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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

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File: 89bfba63daa412c⋯.jpg (148.55 KB, 640x948, 160:237, linji-yixuan-804634.jpg)


How do we get rid of the nig-posting buddha anon? I feel obligated to try and counter all his shitposting with some good threads and postings on here but it's wearing me down as I want to get back to my magickal practices and don't have time to sit on /fringe/ all day like he does making a hundred posts a day. Obviously BO isn't going to ban him, so what are ways we can persuade him to gtfo here, or curse him, or otherwise get him to stop posting? Also I keep getting called you-know-who any time I say anything to defend the board and its owner.


File: 90119dddbc1176f⋯.jpg (120.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2.jpg)

You can start by putting your Board Owner tag on


Why is he triggering you so hard? I think he's doing you a favor, lad.



Just ask for names to be reimplemented. If he had a name you could filter him.


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Your iconic level of irony is a tad too much, even for my senses. With risk of getting banned in a grenade ban, I'd like to say that the avatars are seemingly forced memes. Milhouse tier maymay.

You have your monthly buddha thread on the first page already. Why don't you spread yourself in that thread so we can enjoy every bit of you?


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Of course, I have that thread up in case anyone would like to discuss the OP or anything related to Buddhism. So far it has been people interpreting their own takes on things; I'll leave them to discuss amongst themselves until someone has legitimate questions.


I like Corybro, he's basically the only person who posts quality shit on /fringe/ anymore, what with the oldfigs gone, the shitposters metaphorically raping /fringe/girl double-sided, and you unironically (((playing all sides))). I think you're just mad cause he made another board and was the first to call you out on your little 4chon 2.0 bullshit. Live and let live, can't you do that?

>I feel obligated to try and counter all his shitposting with some good threads and postings on here but it's wearing me down as I want to get back to my magickal practices and don't have time to sit on /fringe/ all day like he does making a hundred posts a day

Oh come on you're really gonna try that? I do hundreds of meditations a day and I still have time to see every post that goes on /fringe/, and besides I think there's a big difference between, "Seek balance in all walks of life", vs "YOU IS UNDERGOING PSYCHOSIS". What are you hiding, why so butthurt?

>Obviously BO isn't going to ban him, so what are ways we can persuade him to gtfo here, or curse him, or otherwise get him to stop posting?

Are you fucking kidding me? You go on for two fucking paragraphs about how unenlightened people can't prosper in an enlightened society cause they constantly curse each other for petty reasons, and yet you're gonna be like, "Let's curse this guy I don't like" fucking pathetic, I thought you were better than this.


File: 57e0339f4a11a3c⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, cV9AhuJ0u1nRarpguzM9xLkntG….jpg)

corybro dindu nuffin and opie is a butthurt faggot


File: 931128d5637572d⋯.png (499 B, 20x11, 20:11, all me btw.png)


>thinks he ain't getting played

>thinks he doesn't have experience dealing with usurpers

>thinks he isn't in getting memed on

>thinks he isn't right now the subject of a magickal operation and that his energies aren't being redirected toward a purpose he is clueless about


>call you out on your little 4chon 2.0 bullshit.

Uhhh this board has been nothing like /4chon/ except for when in the last few days /4chon/ners started invading and making it this way. You're blaming the BO for this drama when it's buddha shitposter avatarfag starting it?

>Live and let live, can't you do that?

Stop being a tripfaggot apologist, can't you do that?

>You go on for two fucking paragraphs about how unenlightened people can't prosper in an enlightened society cause they constantly curse each other for petty reasons, and yet you're gonna be like, "Let's curse this guy I don't like" fucking pathetic, I thought you were better than this.

uh oh someone is doing some stalking. What one persona says does not carry for the others you know. I don't have to be stuck as one person like you. MPD Master Race reporting in… or maybe just a trickster pretending to ALL ME BTW.



>durrrrr im allowed to act like a mongoloid 4chonner because other people were doing it and I have done nothing to contribute to any other conversation other than act like a giant dick and im proud of it

People like you are literal board cancer, tell me, how do we persuade you to leave?

>hurrr durrr don't want any drama so I will make a thread thats central point is creating drama because I don't like this guy posting, I also pathologically stalked the board making sure I told every person they were psychotic and mentally ill but now I want people to talk to me because I literally have nothing else to do than hunger for attention

You are like a pathetic maggot rolling around in shit expecting people to want to interact with you but you are revolting. The vibe you give off is tainted and completely disgusting.



*le cringe*

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