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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I need to get rid of my fucking receded jaw it makes me a living joke and I'm tired of people mocking me IRL for it. What can be done to get rid of it?

It's such a small thing but it fucks up my jaw and neck and posture and basically ruins my life and how others perceive me. Fucks up my sleep too. Just totally fucks up my existence. I learned about mouthbreathing years ago and stopped that but my jaw hasn't recovered since. What can I do at 24 to set the jaw and make it normal?

If I am not mistaken some of the monks are well known for being able to reshape the physiology through various methods of people so they attain a very aesthetic and powerful form for their spirit to dwell within. I want to learn what they would have me do.


Wow, anon is using DuckDuckGo ….very OP anon!


Perhaps everyone else should follow OP's example, and throw off the chains of oppression



I've been using it for like a decade now and it has always come default on most linux distros, what is your point? It is better than searx.me.



Oh I thought you were someone giving me a hard time for using DDG because of the >>>/tech/ memes.



No DuckDuckGo is mad chill


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch this lecture to fix your face. The basic habits you need are:

>lips closed

>teeth together

>tongue on the roof of your mouth

>chew gum 3 hours per day

>lift weights



That's exactly what I've been doing for about maybe 3 years now though. Except the chewing gum part. I think it stalled and possibly slightly reversed things but I'm still stuck with a pretty crap chin.

I need some more advanced ideas to accelerate the jaw healing.



Aside from shapeshifting, maybe you could just cover it up with a beard?



Been trying to do that but can't currently grow facial hair and if my grandpa is any indicator (had no facial hair until 36 I think and still has not a single grey hair at like 70 something right now) it might be a long time before I can do so. I have been thinking about what is written in that Science of Miracles book though, maybe I could force a proper beard to grow with thoughtforming.

Does anyone here have any anecdotes, experiences, stories, etc. though concerning mending and reshaping bone?? I've found some article before about a monk that regenerated a fucked up leg but it didn't give me any real details about the chants he was using and what the meditations he was doing were centered on and so on.

I want some inspiration and to get some ideas from previous examples of people who've basically done when I'm planning on setting out to do so I will have more confidence going forward with mending my bones.



Literally none of what you mentioned can affect bone structure, like, at all.

And to the OP: shit genetics, deal with it.



It's not bone structure, it's how the face sits on the bone, which results from posture and jaw usage. Watch the video, you don't have any understanding of this topic and are disproving something nobody even argued for.



The man in the video is pure blogger snake oil. His only supposed positive results are children that had their faces shaped by orthopedics over years of time by his father. If he were marketing some sort of orthopedic surgery or device that would sculpt a face in a few years, then he'd have a case.

OPs only option is to carefully gerry rig some orthopedic contraption to his jaw or save up for a professional to break and sculpt his jaw. Maybe even implants and shit.


>wat is jaw surgery



Talk about cringe….



>If he were marketing some sort of orthopedic surgery or device that would sculpt a face in a few years, then he'd have a case.

That is literally and exactly what he is doing.



No it's not.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Holy shit, that greasy fuck is actually a doctor or something, poorly shilling his clinic.



>tfw just gone done toning jaw muscles and repositioning everything related in the final stages of throat chakra fixing the other week

but what do i know, i'm a psychotic bullshit occultist.

now if you exscuse me i'm doing to use this baller of a jawline to go suck some dick.


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>through various methods

literally raising kundalini and developing the energybody to perfection so that it will realign the physical.

but don't trust me on that, i've never had a kundalini rising and i'm full of talk, even more so now with a perfect jawline.


Neck curls, extensions, lateral bends and twists (use your hand for resistance on the latter two). Do them with chin all the way back, and all the way forward, and mouth open/clenched alternating each set. That's 4 different ways of doing it, so do 4 sets of each neck exercise.

Strengthen your jaw directly by chewing tough gum/a lot of gum, eating carrots and other difficult shit like beef jerky, and laying on your belly and using your body weight to do "chin push ups" (open mouth obviously). Also tense your entire neck/jaw as if you're trying to keep it in place, then slowly grind your chin forward with chin up and chin down. Chin down is more important, but chin up will stretch your neck and jaw so it's important.

That's it. Just do 2 - 4 sets each, 20 - 100 reps each set. 4 days a week. Have fun.


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Good day, dear /fringe/.


Thank you very much for creating this interesting thread.

I am a young man who has been struggling with various "facial deformities"-crooked teeth & nose, caries, teeth pulling, overbite, an asymmetrical, narrow and long face shape and amalgam fillings since childhood. Through this difficult time, I have gained experience in various fields (nutrition; paleo, ketogenic, vegetarian, vegan, raw food, earthing, detoxification, orthomolecular medicine, cold showers, "superfoods", supplements, reverse hair loss, deformation, dieting, fasting, physical exercise and sports) to help not only myself, but also other people, so that they do not make the same mistakes as I do.

To reach as many people as possible, I created a thread and put this information together in several posts. If you and / or someone else is interested in it, he / she can take a look. Maybe this is helpful. Would be very happy to hear from you.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: /fit/res/124004.html

All the best.



How long does it take?


I have an underbite instead of an overbite. I read online that's also very bad for your body and makes mental health problems. Please help.



I saw a thread awhile back here that said somethning about pushing one's tongue against the roof of the mouth/above front teeth and making some kinda suction and that that'll eventually push things forward…


googling " pushing one's tongue against the roof of the mouth/above front teeth and making some kinda suction and that that'll eventually push things forward…"

got me here


so I'd try googling tongue posture and stuff too



You don't need to focus on alternative ways to fix this. Simple surgery can do it.

I had a friend in high school who literally had no chin. He didn't have many friends, but I saw him like 10 years after the end of school and he had surgery and he looked unrecognisable, and like an actual human being.

Why not focus on getting the money for surgery and explore your options that way.


You don't need to focus on esosteric solutions when you can just solve it using modern science.

If you can't get surgery where you are, go somewhere else where you can.

If you really need esosteric solutions, try using esosteric methods to get the money and doctors you need.


start mewing if you havent already. as this anon said >>106105

but also be sure to keep your head upright when walking, and keep your neck strong. when walking your abs should be slightly tensed, else your spine flexes backwards and your head is pushed forward to counterbalance

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