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Esoteric Wizardry


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Not mentioning wizardry at all in the kikestarter, apparently its to much for their small minds to comprehend.

Will be smearing relevant pasta from last thread in here.



Wilhelm Reich* learned through observing the mechanics of Sex how to manipulate the subtle forces behind it, emotional energy he called Orgone which throughout history have been called Chi, Prana, Spirit, Loosh. Od, Vril..

[* http://proliberty.com/observer/20030310.htm]

By stacking organic & inorganic materials he (without knowing it at the time) created an area of subtle energetic flux. People in the vicinity of this flux without explanation started experiencing health benefits, sickness, depression and cancers vanished and nobody really knew why.
Wilhelm placed this padding under a chair in a box and (supposedly) miraculously healed people.

The padding made out of wool & steel wool had the properties to (greatly*) impact the subtle universe, attracting & repelling the ether, the fabric of spirit upon which the material plane rests.
Causing a motion of 'something' using the mechanics of human sex.

[*All things material impact the "immaterial" (Immaterial being the high frequency vibration foundation created in the universes first moments of explosion & expansion) just as the immaterial exerts force upon the material - Some things more than others]

Today we can draw upon the scientific progress made in the last five decades to further study what Wilhelm did, we can compare it to scientific discoveries and get a clearer picture.

With advanced photography (Kirlian Photography *) it has been established that the human body is surrounded by a biologic electromagnetic field**, an aura, centered at the heart extending a good 2-4 meters.

[** http://hebrewvisionnews.blogspot.se/2014/08/the-human-aura.html &

Studies in biology and DNA suggest individual cell bio-EMF's, each cell have an individual artificially intelligent field*, (which all together align to create the much stronger whole field), communicating to the cells next in line, when this field is disturbed or damaged by radio pollution, radiation or sickness, they start coding faulty, causing cancers. When the cells aura/energy is spent it no longer has the capability to split and repair your body, by then you're knocking on deaths door.

[* http://spacecollective.org/gamma/6945/Electromagnetic-field-of-cell

Stacking inorganic and organic material creates an artificial ubiquitous movement in the surrounding area, it strengthens and replenishes the energetic body.

Wilhelm spent his late life in America, inventing, building cloudbusters, hypothesizing and chasing UFO's with Orgone weapons on the presidents order. Furthermore it is speculated that he was directly involved with the Roswell happening. Wilhelm Reich died in police custody and literal tonnes of his research papers were burned in a holocaust of knowledge.



The result was Orgonite.

Orgonite is made out of fiber glass, a produce manufactured sticky resin used to coat boats, it shares many properties with tree sap, which when hardens forms Amber. Amber have the metaphysical properties of attracting 'spirit' in large quantities, If you add to this Epoxy some metal filings they will repel 'spirit' (Orgone, Chi..) on a surplus of what the amber can absorb, creating a ubiquitous movement of spirit or/and an imprint upon the Ether.


>The goal

The goal of this project will be to determine the most suitable materials & the best resonating coils & shapes, for purpose of transmitting into the Ether the vibration of a mandala* corresponding to love, learning, peace, death, pain or sickness - With a continued goal of distributing these items (cheaply) and assembling an easy DIY guide.

[* A mandala is the visual representation of a high frequency vibration, a mandala typhically depicts higher vibrations such as 'love'.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8 ]

My residence is Gothenburg, Sweden, (if you're closeby you're more than welcome to help), with plenty of universities around I'm sure I can find kirlian photography equipment somewhere, if not here then at least in the capitol.
Worst case scenario the pieces will be sent to Russia for examination/photography.


This is what perfect geometric coils do without power.


Relevant links from last thread.


>Vortex math, Hail Rodin edition


>Article on Wilhelm Reich


>"How to make orgonite"


>Physics of Crystals


>Relevant site about Orgonite general with plenty about coils


>How major landmarks around the globe are connected.


>Science of consciousness (the little we know)


>A mandala is a 2d imprint of a vibration


>Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto



Shopping list.

>copper wire

>small amounts of gold/silver wire & dust
>iron wire & dust
>aluminum dust
>bucket of jewelry quality epoxy (fiber glass, manufactured tree resin)
>basic smelting kit
>various crystals, apache tears, moldavite, egyptian yellow tektite, quartz
>a geiger counter to be modified for measureíng orgone
>materials to create suitable mandala molds
>fume mask
>high performance magnets & buckyballs


There is Yin and Yang, Yin being utmost high vibration energy that has transended what we would call energy, fire, electricity..

This foundation of spirit has since the beginning of the universe molded the material, Yang.

It is subtly poking at and rearranging 'physical matter', according to its own shape, this Yin/spirit foundation is the driving force behind evolution, not just of biology but of atoms and stars. It is what decides the laws of our universe.

Yin forces Yang to align - But! Yang exerts force upon Yin.

Therefore, when there is motion of spirit it creates life in its image.

Orgonite roughs up the Ether creating motion.

The problem is that the Yin imprint is that of the Yang Orgonite, if the Orgonite is chaotic, the Ether will be filled with chaotic motion.

Thats why i want to get enough funds to figure out what 2d imprint of a vibration would (and how it) transmit the best throughout the Ether.

Optimally we would want a Yin imprint as close as possible to a high frequency vibration such as love, learning or evolution.

We can also seed the Ether with death and entropy.

If the Orgonite is potent enough it will resonate in the immediate surroundings and quell all other imprints, caused by Yang or emotions.

Technically it doesn't generate loosh but the effects are similar, after the Ether is roughed up it moves back in line with the high vib lineup and this excess motion impacts you for the better, energizing the area, replentishing and redistributing energy.

If the Ether is stale, for example if you live in concrete void of organic life and plants it breeds an area of cancers, cells do not get enough loosh, start to shrivel up, die and error when exchanging information with the cells next in line, resulting in faulty programming, thinking it is something else > cancer


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Discussion regarding whether to coil with wire or assemble in 3d using magnetic spheres is a go.



Relevant vid



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Kikestarter friendly description, preview.


Waiting for ID confirmation, will take a day or two, and another day to submit the project and get it approved.

I'm a poor liar so without getting to technical this is the best I could do.


Can you please just keep it all in one thread instead of making extra threads all to the same topic?

Seriously thinking of locking your thread right now.


The other two are removed, smileberg.


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Seriously thinking of taking my wizarding elsewhere, seeing as my presence is not desired in your fine circuitry of adept scholars.


lol butthurt

Thanks for the loosh.

Just don't make multiple threads on the same topic at once when the older ones haven't reached bump limit yet.



Did the mod who can't overlook his own board and without right lashes out in rage imply something?


don't farm me bro


I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been this derogatory. Of course you couldn't have known that the other threads were removed, newfriend.

Lets drop this discussion, Hail Eris!


What are you even getting at there and why are you upset?

Just don't break rule 2.

One thread per subject may exist on the board at the same time.

I don't like old good threads needlessly dying just because someone can't dig up the older thread to post in.


Did you remove the other threads yourself? If so please stop doing that I wanted to show Tom Montalk your older thread.


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Yes i did, thread #1 contained a first draft regarding the subject, the second thread derailed into vrilcraft engineering and shitposting.

I copied all (and if i missed something relevant I apologize for deleting your contribution) relevant posts and made a third with high hopes of staying on topic, that turned out well.


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Its going to take a few days but when he realizes how badly he got insulted (see rekt) hes going to be mad.


shitposter pls stop


Thanks for the loosh


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no, thank you!



>android magic edition


You just deleted your threads because the FBI asked you to stop and to not build Vrilcrafts.


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stay on topic citizen


You're making this out to be some joke but it's not.

Anyone reading this thread, know that qp really was visited by the FBI, and that he complied to their requests to take down the thread and stop talking about building Vrilcraft.

I wish I took screencaps beforehand but I didn't know it would get deleted so fast.


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proofs? for all you know i was shitposting, at which i'm quite proficient

please accept the mystery or force me to remove this thread and not come back.


Hey you dumb cunt OP, where the fuck did you go and where do i throw money?

I want my rocks.


awesome thread, keep it up


FBI got him.


>kikestarter denied greenpill campaign
>made bluepill
>bluepilled denied becaue relations to previous campaign
>deleted my account while cursing them

Should I make another KS acc and reapply "
Trinkets for all my friends" version?

Is there even any interest?

Does /fringe/ have any suggestions regarding design?

>made for & by /fringe/

inb4 made in china



>made bluepill

>bluepilled denied becaue relations to previous campaign

Those fuckers. What the hell. Can't people even kickstart their "art projects"?



Go for it man, whatever it takes. One stone is all we need to produce infinite more.


I really want an orgone generator and really need it ;_;.

So many fucking radio towers all around me.

Would help me so much potentially and make me more productive and able to do more for /fringe/.


You want a lump with aluminum/copper filings and quartz crystals.

A big one. "Big", for reference, make fists of your hands and put them together, that big.


it better


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"hurrr you're not making something"



Have you tried Indiegogo yet?



not supported in europe


i'll see.



Kikestarter seriously wouldn't let you make one because they didn't believe it's fucking real?

Ultra-bluepill retardation, folks, holy shit. A simple google search yields countless information on this.

Remember this is the website that allowed some guy to get funding to make potato salad.(FLAGGGGSSSSS!!!!)


Wow what incredible kikery on there part.


>implying the reptilians don't control that site and make sure it never goes to funding anything that could help humanity


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It is part of my religion to adhere to nothing, as such i may or may not post with a flag depending on if pleasing Eris or not, and who knows really?

You wouldn't discriminate a religion, would you?

Therefore you can't rope me for not flagging it up, trust me i want to, i'm a Swede, but Eris forbids i remember to do so each and every time.


Going to try making the project one last time if the appeal is denied.

In truth, I could have written a few sentences more in the description page, its just that, the first time I wrote about three pages of text together with collected sources which explained in detail how the fucker function and what they do, the project was rightly put in the space category yet still denied the first time for something silly which i can't remember, and upon appeal denied for "tricking people it might benefit health" despite sources explaining how and why.

Think imma just spam it up twice more, once with the full text and sources, and leave out that it might be beneficial to health, and the second upping it under arts with a little more text.

Thing is it was already denied once under art (see for this time now) for another stupid reason which I think might have been "hab no prototypes" (no wait that was the first time with major text) and I mean wtf I'm giong to make the thing with funding, you want me to have one readily available before the get go?

She is testing me.



Wilhelm Reich* learned through observing the mechanics of Sex how to manipulate the subtle forces behind it, emotional energy he called Orgone which throughout history have been called Chi, Prana, Spirit, Loosh. Od, Vril..

[* http://proliberty.com/observer/20030310.htm]

By stacking organic & inorganic materials he (without knowing it at the time) created an area of subtle energetic flux.

The padding made out of wool & steel wool had the properties to (greatly*) impact the subtle universe, attracting & repelling the Ether, the fabric of high frequency vibrations upon which the material plane rests. Causing a motion of 'something' using the mechanics of human sex.

[*All things material impact the "immaterial" (Immaterial being the high frequency vibration foundation created in the universes first moments of explosion & expansion) just as the immaterial exerts force upon the material, prodding and aligning the stew of molecules which you and I consist of, being responsible for what some would call intelligent design or convergent evolution.]

Today we can draw upon the scientific progress made in the last five decades to further study what Wilhelm did, we can compare it to scientific discoveries and get a clearer picture.

With advanced photography (Kirilian Photography *) it has been established that the human body is surrounded by a biologic electromagnetic field**, an aura, centered at the heart extending a good 2-4 meters.

[*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirlian_photography] [** http://hebrewvisionnews.blogspot.se/2014/08/the-human-aura.html & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_%28paranormal%29]

Studies in biology and DNA suggest individual cell bio-EMF's, each cell have an individual artificially intelligent field*, (which all together align to create the much stronger whole field), communicating to the cells next in line, when this field is disturbed or damaged by radio pollution or radiation (harmful high frequency vibrations passing through you and disturbing your body), they start coding faulty, causing cancers. When a cells aura/energy is spent it no longer has the capability to split and repair your body.

[* http://spacecollective.org/gamma/6945/Electromagnetic-field-of-cell http://www.quantumconsciousness.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioelectromagnetics]

Stacking inorganic and organic material creates an artificial ubiquitous movement in the surrounding area as the inorganic compounds repel "Orgone" on a surplus of what the organic material can attract.

Yes, we will be using magnets.

Furthermore if one chooses to incorporate crystals such as quartz in the hardened resin it will trigger the piezoelectric effect which together with the metal will act as an antennae, the lump of resin and metal will now not only nullify and drown excess radio pollution in its more harmonious sphere of influence but the crystal will now also exhibit an electric field which will absorb radio waves making the crystal oscillate and transform the entropic radio waves into heat. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity

>The goal

The goal of this project is to further study what "mainstream science" won't touch, to attempt negating as much as possible inner city radio pollution and to determine the most suitable materials & the best resonating coils & shapes, for purpose of transmitting into the Ether the harmonious vibrations of a mandala* corresponding to love, learning or peace - With a continued goal of distributing these items (cheaply) and assembling an easy DIY guide.

[* A mandala is the visual representation of a high frequency vibration, a mandala typically depicts higher vibrations such as 'love'.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJAgrUBF4w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8 ]

[DISCLAIMER] I make no claims whatsoever regarding health benefits of having one of these devices near you, for all intents and purposes I just want to make pieces of art and photograph their Etheric imprint using Kirilian photography to see if It is possible to manipulate the subtle universe at wish and beyond that test for capabilities of jamming electronics such as described previously. If the moderators of Kickstarter feel that this is not to be categorized under Technology: Space Exploration, I would agree to have the project moved to Art: Photography to get it rolling as I have a large group of people waiting patiently for this to get started. [/DISCLAIMER]

My residence is Gothenburg, Sweden, (if you're closeby you're more than welcome to help), with plenty of universities around I'm sure I can find kirlian photography equipment somewhere, if not here then at least in the capitol. Worst case scenario the pieces will be sent to Russia for examination/photography.


Considering if to post this as a kickstarter or not, i already know its going to be declined.

No sane person will ever..


Could lay it up like a photography project, dumblr would sponsor that..

"I want to take pretty pictures of the Ether and maybe see if I can create an item that makes pretty images in there, don8 to my patreon!"


Nope. Gotta make it sound dumber.




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Appeal accepted, we're live, ITS HAPPENING




Is the price really 100 bucks?
I hope I just made a mistake converting your currency.


I asked previously how much would be reasonable, nobody answered, you've got youself to blame.

Besides, the point of this project isn't to make one for each one of you, its to figure out what the best configuration would be so that you can make a dozen of them yourself with those 100 bucks.

All in all, you're going to have to spend that amount, or more, to buy all the materials as you can only buy these things in bulk.


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I have been doing some thinking on this - It is of interest lately. Admittedly, I have not read all the links provided exhaustively. But netherless, my thoughts are :

How can any design be verified to be 'better' or 'worse' ? I am not so keen on kirlian photography, it seems sketchy and seems only to be an indicator of conduction of electric current, nothing else. But Emoto's water thing might have something that could be used for design loosh output verification - check these links out.




With this, it would be easy enough to create control groups and use various designs and document the results, using control groups and attempts at 'bad' designs to see what happens. Much like Emoto's work, I guess.

Secondly, I've been thinking, how would a design create output that's of a better or worse wavelength for us? Perhaps also, Emoto's work can be used again here - all he did was write words on a bottle, right? Words.. Symbols. Then, how did the water know what was written on the bottle?

It seems to delve into sigil territory here. Perhaps, it does not matter terribly what the sigil/mandala/words are, but the relating consciousness vibration that we attach to it ourselves. Spooky action at a distance, evidence of the interconnectiveness of everything?

I was visualizing creating an orgonite lump the usual way, but with a metal plate that had been machined into the shape of a sigil, or something nice and simple, like a heart, or the words 'love' placed at the top (with the metal plate exposed, cos apparently resin holds on to loosh, but the metal releases it, right? kind of like those cloudbusters, with copper pipes sticking out like gun barrels)

Thoughts on these thoughts?

I bought some industrial fibreglass resin (It is probably not very organic. Didn't Reich use wool? Does anyone have any suggestions as to what materials to use, rather than this fibreglass epoxy?) When I source some metal and crystals I'm going to conduct some rigorous scientific experiments in the dirty toolshed out back.

We also got a little garden patch, that will be another good source of 'experimental data'. One patch with a 'grow with love' lump of rock and another with a 'die in a fire' rock :)


>thoughts on these thoughts

you didn't read the thread or complete ignorance of mandalas, in turn sigils.


Whereas a sigil is the iconization of a sentence, usually a desire/wish, a mandala is the representation of an emotion or state of being.

Much of you post just became redundant.

But yeah go for it.

You might want to include charcoal and look once or twice at this guys videos


Furthermore, contemplate the law of vibration. Or at least read it once.

Now contemplate and understand how vibration = imagery


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>It seems to delve into sigil territory here


>it does not matter terribly what the sigil/mandala/words are

Wrong. Very wrong.

>sigil = mandala

This is not an insult, read more.


The resin contains carbon based molecules, its very organic.

Use resin.

For my personal pieces I collected cherry tree sap (resin).

Do not use Iron. Gold, silver, aluminum are good.

If you want to make a lump have intention such as "grow strong" or "die and wither" you can meditate with it as it hardens, your aura will interfere with the material and the piece will harden with the intention you're giving off.

Coils are important. Check the links given previously in the thread. (Lohan).

A sigil is your desire in thought connected carved into the more dense universe, a mandala is the vibrational representation of an emotion or higher state of being, again, carved into the more dense universe.

If you could see the patterns your thoughts or emotions emit they would look like it, the more perfect the state or emotion the more beautiful the image.


> how would a design create output that's of a better or worse wavelength for us?

Thats what I wanna test out but can't due to no funds.

Pretty much got it figured out though, just needs to assemble.

A mandala with something akin to evolution or spiritual growth, either in aluminum or in iron with magnets.

Keep it around and its etheric imprint will impact on you.

Maybe its not even necessary to encase it.

The water 'knew' because when you look at HATE you will conjure the feeling hate and you, your aura, your thought and essence will impact the paper and bottle with the text.

Furthermore, letters are thoughtforms, word are and have been connected to feels for quite some time now, they by themselves have a presence and resonate their meaning.

I am reeal tired.. Have i missed something?

It'd be better if you just asked the questions plainly if there is something you're wondering about.


>will harden with the intention you're giving off.

will harden aligned with the intention*

just like emotos water, it will form structural patterns after what you're giving off


Oh, you don't need a mandala, make a charm written on paper with the intent, will work.

Will work without orgonite.

Try it.

Two plants, hell, two dozen plants, one set with "love & growth" the other with "hate & wither"

There is tonnes of videos like this on the tube, experiments with rice etc, be sure to record it and upload it.


A fun experiment if you still want to encase the charm in orgonite would be "grow unnaturally" or "grow wide" vs "grow tall"


or using cacti, "you don't need spikes, nobody is going to hurt you, i love you" vs "fuck you i'm going to step on you if you wont grow strong and spiky you little edgy hedgehog"

dear blogspot, i'm going to bed.



No funds? The resin material only cost me $20 AUD.. I'll be heading down to get cheap crystals tomorrow. I'm gonna go buy a tray of circular baking moulds for $3 and source free aluminium swarf - if you have any designs you would like me to try with this batch, rather than wait for funding.. I can try some.

How are you planning on incorporating the metal sigil/mandala ?
Cut a coke can with some scissors and you're done?

There are a lot of youtube links here, but sadly, it is not a resource available to me - I cannot hear whatever the hell they are saying on the videos, so it's just me watching someone fondle a crystal for 5 minutes, etc.

I imagine it would be better to encase it in an orgonite lump, because it would theoretically exponetially increase the output, rather than the smaller effect of just being a stand-alone design.

I am more interested in how people would be getting said experimental data - The only ones available to me, for cheap seem to be freezing water and using plants. No other ideas?

Cacti seem to grow awfully slowly… but that does seem like a fun experiment, I might do this!

I will go do some googling on mandalas now…


Its not like i kiked out on the money required, made a rough estimate and will still have to add a rough 2000 crowns of my own to complete the photography equipment.

Don't get circular baking molds, you want a triangle adhering to the phi ratio.

I was going to cut it out on a 5cm high, 10x10 brick of clay to be put in the furnace and then pour the metal in it, (require a smelting kit, and if its iron, it is to be magnetized either with procedure or attaching magnets.

If not iron, same procedure.

The item itself would be about a CM high lying flat on the table, with thickness in lines as required.
I planned to make it robust, 7.5 cm x 7.5 (square) height 1 cm.

>>I am more interested in how people would be getting said experimental data

Kirilian photography. Its not just expensive to toy with, high voltage is lethal and you can legit die if you don't know what you're doing.

Alternatively letting psychics touch them and ask which one feels the feeliest.

>>I imagine it would be better to encase it in an orgonite lump

wat, no, wat?

>>Cacti seem to grow awfully slowly

Use thistles.

You're better off reading the thread and the links.

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