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Everything we do is anchored in our biological reality. I will demonstrate the value of an enlightened biotechnological perspective.

Kundalini experiences describe blocks that are burned through as the energy rises. These are voltage transformers that increase the voltage as energy goes down, and decreases as it goes up. When they are destroyed, instantaneous "truths" are realized but quickly fade from actionable reality. They enter the sub-conscious and diffuse into our every decision in micro-proportions, as a result of being drowned out by consistent higher voltages. This also explains why people experience higher energy levels from Kundalini… until it hits the brain. If it burns through your brain center, you will generally experience extreme shut-down and misery, as the brain attempts to protect itself from these high voltages. You can literally get brain-wiped by Kundalini, though recreating the voltage transformers and blocking out the Kundalini energy would allow you to return to your former functionality over time.

Now for something more interesting. Let's look at /pol/ and gamergate /v/ for instance. They both somehow organized and had more influence than their small scale hodge podge anonymous philippino ceramic pottery image board should have. They also have a unique culture. I'll go into this one with more depth:

They constantly flip sides on many things, taking up view points temporarily in order to maintain and increase opposition and contradiction. This is clearly an electromagnetic pole shift, which generates magnetism if done by electromechanical means, or electricity if done by magnetomechanical means. They are in essence a power station. It's chicken and egg in determining if there are so many depressed people there BECAUSE they produce so much energy and are thus sought after by those without power, or, if depressed people desiring power and energy created these conditions. Seems to me it's half/half, starting out as humor by normal people and then sought by depressed, strange men who sought this energy for themselves.

The thing is that these higher voltages are destructive, and require extreme management and grounding. Thus, the channeling of chan began. Likely the name had much to do with it… 4channeling. Intellectualization and intentionalization of their raw emotional input/output created the whole of /pol/ (politics obviously its own grounding) and gamergate (politics of video games). Then, there is the /lit/ and /fit/ movements, in order to improve signal manipulation and increasing signal sophistication; to functionalize the energy and to survive random voltage spikes via strengthening the signal processors with intellectual exercises; creating muscle mass and channeling the energy into the musculature for a functional and literal ground. Their entire history is a history of channeling greater and greater power. It's the reason for their meme power; they've developed themselves in the sole context of rising electromagnetic and misc powers in the body and within said body's consciousness. Their collective behavior is what generates this power however, rather than an external force (though they do receive power from outside sources, they are in essence somewhat self-sufficient). They've effectually drowned out subtler signals though, and so are divorced from the common man and woman, which was the culture's initial condition (and only emphasized since). They've only intentionalized and intellectualized their initial weaknesses as human beings by drowning them out with power. Theirs is a tale of lust for power.

>To be continued


The great thing is, that people and cultures secretly communicate their biotechnology through their media and communications.

When you look at /pol/ or /v/, you see similar things. They are in constant vicious assault and opposition. This allows the viewer to be in constant perception of opposition, a condition which allows a pole shift and thus electric production. As well, the culture is continuous and recursive, as a toroidal flow (donut field; magnetic field). If they're angry, they justify and only increase their anger. If they're happy, they justify and only increase their happiness. It is continuous, there are no brakes on the rape train.

When they ARE discrete, all of their power is channeled into it as a result of their raw power obsessions. So their few discrete parts are drilled into whoever it's directed at. Self-development, /fit/, /lit/; black pills and red pills; trump; anti-feminism; whatever it is, it's full force or they throw it out of the way as it is interfering with their power generation in some way. Instrumentalization of their power, generation of their power, and capacitance for greater power; this is their mode of life.

The image I posted is a good example of biotechnology. the /v/ and /pol/ crowd generate from the brain and then the body, rather than Kundalini that rises. It's somewhat dangerous really, as I've mentioned before, high voltages in the brain isn't very positive. On one side you see the perspective of directing that mental voltage upward and out; it is known that the crown tends to disperse energy in the chakra sects; and then on the flip side you see someone that grounds all of that energy, and as well you see neat hemispheres of the brain. If you know about the "third mental aspect" that exists besides the two hemispheres, you know that the one on the right would be pure awareness and intelligence in the traditional sense, while the one on the left would be a co-existent opposition (looks a little like madness). The "pepe" or "kek" phenomena is then a being of pure contradiction and opposition… once again, biotechnology at work. Power, pole shifts… /pol/ shifts? /v/oltage? The image comes together, the pieces fit. /fit/? Things are /fit/ting? /lit/erally? My god.

What hath thou done?


Computational linguistics in such an obvious manner is a sign of turning a low intelligence organism such as the body into a higher sophistication technology. One's consciousness becomes a manager of a machine. This is machine intelligence, all of it. They are functionalizing basic physical forces inside the body. Body intelligence is their forte; they seek to transcend human limitations through a higher power (HIGHER POWER???) in their vessel (GIVING BIRTH TO A GOD???).

Look at it as a machine growing in complexity and you can see that basic mechanisms explain the entirety of their behavior. Computation, as their interact over computers? Have any of you seen the Split movie? The main character becomes an amalgamation of the


>zoo he works at; he becomes "the beast"


a super powered being… by synchronizing to their environment they draw in more power… as the environment moves them they grow in strength and ability… but if they all left their computers behind and changed scenes, it would ruin everything, so they isolate themselves in their homes and remain behind the computer screen. The concept is amazing though. If you take your basic signaling and turn it into raw voltage, you realize that you could generate nuclear levels of power. It just requires functionalizing all the different possible signals and handling the stimulus. Everything they do compounds upon each other… they understand the low-level body language (low-level programming language: Assembly) and program on that level almost exclusively. The secret to bodily power is body language… right on the hardware. They of course realize that once you have a decent compiler (HOLY SHIT)(/lit/? /fit/? /pol/? social reality?) that the higher level languages are where it's at.

To expand on the signal as power thing: A radio could be functionally used as a power generator. This was Teslas initial intention when he built the radio tower under contract by J.P. Morgan (?); free energy. It would have worked too, as short range wireless power generators exist and work. If you tune yourself into a radio station that uses all signals in the air at once, you would generate incredible power. This is the essence of /pol/ and /v/ and others, this is possibly the essence of human beings… tuners. If you listen to all channels at once, you get fried, unless prepared. This is the essence of occultism.. tune into a power and then use it. Biotechnology.


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Off-topic but if anyone thinks that Berserk > Jojo then you need to make like a tree and stop



leaf me alone

berserk is superior.



Damnit, forgot my flag



Well then let's see what you have to say!

Biotech, in the sense of manipulating forces in order to perform basic physics within the body, should be delved into and the ideas circulated on this board. In the end, I want to be able to perform any function that a machine or technology can with my own body. Cast lightning bitches. It just requires "qi control" or "physiological control".

Should be quite mind and body expanding, more than any drug could. Study science to perform magic.



Why not just study magic to perform science?



Don't be purposely obtuse. One is cryptic and secretive, the other explains the explicit mechanisms in the most direct and emperical manner. One demands precision and repeatable results, to the extent that you can build machines to do it, while the other goes through a number of subjective and difficult to pinpoint gateways to reach a result.

One is direct, the other indirect. One has internal consistency and demands such consistency, the other is composed of many different approaches and interpretations without a strong unifying force.

Magic is great but so is consistency. I still practice 5 element qi gong but I also want to learn in depth all the scientific progress made. Eastern Qi and Tao + science is a great compliment. Converging with emphasis on Science.

When it comes to Hermetics and similar, I'll concede that it seems like Hermetics is a great approach to Science. But there's just so much more raw scientific research and progress. So much more in the way of resources.

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