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This guy intrigues me.

On the one hand, I think he's fallen victim to poor discernment the same way Montalk has. But on the other hand, same as Montalk, he is on point regarding many things that are going on in the world and in politics. And he certainly seems to be making someone quite nervous considering he's being censored on claims of antisemitism.

Is he some sort of gate keeper? Some sort of psyop?

Is there research done on him that I'm not aware of? He seems to base most of his esoteric views on an interpretation of Theosophy mixed with personal spiritual experiences.


Reincarnation of arc-angel. Everybody will find out sooner or later.


Pretty simple controlled opposition psy-op. He espouses some truth to draw you in, then throws you off course after he's tricked you into trusting him.




These are both claims I find pretty interesting, but neither of you offer any proof or argument.




I cant offer you any proofs, but I believe he is aa Chamuel. Go and research In Icke and Chamuel without thinking what ive told you and see if you can find similarities In These guys.



Thanks. I will.



It is my opinion that David Icke is moved to speak by his desire for truth and kindness.

It is my belief, backed by a lot of personal research that he is right in many things, if not all in that he speak of.

The moon is hollow, reptilians are a thing, the rest about banks and the elite is /pol/ tier casual truths that the common man knows.

He is a gift from God to humanity and I am thankful for all that he has given up in his quest to give us that which he has given us.

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