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I've been watching some of Styx's occult videos and the whole pagan occultism has me curious. Are there any worthwhile resources on occultism? I know Styx has some works published, grimoires and the like, has anyone read them? This video in particular has me interested:



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Styx's orignal writing is unashamedly amature. The vast bulk of it he just copywrites from other public domain material, basically he just goes on sacred-texts or something and copy and pastes it all into a low-budget createspace book, I bought one of them once just to see what they were like and I just thought it was so low effort and shit. The rest I noticed are pretty much the same. I used to watch Styxhexenhammer666s videos a couple years back but after a while I just came across far to many mistakes, one or two here and there I pass on, we all make mistakes sometimes, but the consistency was just unprofessional and it was all told with such a self-convinced opinionated air that at many times he actually just spread a lot of information. He's very sort of "alt-right" virtue signalling all the time, I do remember one of his videos he said that he made a pact with some sort of spirit/demon so that his channel would blow up and he could get fame, influence, and money. I don't trust him all things considered and I found him to be personally dishonest as well as intellectually. Thats what I think anyway.

>Are there any worthwhile resources on occultism

Ehm, yeah there are, you have an extremely broad range of material some of which should be abundantly obvious others you can find in a lot of threads lurking here. Vast majority is freely available online now.



**spread a lot of DISinformation**



Styx makes it very clear he makes cheap books and leaflets on purpose. He makes it cheap to sell cheap in bulk. Besides that, his occultism vlogs aren't really incorrect, he's not perfect but he's well read enough to watch here and there. Also he's not "Alt-right." but I don't really care what he identifies as.

I haven't read any of his original work though to confirm anything.



Overall agree with what you said, watched him for a couple of years too and he seems to be good at analysing subjects, his problem is that he rarely double checks his info and makes a lot of assumptions so he just fills the gaps.


Where are my tumo posters

Where are my tumo posters

Where are my tumo posters

Where are my tumo posters

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