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File: 56dab0b76e396bf⋯.jpg (650.49 KB, 1418x848, 709:424, scorched_earth_by_arcipell….jpg)


Can we have a thread about homebrewn rituals / mantras / hypnotic scripts? For example, here's something I wrote for a simple ritual I made for creating and solidifying thoughtforms (the ritual is done in the mindscape):

The time has come, astral creature, for you to be.

From all that surrounds us, I weave thee into this astral plane.

You will grow forth from all that is; be born; become.

So I will, so it shall be.

From the nature of what surrounds us, a crude, empty vessel is created,

I carve it deliberately as to make it unique,

From my split soul, I give a selected piece, so it may grow and become your own.

With it I grant you knowledge, conscience and power;

With it I grant you will, identity, and the ability to pursue your purpose;

With it I grant you life.

So I will, so it is.

Now you are, astral one, born into this world of ours;

born into the mind planes eternal and infinite,

Made from the same eternal and infinite substance.

May you be strong and influential;

May you be useful and fulfilled;

May you be yourself;

So I will, so you are.

Any sort of rituals are welcome, and you're free to describe gestures or actions you take during it. I thought it'd be fun to know how people use rituals.


I don't talk about my rituals because they are specific to me and I don't want people tapping into the built-up power I have invested into them.

Basically, same reasons Franz Bardon says not to share your personal rituals.




To know, to will, to dare, to keep silent.


I wrote one some time ago, but it seems to have disappeared (nobody bothered to answer anyway).

This is not mine, but it's basically the same thing. You can whip up a ritual of any kind using these principles. Emotion is not the only fuel available for this, but it's perhaps the most abundant.

>>77811 (checked)



fuck off bullshit occultist




Why did I think I was going to get different answers? It's called symbolism, you retards.

Jesus, this fucking board.

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