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Maybe this could be happening from my depression I've suffered with for years, but at the risk of getting shit on, I've been wanting to talk to about this (I've lurked here, even picking up the books from the green pill comic memes): I've been struggling with depression for ~15-20 something years, but recently I feel like my emotions are turning into beasts. When I'm growling from preventing tears and crying from happening, or I'm overwhelmed with an emotion like sadness, I see or feel like my emotions are becoming beast-like manifestions; like I can feel a beast is inside me. I guess the first experience was 6 years ago when something shitty at a party made me upset, and I felt like a wolf-like beast was barking out of anger. Then I had other experiences like this recently:

At the end of the day, my emotions felt like a winged beasts was alone, screaming at the sky for something. I couldn't tell what it looked like. I come home and lay down after dinner, but suddenly I felt really cold like it was a winter storm. Tears began to come out, but I try to stop them and the urge to cry. I see a plucked or naked bird/chicken like body with feathers on it's wings. The beast screams at me, but isn't trying to attack me; instead it looks for a moon only to see a star or two, maybe confused and hurt

>What the fuck was the point of this shit? Why am I reading this, you fucking retard!?

I just want to know if there could be anything supernatural or something behind these "beasts" coming from my emotions, and if there is, can I tame these beasts to help me for the better, maybe helping me recover from depression? There has to be some kind of source on stuff like this. Yes, I know what I posted probably sounds like crazy shit.


Ur fursona is awagenign :DDDDD


Your losing control of your emotions and there becoming thought forms. Wolf is anger and the bird is despair.

The only ways I can think of these beasts helping you is too channel them into some type of hobby or remember the event that caused these emotions and let go.



I can see the anger and despair in the wolf and bird knowing the bird look nearly plucked with a few wings. What about beasts that are bear-like or something similar to a rhino? How bad are thought forms?


Been trying to get back into hobbies (art) and maybe volunteer; there's just one problem with volunteering (see below).

>remember the event that caused these emotions and let go.

A lot of shitty things happened to others I have cared about and myself, but some of those things were just out of my control. The last 2 years really took a toll on me, making me realize I'm not as strong and supportive a person I thought I was (which is why I'm afraid of volunteer in groups that help people. I don't have the strength and support they need). It's hard to move on from them let alone be free of them when I'm always surrounded by negative reinforcements. Sorry if we're hitting /qq/ or /sad/ tier.



thought forms can be bad if your caught up in a negative feed back loop which seems to be the case. I dont think it matters what animal it is. It's still tied to the same emotion.

You realizing and admitting your not strong or supportive is good but cant let it stop you from helping others. don't be sad about opining up its a good step in the right direction.



Aren't certain animals tied to certain thoughts, things, or emotions though? I can't help someone if I feel like I'm a psychotic or an emotional/mental mess, thinking everyone and everything are damaged/broken while these thought forms being beats are killing me. Thanks to experiences and depression, I also feel like I can't go back to dating, since I feel like I can't provide the love and support my partner needs especially if she went through something like rape and abuse (How am I supposed to help someone I care about who went through those things? I don't want to lose someone I care about again if I can't or couldn't be there when I should have been.)



Could be but if there beasts then they probably are coming from the same emotions. I feel where your coming from if you love someone you want to give all the support you can but cant do that if you think you life is in disarray.

>I don't want to lose someone I care about again if I can't or couldn't be there when I should have been.)

I cant help you there, I actually lost some one important to me because I wasn't there for them.

All they wanted was to be accepted and for me to improve myself but I couldn't because of a situation alot like yours.



Mild psychosis induced by continuous suffering for reasons outside your comprehension. It seems super common for abused, intelligent people, surrounded by morons. You're desperately trying to form some sort of causal relationship for your suffering, but failing. Now dumb people will call you dumb and you'll feel more shitty. Then you'll have one final breakdown where you'll either kill yourself or embrace a very rigid and pragmatic lifestyle, scientifically designed, from the ground up (down to what you think, eat, and wear), to produce results, and you'll hate everyone you ever knew. The end.



>seems super common for abused, intelligent people, surrounded by morons.

When I asked some people about this in a support group, a lot of people scratched their heads. They had other experiences that led to their hospitalizations. I only know one other person that experiences the same thing, but hers are more monsters than beasts (she thought beasts were angrier).

>You're desperately trying to form some sort of causal relationship for your suffering, but failing.

You might be right the more I think about it (the bird best I brought up might have wanted freedom the moon could provide, but couldn't because the moon wasn't there; hence why it felt confused and miserable. Yea, I'm putting too much into this). I have to get that emotional control back.



Reminds me of part of Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune. I don't remember the exact details but some wizard separated some instinctual anger and primal emotions from himself and created a werewolf thoughtform. To undo what he did, he had to face it one night and invoke the opposite emotions in himself to balance the polarity and neutralize the thoughtform he had constructed, allowing him to reintegrate those negatively polarized emotions and cleanse them.

Read the book if you havent and just do the opposite feeling of what these animals represent. Instead of looking up what the animals mean, learn to trust your intuition more and analyze the situation. What have you been feeling lately, what's been on your mind most that you lost track of, etc. However you want to approach the energy fam



Don't listen to all of these "let go" faggots (no offense). Fuck hobbies DO. UNLEASH THE BEAST. CHANNEL THE BEAST. GO FROM SHITTY BIRD TO ROC THE LIGHTNING EAGLE. SHITTY WOLF TO DIRE WEREWOLF.


I relate dude. Exact same thoughts. You're trying to learn how to process other people's emotions for them and empathise while remaining strong enough that you don't get sucked in yourself (as in, as hurt as they are and thus useless as support).

Guilt and Grief. It's a Metal element thing (sorry but it's what I'm studying at the moment). 0 was available at my birth, I'm a Water type (which drains but needs metal) and my father is 50% Metal, and my Mother is a Metal type at 25%. Thus I'm a ground up Metal cultivator so I went through what you have in full force.

bazi-calculator.com check out your shit and your parents shit to see if it explains it. You're probably high in wood or have a parent high in wood, as they like to process toxins and poisonous shit like they're training their wolverine regen.

Just make friends with a person's depression. Fuel their inspiration and aspirations. This is an art of its own though, so I won't delve deeply. You shouldn't bear the burden of a single person's despair. Handle your own despair and you will inspire others with how well you wrestled that shit. Be incredibly inspired and aspiring and you will naturally ANNIHILATE despair and depression.

This guy >>105957 hits on points that the 5 element perspective would explain. Metal is related to grief/guilt, and destroys wood, and creates water; all of them tend to be rigid when very strong AND weak.

This guy too >>105751 hits on a point. Metal and Wood is about aspiring towards greater and Metal is especially about inspiration.

Much of being human is inspiration and aspiring towards something greater. Be a paragon of both, for your own sake.


Contrary to this I would suggest focusing on the positive opportunity of a werewolf of anger. Anger is power. Your shitty bird, OP, means you need to fly you fuck. Through the fucking air. (aspire, inspire = breath). Your heavy shit should be like Guts' sword from Berserk; used to cleave fucks like a straight up baller who uses an 80 lb sword.

Start with LIGHT WEIGHT and get stronger. Same with emotions. Start with LIGHT WEIGHT BABY then get into the Oh Shit territory once you add some fucking strength.

OP you're sad that your lifts aren't up but we're all gonna make it. There are no limitations, only plateaus. Metal more than anything requires FIRE to be forged, and WOOD (monsters????) to give it purpose. Water just polishes the blade, or rusts it if excessive, and being grounded and centered in the Earth helps draw more meddle from the ole iron mines.

Inspiration, Aspiration, Purpose, Meddle. These are your keywords.



>just make friends with their depression

And I mean by this, make friends with THEN inspire and hammer into shape said depression.


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I forgot where, but I read somewhere a method for personal growth that involved personifying your flaws and negative emotions, and then dealing with them through evocation (simple astral evocation) or by meditating on them. These things will tell you things and you will come to understand them.

Give them names. By making them separate from you, you will have an easier time relating and interacting with them.

These are your personal demons, for your very own personal grimoire, and eventually you can get them to work for you. But first you need to tame them.

Actually, the fact that you are perceiving them as animals means you have instinctively started to do this already. Trust the process and embrace it




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To be honest I envy you. I dealt with my more serious issues in mundane ways and never got to meet my demons.

I'm sure I've got plenty left, but they don't come out on their own.

Maybe I need to make a travel to the underworld, where demons live.

I mean, explore my subconscious, where subconscious repressions are. *wink* *wink*

Yeah, that was a shitty way of saying that you don't need to address them as entities if you're not comfortable with it. They are manifesting as such because that's what is most natural for us. Now, I'm not saying entities are not real. I'm just saying they are the same thing, but let's not get philosophical.

If I were you I would ask each of them to give you their sigil. I don't know how advanced you are, but I'll explain a method that you maybe already know:

>get pen and paper and get ready to write

>enter meditative state, take your time

>let your gaze get lost in the whiteness of the paper

>don't rush it

>evoke the feeling of one of these beasts you have identified

>don't think of the animal itself, focus on the emotion

>let the emotion overtake you

>mentally ask for its name, ask it

<what is your name?

>write the first thing you come up with

<show me your sigil

>try to see an afterimage on the paper, lines like neon lights, trace them

>if you want, thank it and say goodbye

>do some kind of banishing ritual

Also I don't know how to use the faggot meme arrows, so if someone can explain that would be great.

You take it from there. Treat it like any other entity. Most are really not evil, just like pic related of my previous post, they are just reflecting shit back at you. Once you help them heal whatever it is that is that is fucking with them, just like pic related of my previous post, you will have a clean entity for you to work with. You can make your own pantheon of gods this way.



Damn, I've been waiting to get into this system for so long. It looks extremely rich.

I downloaded a PDF that explained the elements a while back, can you recommend me some literature please?

triple post bitch



I'll look into this book.

>What have you been feeling lately, what's been on your mind most that you lost track of,

I've been feeling miserable, angry, and disappointment for a while (I've also feel like I lost a sense of direction even though I probably never had it). My depression, what's happening in and out of my life, and loved ones I cared about getting hurt while not being there for me are infesting my mind. A mess involving a coworker I kinda tried to date and my job falling apart aren't helping things.


I need to learn how the calculator works in general to figure it out. I don't get some of it.

>You're trying to learn how to process other people's emotions for them and empathise while remaining strong enough that you don't get sucked in yourself (as in, as hurt as they are and thus useless as support).

Knowing I can't be there for anyone let alone have love because of this hurt me so much. As much as I want to love someone, I just can't give that person the love, strength, and support they need if she went through a rape or worse (I really wish I could).

>werewolf of anger. Anger is power. Your shitty bird, OP, means you need to fly you fuck.

I kept thinking about the bird last night, thinking it might be a message about trying to be free from what's prevent me to fly or do something. It might have screamed for help, so it could be free; maybe I'll be free when it's free. If it were only that easy.


I prefer to call them beasts. I'm not really keen with demons especially reading here that some of the Goethia demons might be rubbish in a thread (maybe I'm wrong).


You don't need a trip to the Underworld. Just do what I did: get years worth of depression, and see horrible shit happen to people you don't know or even your loved ones. I read something about these sigils/rituals in a few books.



I didn't explain myself. I meant a way to talk to those subconscious parts of yourself is to go to the underworld. If you are good at astral traveling or lucid dreaming (or want to do ayahuasca).

Demons, spirits, beasts… It doesn't matter what you call them. They are messed up parts of your psyche growing inside of you. You might as well talk to them and ask what's wrong.



It's just random bullshit is what I'm saying. Your own inner noise being conflated with physical circumstance. Maybe you do want to pull some peoples' heads off, a lot of people deserve it, but there's nothing magical about it. There are methods for clearing intrusive thoughts and there are ways to fix your diet so you don't feel like shit. I've got loads of them.

What you are doing now is a form of tulpamancy and you will get stupid results if you build those stupid animal trance states. Don't do that cringey shit please. They're your puppets, have your breakdown and make a waifu or change them into your waifu if you really must. Don't run around like sonic, howling at the moon. Nobody wins then. You'll be another dumb cripple like all those fags with a billion tulpas that sit around and whine about how special they are. Then people like me have to sift through all that shit for decent content because fucking furry faggot niggers wont ever shut the fuck up about their inane shit like they're on faceberg or something. God, it's all so fucking stupid and they can't see it. Their only physical purpose is to waste everyone's time so we're all sitting here doing nothing until we die.

Don't be a nigger.



Fair enough. I shouldn't get too carried away while trying to figure this shit out. I definitely don't want to be that fucktard.


"Maybe this could be happening from my depression I've suffered with for years, but at the risk of getting shit on, I've been wanting to talk to about this (I've lurked here, even picking up the books from the green pill comic memes): I've been struggling with depression for ~15-20 something years, but recently I feel like my emotions are turning into beasts. When I'm growling from preventing tears and crying from happening, or I'm overwhelmed with an emotion like sadness, I see or feel like my emotions are becoming beast-like manifestions; like I can feel a beast is inside me. I guess the first experience was 6 years ago when something shitty at a party made me upset, and I felt like a wolf-like beast was barking out of anger. Then I had other experiences like this recently:

At the end of the day, my emotions felt like a winged beasts was alone, screaming at the sky for something. I couldn't tell what it looked like. I come home and lay down after dinner, but suddenly I felt really cold like it was a winter storm. Tears began to come out, but I try to stop them and the urge to cry. I see a plucked or naked bird/chicken like body with feathers on it's wings. The beast screams at me, but isn't trying to attack me; instead it looks for a moon only to see a star or two, maybe confused and hurt

>What the fuck was the point of this shit? Why am I reading this, you fucking retard!?

I just want to know if there could be anything supernatural or something behind these "beasts" coming from my emotions, and if there is, can I tame these beasts to help me for the better, maybe helping me recover from depression? There has to be some kind of source on stuff like this. Yes, I know what I posted probably sounds like crazy shit." - Schizophrenic Retard

holy fuck this made me cringe so much



Make a tulpa that you love and loves you and shit. I wasn't joking about that. It will completely detach you from the outcome of social dogshit. Coupled with a stable blood sugar and vitamin diet and relentless offensive (positive, growing, experimental, loving, proactive, appreciative) thinking and you're almost set. You still have to manage the intrusive shit. It's all learned patterns that kind of have a life of their own, as fragments of mind, that you need to ultimately merge with and make completely understood to you.

There may be some truth to the things in your mind. The lowest states of consciousness are quite animalistic. Like the last bit of rage before they're completely exhausted. I remember and I know they're dumb just like all the other magick/religious shit here. Completely divorced from causality. That goes especially for mainstream social workers. They're all just a bunch of fucking niggers. I'm completely out of patience for any of them. They never make an attempt at basic reasoning or controlling variables or testing or anything. Let alone a fucking theory of mind and how it works. It's just a sea of fucking shit.


You make me cringe more than the fucking ponymancers, looking on a wounded person like that. On the bright side, at least you're not trying to help him have his genitals removed or something, like they do on reddit.


Franz Bardon calls them larvae.

They're just thoughtforms born out of your emotions.

They are extremely powerful if you feed them lots and will act out on your emotions to maim, kill, terrorize, and do whatever else your heart wants.

I have the exact same problem. Decades of depression, supression, etc. and I've only in the last month started to realize that all this pain I'm trying to bottle up and not let manifest is just going to come out anyways one day in an extremely powerful form. If I had just lashed back at people who hurt me immediately and let the pain diffuse quick it would be a different story but out of a desire to not do any evil or cause any harm I have taken abuse after abuse endlessly. One day all this pain is going to come out. I want to be different from what my heart feels, but my heart will never be satisfied until it has had its fill of blood and revenge.



Literally me.



Perform an experiment for me. Relive one of these moments in as much vivid detail, using all senses, from beginning to end, over and over, until it's like looking at a boring old rerun tv show. Tell me if it still produces these overwhelming feelings then.




You're both giving me lots of ideas.



Is your post directed at me or the OP?

I don't know what you're asking of me.

I am currently in a shitty situation where I am being exploited endlessly by someone I depend on and can't escape because they control all my money and my life.

It's stuff that is happening, on-going, every day in my life that's making me depressed not anything dead and buried in my past.



You said it was all bottled up. That is how you unbottle it. Your actions and thoughts will no longer be dictated by this unconscious mind.

Frankly, it's babyrage. They're your benefactor, and I imagine they will continue to be so to your kids and all that. And if you choose so, you will see that they are slave to games that were imposed upon them, exactly like the actions your rage dictates to you now. They have the shoe on their foot and you must put the shoe on your foot. The game continues or ends with your awareness.



I don't even know wtf you're talking about. I'm just going to construct some thoughtforms for the purpose of dominating them, putting them to sleep, etc. so they can't bother me. Every time they try to fuck with me, my thoughtform will counter them, and I will get free. I have repressed myself for years and years and many have told me not to do that and I think it's time to let shit out. I don't care if you're belittling my rage, I've done exactly that myself, time to stop being a suppressed cuck and just give the ultimate psychic beatdown to my enemies. They bring it upon themselves by inspiring all this rage and hatred anyways by the way they fuck with my life. The alternative is to bottle it up until I commit suicide.



At least OP will get my meaning. He's actually turning on the offensive, wondering why he lets these impulses dictate his actions, and trying to stop the bullshit. You are still cowering from your own thoughts. Letting mom and dad tell you what to do. Just like they were told by their parents in this succession of petty rage.

Here's a hot tip: you can't make the unconscious conscious by fighting it. Your only option is to look at it to become sane again.

I'll try not to stimulate you directly, so consider this amusement: Those no fap, porn addicts all fail. Why is that?

It's because they never rid themselves of the initial overwhelming experiences. It's a sick joke where they'd have to reconstruct their first faps to escape the loop. To rid themselves of the initial unconscious moment, where their conscious decision was lost, they need to retrace their steps into unconsciousness. No amount of will will ever overcome that unconscious fragment of mind. It will always haunt them if they fight, but it ends as soon as they accept the fullness of the experience into their conscious mind.

I know, it probably sounds insane to you, but just test it. It costs you nothing to sit there and test it and you may potentially regain the fullness of your will.



Perhaps it would help to state that unconsciousness is defined by lower states of consciousness. Like unconsciousness, drugs, fear, anger, rage, helplessness, exhaustion, etc.



Oh and characterized by strong feelings, physical sensation, compulsive behavior, and lack of choice. I usually don't bother helping people, and forget I have almost no peers, so nobody knows what I'm talking about.

There was something else, but whatever, I'm tired. Good luck escaping slavery or whatever this is.



Sounds like you are getting in touch with you animalistic side.

Every person incarnates with several spirit animals to guide through life.

You obviously have a lot of unresolved issues you do not choose to confront.

Your animals are helping show you different emotional states you are in and relate them to an animal you can identify.

Try embodying the spirit of one of these animals, like the lion. Feel its energy and its spirit.

Then, realise it.

The animals are on your side. They are you.

You need to fix your life before you go actually crazy and kill yourself.

That's the main message from the animals.



This for fuck's sake.

OP the animals are not dangerous evil blood sucking thought forms you need to destroy (nor I believe they are Franz Bardon's larvae). The are damaged parts of yourself that are manifesting in a way that can help you heal. Contact them and find out what's wrong. Heal them and heal yourself.



Yeah I got a medical qi gong doc. I'll post a mega link soon here.

I recommend first familiarizing yourself with each element by learning to recognize them in human behavior, design, environments, sensory perception (wood eyes vs water eyes for instance), as a general background activity to life. Just invoke the element and apply liberally. Note that my advice is based on my personality/intuition, which is turned into my specific constitution.

I aslo recommend a more structured Absorb, Generate (e.g. metal creating metal, if that's even possible), Beget (e.g. earth creating metal), Control (e.g. fire controls metal), Controlled (e.g. fire is controlled by water), Begotten (e.g. metal is created by earth), planned learning program.

Go through each element in sequence, starting with what you need most, and spend 3 days on each element (3 yin and 3 yang mind you).That's 30 days that you spend on ABSORB, starting out. That's 6 months worth of shit.

I suggest you create your own program based on your own intuitions however. Based on your bazi/elemental composition, your 'flavor' will be different. Your STYLE.

I'll post the doc in the 5 element thread. I learn by experience, because if experience doesn't prove the efficacy and legitimacy of the 5 elements and qi gong, then it's bullshit. If I can't learn by experience, then it's bullshit. Finding cultivation techniques is a pain in the ass though; not that I've tried too hard, but I will when I make my own progress so I have a frame of reference for this shit. My way is rather Water/Fire I suppose.


Bullshit. If YOU can't be there for someone, NO ONE can. You are torturing yourself in order to be something you already are. You shithead.

What's your element percentages? Day master? That's all I need to know. Get out of the shadow work and realize you can't help others being someone you're not, as that's like trying to lift 200 lbs with your pinky. "I got 1% of this element BUT I NEED IT TO BE THIS AND THAT THING I THINK I NEED TO BE TOBETHEREFORHERRRRRR" Fuck you no you don't. That's a falsehood, a lie, a misperception. Sit in your strength and you can do much more by RAW STRENGTH and LEVERAGE.

Another analogy: You're an earth type but need to be a fire type to melt someone's metal (IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE) but faggot don't you know your charmander is level 1, their argon is level 50, and your geodude is level 100? (what the fuck?). I hope you get the point, because it's really fucking ON THE POINT.





This is what I'm sayin' OP. FEED THE BEAST, RELEASE THE BEAST.



damn dude you got a medical qi dong doctor? you are OP



The needles in my dong are worth the 24 hour double expansion relaxation ransom.


Everything everyone here is saying reminds me of Hanekawa's character development arc in Monogatari SS.





I love a good (You)

OP I've changed my mind >>105987

boost your Wood and Fire element. It's the manliest. Your Metal is k.

So go be King of the Jungle and stop gushing on folk. 2 victims = 3.5 victimhood on the victim quake scale. 1 victim = 1.0 on the vqs. You inspire victimhood by being a victim. You inspire victimhood by telling yourself you're a victim/acting like a victim of something.

Alpha beasts don't put up with that shit. Go be an Alpha beast you emotional retard (no offense but stop hitting your head against a wall)

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