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File: 17ebe235c99e288⋯.png (110.26 KB, 893x501, 893:501, ppp.png)


A nineteen year old girl sent me these messages. Is this all the truth? Has her third eye been opened? Can I learn how to live properly now?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread)



She fukken' nailed it. Shes beautiful and I love her.


>third eye

No, heart.



Its funny how a man can become an adept and no one bats an eye, but a gril says anything remotely enlightened and she's instantly swarmed by praise and attention. I thought you guys were above this


First paragraph: false premises.

The post in general: egalitarian trappings

Paragraph 5: false assertion and logical contradiction

Paragraph 6: false assertion

Paragraph 7: retarded non-statement

Second post: complete retardation

That screencap: a good argument as to why when a woman opens her mouth about the occult or philosophical nobody should ever expect them to say anything of value or to comprehend anything

Many great men of high attainment and spiritual development have declared women unable to gain enlightenment. Buddha included.




It's not even enlightened at all, it's egalitarian bullshit and logical contradictions and false assertions.


Post this in the question thread btw and I'll deconstruct everything she said even further, completely blowing her the fuck out as a retarded mundane.

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