summer. I think I don't quite picture what malignant beauty is.



I'll report back now. What happens is nothing. You fuckers are getting tiring. You're like 12 year old (I wouldn't be surprised) children who found out about le magic and think you have GOD LIKE POWER.

Tou can't do shit you fucking beetle brained sissy wizards. Check yourself before you shrek yourself.


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I'll be watching the news for when you finally snap and shoot up a school fuckboi.



You'll be waiting a while. I have different plans.



Everyone does. There's probably a great deal of complexity within the illusory patterns we play around with in this place, but they are just illusory.

I think whatever's being circulated among mainstream magicians and handed out to the masses - including the so-called occult "police" - is, by accident or design, drawing people further into the illusory material, which probably has its advantages as well as its drawbacks.

>using the word "fuckboi"

You deserve to die.



If there is knowledge beneath all that edge, I want to learn. Could you please drop a clue so that I can get started?

Both of you are claiming to be so above everybody else, though, so I don't know.

Please, just a clue so that I can get started.




A clue so you can get started? With what?

As far as the rest goes… I'm not pretending to be above anybody else. In fact, I have tended to get beat on a bit, and now people think I'm an easy target, so I need to drop somebody in order to restore a little bit of order to my life.

But even my biggest detractors tend to admit that I've handled myself a lot better than most in certain regards.

There are certainly a lot of people in coffins or mental institutions who didn't do as well, but I can't congratulate myself to the point where I stop moving forward, because my situation still isn't good, and there's a lot to be done.

But I'm confident it can, and part of that is starting to stick up for myself.

I need to fuck people up if they're going to mess around with me.

One or two good examples, and the attacks from third-rate borderlie-mundane dickheads will be far less frequent, and then I only have the real challenges to worry about.




Oh. With Naamah, you mean. Right.

Well, Naamah has several different meaning in several different esoteric traditions, and might have been a real fallen angel or etheric entity (waving to You if You're out there!), but is also a symbol in Kabbalism for malignant beauty, lust, seduction, and perverse sexuality, particularly in a way that envisions spiritual development in a way that is viewed as selfish or detrimental by moralfags and Kabbalists.


I'm not familiar.



There's one of the more influential books on Qliphotic lore, and Naamah is usually seen as associated with the first Qlipha, which is sometimes known as Lilith, while Lilith the Goddess/Demonness is associated with the second Qlipha, which is Gamaliel.

Dragon Rogue and TOTBL both use the Qliphoth for certain parts of their initation.

I have some knowledge of these groups, and without going to deep into detail, the Qliphoth in these traditions are symbolic of certain energy configurations, as far as I'm aware, which allow or encourage certain effects.


So it's a very LHP current of energy, and I just posted here because I wondered if anyone had any information regarding it.


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Is this really Kenn*th or are you some other schizo?


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"I'm going to kill you fuckers one at a time… I'm gonna make an example of you… you're gonna die… i've had enough and now imma kill u all"

Don't do it sissy wizard, I have the high ground!



Other schizo.

I did have a good lol at his thread.



To be clear, it's less about that and more about encouraging certain behavior. I'm just starting to realize that if I don't do that, people are just going to keep seeing me as an easy target.

I don't care what anybody thinks of me as long as they leave me alone, but they don't, so I really need to do something about it if I want to get anywhere.

You seem to be volunteering.



>as long as they leave me alone

Are you legitimately fucking retarded? You are communicating with people and expecting them to talk how you want them to and not hurt your feefees. Nobody is using le muhgic to harass you or whatever schizo shit you're imagining. If it hurts your faggy ass to read words posted on /fringe/ don't use it you stupid nigger.


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Thanks for the link. I've added it to my reading pool.



>Nobody is using le muhgic to harass you

You clearly don't know who you're talking to. I'm kinda well-known in certain circles.

And you can use whatever words you want on /fringe/; that's not what I was tripping on.




Or… well… you could be lying.

Either that, or you don't know and can't see shit and you're a puppet on strings.

If the former, I'm done pulling the covers over my eyes, so it doesn't really matter.

If the latter, then I could probably hobble over on my crutches and stomp you right now even in this half-crippled condition, before the ones even mend. Wouldn't be worth my time, but it would make me feel better.

Fuck off with your Shrek memes and Star Wars shit. If you really want it, I'll cut you. I'm not playing around anymore.


>this thread

Fucking kill yourselves, jesus fucking christ

ps Naamahs mother is more fun :)



Maybe you should read the Reality Creation 101 thread? It might help,



Thanks this information will make it easier to kill you all… starting with you as an example. Nothing personal…


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