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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I need help dealing with my mother or at least to hear the stories of others concerning their mothers.

Mine makes my life hell. It is like being under house arrest. She never lets me talk to other people including people at stores, on the streets, the police, etc. She questions me about everything, every unsolicited phone call, any time I try to leave the house, comments people make around me, etc. She stalks me at work and does random check ups on me. She stays awake all night and keeps checking in on me, not sleeping until she thinks I'm asleep, and in doing this causes me to never get sleep because of the constant anxiety and her coming in and disrupting my attempts to relax. She constantly yells at me and is never pleased with anything. She hates my father and gets 4 thousand a month from him every month and yet somehow always spends that all before the month is over and says we don't have any money then takes my money from me. I can't leave the home because she controls all my money, controls everything in my life, won't let me gain any friends, treats me like a slave, is obese and lazy and forces me to do everything for her so I can't ever study or work at any jobs other than odd job shit because I can't keep a real job as she always sabotages it. I feel utterly trapped in this situation and it is exhausting me and making me feel horrible despair that because of her leeching and exploitation I will never be able to make a life worth living and will just become a 30 yo virgin slaving away for my mother who will never be happy and treat me like shit always. I have tried to talk to social services and police and it got nowhere and besides I can barely ever reach for a phone or find a way to do anything unmonitored. She has cut my internet before and tried to apply filters on the internet and so on but I have found ways around it. I need some serious advice on how to fucking escape this nightmare. My mother has ruined this family and won't let me escape her insanity.


As soon as i look at the tittle i thought this would be a joke thread, but now i just want to gave you some sort of hug…

if you want some one that can hear you everynow and then, writte me at




Personally I'd rather fend for myself rather live in some house with some extremely overbearing Oedipal mother. It honestly sounds like you need to tell her to fuck off and get out of there. If she tries to take any of your money don't give her it, voice your dissatisfaction and refuse to give her any information, tell her your leaving and never coming back because you think she is insane.

Maybe you have another family member or a friend who can help you out and give you somewhere else to stay for a bit then get a new job and try to pay in to somewhere. Moving out of my mothers place was the best thing I ever did, it was hard and very inconvenient at first, but in the end 100% worth it, I probably would of killed her or something I didn't get out.


Your potential must be indeed great if you have been presented such a challenge.

First of all, know that you are not in your position by chance, you are exactly where you need to be at this point in your development.

With this in mind, know also you can overcome ANYTHING. First, get rid of that outlook. Your mother smothers you? So what? You are no victim, you could handle TWO like her, take care of your elderly grandma and work two jobs, because such is your potential and your power.

So, ignore how dire the situation is, because you have dwelled enough already in that crap. You came into this life for a reason, get to work. Find the wiggle room, work as many sit jobs as you can and give your mom all the money you earn. From now on, she's your guardian and jailer. Yeah, you heard me. You need to accept the position life had put you in to its ultimate conclusion, not only in action, but in thought as well. You are not going to starve and you have a roof, so work with what you have. Stop resisting.

Your mom thinks of you as an obese? Well, that's because you are, at least, unfit. Find a prison routine you can do at home and start exercising every day until people notice it.

Put your soul into it. Like you have nothung else to do in your life, because you don't.

Come back in a year and we'll review.

If you add much as feel the need to post in this thread ever again, you shouldn't even be in this board. Go back to r9k and wallow on your mundane misery.

Are you a man or are you a god?



Fuck. Damn keyboard.


Get some dough from your dad (since he gives your mom 4000 a month). If he's reluctant, describe the fucking hell you are living in: hopefully he'll be compassionate.

Then, with some starter money move out to a new place where your mother cant find you. Get a job and build your own life.



Everything you will sling at me "but my mom will find out" are just excuses and safeguards that have been crafted by you and your mom in the interaction between you and your mom, You control your own life.




Get out. Stop giving her your money, go hungry if you have to.

Save all you can so you can leave ASAP.



I think your mother may have narcissistic personality disorder, possibly to an extreme extent.

If she is controlling your income, you have to leave by any means necessary. Contact a shelter, perhaps a spousal abuse shelter, or a youth hostel in your area and stay there for a few days/weeks, Explain your situation, and from there you will have an anchoring point.

Your mother will probably try to find you/ stalk you. It may be necessary to get a restaining order at this point.





I think if he runs away from the problem without confronting it, he will keep encountering it in different forms throughout his life.

His relationship with his mother is broken. There are already too many people running around who have unresolved issues with their parents, don't you think?

I know I'm risking stepping on someone else's own issues of this kind, but still, don't you think it makes sense to take responsibility of the unpleasantness of life instead of pinning it to a crazy mom?



I'm saying this because I did exactly that, get out of my parents house because my relationship with my dad was hell.

Well, it took me five or six years of my unresolved issues following me everywhere to realize I actually had to learn the lesson I was supposed to learn and own it. My father's attitude changed overnight after that, as if he had turned into a different person, and I could continue with my life.


Not trying to offend, but I think you are all giving him reddit-tier mundane advise.


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Oh, since you asked, I can't give you my story with my mother because she is the usual overprotective mom.

My dad, however, that's a different story. He is narcissistic as fuck, and was diagnosed at a certain point with a schizoid disorder (not quite schizophrenic, but with a loose hold on reality, I think he would've made a great magician if he hadn't bought into the materialist trap). He dropped his meds because according to him, the psychiatrist didn't know shit.

He got me working for him as early as 14 years old, and controlled every cent I made. I was very afraid of him because he was very strict bringing me up, so even when I was in my twenties I was subconsciously afraid to go against him in anything.

He also administered my free time. He decided what was worthy of my free time and what was "wasting your time". He would have me working on holydays "because you have nothing better to do than waste your time" with videogames or going out. At least he let me study in peace. But only what he deemed good enough. He dissuaded me from studying physics and had me major in English instead (it took me 10+ years).

The tension between the two of us increased non-stop over time, to the point of having physical fights. My life was hell. I had no control over my money, my time, or even my thoughts or opinions, since he also determined what was OK to think and what wasn't. My mother was complicit, since she had been struggling with his personality for decades (and still is) and decided the best thing was to pretend there is not a problem, rather than face it.

I was fat, I barely avoided ending up a virgin in my 20s by sheer luck and persistence, I was miserable, skinnyfat, unskilled, poor and I hated the world.

So I ran out. I went to live with a relative. This started the worst years of my life. I won't go into details, but it was hell. In short, my father's ghost followed me everywhere inside my head and in my relationships with others. I had distanced from him physically, but I had never really confronted the suffering he inflicted upon me.

I got into relationships with girls that treated me like he had in the past. Teachers, bosses, "friends"… They all threw the same shit at me.

Nowadays my dad is still the same jackass to everyone else. Except me. He's nice to me, and I can tell he's proud, even if a bit annoyed at times that I might be "better" than him in certain aspects. My life went from depressing shithole to bliss.

Every single instance of suffering in life is a lesson you have to learn sooner or later, in this cycle or in another.

The responsibility is always yours, and so is the solution.

99% of the time removing your ego from the equation will show you the way. Meditate and learn how to stop identifying with your ego. That's all the advice I can really give you, because the lesson is yours to learn and I have no idea how far along you are.

I will say, however, that while you figure out how to put your life in order, you stop resisting and pay attention to why your life is shit. What are you doing or not doing that makes your life like that? It's not your mom. It's never the other. It's always in your hands.

Good luck.

To everyone in this thread telling him to run away I must ask you, why are you falling back to the feisty mindset of the ego? Are you not wizards, witches, men of god, sorcerers, druids, meme manipulators, thelemites? Why are you falling back to "get a restraining order", "control your income", "contact a shelter", "ask for money to your dad".

>Everything you will sling at me "but my mom will find out" are just excuses and safeguards that have been crafted by you and your mom in the interaction between you and your mom, You control your own life.

That is a very important point, though. But keep in mind that before you can control your own life, you must own your problems and stop crying while pointing at others and saying "but it's them that make my life hard".


I don't know where to start, the parts where I were left outside from dawn to dusk at age 3-6 unattended, no/little food, being coerced against my will to punch a girl my age that mother didn't like the look of, being forced to sit still for hours (if let inside) with nothing to play with but my mind while she was playing "THE FLOOR IS WET I'M CLEANING DON'T FUCKING MOVE KID I WILL BEAT THE EVERLIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU", her constant, ever present terror of a presence, my fathers downbeat resigned attitude and terror of hearing her shrrrrRRRIIIEEEEEeeking "DID YOU JUST FUCKING GO TO THE TOILET/GET A BEER/WATER, THIS SPOT ISN'T WET/CLEAN", all to impose control, coupled with eyes that could convey malice that puts any wizard on this board to shame when it comes to projecting energy, a look of seconds and you had a splitting headache or your neck would be under so much stress there was no other option (because of the tangible physical pain) than to lower ones head like an abused animal trembling in primal fear.

When I was six my younger sister came to be, when she was two my youngest sister came to be, this was also when my father, unhappy in his engagement had an affair during a work trip, as if taken from a movie it was a late night with lightning and thunder, I was placed on a carpet and watched as she frantically screamed and hit herself every time the lightning cut the phone connection, she wanted him on the phone, she could feel it, she knew he had put his dick in someone else and I saw in her eyes, and I knew, at five and a half years old, she considered ending my life to get revenge on him, the only thing stopping her being the consequences of such an action.

Things went downhill from there, she made it her quest to ruin me out of spite for my father.

Six months later we moved from the terrace house, where we had little to no contact with our neighbors, to a secluded house in the woods.

Few things changed, with a new school, being "weird" and being an outsider I was quickly singled out for bullying and had to fight tooth and nail to keep them off me, daily, as kids are they sensed my weakness and insecurity. I fought like a madman and chased them up the roof of the school, most would think twice before bullying a second time, some didn't, by the age of seven I knew how to fight but hated it. I was in pain, why would I want others to feel like I did?

Moving into the new house she started drinking heavily, she substituted her means of control from cleaning mania to heavy alcohol abuse, acting out her twisted ideas during the guise that she remembered nothing from the deliriums, falling asleep on the floor in her own piss, at first I believed it and made a separation between her two states, her normal, malicious self and her even more evil drunk persona which would take me by the hair and drag me into my room at 17:00 - 18:00 and tell me to go to bed. I wasn't allowed to make a sound, if she noticed I was awake she would hit me, she would sneak up on the door and quickly open it to see if I was asleep. I had no computer, no phone, no contact with the outside world, I was all alone, with books that I weren't allowed to read.

I would read quietly for hours on high alert for the smallest squeak signaling she was preying on me, with sometimes only a second or two to spare before the door was flung open, I stuffed the book under my pillow and pretended to sleep, then I kept reading until there wasn't enough sunlight for me to distinguish the letters, straining my eyes to read in the dark.

There was no key or lock to the door, what kept me in place was the promise of pain.


There was no privacy, she would supervise me taking a shit until I was seven and left no paper in there so that she could wipe me, which she did halfhearted, I always left the toilet with an itchy ass that drove me crazy. She would herd me and my sisters into the shower and give us a cold, hectic rinse off then toss us into our rooms without clothes, cold and vulnerable. This continued until I was 11 and demanded to shower alone.

To this day I spend half an hour or more in the shower, its where I feel peace, the only place where I feel free and alone.

I remember one time when she didn't bother to take the time to shower me and instead place me next to her when she was to shower, the water I got splashed off me was second hand droplets from her which left me half warm half cold, freezing I huddled under her in an attempt to get wet all over to stop the the cold. I'm pretty sure she pissed on me then, perhaps not intentionally but she didn't care enough to tell me to stand a bit back. I was seven.

By the time I was ten, maybe eleven she had started picking on my sisters, dragging them along holding their hair (a trademark move that left no telltale signs), pinching them until they screamed as only children can cry out in pain. No neighbors. I hated it. I hated her for it, so I fought back, I took upon myself as much as I could and more to protect my sisters which only seemed to make her enjoy it even more.

By the time I was ten I had been praying to God and the biblical Devil all their angels and demons, to ease my suffering, my prayers were always unanswered and I often fell asleep crying, wishing for death, for an end to it all, my only reason to push on the determination to take all the punishment I could to keep it away from my sisters.

Through all of this my father was powerless, he would see us get beaten and would look at the floor in fear that a stray look would cause her to throw a plate through a window which would have him work even harder, from eight in the mornings to eleven in the dark of night. At home he was a broken man, a coward, his shoulders resigned. Age eleven, maybe twelve, I came to resent him for his weakness but with an understanding that he was equally powerless as I was. He got no sleep, she would play music loud enough to burst eardrums throughout the nights, she would randomly punch him while sleeping, she would open one of the kids doors and force him to sleep through our cries for help.

I started fighting back around this age, eleven, first it was calling her names and she would go sobbing to father, "The kids hate me" with theatrical skills to put any blockbuster to shame. I was still a small, skinny kid but soon enough I started fighting back with physical violence. Many times I would imagine stabbing her repeatedly, but I am not evil like she is, I never had it in me to do cruelty.


The first time I pushed her back, to give me space, to get rid of her vice grips around my arms leaving bruises she smiled as if she had won. She started pitting me against my father. My father never hit me but when she cried wolf he would come running, tail between his legs in fear that, if he did not, she would break every window in the house or ramp up the terror.

At age 14 she kissed me, she put her tongue in my mouth and I could taste the alcohol, it was one of the most violating things I have ever had done to me. I don't believe it affected my sexuality as that aspect of me was nonexistent until I turned 20 and had sex for the first time, for seven hours straight with a pause of twenty minutes for food and a shower. Literally fucked her dry but I was still broken and there were no emotion to it, just carnal pleasure. I found out I couldn't cum if there were no emotions involved so I went back to doing energywork.

There physical violence did slow down, as if she got off on being hit but there were still fights on the regular. I dreaded weekends because she would get drunk and start a fight that took its tolls on my body and soul and the day after when she had sobered up she would make breakfast and smile as if nothing had ever happened.

I was emotionally dead by the time I was thirteen, I felt nothing. There was a void where my heart should have been, a hollow nothing. I had never felt love and had become a sociopath per definition due to upbringing. I had grown a bit more, enough to meet her eyes and when she started her circus acts I would, while not go all out, certainly not hold back. An eye for an eye. I still don't know if my words hurt her. I don't think so. One time somewhere during this period, or maybe I was twelve, I managed to reach whatever semblance of humanity was behind her cold dead eyes, I asked her why she was so mean, I forced her hand in this, I asked why she kept hurting us and she started crying, reeking of alcohol, big crocodile tears which I first didn't believe, but she kept at it and made me pity her, I wanted to believe her so bad, she was my mother after all. I hugged her and I felt.. something, that maybe there is hope.

The day after it was all forgotten and upon realizing it was all theatrics, what little remnants of emotions I had almost all died then and all the emotions I had for her was gone, she was now nothing to me.

She stopped being as physical because I would punch, push and kick her back, never with true intent to hurt as one punches when shattering someones cheekbone because every time I struck her it hurt me more than her and she knew it.

The alcohol and aging didn't do her well, by the time I was fourteen she would gasp for breath lying on the floor in her own piss because of the copious amounts of alcohol she consumed, and no doubt because of internal injuries, my father had been starting to push her back and sometimes she would fall in the most serious manner.

Gasping for breath, the first couple of times, we were worried that she would die but we quickly started hoping that she would and I considered smothering her with a pillow while defenseless, I would have gotten away with it, again, I couldn't, I am not like her. She never died. The old lizard was tough as nails.

Aged 15 I got a computer, for school, and I found the chans, it is thanks to anonymous that I am still alive, it brought me company and friends for the first time ever.

By the time I was 16 I was done. I had been fighting her and depression since forever and decided that, now when my two year younger sister could fend for herself and in turn our youngest sister it was time to take care of myself. I started looking inwards to resolve all the problems she had caused and dropped her completely, she was not in my world, not in my presence, where she walked was air, I would not reply to her, I would not acknowledge her. She was for all intents and purposes dead.

While I was fighting away suicide my two year younger sister would do what I never could, kick our mother when she was down. My sister made our mother fear for her life and soon after she left the household, when she returned two months after, having visited her drinking buddies she was fucking on the regular she was not let in by my sister, denied at the door she left again and we didn't hear from her until she wanted money. Dad took a loan on the house and bought her out.

For a year there was complete silence in the household, nobody dared to say out loud the thought that it was all actually over. We spoke in soft voices, afraid that anything loud might wake up some ghost.

I was so incredibly broken and only through sheer willpower and self hate did I purge all that I was to became something else, a person that can feel, one that can love.

Do unto others what you want done to you.



Get away from your mother, you are being abused.


I always knew instinctively that she was an obstacle to be overcome, as a child I had prophetic dreams that would play out and a few ones that carry a special meaning, one dream in particular showed me how I got to see what would play out and I chose to live this life.

I have paid my karma in full for stepping down to Earth and all good that come hereafter is a reward for shouldering all of this in place of someone else.


Now, OP, I've answered yours, you answer mine, why do you put up with your mothers despicable behavior?

All you have to do is to not accept it.


It was not entirely my sisters "fault" that mother left. Once she meant nothing to me she could have no more fun and had no more purpose. All that she had invested, in making a plaything to abuse was unraveled the moment her words, even actions gave no response.



>Your mom thinks of you as an obese? Well, that's because you are, at least, unfit. Find a prison routine you can do at home and start exercising every day until people notice it.

How did you get that out of what I wrote? She is obese and tremendously lazy. I'm skin and bones.



What if the lesson is to stop letting people take advantage of and exploit you and to just break away though?


I am trying to meet up with this one police officer if I can find him on patrol again in his usual area during a moment I won't be monitored by mother to talk about the situation. I've had these issues for years and years and tried the non-resistance route and it's just made things worse.


The first thing that happens when I come home with any money is my mom immediately confronts me and takes it from me. I can't save any fucking money. She always has to know how much I made and to search me and take it from me. I make $50 dollars yesterday and she immediately questioned me about it and took it. I try to hide money and so on and she screams at me and forces me to give it up. She has taken everything I have ever made for years from me. I need to somehow escape while having unfortunately no money at all and find someone that will take me in for awhile so I can recover from all this never ending abuse, get proper rest and nutrition, and find a job and start a life way the fuck away from my mother. I had one other sibling that also lived with me and my mother did all the same shit to her as to me but she managed to find a job one day on the other side of the continent and to fuck off and has never been heard from again. After that though my mom doubled down on me as she is determined not to lose me as well as she won't have a slave anymore to do absolutely everything for her while she sits down and grows into jabba the hut and wastes all of my father's money plus my own money.



> There was no key or lock to the door, what kept me in place was the promise of pain.

Before my last post my mother has bursted in 3 times demanding what I'm doing as I rapidly switch tabs and pretend I'm just watching youtube.

There is no lock here. Her own room is the only one with a lock. All other rooms have no lock and she doesn't allow there to be one. So she can lock herself in her own room when she wants to but everyone else can be terrorized by her coming in at any time and there's nothing that can be done.

I am also constantly on high alert for her and I use a fan strategically to create white noise to mask the sound of typing and so on.






How old are you? Before you confront her make sure you're ok off if you just bounce.

What are the consequences if you just stop answering her? Is it possible to talk to your dad?

In these situations, I've learned from hindsight, its best to be brave. Contact your father, tell him of your situation, ask if its possible to take legal action so that he can stop paying her money.


>ok off

What I mean by that is, take any valuables that you can sell off, make sure you can move your PC so she doesn't block that in the door, have your essentials and everything that means anything to you.

If you were to walk out the door today, what would you need? What would you want? What could you sell?

You're already earning your own money, ask to stay with a friend and explain your situation, ask to stay with your dad in secret. Relatives. Shelter. Anything.

If you want out, you can. There is always an option.


What does she even spend it on? I bet its not things for you, things to stuff her mouth with or filing her nails at shops?



The vice grips thing my mother does and she has long painted nails that ridiculous amounts of my father's money gets spent on painting them because she won't just do it herself. Want to say more but she's hounding me right now and I can barely go onto this tabbb


I think this is a situation where you have to stand it or cut all ties because there is no middle ground.

Whatever you decide to do, run away, feed her rat poison, staying home a few more years until you graduate, curse her to death or curse her with conscience, it will all work out.

Find someone who can help you to talk to, maybe the school psychiatrist? What about her parents?

Take care of yourself.


ffs she's threatening to cut my internet again



I dropped out of school long ago because of her shit and I'm in my mid 20s. I should have got the fuck out of here lonnngggg ago but didn't.



Don't react, she wants a reaction.


Then this is your lesson in life that you yourself chose. Do something about it or don't.

I strongly suggest you just fuck off and make it your duty to make sure your father stops paying those checks.


Shit in her cereal and take with your everything that isn't nailed to the floor before you go.



>I was emotionally dead by the time I was thirteen, I felt nothing. There was a void where my heart should have been, a hollow nothing. I had never felt love and had become a sociopath per definition due to upbringing

I too have had this complete emotional deadness growing up.



Its a defense mechanism to cope.

Break ties for fucks sake!


And if you can't because of circumstances or because you're to weak right now, summon all the shitty feels shes causing you and curse her with a migraine that makes a brainartery pop.


Just do something. Anything. Don't be a passive little bitch. You said it yourself, you should have done something long ago, whats stopping you?



>What if the lesson is to stop letting people take advantage of and exploit you and to just break away though?

Yes, that is possible. However, we don't know if that's the case with OP.

Sometimes the lesson might be to speak up for yourself, sometimes it might be to shut the fuck up and learn to submit. That's why our advice needs to be limited (we don't want to project our own cases onto him, like I did in my first response and you did in yours). That's why in the end I just told him to own the issue and see where that took him.

If the suffering disappears, lesson learned. Otherwise, try again.


On the contrary, have you asked her why she is, from your perspective, a rude bitch?

Furthermore, could it be because you're in your mid twenties and live at home?

I don't think this is the case, more likely you're living at home because shes smothering you which is another reason to break free.



Parental identity theft is a thing

she probably stole her son's identity while he was still legally enslaved to her and uses it to keep him enslaved



Running away in this situation is confronting the problem.

OP only needs to find the courage and that is the challenge.


Sell everything you have. Sell anything of hers you can. Convert it all to cash. Withdrawl all her money. Put some clothes and essentials in a backback or easily cartyable bag. Just walk out and don't look back, get as far away as possible. Leave a note stating why you did this and that if she does manage to track you down you will kill her as you fear for your life and you feel it would be justifiable self defense under the circumstances. Sign it plainly with just your given name. Tbh.


Don't run away without some plan. I don't advise running. Your mother seems simpleminded enough to map out and understand the entirety of her behavior. Stop anthropomorphizing her. See the robotic pattern she has lost her mind to. Stop expecting her to live up to your standards or to love you how you like. She can't. She's stuck that way. It's all on you to change your lives.



I get the feeling you have never dealt with a psychopath before, they are not human, they literally do not posses that which makes a human being human, they are entirely incapable of feeling empathy.


If OP's mother is such a creature* Sure sounds like it, but it is also the worst thing to apply to another human being, I can't know.



If OP's description is accurate there is only one way to deal with a person like his mother other than leaving. By killing them. His mother is a soulless animal, the best thing OP can do is fuck right out of there, being a dirty starving vagrant is better than being under the control of a soulless creature like that. People like OP's mother would die in a just world.





There's only one way to settle this. OP needs to make a video recording of his day and upload it.

He's lived like this for over two decades. She's not psychopathic and this is easily bearable, you stupid fucks.



>oy vey you've lived in an abusive relationship for 20 years goy just spread your ass cheeks and use lube stop being a baby

Legitimately kill yourself



reading through this thread at the present


all of my hostility is focused on said imagined conspiracy network if it is in fact imagined

if there is no conspiracy network actively persecuting me (such as for political reasons or reasons concerning law enforcement)

….then i have no reason to try to intimidate and obfuscate

if you are all here with honest intentions…just average everyday people, not carrying out any sort of persecuting, organized agenda

then i show no hostility towards y'all



then i have no hostility towards y'all*


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The Agenda will stop at nothing to destroy you. We are your masters, you will bow at our feet fools!


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oh pls have mercy




You might legit be psychotic, I wouldn't suggest you go to the hospital, they're after you and the needles aren't what you think, or they think they are.

Fix yourself, you're becoming a nuisance and are attracting bad vibes which will eventually lead to you creating the reality you so fear and wish to avoid.



They are after me? Do you know me?

Is there any proof you can show me?

Sorry, I do not intend to sound rude.

Do you mean, they are "statistically" after me?




Or is this to say they are 'after' or 'interested in' a certain 'demographic', but not necessarily carrying out an active program of organized harassment.



Why are you such a pushover. Be more confrontational. "She takes my money." You give her your money, because you're scared of confrontation. Tell that bitch to fuck off.

You're getting bullied schoolyard style, hardcore. Maybe you should read some manga about teenagers getting beaten up at school until they realize that pussies can man the fuck up. Or about youngins just beating the shit out of shitheads. Just google the title + "chapter 1":

The Breaker


Sun-Ken Rock

Yeah don't be a bitch and scared that she'll somehow call upon the dark forces of law enforcement and have you raped by a million niggers for DARING to NOT BE A BITCH. I call you a bitch but know you can man up and "slay the dragon".

Try the 5 element theory, I've been practicing for a couple months or so now, and find it quite simple and effective. Well-rounded. Boost and generate and absorb the WOOD element. As in what you WOULD do if you weren't such a push over, like, I don't know, LEAF >>>>>>>> HEH

But yeah Wood is confrontational and aggressive. Fire as well, so do both WOOD and FIRE. Like, I WOOD SET THAT BIRCH ON FIRE.

Your fighting spirit seems to be shit. Don't worry, we all get cut down (TREE JOKES HAHA) but then we gotta grow out of the pain (HHHEHHEH) and stand tall (I KILL MYSELF). There's a 5 element thread that you can check out. Start practicing martial arts, or rather, just hitting shit and learning the basics of beating the shit out of people, focusing on CRUSHING and EXPLODING. Crush the bitch in you, padiwan. Explode with killer bravado and masculinity. Water yourself, but don't wet yourself. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, and don't hit her where it leafs bruises (HA) (the gut is the best place to slam someone). Once you get a solid bruise from her though, it's all in the air legally, so you can wail on her anywhere besides the face (police and judge won't sympathize with a dude who hits a woman in the face). If you aren't ready to fight to the death and kill your mother (she seems crazy yo), YOU ARE NOT PREPARED (it's all psychological bucko, but it isn't… so be prepared).

Unlock the strength, tenacity and toughness within you… UNLEASH THE BEAST. Or rather… FEED THE BEAST until it's a fucking MONSTER. Maybe read some manga where people merge with monsters so you can keep it light enough that you don't go crazy and turn… Tales of Demons and Gods is good.

tl;dr confront that bitch daily



If you're white you're on our list, goy animal.

The holocaust happened but it shouldn't have!



>someone who has been systematically abused since birth

>dude just b urself jus stand up 2 her

Legitimate advice here. Kill yourself you edgy teenager.



Now this guy, this guy is actually psychotic. This is severe debilitating psychosis. Seek mental help!



Right, right. Or so I've heard regarding the Obama administration.

I am sure I will smite you all the days of my life, until my death, in all honesty.

Sometimes the overthrow takes a few centuries, and we all do what we can whilst we live.

I think more people should think like me so we can get on with real progress in society and end the unnecessary and easily-infiltrated surveillance and harassment programs, the likes of which I fear are connected to most established medical resources.

Hmm. I think we should all just keep doing our part and being model citizens until the final overthrow of the unjust rulers. This is what I do day by day. By staying legal and staying a model citizen, this is what they hate.



The victory will be mine in the end. For me, to die is to live.

So I will resist to the end of course, I already have all sorts of fun and adventurous courses plotted out.

They know all this already, of course. I have a mutual respect with them as they do with me.

There are also other nations which work a wee bit harder at providing a much more humanitarian existence than the United States. Of course, God Bless America for all its worth, which is a lot if you are blessed enough to live off the profits and benefits of the land.

"The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?"

Very powerful fruits of humanity come through struggle, of course. Not that one should be violent, but that is I am saying "nothing is easy."

Some of those European countries provide a bit better of a chance at resisting such gangstalking networks, as well as less-developed countries like Mexico if you and the will to survive and God is with you.


Oh and you can take a solid stick/walking stick and absorb wood vibes/energy/chi/lifeforce from it. I've been practicing chi absorption the past week and it works pretty well.


Relax. Be objective about this "targeting"… is it really that different from being "untargeted", assuming you are indeed targeted? They're not omniscient, they rely on limited information. Thus, their strategies aren't necessarily effective unless you panic and over-estimate them.

Now, assuming you aren't targeted, it's better to have an all around practice that feeds and nourishes you than it is to learn about this "shadow force". I would suggest finding your bazi elements and day master and strengthening your strongest element AND your day master. bazi-calculator.com

This should make your lifeforce strong, as your body is naturally talented in its day master and strongest element(s), and naturally weak in the weak elements.



>become a cuck go- I mean guy


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11“O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted,

behold, I will set your stones in antimony,

and lay your foundations with sapphires.

12I will make your pinnacles of agate,c

your gates of carbuncles,d

and all your wall of precious stones.

13All your children shall be taught by the LORD,

and great shall be the peace of your children.

14In righteousness you shall be established;

you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear;

and from terror, for it shall not come near you.

15If anyone stirs up strife,

it is not from me;

whoever stirs up strife with you

shall fall because of you.

16Behold, I have created the smith

who blows the fire of coals

and produces a weapon for its purpose.

I have also created the ravager to destroy;

17no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed,

and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment.

This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD

and their vindicatione from me, declares the LORD.”


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Yes, and I will rejoice,

19for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance,

20as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.

21For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

22If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.

23I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.

24But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.

25Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith,

26so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again.



advice saved, ty anon





the best thing to do is to have a trade to fall back on…God provides




I know, you want reasons to justify and continue to be passive or flee. She's just a retard. Deal with it. That's been OPs reality for over two decades. Nothing fancy or magical. He can literally just use his mother for what she is now. She's just a retard. She has no more say about his feelings or mind. Tough luck having a retard raise you, but the raising is over.

Just read a book, get a professional license and leave if you care for that sort of shit. No need to run away to McDonalds or whatever. But you already know that and this conversation is the pattern of helplessness you learned from her.



>there I go, speaking out of my ass again

ventruillaquizmagian :D:D


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>my mother is a psychopath

>she nearly killed me

>my life is hard you guys

>I'm about ready to make my escape after 20 years

>this is real tough you guys

>don't tell me how to live my life

>I'm gonna leave for sure this time

>I'm hard and pissed now and shit

>I know it looks like I have complete autonomy guys

>don't judge my decisions, I was abused

>It's all her fault you guys

>fuck you



You are undergoing psychosis. OP has not posted for over 24 hours. Seek psychiatric help, you are mentally ill.



Complete lies.





Wow, is that you Cube? Whichever discordian you are, you've definitely earned my respect



Stop sucking my dick, its cringealingey.

In fact, stop sucking wands all together you faggot.


Trap her in the basement so she no longer has power over you. Or kill her. Problem solved.

t. not FBI




Cut off your cocks.

And I didn't say be yourself, I said become something you haven't been. Faggots. Cock sucking pussy bitches.

Risk it OP. Feed the beasts and start tearing things down until you're stronger than your situation. You think faggot normal advice ever worked for anyone not in a faggot normal situation? And how much advice in this thread are you receiving that's the most even tempered and conventional that you can get? Do you think you needed more of the same advice, repeated over and over again, or did you want a choice? Do you want a choice OP?

Do dare fucking choose for yourself?




And these are on opposing fucking sides, posted right after one another. Fucking trash. Is it normie advice or psychotic advice?

Cut off your fucking cocks you emasculated cucks.



Systematic abuse… systems deter choice and optionality.

Don't live by a system, live by the wildness inside of you. That you are.



everyone should do this honestly.



Your father is disgusting pathetic wimp. He just watched as she tortured you and your sisters. He deserves no sympathy, he is the real villain in the story, he should have protected his kids no matter that. And yet he did nothing?

Pathetic failure of a human being, your father makes me sick, I hope he will suffer for what he did.



Find a stash outdoors where you can put 5 or 10 dollars here or there until you can afford a nice travelling backpack, and then hit the road. Hitchhike around working odd jobs (you will find some for sure - oftentimes from people giving rides) until you find somewhere you want to settle down. Dumpster dive if you have to to get by. The universe will present you with opportunities once you get the fuck out of there.


I have been caring for my abusive and sick minded mother. She is a demon from the bowels of hell. Her FAGGOT jew boyfriend is also a big part of the problem. I just need to leave, but I have no place to go and it's almost winter. I have been in touch with adult protective services twice and the police. She shots and posses everywhere. Drinks about a gallon of vodka everyday. And her gay kyke friend is in charge of her finances. After reading this thread I know t g at I just have to leave her to drown in her own piss and sgit. But then I got nowhere to go. I am thinking about talking to a guy at the fire department. They been over here so many times I can't count. She is insane and dragging me into her abyss. I need to just let her die for.mt own sanity



You are not alone



>My life went from depressing shithole to bliss.

I'm glad to hear that anon, I hope you continue to do well.



Thank you.


Cool blogpost, Ken.



whatever you do, stay or leave, take this with you. hope it gives you some peace.




good job kiddo


mine was a helicopter mom, Cancer Sun/Taurus Moon/Sagittarius Rising


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How to mourn a shitty mother



Idk how old you are but get a skill mane. Maybe do the college stuff if you're smart but being smart mostly means you can memorize stuff right? And apply knowledge but… getting a skill like carpentry or something will not only pay you to learn while you're in school (in my state they do) but will quickly afford you an opportunity to become independent. Even laborer jobs on craigslist offer like $15/hr AT LEAST usually.

Good luck to you manee.


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>Nightmare Mothers

>thread isn't about the universe


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Oh dear!~

This may be sound advice



Can you not go with your father?

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