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Hey /fringe, long time lurker here, need your help.

Is there any true community completely focused on spiritual development left in the world?

I've practice chaoism and meditation for a couple of years, ultil getting into Theravada Buddhism (Thai Forest Tradition).

I was a lawyer,but my life and career wore completely deviated from my spiritual path, so I decided to quit my job and ordain as a monk.

I am living in Thailand on different monasteries for the last 6 months, but despite believing in the Theravada approach, I feel it takes to long to produce results and can be kind of dry.

I thought about going to Nepal to explore the tibetan tradition (specially the dream practices) but they seen to much institutionalized and they charge for teachings . I also thought about going to India but the situation look even worst there. They all seen to be selling ready made spirituality to wanna be hippies.

Can any of you offer some advice?

Sorry for shit english


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>This from an almost adept-high initiate

Only if you and everyone else is enlightened to a certain degree


I'd say /fringe/ is really the last good bastion of occultist knowledge, to my knowledge, but /fringe/ went down the shithole literally overnight. Your best bet is to get the recommended reading list and study alone, I guess you could ask me any questions you got but you should really just follow your intuition. Good luck bro,



Medium time lurker here as well. I think if you share your experiences with it would help us help you. I know thats what I have to do to increase my knowledge about my self. I have to have an experience and then review it over once again after the fact and when I do that I find things that i didn't find the first time. This builds my knowledge and allows me to see more the next time and then I repeat this process. So tell us what are some of the things that you have learned that you are comfortable sharing.



It really has, with the influx of dogmatists and shitposters and larpers almost from moment to moment. Man, I am genuinely bummed about this. The best is to imo study alone. Things will come to you.

The recommended list is pretty solid, still, but I would suggest people do not take the things dogmatically and rather go with the things that jump out at you, the key being the Kybalion and some other things from WWA (like the "Law") but I always found his material too tedious.The occult attainment trifecta (Earnest Desire, Confident Expectation and a Firm Demand). Learn to know yourself, the introspection part from IIH is important. Letting Go is a good book for this aswell. And the rest is gravy.



I think on Fringechan there were some plans on creating a place like this, but as written by >>106639 there would need to be a sort of selection process because everyone could fuck everyone else over.

Perhaps a group ritual once a month that is aimed to bring about a positive connection between everyone and basically grease the inner workings.

If anyone wants to work together I'd be more then willing to provide my time and energy.


Raise your vibration on your own and manifest the teachers your soul seeks.



So you mean start a cult around fringe wizard smiley?



These kinds of things would not be necessary if everyone took care to depolarize themselves and get their egos in check before trying to become le epic wizords.

This is why most new age and meditation/spirituality communities are full of egotistical morons and people with more unresolved issues than the average joe.


This here.



The Most Holy Smileberg is almost a magus, shut the fuck up newfig.



I'll take that as a yes.



Who else would lead us? Smileberg is almost axcended, he is one of the most powerful people in thd world..



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So when do you want to meet and what should the basic plan be?


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Go to Japan to study Zen, Shinto and Onmyōdō.



Maybe aim for around spring?


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lets do it, somewhere in canada maybe?




>Dis nigga

Funny, you guy's still haven't figured out my subtle avatarfagging clues



Dude, I might have a car by spring, I'm in this shit niggas


Yeah, it's called hell, and you are here. This is where you go to find out where you want to go. This is a completely pointless shithole universe, and so people are like fuck this time to eject, and they go 10000000000000000000000000000000000 infinities in the opposite direction of EARTH. You come here to learn what to not be. Do you honestly think Justin Bieber is some enlightened ascended master, and that is why he has a life 10000x better than you? Do you honestly fucking think that is the best that the universe can do?

You either came here to do spiritual pushups, to rescue someone, or you just got fucked and this douchebag faggot who created this game imported some fresh void and made your soul.






I would prefer not. Instead I suggest the USA due to its far larger variety of locations. Personally I prefer an area which is slightly warmer on average, although I can live in cold temperatures just fine. A larger preference of mine would be to live near an area with lots of foliage. A forest or similar.



>North America

Literally the shittiest place to live in the world. Africa (only certain areas) and Asia are superior. Mudfle East and Australia are acceptable. Europe and South America are inferior. North Anerica is trash.



Almost any place can be considered "shitty". But the advantage that America has is:

1: Large area with variety of environments, people, and resources.

2: If something bad does happen there will be plenty of places to go and avoid

3: I have access to this country from where I currently am which makes it easier if I decide to meet up and work with other individuals. If a group of wizards does form then I would be more willing to move to a different country.



Yeah enjoy your suicide cult lmao. The whole game of telling people you have powers falls apart irl when they realize it's L-A-R-P



Everybody on this plane wants somebody else to do everything for them, so no, there isn't a community for people like you, but I guarantee that there are thousands of people like you who want a community, but also want somebody else to do it.

How bout you be the one to fix that? I've already tried. I can't even get people together to start a business.

The glowing screen for some reason has broadcast a message to everyone that there is no point in creating, because everything has been done already, and if it hasn't there's people with more money than you who will get to it eventually.

Gee whiz, it's almost as if… we are ruled by evil parasites!

Back the fuck out of this useless society in every way that you can. Lady Gaga can have that world. I'm creating my own world. When things go well the first thing I'm doing is getting more people involved.

Every country ever was created by somebody who said nah fuck this. Therefore it is possible to break away despite all the odds being stacked against you.

I think it's really a matter of life and death now - either break away or stick with people with zero knowledge of robotics proudly proclaiming that as soon as they can they will replace you with a robot.

I want to relearn all the maths and sciences and make modifications based on my experiences to invent new shit and reclaim my freedom. This society wants me to guard a banks profits. I think we are all desperate for something new, so at the very least, start meditating on the idea of a sandbox where curious slaves like us can do what souls are actually made for - experiencing freedom and creating without interference from fucking snakes.



Oh, and also, I think there are some other people seperated from Earth who are already working on this sort of stuff. The best magic spell I ever did was going to this dimension where I could just instantly create and do anything. It was a lucid dream while awake with 0 latency. I was just creating fucking movies and watching wars and shit. After seeing that there is no way I am accepting some mundane life where I sit around being George W Oclintons bitch.





I like where you coming from but people have a hard time breaking away. There's a million books and allegories to help but you have to find the key and walk through it yourself. I can barley break away from the computer. Telling people with no will and imagination to break away is like leading a horse to water.

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