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/fringe/ - Fringe

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1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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File: 88c60a18e50b3a1⋯.jpg (89.74 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 161107120239-01-trump-parr….jpg)


someone make a /g/fringe/



Why don't you?


Sent a request. I have 8 years community experience and work for free speech.

Gutterwire might grow one day, so we'll be ready when it does.


>Take note that this is a request form and your request can be denied based on many ever-changing situations though normally, you're gutter should go through fine.

This part makes me shy away from it.



Gutterwire tries to be 4chan plus voat. It might get popular because the stack overflow point system is very popular today.



No you don't. Your board is anti-free speech and you spend all day every day on here trying to crush freespeech. You're also an antifa.



You don't even know who I am. Stop guessing the flag name game.



You are right. I'm just a lonely bitter faggot. I don't know why I assumed I knew who you were just by looking at your flag.

I wish this board would let me tripfag.

I also enjoy being dominate by jewess goddesses. I fap to /jewess/ twice a day.

I'm going to enjoy my suicide now.



Don't mind me. Just checking those dubs of sincerity and cuckoldry.




>implicating unironic buzz words

Yeah, sure bud. Welcome to fringe.

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