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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 18th Attention-Hungry Games
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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

File: 1f0d12afd43715f⋯.png (21.24 KB, 368x332, 92:83, glance at this.png)


The following rules have been temporarily repealed.

5. Do not attempt to identify, name, or dox another anon you see on the board. You may know (or think you know) who the anon is based on posting style, flag selection, file names, or other hints; but you will not call them out on it. Attempts to create and discuss identities for anons will result in posts being deleted and bans being handed out.

6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time. Use other flags, preferably the flag most relevant to your specific post, or you may select flags at random. Those who ignore this rule will be occasionally banned and told to switch flags. Do not try to create an identity around constant use of a specific flag.

You may now dox, harass, identify, etc. other people and shit up the board and make sure it's about nothing but the personal lives of others. Who cares about anonymity and actual discussion of ideas right? Lets people like a bunch of gossiping women and just talk shit about each other all day and attach our namefag identities to our posts.

Furthermore all active bans (there was only one as bans are normally minutes long) that were made under those rules have been repealed.

You may now sign your posts with obnoxious signatures and other such bullshit and act like you're on cancerbook or some shitty namefag forum.

If there is demand to put the rules back I will do so but for now you're free to be a bunch of retards.




Loaded question













Jenny Nordic

!giiMcpCzGI (inedian bro)









Did I miss anyone? lelelelelelel


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>tfw you realise fringewiztard is a sigilposting neophyte



You weren't enforcing rule 6 very much anyway. And rule 5 sounds more like a way to protect those who have already been doxed or been victim to some drama than anything else. Nobody is really interested in knowing each other's underwear color really.




This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your webpage to help him gain world domination.



>mfw I see one of my old Id's I haven't used in over a year on that list

Good fucking times. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.



Also, get over yourself. Just because you don't want people to identify your bullshit occultism in front of new susceptible neophytes doesn't make this rule the right decision. Maybe the people with identities that get called out need to get their acts together.


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>bullshit occultism

You're creating a jew spell to associate any esoteric medium mentioned by anyone else that you don't agree with with the world "bullshit". In laymans you're forcing a buzz word



The term "bullshit occultism" is literally older than /fringe/, you fucking obullshitist newfag.


Every time I see someone dox someone or obsess over "lolcows", I think of this ugly retard btard from high school who would be like "lol that person is such a loser!" when the entire fucking school just exploited him for entertainment. Years later, people still share every picture he posts on facebook in group texts and laugh their fucking asses off. Last time I talked to this dude, he was like "DUDE I JUST LOOK AT LOLCOWS ALL DAY LOL."

When they post these people and say stuff like CRINNNGEEEEE, I actually just CRRRRIINNNGEEE at them. Anybody who has such a bad inferiority complex that they go around begging people to look down on somebody as much as they look down on themselves is actual LOLCOW.

Trying to basically ruin somebodies life, which somehow works in the internet age, because they attempted to live life and failed makes you a psychopath. Unfortunately these people win a few battles, and they socially engineer people into STICKING TO THE STATUS QUO. People don't want to take risks, because they don't want humiliated. This leads to a boring ass world. This leads to me being pissed off. Guess what happens to these psychopaths?



Enjoy your suicide



Am I supposed to just take your word for it?



This is bait



You are the same person in every single thread on the internet. You sit on the internet all day trying to be more righter than everyone. You are everywhere, at all times, begging for attention. Pretty sure your only option at this point is suicide. Nobody likes cops. Deal with it piggy.










t. ddysnomia gay fag Bo of /b/



>you're free to be a bunch of retards

You fucking drama queen. Those of us who were complaining about rule 6 were complaining about it because we don't give a shit about flags and it forces us to pay attention to something we don't care about. We weren't complaining about it because we want some kind of dumb internet persona based on a tiny icon next to our posts. If it's that kind of thing you're worried about, why not just get rid of the flags and keep it forced anonymous like it already is? I mention this because you seem to be lumping the two rules together. And if you're worried about people constantly mentioning Smiley, why not just make the rule "no mentioning Smiley, he doesn't want you to anymore"? Smiley is heavily associated with this board, to the point where you'd probably have to make an entirely new board with a different name and different CSS for anyone to forget, so banning any mention of individual posters isn't the answer.



This same faggot has been trying to force this t.faggot thing for months now. Nobody likes it. You are the only person who does it. If it had any effect at all, it went away the moment everyone realized that it's just one loser spamming it to try to obtain a magikul boost to their ego.

You make me cringe.



Bullshit occultism is said as a joke. Its said to make fun of people who make fun of peoples bullshit systems for being bullshit compared to their bullshit system. Apparantly you didn't get that memo. You are a fucking joke. Make sure you feel bad on the inside, because this anonymous internet poster thinks you are pathetic.



but the only time I did do magic was when I bullshited myself and laughed at how stupid I was being



You're Dysnomia? Why'd you let /b/ go to shit?




Anyone willing to let me in would get one (1x) absolutely worthless thank you in advance.

Whats your deal? Couldnt even ride reddit tier /b/? Or could you? Its hard to tell.



Maybe you need to go back to reddit, cancer.



Change all those "we"'s to (you)'s.



>Nah, it's just 'you know who's doesn't like being identified on any of the forums he frequents and tries to convert more wizards on. He just wants to convert in peace without his questionable past being brought up. If he could live as a true wizard without needing his ego validated then we wouldn't need to deal with these rules being an issue.

No the real reason for rule 5 was to keep this place suffering the same fate as /4chon/ which gradually went from a news/politics/history site into nothing but a tripfag circlejerk with endless drama and suicides and such. The first time someone kills themselves? Exciting - you don't expect it. After that it's just sickening.



The only Reddit account I ever made was because of mundane friends and I only made 1 post with it. "It'll be fun" they said. "Its a great community" they said.


Why something starts and why it survives are 2 separate things. I fully understand tripfag drama. I used to start my own on other another Chan. What works best is banning tripcodes and then moving on. The longer a forum makes a big deal out of "tripfag" drama, the longer it takes to resolve.

>smileberg just gets butthurt when he's identified

Only reason I've seen recently for tripfag drama besides that Cory in the House niggah, but he's not that bad.

It's basically the equivalent of cyberbullying, just ignore the posts calling out tripfags and keep on keepin on. Or yknow, not posting schizo sounding idiocy every once and a while and wondering why people make fun of you then making a big deal out of it.



What happens in /4chon/ stays in /4chon/.

Don't bring it here.

If you don't like drama and think it's shit, don't fucking bring it here.


Rules 5 and 6 have been reinstated now with slightly different wording for rule 5 and a different strategy for moderating rule 5 as well.

Rule 5 shall be applied a little less harshly, if someone references a pseudonym in a post and nobody reports it and nobody seems bothered, it'll be left to stand. Certain behaviors like doxxing and incessant stalking and harassing of specific users on the board will still be banned whenever I see it even if there is no report made. Comments like "tripfaggot mcdick suggested x book to me" and "rapemyface hugepersona does y meditation" will be left to stand.


That's a pretty ugly sigil tbh



>3 or 5 shitposters use proxies to make their opinion seem like it's consensus

>lots of legit users vote that rule 5 was good

>shitposter then makes post saying "everyone say that rule 5 is shit" when clearly 8 people on the one poal and 4 on the other say it's good

Shitposter confirmed practicing subversion.



t. poster who wants this board to be about its owner instead of about the topic it's actually supposed to be used for



Both poals prove one thing only; that there is no consensus on rule 5.

Poals can be and are rigged by proxies.

Also BO can see the ids of people responding in the thread and even though ids don't tell much either since people use VPNs and proxies and in the case of Tor posters there is no ID... you can still get a general sense of things by the posting styles, the filenames, and other hints; as well as using psychic methods to sense out people.

Furthermore the BO can also look at post histories and see which users actually talk about magick on here and which are only here to exclusively create drama and raid the board, aka kikes like (you).



>that there is no consensus on rule 5.

why did you reinforce rule 5 then?

>Poals can be and are rigged by proxies.

Why do you use it then? you're even using it in the question thread to ban avatarposting

>Furthermore the BO can also look at post histories and see which users actually talk about magick on here and which are only here to exclusively create drama and raid the board, aka kikes like (you).

Does shitposting makes one's opinion invalid?


>>3 or 5 shitposters use proxies to make their opinion seem like it's consensus


>>lots of legit users vote that rule 5 was good


>>shitposter then makes post saying "everyone say that rule 5 is shit" when clearly 8 people on the one poal and 4 on the other say it's good

I think that the 8 people who voted for rule 5 were just (you) proxy-hopping to get rule 5 reinstated again



>brainless sissy omran

>creates a thread to reinstate rule 5

>he get called by his first name

>he immediately breaks rule 5 just because he's butthurt

smiley on #butthurtwatch

>5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.

>6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time.

I guess respecting anonymity is just for the BO then??



I'm not the BO but I'll ban myself hold on a moment. Also fixed the problem.

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


I'll keep my greenpill flag, thanks tho

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