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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen of /fringe/. I am going to be making a monthly dharma thread from now on on every second friday/saturday of the month. This will also serve as a Buddhist general and advice thread, or whatever people feel like they want to discuss based on achieving enlightenment and higher states of consciousness. I feel that most of us here are on the same wavelength, so I will be giving out small bits of lessons learned over the month and share how we as Buddhists or enlightened individuals at all should take our approach on it.

Internal Issues

At some point in all of our lives, we meet people who don't like us, and even hate us. They can hate you for your political affiliation, how much money you make, your success with the opposite gender, and even your happiness. So when we are met with these kinds of people, its a good question to ask–why? Why does this person not like me despite me not doing anything wrong to them? Think to a time when the reverse has happened. You didn't like a person for whatever reason, even though they did nothing wrong to you. After asking ourselves why a few times with honesty, we find out that we are facing a problem internally that upsets our egos.

Our egos come up with 1 or 2 of 3 solutions to problems: repression, suppression, and projection. In other words, we either ignore it, condemn it and shame it, or accuse someone else of having a problem.

So when you meet someone who has a problem with you without any previously negative interaction, it is because they have an issue inside of them that their egos have blinded them from seeing the truth of, and in turn they become jealous and deal with that jealousy in the one of three ways.

Lets take someone who is jealous of your success in business per se. They look at you and despise you, really hate your guts. They begin to associate everything about you with negativity. This is projection. Because their ego cannot find any fault with themselves, the problem must be you. Now switch perspectives. You are happy and successful with your business. Money is good and things are going smoothly. Then you look at the guy who hates you. You never did anything wrong to him, he just randomly hates you. But one thing is for sure, his business is doing terrible.

This is a basic example of relieving ourselves of negative pressure in an unhealthy way. Unfortunately, this happens way more often than it should.

The solution to the jealous man's problem is quite simple, but it requires a bit of energy. You must be on a scale of consciousness that at least inspires action, such as anger or courage. Apathy must be overcome in that accepting it is far better than being in an endless cycle of negativity.

Once the jealous man has the courage or anger to confront his ego, he will find his solution. He realizes that accepting and surrendering his jealousy for what it is, a negative emotion, is his pathway to a better consciousness. "I am jealous because I am full of jealousy. There is nothing bad about feeling these feelings, it is just a negative feeling I am trying to relieve pressure from" he says to himself. After focusing on the feeling for what it is, he finds himself relieved of his jealousy. He understands that he was projecting his lack of success in business onto the man who is successful.

Soon enough, after understanding and accepting the emotion, he finds himself happier, and his business begins to grow anew.

This kind of projection comes across in all walks of life, not just jealousy. One of the 20 Universal Laws is that that which you accuse others guilty of, you are afraid to find in yourself. Analyzing peoples projections, we find that projections can come from not just jealousy, but also fear, anger, sadness, and apathy. All these negative emotions seek relief of pressure in the one of three ways, but these never internally resolve the issue, they only slightly adjust it so they don't feel bad in the moment. Our ego must be confronted. Only then can we truly rid ourselves of those feelings.


Whoops, meant to say every third friday/saturday of the month.


Cool bread,


have you read the the Visuddhimagga & Vimuttimagga famitofo?



have you read the wewuzdanigga?


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Not personally no, as my section of Buddhism is Vajrayana, whereas the books you mentioned are Theravada. But I will add them to my reading list regardless.



Is there other way to contact you outside of /fringe/?skype?discord?email?


Why waste a whole paragraph on illusions?

Once you realize the illusion within you realize the illusion without. Then all these ideas about jealousy, hate and dislike falls away. We are not our egos so there's no point in following it around. Whatever the mind has an opinion about is just that, an opinion.

1/10 for effort.



Does sound reason and decision-making not come from judgment and discernment??







There's decision making that comes from the heart and consciousness that require no thought or judgement. The no thought mind state is the only mind state worth having.


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My skype name is tehbigguns33


>Once you realize the illusion within you realize the illusion without. Then all these ideas about jealousy, hate and dislike falls away. We are not our egos so there's no point in following it around. Whatever the mind has an opinion about is just that, an opinion.

That's pretty much what I said, but okay.


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Also I forgot to check these trips



sent fren request on skype


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>my section of Buddhism is Vajrayana

Some questions:

Do you have any experience with 6 dharmas of Naropa?

What are the best materials on Vajrayogini practices?

What is your opinion on practising this stuff without initiation? Needless to say I don't have any Vajrayana guru nearby, there are of course Vajrayana currents that one can self-initiate into, but I don't feel comfortable with making vows anyway.

And a big one:

Is Shaivism "interchangeable" (for the lack of better word) with Vajrayana practices in your opinion?

Where I'm coming from - Shaivism was endorsed in Manjusriyamulakalpa by bodhisattva Manjusri himself. Matsyendranath, who is a progenitor of Natha sampradaya, is venerated by Buddhists as an incarnation of Avalokitesvara and early Nathism is considered a mixed Saivite-Buddhist tradition. There were countless transmissions of teachings especially in Vajrayana Yogini tantras many passages, rituals etc. were directly borrowed from Shaiva tantras, but it can go both ways of course - for example cult of Chinnamasta/Chinnamunda which originated in Buddhist Tantra. Mahamudra is possibly originating from Spandakarikas (haven't checked if this is correct) etc.

There seems to be so much common ground between these two Tantrik currents, and I honestly think that Shiva = Buddha or that interdependent origination can be easily placed in the 36 tattva system. Of course Buddhists think that Shaivites don't get full enlightenment and vice versa but who cares? Would it be wise to approach Vajrayana practices from Shaiva viewpoint and change them to better suit my terminology and worldview?



mann what's with all this africa in my /fringe/?



This place is full of kikes and niggers. It needs The Rope.


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I feel bad for you, I can't help how horrible it must be to live with the fact that a simple image of a black person genuinely upsets you.



All niggers will hang. All images, records, and representations of niggers will be destroyed. Heil Hitler.


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Yeah good luck with that my dude



Kekkus Vultus schlomo


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Be the good soil, my dude



Can't have good soil without shit. The shitposters will inherit the earth.


This is all correct in a vaccuum and everyone must go through trials where they stop blaming but the truth is we are slaves to slimeball fucks who murder humans, animals, and nature for profit. Hating Bill Gates for having 90 trillion dollars while people starve to death is not jealousy.

Let's say there are 10 people in a tribe. 9 people get 1 apple a day. 1 person gets 999999 apples a day. That is fucking retarded. Nothing more too it. I was going to post something today about this topic but you beat me to it.

Even if somebody because successful fucking others over, and you suffer because of it, you still have to train yourself to look at things like you can control them. You have to wrestle your ego and exhaust it. I was thinking about a girl who fucked me over earlier. I thought, fuck them, if that never happened I'd be better off. Then I remembered how much i grew. Then I was thankful and actually blessed them. Then I said woah don't bless them too much they are still an evil person. Then I remembered that you should always try compassion. Then I remembered that humans are like beasts and dominate eachother. I kept splitting between fuck that person I hope they die because the only reason we need to learn to adapt to evil is because evil exists, and wow my ego is ruling me. You get into similar confusing meditations while thinking about karma. Did that kind person who got shot in the leg and ended up disabled deserve that? Can we justify every bad thing with karma? Am I able to burn karma by punching somebody I hate, or could I get away with it regardless because people will assume that was that persons bad karma? Isn't a middle eastern women whose children died in a drone strike on a different karma system - why shouldn't every bad thing that happens to the best be bad karma to her?

It isn't black and white, but it is still neccesary to look at this concepts on black and white terms until you grasp the basics. Maybe in the afterlife we can anaylze who struck first. Im pretty confident things will balance out in the end and there are systems in place for that, and if there aren't then I guess I'm the first one building that. Regardless of "how truthful" any system is, all knowledge is power so every tool is useful in some way.



Holy fuck I called the west the best. Worst typo of all time.



No a better anaolgy is there are 1,000 tribes with 10 members each. All but one tribe each member gets only enough food to not die but no more. In one tribe 9 get enough food to fully feed them every day. One in this tribe gets enough to feed 10,000 men every day. The 9 men ask the one to give them some of his food. The 1 man replies that it is more than they can eat and he is giving his excess food to the other tribes so that they may be full. The 9 band together and kill him taking his food. They then give the other tribes food in exchange for subservience.



You seem upset. Go drink a glass of water.


We have more discussion of this sans shitposters over at /fringereborn/, feel free to hop on over for more lax discussion.




It's less about the fairness/morality of the situation and more about letting that situation keep you from improving or being happy in your life



I disagree. Water element shitter (BUT AM I WRONG???)


Karma doesn't exist. Stop living an outdated and outmoded way of thinking, perceiving and feeling. A bit more effectiveness. A lot more. All knowledge is not power. When you believe certain information, you fucking lose out, bottom line. You're just on the wrong side of the truth and trying to negate the negative effects of such a circumstance. THAT is your truth, your spirituality, your belief system. Negate negate negate until it doesn't matter who is fucking WHOM (fuck that whom anon) because I've given up on gaining any sort of control over my life or the situations that occur around me.

Besides the vitriol, reconsider your approach to life.



Wait this was a very even tempered post. I forgot the fucking vitriol.

Fuck you anon and fuck OP too. With a knife.


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>Karma doesn't exist.

Okay, tell me why/prove it.

>because I've given up on gaining any sort of control over my life or the situations that occur around me.

Projecting much? This is the opposite of the path of dharma.


>Fuck you anon and fuck OP too. With a knife.

Love you too mate.



I mean external control.

Karma as in, "Good things happen to good people, bad to bad." isn't an actual axiom of reality, but just a result of certain behaviors being punished by others in order to 'intimidate' those who would consider acting out, or anti-collective, in the future. Like making an example of a person. Human enforced rather than universe enforced. There is though self-sabotaging mechanisms since humans have also learned to punish themself before others punish them, as a predictive, pre-emptive measure. It's instinctual.

I avoid trying to woo woo everything. Just see the evolutionary benefit of human quirks and faults and peculiarities, historically speaking. I am more scientific minded so diving into the occult has been suffering. The experience has been meh. I stick with a more clear cut route to non-ordinary abilities, without metaphysics.


No siddhis no deal.



>Lets take someone who is jealous of your success in business per se. They look at you and despise you, really hate your guts. They begin to associate everything about you with negativity. This is projection.

What (you) do towards the BO.


Disregard OP I have a better solution to what he's talking about.

Simply let the thoughts run down, passively observing them, until you are empty inside. (step 1 IIH)

Then you will be like a dead man, weak emotions, feeling nothing, reacting to nothing; so now you begin to rebuild yourself. (where many anons are currently stuck right now)

The rebuilding process is slow and difficult. Some here are trapped in the dead man's stage, lacking passion or interest or vitality. The solution is very simple. Focus the mind on a quality you know is desirable. Rest the mind there; it will wander over and over but you don't get frustrated or discouraged by this. Every time some interrupting thought, some distraction, comes… you just return the mind to the subject at hand. It doesn't matter if you have one hour of unbroken concentration on the subject, or if your mind wanders every 30 seconds. You don't get bothered, you just recenter the mind where it needs to be.

What will then happen is, from very weak emotions, a stirring will happen in yourself (microcosm) and in the world (macrocosm). You will act in conformance with the weak desire and the all will arrange things in such a way that you will have opportunities to feel more. Gradually, the weak desire becomes a strong one, entertained for a long time it becomes a passion.

As you do this, there will also be a condensation of many weak desires towards one great desire. Around your center, your power, there will build up many desires leading towards one big ideal. From this one ideal many actions and thoughts will be born and you will pursue a great many workings, all culminating towards the great ideal.

Focus on the eternal, on god, every day; and degree by degree you be lifted up and transformed. His nature will gradually become your nature. You will neutralize the law of rhythm by polarizing yourself on the positive swing of the pendulum.



Flag very related to your post although your assertion is still a half-truth as the so called illusion stands on the bedrock of reality, the eternal, the absolute. Its exact nature is not an "illusion" in the sense that the common man understands an illusion to be. Maya is and is not.


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>Karma as in, "Good things happen to good people, bad to bad." isn't an actual axiom of reality

Fair observation. But I think you're misinterpreting how it works on a mechanical level, which is common, but I'll explain it to you and let me know what you think.

I think every bit of esotericism here agrees that your conscious doesn't die, its reborn into another body. Additionally, your conscious creates your emotions because they are energy. As an axiom, everything has its polar opposite. Therefore, emotions can have either negative or positive energy.

Now, to put this in Hermeticist terms, the universe is a conscious/mental reflection of the All; much how like magick practiced on this board comes from the conscious of the user.

Now, to put this in perspective with the consciousness post death of the body, how do you suppose the next bodily vehicle is chosen? It is reflected from the consciousness/soul/spirit. Here's the catch. If your consciousness bears much negativity, it enters/manifests a body/life that has negative traits. As a rule, the opposite is true. If the consciousness bears much positivity, it manifets/enters a body/life that has many positive traits.

Again, this is similar to how the All reflected the universe. In Buddhist terms, we call the negativity/positivity you bear post bodily death karma.


Not true. I have sympathy for Smiley and truly wishes he gets healthier, he's excellent at his craft and I would be 110% okay with him if he just upped the moderation a bit and listened more to the community rather than waving him them off as shills–but he has not changed in terms of his self-endangerment and ego. It's unfortunate, but if he continues then he will only make it worse for himself.


Go for it man. Any path of betterment is good. All of them are different but lead to the same destination.





One of these words doesn't belong with the other. Niggers aren't people, silly.



Good soil? The aryan race produces a good crop. Nothing good comes out of niggers.



>Hating Bill Gates for having 90 trillion dollars while people starve to death is not jealousy.

Go read these books you stupid twat:






Hating Bill Gates merely because he's rich and niggers starve is the stupidest reason to hate him. In fact we should hate Bill Gates because he in particular donates an incredible amount of money to niggers trying to prevent them from starving. Bill Gates has a lot of money; why isn't he using it on getting us into space and raising the quality of life? Why is he blowing it on useless parasites whose misery only multiplies?



>Let's say there are 10 people in a tribe. 9 people get 1 apple a day. 1 person gets 999999 apples a day. That is fucking retarded. Nothing more too it. I was going to post something today about this topic but you beat me to it.

It's called responsibility. The one getting the 999999 apples a day obviously grows and distributes and sells the apples.

You know what is really retarded? Giving lazy niggers who live in the former breadbasket of Africa anything. They always just eat the seeds and never plant them. Rhodesia used to feed all of Africa but only because it had white farmers present.



It could just as well be shed and left behind. Consciousness could just as well shift its polarity in an instant when out of body, and take years when in-body.

Instead of positive/negative with its associated interpretation biases, which gets in the way of understanding the true state of affairs, the statement should be

"The after life is experienced with a greater intensity and concentration of conscious awareness than in this earthly life." I'm not even certain about this one.

"Since the environment is different in the afterlife, and possibly unknown and unexpected, one should cultivate qualities that work well in many different environments." Certain qualities may be easily lost in the transition though. So here is the necessary questions to ask oneself:

>"What is the environment and body like after death? Similar, heavier and more closed in? More open, intense and energetic? Like being in the Earth? Like floating in space? Like drifting in water? Is it comprehensible? Totally different? What is the environment and body like after death? How can you know, how did you reach your answer, why do you think that?" Not easily answered.

>"What is lost, what remains, after death? How can you know, how can you tell? Why?" Also not easily answered.

Asking the questions from the ground up is more difficult yet more rewarding, as you may reach original or rare conclusions.



>Even if somebody because successful fucking others over, and you suffer because of it, you still have to train yourself to look at things like you can control them. You have to wrestle your ego and exhaust it. I was thinking about a girl who fucked me over earlier. I thought, fuck them, if that never happened I'd be better off. Then I remembered how much i grew. Then I was thankful and actually blessed them. Then I said woah don't bless them too much they are still an evil person. Then I remembered that you should always try compassion. Then I remembered that humans are like beasts and dominate eachother. I kept splitting between fuck that person I hope they die because the only reason we need to learn to adapt to evil is because evil exists, and wow my ego is ruling me. You get into similar confusing meditations while thinking about karma. Did that kind person who got shot in the leg and ended up disabled deserve that? Can we justify every bad thing with karma? Am I able to burn karma by punching somebody I hate, or could I get away with it regardless because people will assume that was that persons bad karma? Isn't a middle eastern women whose children died in a drone strike on a different karma system - why shouldn't every bad thing that happens to the best be bad karma to her?

This is what an egalitarian upbringing does to your mind. Everything you are thinking is flawed from the premise.


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Interesting take. My only guess of how the in between lives stage is something our bodys can't percept, therefore we can only imagine it. I believe the closest we can get to experiencing it is deep meditation.

By the way, thanks for the discussion. I thought this was gonna turn into a shit slinging fest but you've come with your own conclusions about it with your own reasoning, and I appreciate that.



Concerning the problem of "evil persons" you must realize that the solution is to chizel away at the from two fronts. One; the evil aspects must be turned against that person, so that his continued practice of evil just harms himself and weakens him to a point where you can force him into submission to your will. Two; you must ennoble the good aspects in that person, so that he ceases to do harm upon himself and others, and becomes a "thing to be loved".

You don't "adapt to evil". You don't thank it either. You thank yourself for having optimized your choices, for having taken the best path given your current development, strength, and wisdom. You thank god every day having a loving aspect, for the beauty, for all the good things in life; and you appreciate it and love it. You don't love evil, except in the holy sense, where the love is transformative. For the love of god makes pure and cleanses; it corrects what is wrong and heals the world. This is not an actual embrace of evil but a dissolution or putting to rest that evil, so that good may take its place. You should every day be happy to grow stronger, wiser, healthier, more beautiful; and thankful as well for the good things in the macrocosm. This love of the good will multiply the good (like begets like - Montalk).

Karma is causal. We resonate with and attract circumstances, experiences, etc. into our life. This could be formulated in such a way as "vulnerable, careless, naive + predator, danger, manipulator". The first half of the formula describes a target, the second half of the formula describes an entity that will be attracted to that target and do damage. The solution? The solution isn't so complicated, it is to transform "vulnerable" to "hardened", "careless" to "vigilant", and "naive" to "informed".

Karma does not mean we "deserve" to be maimed or killed or sickened or the rest; but it's what we draw in because of our impure nature. A man perfect in every virtue can not be scathed by the world. There is world karma, there is your own karma, etc. which all has to be worked out. We should not think of whether someone deserves something or not. Our attitude instead should be one of godly love. The only mistake is to not love God. The love of God (in his positive aspect) is what transforms the man and makes him an immortal, invulnerable, and the rest.

Also remember when contemplating karma that there is a law of compensation which is absolute in this world. For every sacrifice made, for every exertion, there is compensation. You must sort your priorities and decide what is best for you. Even in such extreme cases as great injury or death there is compensation. Do not be sad; god is perfectly just (t. Terry A. Davis). Don't believe in God's divine justice? Just focus on the all and ask that it be revealed to you every day. It is a long process of revelation but you will know and understand his justice.

Concerning "black and white", there is a myopic and macroscopic way to look at things, many layers and levels. It IS "black and white" when any portion of it is examined so closely that the exact measure can be discovered. Taken as a whole it stops being black and white, even though in its parts/constituents it is black and white.



Two; you must ennoble the good aspects in that person, so that he ceases to do harm upon himself and others, and becomes a "thing to be loved".

Ignore that "the good aspects" it should just be "good aspects" without "the" as a good aspect doesn't have to be present in a person to be engendered in that person.



This is my afterlife. I'm living in the afterlife right now.



>I think every bit of esotericism here agrees that your conscious doesn't die, its reborn into another body.

Wrong. The mind dies and the elemental substances it is composed of are repurposed or dissolved back into akasha.

On the other hand; nothing ever dies. http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/herm/hermes8.htm There is only dissolution. Things attached/combined however come apart. Awareness, essential self, must always be aware of something.

"Increase ye in increasing, and multiply in multitude, ye creatures and creations all; and man that hath Mind in him, let him learn to know that he himself is deathless, and that the cause of death is love, though Love is all."

>Additionally, your conscious creates your emotions because they are energy. As an axiom, everything has its polar opposite. Therefore, emotions can have either negative or positive energy.

No. Emotions are from The All, from God. http://montalk.net/synchronicity/synchronicity.html

>Now, to put this in Hermeticist terms, the universe is a conscious/mental reflection of the All; much how like magick practiced on this board comes from the conscious of the user.

No. You don't understand Hermeticism.

>Now, to put this in perspective with the consciousness post death of the body, how do you suppose the next bodily vehicle is chosen? It is reflected from the consciousness/soul/spirit. Here's the catch. If your consciousness bears much negativity, it enters/manifests a body/life that has negative traits. As a rule, the opposite is true. If the consciousness bears much positivity, it manifets/enters a body/life that has many positive traits.

It is no different from the process by which you find yourself in a new body while dreaming. Life is simply a dream. When you die you enter a new dream with a new body.



>Forced quietism does that to you, cessation-contemplation or samatha vipassana doesn't transform you into a "dead man with weak emotions".

Pill me on this alternative you speak of.


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>You're wrong because I say so

>You're wrong because these words in my book are slightly different from the ones in your book

>My book is right, your book is wrong

Semantics. You realize we're pretty much getting at the same thing, Hermeticism or Buddhism right?


Why is Western Buddhism mostly controlled by Liberals?


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Anyone started doing this/know of some benefits on this current life? I'm very curious and maybe expectating to know if this is true. All this wonderful prices,just for postrating. I don't deny im "greedy",but all good deeds have some underlying motivation i just dont think thats bad. If you're good deep down you always benefit yourself. Anyway pls share any personal or word of mouth stories regarding this.

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