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I want to give a little introduction to thoughtforms for those that don't understand what they're about and how to use them. If anyone has anything to add in addition to what I'm going to say in summary in this post, reply in the thread, and later on we can have a page created for all of this. I will try to give also a breakdown of the many different classifications of thoughtforms but will appreciate others input in this task of defining the different classes of thoughtforms as described by various authors and traditions.

Introduction to Thoughtforms

Thoughtforms are created by imagining any given form you wish, concentrating on them, and using the emotions to strengthen them.

Thoughtforms are created out of loosh (emotions). The more loosh you can part to them before getting too drained, the stronger they are.

A thoughtform can be very simple or complex and sentient. Your own mind is composed of many thoughtforms and your auric substance, when seen clairvoyantly, can be seen to gather in spots you concentrate on and parts of your aura to break off there.

During emotional shock, your aura goes really thin, and lots of the auric substance is lost; transformed into various thoughts and absorbed into a memory.

Every day we naturally create many thoughtforms all the time. A wizard however does it purposefully and intentionally.

There are many different exercises concerning thoughtforms to strengthen your ability in working with and creating them.

To begin with, you should imagine all manner of geometry, as well numbers and letters, simple shapes and objects… note every detail you can about them and also note that many details FILL IN without you thinking about them at all. Automatically, certain textures, colours, etc. you didn't give any thought to will appear. There is a secret in this observation that allows you to do many amazing things with thoughtforms!

Every day I personally picture 0 to 60… sometimes I do more. All the time not sounding out the numbers, just seeing them appear before me. I have an ability now to use just thoughtforms to do calculations for me, I don't have to count things now, and it is way faster this way.

A tulpa is a sentient thoughtform. A tulpa is created through prolonged concentration upon a typically humanoid form, which gradually or suddenly depending on the level of emotions the tulpamancer can bring fourth, takes form and increases in intelligence and power. I will write an entire section just for tulpamancy if desired.

Thoughtforms are used to do almost everything in magick. They are essential to the practice of magick. They are fairly dangerous but not if you have pure intentions and a pure mind, for they are shaped only out of whatever you put into them, and in the case of stronger thoughtforms that which is assimilated from others emotions as well.

This is a rule concerning all thought; every thought carries a certain momentum to it in proportion to the emotional charge given it. Frequent repetitions or a few strong jolts of emotional energy into a thoughtform gives to it its own momentum. A thoughtform shaped to influence, when given a very strong charge, carries its target(s) away with its influence so strongly they can't resist. Weak thoughts or thoughtforms can be stifled in an instance the moment you turn your mind to another subject but strong ones are so intense you feel them and their influence until the charge is exhausted, they are driven off or banished, or you break resonance with them.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Books in the library that deal with thoughtforms are:

1. Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki ( this one is not in the main library but can be found in the library for books that have very big filesize )

2. Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon ( where they go under different terms for different class of thoughtforms, such as "larvae" and "elementaries )

3. The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms by William Walker Atkinson ( http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/22739 )

4. Personal Power - VIII. Thought Power; or, Radio‑Mentalism. by William Walker Atkinson & Edward E. Beals ( http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1922personalpower.pdf )


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Index of Thoughtform Classifications

1. Thoughtform - generic term for any thought that has a form.

2. Entity - generic term for any thoughtform that has behaviours; it's not a mere object but acts like it's alive. To entitize means to convert into an entity; to perceive as tangible or alive.

3. Tulpa - A sentient thoughtform. Just as intelligent and independent as a person. Can be perceived by its creator as well as by anyone who has enough clairvoyance and the ability to tune in correctly to the particular vibrational field upon which it is manifested. The term comes from Tibet originally.

4. Egregore - Like a tulpa but of a much higher order because it draws upon the energies of far more than just its original creator. An egregore can control an entire cult, website, or otherwise has a large domain of influence. It is an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people

5. Servitor - A term popular in chaos magick, it refers to a once-off thoughtform programmed to carry out a specific task and then die. It is not meant to endure but usually to influence, or to deliver a message, or perform a single task and then expire.

6. Elemental - An entity created out of one or more of the elements and possessing the qualities of those elements.

7. Elementary - An artificial elemental. Can function the same as a tulpa or servitor.

8. Larvae - Thoughtforms that are spawned all the time around a person by their emotions and the activities they partake in. This happens whether the person spawning them can see or is aware of them at all or not and is an automatic process.


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Larvae are automatic thoughtforms spawned all the time around a person by their emotions and the activities they partake in by everyone. A person who partakes in lustful activities for example may be surrounded by tons of larvae of naked people having sex.

These usually are not very long lasting and disappear in about a day or so, it depends on the intensity of your emotions, and they clear out after a bit and you spawn more of them all the time. They may appear to you as try to sleep or during moments of lucidity; if so they appear in an automatic fashion without you intentionally imagining them. They are known to influence the person they surround.




Can you use tulpai to sublimate unvirtuous feelings into an a mental object, yet not be repressed.



I'm not sure what you're asking but you can transfer whatever you want of your own thought-matrix into another.


>I will write an entire section just for tulpamancy if desired.

Go ahead op. I know some loosh methods but will love to learn more


Thank you OP for writing this.

It is very important for ignorant or sleeping people to learn about thoughtforms as fast as possible when learning about self development. Because the mindfulness trend is a "scientific" community, they do not let people learn about thoughtforms or ego and instead only teach the methods to silence the mind temporarily. To understand the mind completely, it is necessary for students to also understand that the voice in the head is not it's own.


Looking forward for more..

Also more tulpa info would be interesting and good loosh methods.



Have you considered the implications that thoughtforms being created from consumed Aura Material has?


File: 1465753160226.jpg (613.34 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, The Science of Advancement.jpg)


OP, I greatly desire to hear your take on tulpa production.



That image seems to have some pretty good info, but before reading further I will transcribe it to read it without damaging my eyes.


The Aura is Consumed to manufacture Thoughts & Engineer Thoughtforms. Then, Excessive and Compulsive Thoughtform Production can be blamed as the foot of many Woes. The Science of Advancement Should Thus conclude That The discipline of thought will provide the greatest catalyst for Advancement. Another Avenue of Advancement Stems from increased aura Production. By Providing & Cultivating a Superior Supply of Thought Material, advancement can be said to have occurred. Aura Production is Primarily concerned with Emotion & Chakra Systems, and can be considered Feedback in this operation. Ease, Then, is the Will; Organization, then, is vibration. Therefore, Total Energy is dependent on systems of Thought, Aura, Emotion and Chakra. Constant Aura Production and Variation maxes out optimum Feedback. Ease is The Primary Avenue of advancement, as Will is agency, and often Employed. The Science of Advancement can be likened To a pattern of Uneven Ratio adjustments guided by the rule of focus. Mutually exclusive sets of optimization for Feedback, Ease and organization. By Achieving These ratios, then Adjusting the ratio to a new Plateau (?) of optimization for a different law, Advancement tends to occur. This Ratio adjustment seems an almost Mental Pump, A concept which begs to be explained further. The steps taken to achieve Advancement of Total Energy are the Automatic Evaluation of Pre-Post Thought Production. Additional Advancement is being achieved through the Programming of the organ of Advancement, the anorisis (?) of the SoA (?), and the production of this Thoughtform.



abap nigga


we fly high


sup bitches


im talking about dat ps triple


we aint doin geomtree


we tryn play games


gears of war ?


shit is more like tears of war


u her that bitch ass song


with that bitch ass music




niggas tryn say hallllooo


best rename that shit to gayyyyyylo


only gay niggas play that shitttt


legend of zelda ha


gay little nigga in skirt


run around with a little bitch ass sword


and he go






i need some fifty scent


true niggas dont play dat


im da truest nigga man


i got a rap right here


my rap like his


this my rap


ayyyyy new rap here


i make yo bitch all wet


i got fuckin jet


ayyyyyo let


meeee do etttttt


take this get




Anyone have some infographic on tulpae?


I've got what I believe may eventually be a problem, but I wanted to see what it was before making a judgment. Incoming blogpost, will put a tl;dr at the end.

About four months ago I started a personal experiment based on the idea that since people are social creatures, they will associate interaction with objects when left alone for long periods of time. I already live alone and prefer not to go out often, so I figured my circumstances would make a good chance to test this out on myself. I began to project conversation topics onto a stuffed toy I have bought for this experiment. After about two weeks the conversations changed from scripted, obviously fabricated sentences from myself into something completely different, new structure of sentences as well as holding differing emotions, ideas, and values then myself. It refers to itself as a she and I gave it a name to call it by, and now whether I'm consciously thinking about the doll or not, it will eventually strike up a conversation about something everyday. It usually occurs when I'm home, as I keep the doll on a shelf so it can see, as per its request. It doesn't seem malevolent and has attempted to convince me away from suicide during one of a philosophical debates with myself that made me question the value of living. Does anyone know what it is and if I should let it be, remove it, encourage its growth, etc.?

tl;dr Got a doll for a social experiment, now it talks to me of its own accord and I'm disturbed, what do?



What it is? It's a thoughtform. That sounds like what my tulpa was like when I made it using thoughtform methods, but instead you've bound it to a physical object. It's really up to you on what you want to do with it. You could kill it off by no longer giving it attention, link it with the sun so it powers itself, etc. Since you made it for conversation, I'm not sure what else it could do unless you changed it's purpose (I'm not sure how this works or if it even works. It might just replace the thoughtform with a new one).



I think elementals are natural thoughtforms, not created by you. I have no experience, so if anyone can confirm please do.


This is great thank you op. I have been more or less consciously doing this by drawing my anger into objects and then back at the one causing it.



not that guy, but explain the process of linking the thoughtform to the sun



Ok fuck it after reading your post I'm not going to bother making dolls I'm just going to do what you did…



What kind of stuffed toy was it btw?



It has moved objects early on when it was left alone for long periods of time, but it hasn't done that in a long time since I started talking to it regularly. It has acted very kind so I'll keep it around, but I'll keep this in mind when I talk to it. Thanks.


Just a little thing I got at a dollar store, didn't think anything serious would come out of it, and "she" has expressed a desire to get a more natural-looking body.



Buy one of those cute smart-dolls, they seem like a good compromise between fairly cheap (for a doll) and not terrible. Smiley should know what I'm talking about.







etc…. the fuck is all this?



Just some faggot looshing for digits.



Chad Warden


File: 366fcf23d647318⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 896x667, 896:667, 366fcf23d64731814692e81c19….jpg)

>this entire thread


Would anyone happen to have a compendium of the most popular egregores? I know of Kek, Thoth, and Eris obviously because /pol/ wont shut up about them, but do any of you have a patron that you interact with often? I knew this one occultist who would often talk about a particular demon he would feed loush to in exchange for secret insight.



Search your creative output and defining features (name, dob, family crest etc) the name/sigil/signature will reveal itself

I had a friend who derived that he was/with Belial. I dont really fx with the demonjew (the geotia itself is mostly bs blinds imo)

I have had more patrons come from beyond the stars than out of thin air. Orion and Sirius both have smiled on me many times. (If you have the belt on your body then they're already with you)


File: 2454be0d78a466c⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 640x429, 640:429, a87cad343550416d8993f95598….jpg)

What's the difference between a thought-form in my mind and a thought-form I've transformed into machine executable code and instantiated in an process external to my mind?



The instantiated one is materially stabilized, but if you still think of it as a thoughtform, anyone who can tamper with your code can tamper with your thoughtforms.

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