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File: 8bb35e192150fb9⋯.png (164.41 KB, 618x730, 309:365, occultcrime.png)


The ZOG is coming after occult groups next. Consider yourself warned.

>In 1991 a careful study of 55 so called teenage pseudo-Satanists incarcerated at the Texas Youth Commission Reception Center in Brownwood Texas made some startling conclusions. The delinquents differed from other inmates in several ways:

1. They were virtually all white

2. They were all from middle class backgrounds

3. They all had high IQ scores

4. They nearly all had used hallucinogenic drugs rather than substances such as cocaine and heroin

5. They all felt they had little power or control over their lives

6. Virtually all of them had participated in satanic ceremonies as part of a group activity. None of them could be classified as social loners(203 Clarkson)

This and more articles can be found here: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fforensicprofilers.webs.com%2F&ia=web

Note each article on the site is hidden and inaccessible from the frontpage. That's why I have the DDG link that lets you get to each article including the hidden ones. This is same method I used to access hidden articles on montalk.net btw.

Vampires and Satanists are especially high priority targets listed here.


I can only hope. Maybe once the ZOG locks you up and you get ass raped you'll see you're all bullshit sissy wizards undergoing severe psychosis.



Wew, this is for the occultists that take themselves way too serious!



It's mostly for the thumbling retards that wanted to do some edgy shit without actually having the practice beforehand to do it proper.

Real LHP occultists only voluntarily stay (and leave whenever they want) a prison.


>5. They all felt they had little power or control over their lives

Then they were bullshit occultists, so who cares?



This. Was going to post something similar before I saw your post. If you don't feel like you have control over your life then you are failing as an occultist.

Also sage because OP is clearly faggot.

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