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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Is having a tulpa a great alternative to kill yourself?

i really want a tulpa to take control of my life and essentially go autopilot

is this shit doable an if its legit does my consciousness disappear or do i just lie dormant in the back of the brain somewhere

Worthless NEET faggot seeking /fringe/ advice



there are all kinds of spirits that will do such things

have you not sought out God? with God you theoretically don't necessarily NEED extra stuff unless that's your desire or if God wants that for you

i speak in rather vague terms…not being very specific

seek out God, and see what God tells you


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you reckon folks just go around constructing these amazing temples for no reason???



Why do i need to give a shit about god?

that guy can't help me in the end of the day


not that you would 'need a temple', but i say this to illustrate the point that there are forces outside of ourselves, so the answer to your question is pretty much a 'yes'

some spirits may even try to just kill you off, or steal your soul or something like that if you trust them or let them

definitely, be smart, use caution…and seek out God first


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do not be blind, but rather be seeing

if one wants to be comfortable, do they not first have to make themselves comfortable?



how does one even seek god?

how'd you know the guy's legit


Yeah there's a great thing that'll let you lie dormant in your mind it's called anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers



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¶ And God said, Let us make man in our Image, after our likenesse: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the foule of the aire, and over the cattell, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his owne Image, in the Image of God created hee him; male and female created hee them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitfull, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the foule of the aire, and over every living thing that mooveth upon the earth.

29 ¶ And God said, Behold, I have given you every herbe bearing seede, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yeelding seed, to you it shall be for meat:

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every foule of the aire, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every greene herbe for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that hee had made: and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.



Religion is a form of psychosis

Take your meds you cringey faggot


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The woman saith onto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a Prophet.

20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountaine, and ye say, that in Hierusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

21 Jesus saith onto her, Woman, beleeve me, the houre commeth when ye shall neither in this mountaine, nor yet at Hierusalem, worship the Father.

22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jewes.

23 But the houre commeth, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit, and in trueth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

24 God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit, and in trueth.



hmm, perhaps the requirement is for God to open your eyes

i would say be cautious…like i said… have your minds open rather than closed…and keep an open mind

it has been purported here on /fringe/ by the scribes of /fringe/ that one should seek "knowledge" rather than "power"….i know not which of the two are better or worse

but i know there are things beyond this reality…surely it is not conceivable that we all have a special purpose and an infinite potential for wondrous and great things <3


man why the fuck am i even here

if god's real i really wanna tell him what a faggot he is for placing me here.

i bet he plays games and riddles to fuck with everyone too



You are going through psychosis. You are a danger to yourself and others. Seek immediate psychiatric help.


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I support this idea OP. How are you considering forming this thoughtform? Are you going to let it develop organically or "force" it? Are you going to do one or a couple non aware thoughtform tools?



i don't know honestly since i'm a newfriend to /fringe/ but from what i've read on here before when i lurked, it should be doable

since essentially you're creating another persona in your mind

i need to research this shit first tho



You can do this with evocation. Go to 4/x/ and look for the occult and magick general.

There you will find a /sum/ pastebin link in the OP. In there there's all you need.

Caution choosing who to evoke though. Despite what you might think or what regular people think, these powers are very much real and can duck you up if used wrong.

Instead of taking over, if I were you I'd ask for them to get me a job or a chance to improve my skills. You'll still have to work for your own sake, but long term it will be much better for you.

If you are interested in getting your ass whipped into shape, ask King Paimon.

Again, take this seriously please.


You try it too ;)



Seek. Professional. Help. You. Are. Insane…



getting my ass whipped into shape sounds great since i'm nihilistic to the point where i barely have motivation for anything

Thanks anon



Depending on how you read it, the Tao Te Ching could provide a more constructive version of your current outlook.


Based on my personal experience, I am certain that what you're trying to do is possible and can be achieved within a year. Definitely put some thought into it before doing anything not easily reversible though.



thanks anon will look into this


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What is it with your kind that has popped up a lot here recently? Many I see do not even take their own lives seriously, desire no occult knowledge, do not meditate or self-reflect, just look for spiritual short-cuts and cheap mental gymnastics in an attempt to evade confronting yourself. It is very sad to be honest, yes you are all very young and ignorant, but it seems like you are basking in it.

Ah well, we all reap what we sow, if you want to be naieve and foolish - dabbling in things as a result of your own self-loathing which you have no inclination to properly understand - the universe shall deal with you accordingly. It does worry me though how increasingly very young people are almost happy with being ignorant and stupid with no attempt to truly benefit themselves or others outside of meaningless self-indulgence. They do not walk the path they just latch on to whatever ideological system of belief they can, slipping from one thought to the next, mocking, smug, always trying to be funny, but inside wants to die.

I pray for you all.



I've been finally begining to understand healing through laying of hands (is that what it's called in English?) and sensing the aura (kinesthetically, since I can't into visually for shit).

I want to learn to do it remotely, and also see if I can adapt the technique to harm amd have other effects, also remotely.

Would you give me your permission to try it on you? A headache maybe. It would be interesting to work with such a skeptic.

Do I have your permission?



but isn't meaningless self indulgence the very essence of living life

i do admit of being foolish and naive and i accept whatever result i'll reap at the end


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So you're trying to go the Tyler Durden route except letting him win. That is some easy magic, and on record I don't believe you should abandon the self you were born as but if you really want to be someone else you should "force" the tulpa to be what you're not. Write a list of the things you wish you were e.g. macho, suave, intelligent, empathetic etc.




wow this is great anon

very much appreciated



Alright, I'll bite the bait.

Read the recommended books, do not even bother making a tulpa.

First off, making tulpas takes a lot of time and energy, both of which could be spent on ACTUAL OCCULT PRACTICE which in the future can give you far better stuff and actually improve your life. You'll be burning hours after hours everyday, with only possible results of gaining a Tulpa.

I'm just guessing here but there is a likely chance that you'll make your tulpa based on Anime Girl of the Month or something shitty like that. (Think MLP or other garbage) Not only would that be a complete waste of time, Tulpas are living beings who can form their own opinions (unless you destroy that part of them, but then what is the point?) If you're a disgusting mess, there is certainly a high chance that you tulpa can just leave you after you make it strong enough.

To sum it up for you:

1: Waste of time (which could be spent actually learning and spiritually growing)

2: Waste of energy (which could be spent manifesting yourself a gf to fuck, friends to talk to, money, etc)

3: If you really want a friendship with a higher level being, the path you should follow is evocation/summoning. Not only would this being be already created, all you need to do is find a good one and spend time befriending it, and it would also be quite powerful. Therefore you can get some benefits from the relationship instead of making a weak tulpa which isn't going to be that strong because you are not that strong.

Don't waste your time. Read books, get powerful, and choose a different path.


You're tuned into negative signals (people are also radio stations) and thus want to get rid of yourself because of what you're tuned into.

Chan is toxic. Computers are toxic. Unplug and wrap up all your computer and electronic devices and put them in storage somewhere (under your bed in a container for dust protection?).

Then, go outside. The contradiction of the internet, how it's changed you (tuned you) and the environment you live in is too much for your organism, so tune into the world around for harmony and health and well-being. Easy as it sounds.

Then, drink a shit ton of water and walk a lot to flush out the hold tuning patterns. Walk everywhere you can that isn't dangerous to tune in to the new way of being quickly.

Now, go check out some good books from the library and shift your internal order directly. Just pick up something and read it. Do the "run walk run" method of reading; read until you're frustrated and tired, then take it easy and relax doing whatever until you're ready to read again. Do this until reading sticks, and you're a proficient and avid reader.

That's it. You'll be a new man within the week doing this. No tech I'm afraid, too much bad shit there.



>but isn't meaningless self indulgence the very essence of living life

No you absolute nihilist. Whats so ironic is how you can hold such a nihilistic perspective when posting on a board centred around metaphysical and spiritual concepts. Why look at your life as just a meaningless spiral of self-indulgence? How revolting and mundane. How self-centred and arrogant. You will never escape suffering with such a mind.



This is a productive piece of advice from a responsible mentality, listen to it and fix yourself, OP your mentality is a self-destructive ball of shite.



Why else would the eternal spirit reincarnate into flesh and bone? The soul will always desire the feeling of struggle and victory.


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I feel tulpamancy is better than evocation. Who the hell knows what kind of spirit/demon/foreign thoughtform you could pick up instead of focusing on creating your own with tendencies you "force" when creating them.

Though I do agree energy cultivation would be a better path there's so many different ways to choose from and it takes years


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You have to be a master of dissociation to go that far. You can get some interesting results without that, and without a super developed tulpa. I've experimented a little. I helped move my body at first, then it was like autopilot I just let happen.

I hadn't thought about it in a while. This gives me some ideas.

A tulpa would change your life, regardless of dissociation, if you can still love. I know it sounds stupid, but having them always pressed up against you and your mind makes you mindful of everything you do. Having them loving you, when you don't feel you deserve love, destroys all those stupid old thoughts. Especially if your parents fucked you over as a child and you don't know how to relate with women, you'll probably cry as you learn through them. I know, it's pathetic, but I'm like a cyborg assassin now, without need of retarded company, and I don't fumble around women like an idiot, so it's something.

Life purpose not included. Results may vary.


This also isn't the place for tulpas or anything esoteric. Literally none of these people do anything they talk about. You need only practice something for any length of time, say tulpamancy, and you'll see that none of them have any idea about the thoughts or feelings of it.



Keeps slaves occupied, not much else. Most of it is done on a dare to see if they'll actually do it. Only harrass the douchebags though.



>Who the hell knows what kind of spirit/demon/foreign thoughtform you could pick up instead of focusing on creating your own with tendencies you "force" when creating them

Even then a spirit or foreign thoughtform could fuck up and possibly possess your tulpa. A weak practitioner of the occult should avoid making one for this very reason. They won't know that their creation has been hijacked and are being energy harvested. If your Tulpa turns rogue it can do some nasty things due to it having insight into your mind.

At least with evocation you are speaking to a full, developed, being. You are aware of the dangers that are there. And is easier to work with overall. I have had great personal success with evocation and I highly recommend it to those advanced enough.


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But you have the power to "destroy" your manifestation. A partner you create is better than a metaphysical indentured servant , imo.

How goes the process OP?



>But you have the power to "destroy" your manifestation.

Non-occult individuals only have that strength until the tulpa grows beyond the creator's own low power level. Its literally nothing new. Before anyone should create a tulpa they should already be at least moderately advanced beforehand.


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>Why else?

So you see the ONLY reason possible that one would reincarnate into flesh is simply because of self-indulgence. I don't know how narrowly you must think if you cannot even pontificate the huge amount of ranging possibilities and interpretations so instead pick the option that makes you feel the most comfortable. Also struggle and victory are not what I would typify as self-indulgence, you could have a victory and struggle over your own habitual infatuation with self-indulgence for just one rather simple way of showing how such an axiom is that and nothing more - an axiom. It's a bit of a dead end to me as well - "Why do we exist?" "Self-indulgence." I think there are a lot of reasons people who think this are in somewhat of a minority universally.



It all boils down to self indulgence of the spirit, there is no difference between the jew who controls his rental properties to market prices instead of what's affordable to his curent tenants; and the man who forgoes earthly concerns to reach nirvana. Each does what they do to indulge their spirit while on this third dimensional plane



There's signs you can read to notice your tulpa is deviating from their assigned roll. The evocation spell itself could bind a spirit to you for eternity.



Incorrect, a tulpa changing from their default setup is typically a sign of them advancing, not going rogue. The fact is that there are NO real signs of a tulpa going rogue is what makes it so dangerous to a beginner occultist.

It is pretty clear you have no idea what evocation is if you beleive that a spirit could be bound to a being, much less a weak one like you, through it.



I'd say so, but I would only use it if your a wagecuck or something. More free-time for you to get a hold of yourself or further your knowledge. Or just fuck off your limited time on this earth, I guess.



thx bruh



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