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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
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In no small part due to the character weakness' of those who frequent this website, the discussions and various exchanges over this board are impoverished and aimless. There is no clear sense of direction, guiding principles or leadership. Discussions themselves are indirect and meta as fuck, in some game of deceit and misdirection.

In order to remedy the ineffectual state of affairs, we will be discussing TWO prime objectives.

>Why are we here?

What exactly is it that we're all doing here? What's the aim, the objective, that we're ALL trying to achieve. That we're ALL reaching for. What is the common fucking thread, and can we agree on banding together to accomplish this common mission? What is our GOAL?

>How do we do it?

So once we know the objective, how do we achieve it? How do we reach it? What do we definitely NOT do, since it only impedes us? What is our STRATEGY?

That's it. Discuss.


My goal is to get to know as much as possible of the nature of reality.



> We're here to help each other and ourself gain non-ordinary abilities.


So this and mine probably sum it up, yes?


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>There is no clear sense of direction, guiding principles or leadership.

That is because we are not one homogenous collective that all share the same beliefs/philosophy/doctrines/opinions. I think very few people came here for "leadership" and I also think many of our inclinations inherently stop us all having one unified goal and direction. I think we all have similiar tastes and pursuits roughly but we all walk different paths and most see the wisdom in not attributing yourself to some codified body or submit to letting a collective think for us. If anything /fringe/ is something which is contrary to collective hivemind thinking so try to place everyone under one banner won't work. I enjoy having a diverse range of perspectives, people find their own way in and out of here instead of everything being written in stone, some people are experimenting others are here for more academic purposes, some just trying to cultivate practical spiritual advice.

Can we really expect is all to be synonymous with each other? This isn't some left/right manufactured bullshit in these circles we may discuss a variety of things and agree but differ in some fundamental ways. Here we have Buddhists, and multiple sects of Christians, Chaos Magicians, Freemasons, Spiritual Satanists, Luciferianists, cranks, kooks, tulpamancers, UFOheads, Psychonauts, like it really goes on and on with the clashes but its joined together but topic not personal orientation.



I think we lack goals here as well. We all have a journey but this place should teach available paths and tools to use on the journey and get us on the way.

That being said I have high expectations for a place like this.

I believe the spiritual is real however it still seems un attainable. After a year of solid practice I've had no real results, as in astral which seemed to be the first real step.

There should be goals:

1. Mindfulness

2. Astral projection

It seems from astral projection we should move to meeting in the astral and train there.

I say this because I need help and there is no where to go.

This was the only place and it seems to be fading and we are running out of time.


>What exactly is it that we're all doing here?

I use this place as a resource for finding books and other material to read and I also post my thoughts here from time-to-time and get feedback.

>What's the aim, the objective, that we're ALL trying to achieve. That we're ALL reaching for.

Who cares? Why do we have to all share an objective? My personal objective is to ease my suffering, achieve aesthetics in my surroundings and in my own body, and to attain higher knowledge.

>What is the common fucking thread, and can we agree on banding together to accomplish this common mission? What is our GOAL?

I don't care what other people do here or whether they share my goal or not or if there's a hundred shitposters shitposting. As long as there's at least one other anon I can talk to who isn't retarded on here, this place serves its function for me. It is also a good loosh reservoir as are some of the other boards on 8chan in general.



This so hard.



>I believe the spiritual is real… astral seemed to be the first real step

The first real step to what exactly? And what do you mean by "the spiritual"? Mindfulness and Astral Projection are very practical and useful techniques but I don't think there "should" be any goals that apply to everyone. It sounds like you are asking more for a mentor to teach you things you can't seem to get the hang of more than anything else. There is a wide range of liteature on AP and mindfulness, one does not require a uniform collective for one to flourish in such areas, The Kingdom of God is Within You, you should find with steady meditation and the cultivation of mental discipline you will not feel the need so much to be absorbed by some greater cult. Because thats pretty much what this place would be if you started enstating shared goals, leadership, and beliefs, it wouldn't be a shared community of broadly differing views but rather a narrow cult aimed for personal power and achievement more than anything else.


I feel like /fringe/ is already optimized.

A wide variety of experiences, ideas, practices laid out for you to inspire yourself to seek your own path.

Realizing self is a lonely (satisfying) experience/path. There is so much info here to figure out what is true to you.



>I believe the spiritual is real however it still seems un attainable. After a year of solid practice I've had no real results, as in astral which seemed to be the first real step.

You've only been at this for a year? I had nothing worth speaking of for the first year either. I mostly just did lots and lots of research the first year. It wasn't until 3 or 4 years in that I started to do amazing things.

>It seems from astral projection we should move to meeting in the astral and train there.

As someone who actually functions on that level, I don't want to meet most people here over there, because telepathy and astral stuff isn't like meeting up in the physical world or talking over a phone, there is rather a constant and intense exchange of energies and it's very hard to walk away from a contact of two minds without a ton of habits, inclinations, fixations, ideas, emotions, etc. being transmitted. It's far more than mere words being transferred, it's a melding of souls. I do sometimes meet up with people here in the astral but then for the next couple days I have to process the shit I pick up from them. So lets say I meet some faggot in the astral, next couple days I'll be having faggot thoughts and be horny for men, until I get that out of my aura and am back to normal. Likewise for a lot of different other things, such as suicidality, depression, insecurity, mania, sexual fetishes, and tons of other stuff. I end up talking and thinking like the person I had contact with on that level.

It's a lot of work to maintain your sense of self and not merge into some group soul.

>This was the only place and it seems to be fading and we are running out of time.

Change that "we" into (you).


If you are looking for more fringe discussion and chat, exchange of ideas and art, people to converse with the new Fringe Chat discord is just starting up.



Expanding on what this anon is saying it seems like it would be a good idea for you to study a bit more, you say you have been at it for a year, but I too took a long time until I really started getting to grips with things, and even then its all a constant motion of self-development. What books and techniques have you tried? It can take a long while to even find the path most suitable for you. If you can't control certain things mentally right now don't even try with AP just yet. I also would only be comfortable in meeting in astral with people I very much trust because you are sharing some very personal spaces and leaving yourself open for exposure. Mindfulness is a great step towards enlightenment but watch yourself dabbling in energies and metaphysics you don't properly understand, just saying.


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Fringe is great because there is no tutorial. We don't hold hands to get through things together. Either you nut up or leave. The wizard world isn't meant to be "organized" at these lower levels. If it doesn't suit you go make your own forum and watch as it falls apart.

>Why are we here?

To further myself along my own path.

>How do we do it?

By exploring the spiritual world through my own experience and not through the leadership or eyes of anyone else.

Part of this whole magic experience is learning to trust your intuition and honing it. If we had group projects and leadership I wouldn't be surprised if mages started popping up who have no self-authority.

Also, why would I want to work with the energy of people I haven't met or worked with before? Its not smart to open up your own energy that much. I tried it back in the day and learned the hard way over the next few years of the damage I had done to my psyche and soul. Im only now just getting out of the cycle I was stuck in. I leaned too much on those above me that organized group energywork and meditations. Just don't do it.






OP have you ever thought about "the endgame"? What if you became/merged with God? What would you do then?

I have thought about it a lot. I have realized that a game is no fun when there is no conflict, no challenges, no factions, no divisions, no dissent, etc. I have realized that every card in the tarot describes an interesting character, and that characters are necessary for a world to be beautiful, and that the live of every man constitutes a great worship to God.

As Terry A. Davis and also the Mujahideen in Palestine put it: we must bring glory to God.

Let our autists, our warriors, our workers, our preachers, our shitposters, and every other kind of man bring glory to god.

It is better to be an elitest and select only those whose inclinations and mentality mark them as chosen for the life of the wizard. Leave the rest to their fates. Some people on here have this mentality like "we gotta awaken all of society, everyone needs to wake the fuck up now, we must evolve" but really that's not necessary. We can condemn the masses to their deaths and let spawn the new generations from only a small fraction of the populace. Is it not true that most people today are descended from nobles, from elites, and not from the men who worked themselves to death? Only the best sows lives on, the rest accumulate vice, and their lineages soon collapse. Even as one might breed who is full of vice, the offspring will be so weak and disgusting they won't continue on.

Everything is working as it should.

If you do want an overarching goal though to guide us, I suggest it be the extermination of the jewish non-race.



I agree with you, it is better to hone intuition and cultivate a community of individual critical thinkers rather than follow a herd like mentality which lets trends and popularity take over what we have to begin with.


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>Occult (higher?) knowledge

>My own path

>Occult (higher?) skills and abilities

So here is the common three objectives I can see so far. I think we can accommodate each of these. A competition and challenge focus would suit each of these needs. It inspires vigor, strength, intensity, discipline and focus in varying ratios.

As for the anti-leadership sentiments, I don't think obedience to a centralized leadership was my intention. If it's centralized, it could still be good, but decentralized user-based 'leadership'/teachers/event or discussion hosts seems effective. Even just a board culture incentive to host and compete in competition and challenges would be great.

If you look at the language being used, competition and challenge is a very common thread here. I think a priority on increasing the depth and breadth of such would be conducive to attaining each of your goals.

Do you guys agree?





If you want to start a club with unified goals your definitely using the wrong format.

If you love the smell of chaos magic in the morning then this is the kind of format your drawn to.

>Why are we here?

The Royal We, of which you speak is not constrained to a single purpose or bound by any artificial limitations those of the mundane "weee" wish to put upon us. We operate as We choose.

>How do we do it?

Through our intuitive faculties.



I think I was clear, I did not request a cult nor did I request to be absorbed into something great.

Its almost like you projected something from yourself onto my words. As what you've said does not apply to what I said in anyway.

Ill try to speak metaphorically. If I planned to be a warrior, and said I would like to be guided by an old warrior and train with like minded individuals, would you question my motives and suggest I practice with a tree alone in the woods?

It seems you have not competed even with yourself, for you have forgotten the power of groups and synergy.

It would be much faster and efficient to train with veterans.



Most of this board is probably LARPing. There are hundreds and hundreds of "old school warriors". All the information you could ever want is waiting for you to seek it. With all due respect, it seems like you're looking for a shortcut. Get the ball rolling for yourself somehow. Nobody can teach you anything, you have to find it for yourself brother.


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>Ill try to speak metaphorically. If I planned to be a warrior, and said I would like to be guided by an old warrior and train with like minded individuals, would you question my motives and suggest I practice with a tree alone in the woods?

Depends. If your obviously potato with a sword then yes, you should only duel with trees.



"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"

A good teacher is good, if you happen to find one. But a good teacher won't tell you anything, a good teacher leads like a good parent, by example alone.



Nice trips pal. Couldn't agree more. A group project will lead to dogma, disagreement, ego…the opposite of that which you seek.



The old warrior would just throw you a practice sword and tell you to swing it every day as long as possible. If you don't have the prerequisite strength there's nothing he can teach you.



I agree, there seems to be a lot of anti group feelings in this thread currently.


The only magickal political activism is that which is known as the mindfuck. Chaos magicians perform mindfuck operations to create a more absurd reality. They are accelerationists trying to make everything so batshit insane and whacky that everyone questions reality and wakes up. If you want to greenpill others, that's the way to do it. Once a person is mindfucked, they will seek out the resources here, contemplate, discuss, etc.

Other than that, you're supposed to take what you learn here, and apply it elsewhere in life; such as onto /pol/ where activism to save the white race is a thing, or /b/ where activism to abolish the age of consent is a thing, or /4chon/ where activism to bully people and cull the weak is a thing, or /tech/ where activism to ensure the technological freedoms of others is a thing, or /leftypol/ where activism to support the status quo is a thing, etc.

Fringe can't function if it isn't engulfed in chaos. Chaos and all that it embodies is the vehicle for spiritual progression. It is what makes systems more complex, which develops the personal lives of people and adds depth to them.

Trying to make it one highly uniform cult and not allowing dissent would kill /fringe/ and be an affront to spirit. /fringe/ is perfect as it is.

Hail Eris.



>/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities — Anything that is fringe in some respect

That is all.


When the board is being used for esoteric discussions it fulfills its purpose. Everything else that comes from that is extra. Also you may not realize it but /fringe/ has an egregore and I defend it and work with it and ensure its function. I don't want people poisoning it; luckily anyone advanced enough to effectively work with egregores and to recognize the /fringe/ egregore also is advanced enough to respect it and understand it.


>A competition and challenge focus would suit each of these needs. It inspires vigor, strength, intensity, discipline and focus in varying ratios.

I sometimes proposed things like this in the past and never had anyone bite. A few times I had competed with someone and I forget how that went. Then I have also seen others propose various challenges; but I never joined in. Why did I never join in? This is because I only do what I have to at the moment. My priorities aren't to drop what is most important to me at the moment and go do something else just because someone else is doing something. My priority is to address what needs it the most in my life at any given moment and to follow what God reveals to me. A lot of times synchronicities happen anyways where I get interested in or start doing something and other people end up being interested in or doing the same thing as me at the same time; all of us getting onto the same task without ever having formally planned or announced anything at all. That is the power of god, of synchronicity. God alone leads me; not men like you.

Also if you want to have rivalry then just go piss off Omran and he'll being always outdoing you in everything forever after and intensely jealous if you ever manage to pull off something he isn't yet able to do. Omran will be your rival, anon.



Elaborating further on this. The reason I always prioritize exactly what God wants of me at any moment is because many times I prioritized what others wanted and every time I suffered. When I need to be increasing my vitality, or easing some psychic tension, or attaining some insight; but put it aside for some groupwork trying to do something that wasn't as important, I suffered. So now I have better priorities. I do not and will not develop properly if I get distracted and don't address exactly the most pressing issue that my soul is presented with at any given time. So the only times I can join someone, is when what they are doing happens to coincide with exactly what I was doing or going to do anyways.


>Why are we here?

We're here to discuss esoteric content, old world ideas and knowledge. It's understanding of the internal, the hidden and invisible.

>How do we do it?

You make a thread for sharing information, experiences or ask questions on the threads orientated towards it.

The problem I see is that the occult inherently attracts those who have mental illness and or causes/ grows it within weaker individuals. Many intellectual community's suffer from "internet autism" and ego complexes. Fringe is no different.

The problems are deeply rooted within the posters themselves. This creates an unkempt and trashy environment. Many people will be turned of by the filth and troubled nature of this place. Hence you loose any quality which belonged here. Or those who try to help will be turned off eventually.

There's still room to have fun, use passion and enjoy yourself while posting.

You know yourself if you're spreading maliciousness.

The knowledge will always come to you, but it's the ability that you must cultivate. So train hard and be diligent.

With that I'm out of here.




What if I told you the real issue is that we're talking to each other behind screens? When you post on /finge/ you're just reading words and typing a reply, you're not REALLY engaged in practical discource. Actually engaging conversation happens in person, not online.

t. Knower (tbh)



What if I told you actually engaging conversation happens in the astral, not in person, and not online?

t. Knower (tbqh indeed)


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Consider all the conspiracy theories that are actual facts.

We really did import Nazis from Germany, and not just scientists, but professional torturers.

MK Ultra is real.

The Finders are/were real.

Aspects of Pedogate are documented fact.

All of the documented anomalies with 9/11, including several news stations declaring the collapse of building 7 30 minutes prior to its actual collapse.

Nasa being caught repeatedly faking ISS footage, using wires and digital manipulation to fake footage.

At this point your either a [type of] chaos magician or seriously gargling matrix dongle.



Ok but that's all redpill / pol stuff.

That said I have now thought up an actual counter to my own post because I just now remember Montalk and Gnosticism are a thing.

Obviously talk about the alien agenda and matrix agents and archons n' shit is all magickal activism and relevant to /fringe/.

Mostly though what you're supposed to do is take what you learned here and apply it to everything in your life, to politics, to business, to the other boards you browse, etc. that was my point.


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>I think I was clear, I did not request a cult nor did I request to be absorbed into something great

No, maybe not directly, but I was trying to illustrate to you how forming leadership and doctrines like you are suggesting is what would turn this into a cult. So if you don't want to be in a cult think about how what you are asking for would ultimately lead to something resembling it.

>It seems you have not competed even with yourself, for you have forgotten the power of groups and synergy

That statement is really rich after just accusing others of projection lmao its also entirely rhetorical. You insinuate that I only hold these views because somehow you also believe I never engage in any competivity, so is that what you want now competition? Thats more ego based nonesense, we are here to discuss and exchange thoughts, there is no gold medal for anyone. Most of us on these paths learn ourselves, it's always been this way, it takes years of your life meditating, cultivating discipline, dilligent study, strong willpower, and perseverence. A mentor cannot give you these, you cannot hope to make so many shortcuts and expect this knowledge simply to be given to you, it requires hard work and a lot of effort towards one idealised personal spiritual goal. It sounds like you want someone who has done all the work to just "give" it to you but only you can do this for yourself and if you're not serious about it it's simply not going to happen. People can give you all sorts of great advice and techniques to try harness what you want from a huge range of perspectives but in the end the actual work to carry those things out is on you not anyone else. I'm sure you'll get it eventually.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wasn't arguing a point. Your post just made me think of those things.

There used to be a lot more talk of the Illuminatti years back. I always made fun of it when I saw it on forums. Then I had a few weeks of doing nothing, so I decided to tear into it and redline all the bullshit theories.

That didn't end well, and pretty much screwed any future of me being a mundane model citizen.

>Ok but that's all redpill / pol stuff.

I would disagree on that. I think its just a matter of how far down the rabbit hole you go before high strangeness starts really kicking in on a personal level.

When you really dig in and put all the actual "facts" together on a few sheets of paper, it makes it painfully obvious that most of our current world is just playacting. That much of our politics and critical events are just distractions for the masses.

I don't know what color pill that is, but its huge and tends to really hang in the throat for a very long time. Like years.



>competition is ego nonsense

>you can't be taught willpower, perseverence, discipline by another

>you want someone who has done all the work to just give it to you

Besides that anon talking about veterans, your criticisms of competition is a non-truth. We NEED competition to thrive. Without it, progress is slower.

We should all strive to push each other and hold each other to higher standards of achievement, and a higher rate of progress and evolution. PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH

I'll take this discussion to /fringemeta/ now and talk about how we need more competitions and challenges.

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