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Let me lead off by saying this is my first post here. I usually frequent /pol/ but something strange has been happening to me this week. I can't remember the last time I've been able to dream. I am traveling this week and ever since then, every night this week I have been having the same dream with a sort of continuous progress. Have any of you ever played an ARG? I seem to be playing some kind of browser ARG in my dreams. The details are really muddled and I havent been able to link anything to sites I've seen in real life. I am going to do my best to organize my thoughts in this thread if this continues or perhaps see if anyone has experienced something like this before.



>I usually visit /pol/ but I've been having strange dreams

People come here all the time telling us about their vague incoherent dreams which they then think makes them somehow special and either a victim or hero to some jewish plot. People have weird dreams all the time, I have crazy as fuck dreams every night, when you try to look to deeply into them its mostly best to let go. Dreaming is an inward and psychological phenemenon, when people try to validate them through some other external force unrelated to them its usually a process of denial. If you browse the internet a lot then its not surprising you would have some dream in which you do the same thing except that its off in someway or muddled. Dream interpretation is psychoanalytical it requires introspection but it sounds like you are looking for some conspiracy to attatch yourself with



Take it easy buddy my intentions arent that narcissistic, and I am not the sperg-y type. I usually don't deal with this kind of thing and when it happened 4 times in a row I started wanting to look for answers cause I thought it was pretty bizarre.



Take your fucking meds. You are in psychosis. You are having a mental breakdown. Seek professional help.



All I am saying is that looking for answers about a bizzare dream is usually fruitless and that you won't find it by asking other people unless you believe there is some greater conspiracy going on and you suspect alien input.

Also ignore that other guy he periodically stalks the board just to insult people and tell them they are mentally ill and in doing so illustrates his own mental inadequacies.



Take your meds you psychotic mentally ill NEET.



You are the one who is acting psychotic and needs to take some medication. It's really quite sad.


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So why is /christian/ resorting to shitposting? Shapeshifting into a "christian" gnostic is still lying under your thoughtforms law


Dreaming especially when lucid is an entry level method of world building. I used to have repetitive dreams of being in a wizard school like Harry Potter but then lost access to it when I stopped my lucid dreaming exercises. I doubt it was a prophetic experience you had but definitely a way for your brain to stretch it's muscles

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