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This is a friendly reminder that you should really review beginners material you read back when you were a mundane or whatever.

That includes Dean Radin, Talbot or Tom Campbell. Go through the Kybalion a thousand times, The Science of Breath or the Book of Knowledge.

Even if, and especially if, you think you got it all down and you're not a damn mundie anymore, go back and re-read and re-watch that material. There's a wealth of depth in most things in this reality that you can only unlock once you reach certain levels. The plot is non linear, and it features a lot of backtracking.

For instance, Tom Campbell basically explains what it means to be a Magus (and how to be one). To do magic fully unfiltered and unburdened by ritual, visualization or massaging of any kind. Or rather, to do nothing, since nothing needs doing at that point. To the mundane, his talks open up a new perspective on reality based on a scientific viewpoint that might seem more agreeable. To the neophyte his talks help cement notions that are starting to be glimpsed. Beyond that, once the subconscious is free of prejudice and biases to a greater extent, reality becomes increasingly malleable with less and less crutches. Franz Bardon talked about this as well. The Kybalion and the Emerald Tablets basically contain eveything you ever need to know about magic. But every time you read them at different levels of development, you will get different information.

A lot of the time scientists and mystics omit how to unleash this power in their teachings. Max Freedom Long talked about it quite explicitly, but did not give much applicable instructions. Oriental philosophies talk of nothing else to the point one might think there is no magic in them. It's all over the place. By only moving "forward", you will not find all the pieces to the puzzle.

So get backtracking boy




Tom Campbell is not a Magus.



I know. Nobody said he is.


If I want to hear the rants of retards in psychosis then I will go to a mental institition. I can get my fix in a couple minutes. Why the fuck would I dedicate hours of my life to reading a cringey schizophrenic diary?

Get a fucking job wizards.



I second this.


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>Get a fucking job wizards.


Bump for important advice.


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I do have a job but Christianity didn't help me feel fulfilled but developing my inner power did



Enjoy your suicide cringewizard


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Not all fringe is lonely. A lot of functional everyday people dive into esoterics



>subjective aesthetic ideals



I'm quite "functional", but it does feel lonely sometimes not being able to share some of this stuff at a certain level.

There's very little people who delve into it seriously.



Yeah most people aren't psycotic lunatics who believe they have magic powerz. Read your posts. You are insane.



Finally! I thought you would never quote one of my posts.


The spammer bumped that one thread about the magus off the board completely. Why?


I am going to bump this thread because of that one guy on >>>/fringemeta/ and a couple others who just don't fucking get it yet.

OP is spot on about what he's saying. The clique of shitposters here though want to disparage the fundamentals and are attracted more to muh rituals.



t. guy who works in a psychiatric ward and profits off of the death and destruction of people he gives drugs to that never actually fix them but rather hasten their deaths

How do you sleep at night knowing you are a mass-murderer and a spiritual disease?

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