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File: e16559da9e8641e⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 778x487, 778:487, crossed.jpg)


Then let the wind choose

"Whose side will win and lose''

And rage tapped will flow

Fore the answer you will know

nothing bad but nothing good. You should have just let us leave. Now she's upset. And we all pray your soul she'll get.



I apoligize if this is meant for me as I had no intention of summoning a deity. I was practicing sigil magic for the eclipse and simply began to sqiggle on my paper to clear my mind.



You didn't summon anything. It's just a schizo sperging because he thinks the world owes him. Just don't bump this filth, as it's his to deal with.




It's just a straight forward curse using the internet instead of lighting a candle.

Lets the entity sort out the outcome since it will have access to information about the target I don't.

Basically it's a "don't fuck with me" curse that will intensify if the target chooses to continue to fuck with me.

The target isn't a poster on this board but any butthurt the post generates only fuels it, which was part of the goal of using a public board to charge and send it.



Then I mistook you for one of the regular paranoids that post around here that think we're all out to get him and want revenge.

Anyway. Interesting concept.


File: becca908f40fefe⋯.png (10.28 KB, 1128x799, 24:17, to be drawn.png)


I'm deliberately bumping this.

For predictable reasons.

But I'm using your response as a good excuse, so thanks. Your awesome.

Now for substance.

The entity is left to choose whether the subject would be best benefited by a change of heart or by being thrown off a bridge.




Is this a channeling general / are you practicing mediumship / why should I not ban you right now under rule 3?


File: 73811c93c2c9c21⋯.jpg (101.35 KB, 840x1912, 105:239, doing stuff.jpg)

File: 341b0fbc515291f⋯.jpg (50.52 KB, 462x663, 154:221, Austin_Osman_Spare.jpg)


I'll repeat:

It's just a straight forward curse using the internet instead of lighting a candle.

Lets the entity sort out the outcome since it will have access to information about the target I don't.

It was a successful working so thanks to anyone who added their energy.

The pics are just intuitive drawings related to what I'm posting.

> why should I not ban you right now under rule 3?

If you define doing magic work on /fringe as shitposting then you definitely should ban me.

Second pic is where I initially got the idea.

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