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So how useful is KTK in magic? What's it good for?


Also, just a tidbit that might help someone. In manipulating the physical, you use primarily the third-eye, heart, and sacral chakra. The sacral chakra,(I believe), is the main storage unit of your creative/emotional energy, you channel this into your heart chakra, which acts as an amplifier of emotional energy, and that is focused, concentrated if you will, into the third-eye, producing a sun through a magnifying glass effect, allowing one to effect the physical.


How do I jumpstart a third eye properly? everytime I do focus on it I get strong white flashes and lots of pain in that area, aswell as headaches. What do I do?



For starters stop forcing that shit or you're going to break it. Dude, if it hurts, you don't do it.

Energy flows naturally from the lower energy centers to the higher. As you develop your lower centers, you will progress. If you try to skip steps, well, at the very least you won't progress.

So, how are you doing in terms of

>bodily strength

>meaningful relationships towards others

>balanced ego


>speaking out and having your own views regardless of other people's opinions

If you have all that shit sorted out, work on your multi-sensory visualization as per Franz Bardon's teachings and you will eventually "jumpstart". Alternatively or as a complement, practicing yoga or qi gong will help you develop your energy body as well.

What is your objective by the way? What do you want to "jumpstart" your third eye?

By the way, I have officially healed my first bleeding cut. I don't have anyone to practice, so if there's anyone out there that would need some healing and is willing to be my guinea pig, please say so.


Recently I've been getting some interesting syncs pointing towards working with the moon's energy. I traveled into the total shadow of the eclipse, and during the eclipse I performed a simple moon incantion reaching out to the waning side of the moon with the intent of repeating it multiple times. As I finished the 1st time I felt the energy hit me, sat down, and passed out twice in front of 3 friends. Since then the sun seems to be more invigorating, energy is easier to passively see, empathy is through the roof, I've been communing with plants and one even told me it's species which I triple checked just to be sure. One of my sensitive friends told me my energy was turning green with dark wisps inside.

Anyone have any traditional witchcraft/pagan advice or books? Trynna get connected to nature and pay my respects to the natural world and the cosmos.


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I want to be initiated.

I've read The Kybalion, a bit of Initiation Into Hermetics (got stuck at the practical excercises) and a bit of psionics but I'm not getting any results that can motivate me into going forward.

Is there anything else that I should be reading or practising early on?

Basically looking for a beginner's guide or recommendation of sorts.


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Nietchzebro best waifu


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Thank you man

All I need is some guidance and motivation



You can do it bro, we all started somewhere!



You can get self-initiated with the book Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course.

You don't need to continue after the first rank. The daily regime described there will jumpstart your shit. You don't need to do the theory parts.



Much appreciated!



Say, what's so useful about the Qabbalah? I hear it's pretty good once you master it.


Is this propaganda? Or the kybalion claims that all cultures have borrowed from the secret teachings of egypt is this true??



Yes, but the Egyptians got their shit from the Atlantians. All esoteric knowledge is just watered down Atlantian common sense.



I don't know, but that book basically provides a Golden Dawn initiation.

The Tree of Life is basically a model of everything. It's great for insight meditation. It's a tool for learning how to do and how to deal with stuff.

But I'm not very cultured in these matters.


Will energy work/developing my energy body make my frail physical body less weak?



In my experience, it's the other way around. Train your physical body so you can have a strong energy body too.


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I am with the boy of my dreams


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works both ways.


what was with the worker found dead for 5 days?

catch me in the EU


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Works both ways. The difference is there are plenty of documented ways you can improve your physical body and you can just eat well and go to the gym.

Knowing how to work the energy body is going to take a bit more research.




>I don't have anyone to practice, so if there's anyone out there that would need some healing and is willing to be my guinea pig, please say so.

Me but I don't know if we can meet up or not or if you can work your power at long-range.

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