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1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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File: 5adb637b0aa25fd⋯.jpg (659.35 KB, 2754x2046, 459:341, nature-rhythms.jpg)


What is the redpill regarding the rhythms of nature?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread)



In the breath of a ciggarette. She worries for you but you long for every minute less without her.


In smoking until you almost puke.


In eating garbage like its lobster and lobster like its garbage just to tease her to make her try even harder because she wants to see you be yourself and she loves you for it.

It may seem like I've gone off the deep end but I feel the sanest I've ever been.


We deal in greenpills here. Redpills are distributed by /pol/.

You should post this in the questions thread. People should not make threads unless they're going to provide serious information. If someone wants to make a thread about rhythm and cycles in nature then start it out with a collection of links and lots of info. Probably this anon could produce something worthwhile: >>107074


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