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I have started to realize something. I need to become emotionally independent of this world. I NEED to get to a place of mind where anything that happens in this world will not dampen my soul. Everything here falls apart, disappoints, crumbles… relationships, nations, bodies and the rest.

I want to create a tulpa so that I have a permanent spiritual companion and will never be lonely or hurt again and always have direction and motivation.

This way I will not be attached to anything in the world and can be happy for the rest of my life.


get rich and dress sluts up like cleopatra



lilith is a good companion.



Why do you always shill for lilith?

The fuck kind of entities do you answer to?

I hate talking to you because I know everything you say and do is controlled by a bunch of highly questionable entities.




Not that guy, but lilith is nice. Every entity is questionable including tulpas or potentially "good" entities. If you can't handle having to think critically or avoid being manipulated you should not be messing with this shit.

>I want to create a tulpa so that I have a permanent spiritual companion and will never be lonely or hurt again and always have direction and motivation. This way I will not be attached to anything in the world and can be happy for the rest of my life.

Sounds to me like you want to have some kind of conversion experience and get filled with the equivalent of religious zeal. The tulpa will just end up becoming some sort of master over you. This desire for things that don't fall apart is also weird. Nothing that is alive can stay static and function well as time goes on because life is adaption and change. When one door closes another one opens and you seem to only pay attention to closing doors.


The best way to become independent is to buy some panties and a dildo. Become a girl and fuck the dildo. We are all one anyways, so you are actually every girl on the planet. Set yourself free and become a fucking girl every once in awhile faggot.

Anyone who looks down on you for this just hates women, so actually, people like Mike Pence are faggots because they want to ban people from having access to the female essence.

I never felt more free than when I switched over to being a woman. I just went back to being a guy right after that and acted like nothing happened, because basically, nothing did. I don't own some fucking factory. I'm not a fucking teacher. I keep to myself. So I was able to switch to being a girl, despite the fact that I call people faggots and hate the smug look on gay dudes faces, and then I switched back to being a man, because I am free and do whatever the fuck I want.

If you do this, you will never believe any bullshit anyone tells you again. Everything anyone other than me tells you to do is fucking bullshit. Do whatever the fuck you want.

Seriously, everybody on this plane fucking hates you. If you get a hot wife, they will be jealous. If you make money they will be jealous. If you succeed at anything they will be jealous. Do whatever the fuck you want. Explore your female side, and you will reach enlightenment. That's literally half the fucking universe dumb fuck. Why the fuck wouldn't you tap into that?

It's cool for women to be lesbians. Every girl I know has licked a couple bushes. Girls get changed together and look at eachothers asses. They do whatever the fuck they want. If they want to scream, they scream. If they want to dance, they dance. You got scammed by being a man. You have to make unlimited sacrifices just so some girl can walk in with booty short and steal every fucking ounce of positive energy you brought into the world.

Fight back faggot. Fuck a dildo today!

Seriously, if you feel yourself getting MK ULTRAD, and your life is already complete shit, just let it happen. You are actually being set free.

As far as I know, nobody I know knows I bought lingerie, lube, and dildos, and went to heaven. If they do know, I don't give a fucking shit, because there is a species somewhere else that will let me be who I want.

Just let it go you fucking loser! Go wild! Burn away these fucking psycho fucks who imprisoned everyone in their made up morals that they constantly contradict.



The best part is, I have fucked myself live on the internet, and then that same day helped christcucks who complain about how gross trannies are with their spiritual journey.

The fuck have you done lately, bullshit occultist?



“Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.”

You sound like a spoiled brat. You make a good point about half the universe being feminine, but you forget that you are only able to embrace half of female nature. You will never be a mother and you will never give birth so you can only incorporate the sexual side of female nature. That's why you're a fucking degenerate.

You want to give up on the idea of a future so you have an excuse to become an animal. You like to think everyone hates you and there's nothing you can do because if that's true then there's no reason to try.



>takes the principle of gender literally

You enormous clueless faggot.

The feminine principle is 100% present in every man, every rock and every dildo you stick up your ass every night, just as the masculine is in every woman.

You know absolutely nothing about magic and should go read the kybalion a couple of times more or just straight up fuck off to 4chan.org/pol where you belong.


>Anyone who looks down on you for this just hates women, so actually, people like Mike Pence are faggots because they want to ban people from having access to the female essence.

>I never felt more free than when I switched over to being a woman.

>It's cool for women to be lesbians. Every girl I know has licked a couple bushes. Girls get changed together and look at eachothers asses. They do whatever the fuck they want. If they want to scream, they scream. If they want to dance, they dance. You got scammed by being a man. You have to make unlimited sacrifices just so some girl can walk in with booty short and steal every fucking ounce of positive energy you brought into the world.

Sounds to me like you're the one who has a low opinion of women here.

>>takes the principle of gender literally

Because shoving a dildo up your ass and wearing panties isn't taking it literally either.



Wow. I was living my entire life the way I wanted to, but after all that, I am going to just change. You did it. You are the master of the world. I am now going to be exactly like you. Please give me step by step directions on how to reach your level of nirvana. If I don't hear back from you, that means you are just a whiney faggot with an inferiority complex who is so far into his victim game that he obsessing over others while practicing nothing that they preach.

You dedicated a large majority of your life towards looking at others, because you know the correct way to live, and now somebody is ready to bow to you and take your orders. What are you gonna do? You have been waiting your entire life for this moment. Are you gonna help me reach supermasculinity, or are you just gonna run away, which by default is admitting that you are a fucking loser trying to drag people into your hell so they can fix your problems?


Check this out, Mr. Gold. It will save your life. I used to be an asshole with no direction like you 24/7, then I found this. It taught me to be compassionate rather than trying to destroy everything I didn't understand. It also helped me find who I really am - I am nothing, and everything. Cliche as fuck, but we are actually the same person. We are also nothing, and created life. While it's nice to meditate in the void, somethingness is much better than nothingness. 100% of murderers are just uneducated people. I'd rather you get educated than kill me when you are suicidal and want to destroy the universe. Trust me, there are consequences for actions, and a lot more will be accomplished if we don't spend the next eternity rehabilitating monsters. There is plenty more on the other side, but we all need fixed before the gatekeepers let us through.



Oops, I posted the wrong link. This lays it all out. I'd love to hear somebody argue all this points made on this site - I like to strengthen my viewpoint because it shows me new ways to win people over.


Also, for the record poltards, if you jerk off to lesbian porn, or at least think two hot ass girls fucking eachother is hot like every other fucking person in the universe, and then you spend hours crying about homosexuality, that makes you a hypocrite faggot douche and nothing you ever say means anything until you eat your words. Those are the rules. Deal with it.

The world is overpopulated. People suffer and die of starvation because some dumb fucks think it's a good idea to have nine kids before they have the means to take care of them.

Two dudes marrying each other means that some balance gets restored. I believe it is unethical to look at the state of the world and bring more people into it. I also believe that everybody should make their own choice. If you want to have 90 kids, go ahead, but I also have the right to condemn that.

Get off the fucking pedestal and do something. You whiney trumpies are throwing the most pathetic tantrum of all time, and all you've accomplished is enabling libtard faggot tantrums. You complain about people complaining too much, in fucking paragraph long rants where all you do is fucking complain. Liberals complain about how Trump thinks he knows everything and acts like a smug douche, and they explain why they should be in charge because they know everything in the most smug douche way possible.

I think it's impossible that both you groups of useful idiot fucks don't know this in the back of your head. You keep playing the dumb game though, because you have all these billionaires sitting back rubbing their hands together like "Good! Keep destroying eachother!" That's gonna come to an end though. Let's say you won 100000 internet argument, and have 200000 followers. What the fuck difference does that make when you are dying of cancer? What if you directed more of your resources towards getting cancer cured instead of masturbating your ego?



Nowhere in this thread have I given any indication of any political opinion other than using the word "degenerate"(which is not a political opinion). Everyone seems to think black and white terms. People tend to attribute positions to the other side that they've never held.

>Also, for the record poltards, if you jerk off to lesbian porn, or at least think two hot ass girls fucking eachother is hot like every other fucking person in the universe, and then you spend hours crying about homosexuality, that makes you a hypocrite faggot douche and nothing you ever say means anything until you eat your words. Those are the rules. Deal with it.

Assuming that people jerk off to porn and their sexual preferences then calling them hypocrites.

>Two dudes marrying each other means that some balance gets restored. I believe it is unethical to look at the state of the world and bring more people into it. I also believe that everybody should make their own choice. If you want to have 90 kids, go ahead, but I also have the right to condemn that.

No one said anything anti gay in this thread you're the one who brought up pence and trump is not even anti gay.

>Get off the fucking pedestal and do something. You whiney trumpies are throwing the most pathetic tantrum of all time, and all you've accomplished is enabling libtard faggot tantrums.

Your post reads like a tantrum.

>What if you directed more of your resources towards getting cancer cured instead of masturbating your ego?

What if you spend more of your resources helping society instead of encouraging people to set themselves free by fucking themselves in the ass. I don't care about what people chose to do, but it's not productive/healthy to think everyone is against you then use sexual kinks as escapism and call it freedom.

I only responded to your post the way I did because it sounded like advocating escapism which I don't think is healthy. If you want to argue about the escapism thing go ahead, but I think this is going in an unproductive direction.

>Oops, I posted the wrong link. This lays it all out. I'd love to hear somebody argue all this points made on this site - I like to strengthen my viewpoint because it shows me new ways to win people over.

I read it and agree with a decent chunk of it but responding to what I disagree with would be a huge blogpost.



>removing attachments only to gain others

That's not how it works, friend



Not strange at all. The Earth hasn't fallen apart, has it? Life has been here billions of years. It's worth protecting. That's the point. Your lilith shit is womanly irrationality at its worst. Might be good in bed.. not for meaningful life decisions.


Dude when did antifa rainbow faggots start lurking? Jesus fucking christ someone call the RWDS from /polk/ and GET THEM IN HERE NOW.


Maybe we should let faggots be faggots so they are weeded out of the gene pool?

Can't let it become a cultural force though. Disease is disease.



Haha! I havent bought panties yet but yes.



Hey you.

There is nothing wrong with having attachments and trading attachments.

There is a difference between the advanced individual vs the underdeveloped; and that is they can't trade attachments. The options open to them are very rigid, they have little control.

One man is attached to one idea and couldn't swap it for another if he wanted to, except maybe with great effort.

Another man retains and is attached to the same one idea, but has such an awareness and power, that he may shed that attachment at a whim.

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