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File: 1d02544dd0a1ecd⋯.png (697.64 KB, 1148x674, 574:337, Screenshot_20170819_212024.png)

Jesus fucking Christ almighty the cringe…



The passion in that invocation is like someone reading their grocery list. If I was their gods I'd be insulted. Put a little razzledazzle and pomp into it hipster-witches.




Most neo wiccan folk don't have the slightest clue what energy retention is or are simply just empty vessels trying to shout for spirit to enter them (which they are constantly denied).

How did the state of man get so bad?



>how did the state of man get so bad

It's literally just that we're at the bottom of a cycle in the height of kali yuga. Everything will be fine when everyone dies and the cycle changes.



People who say *cringe* are compensating for something. Nobody who isn't a pathetic faggot with no self esteem needs to say *cringe* for a confidence boost. People who don't make others *cringe* spend zero seconds giving a shit about people lower than them. Did somebody hurt your feelings? Yeah, they did. No matter how many times you insult people for a .1 second endorphin boost, you will never be happy. You actually just troll yourself everyime you troll people.

You're welcome.



I hate how people broadcast how pathetic they are and I have to lower myself to their level and play their faggot game so they can get their noise out of my fucking universe. It is ironic how I called out someone being a faggot troll by being a faggot troll. That's because I had no choice. I just saved their life. Sometimes you have to temporarily be a hypocrite to banish autistic screechers. What sucks is you temporarily become a loser like them, but if you know how to get out of that you will be fine.



Omg le cringe!

Holy fucking shit your cookie cutter insults are so fucking shitty they make my brain hurt. Come up with something new you shitty faggot bot.

Omg the cringe! Squad goals! Cool af.

Dumbest fucking generation of all time.






"Dude just be everyone else and you can be cool. Repeat the same dozen trending phrases over and over and you can be happy! Sell your soul to retard fucks! Originality is banned! I need to see the same 3 reddit commentors shitty unfunny overused jokes anytime I want to learn something!

Kill your fucking selves parasites.

I broke you. I don't give a shit about your obvious "lol you just made 4 posts by me saying that your points are invalid and being a simpleton is still cool" response.

I laid it out in 4 posts to break you. I will never deal with you again now.



Heh… nuthin purrsonell cid


File: d4b58fb062c1880⋯.jpg (71.18 KB, 279x340, 279:340, 84394178.jpg)



You got a point but you don't need to be so aggressive about it.

In truth, these witches(?) think they're doing a good thing and that its a noble cause, but in reality they're really just LARPing. Shouldn't really condemn them for it, that's just furthering negativity.



>People who say *cringe* are compensating for something.

Does bullshitting make you feel strong, big boy?





OH WOW these comments are cringy af!


This one is the cringiest.



He's a schizo that went waaay overboard but he's right. I cringed because I felt identified with them and that made me feel ashamed. Why do people cringe otherwise?

If they had a decent magical link and put some emotion into it (and didn't have their subconscious full of complexes and shit) they might've accomplished something. Of course advertising their magic left and right and making a political statement out of it didn't help them, nor did the fact that they were doing it out of spite mostly. The 101s of magic were not understood here.





Newfigs can't fancy text



>[They] think they're doing a good thing and that its a noble cause

So fucking what? Most evil goyim retarded golems do while they're furthering their own enslavement along with everyone else's. These people literally think that mass murder, genocide, rape, etc. are permissible as long as men are encouraged to play around with eachother's cornholes. Fuck the lot of them.

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