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Ready for a daily or weekly challenge?

Here we go.


I have my admission into the competition with a whopping 97.9 F.

Picture evidence not required, because who the fuck is going to cheat at a game like this. Might as well take the pic and delete the exif then pop it up here though.


Well OP it just so happens I am an adept in manipulating my body heat, making myself hot or cold on command.

I however don't really want to participate in your challenge because humidity, weather, and so on play a big factor here and well basically it proves nothing.

…and if you don't care about evidence then ummm what exactly do you want me to do? Just do what I do nearly every single day anyways and continue my practice of body heat manipulation?

I also control my ability to sweat btw and a variety of other body functions that are all normally under only subconscious command.

What exactly are you asking me to do OP? I haven't got to the point yet where I have set on fire anything with the heat I produce. Once I do that though I plan on maybe making a video (despite all the curses and other shit that will probably come my way when people see what I'm doing and showing to the world, normally I'm extremely secretive, as are most very advanced practitioners who all gain pretty much nothing but trouble by showing off).



Fuck proving something. This is a fuckin' game. Now post it. Put it in the pouch between thumb and palm and find what temperature you can reach.



I don't have a thermometer except for the ones in my aquariums. Where do I buy one like you have? Maybe what I'll do is, I will hold it in my hand for a determined amount of time after first noting the humidity and temperature of the room I am, then I will repeat for the same amount of time but willing my hand to be as cold as possible, then again but hot as possible. Then I will see what is the difference between the three and more extreme the difference is, the more I will know I'm a bad-ass at this. Really though I would prefer to just keep practicing like I have now for a long time in secret, and not bother to reveal anything until I'm at the stage of freezing or burning things.



Yeah lighten up bro (get it?)

We're just trying to get the highest temperature. Just hold it in the crook of your hand so it isn't exposed to air.

You can call your local pharmacy and see if they have a thermometer. I have a digital metallic probe one.

Relax and just post your numbers guys.



I have had plans to, within the next couple months, establish more contact with fire elementals and with their guidance attain much more power over fire, including being able to handle extremely hot objects with bare hands, setting things on fire by a projection of heat, etc.

To get there though I got to focus on some other things that need addressing right now like keeping my vitality up and various preparations.

I'll feel embarrassed showing off while I'm still not that amazing right now. What I do impresses the fuck out of 99% of the general populace already but I have higher aspirations and know of plenty of monks, mediums, etc. that did much more amazing stuff with fire.

Also there's a shaman I know who is trying to discover and is interested in the exact same secrets of fire that I am striving for and if I beat him to it in being the first then I can't wait to part that knowledge to him so he can learn it too. He was going to learn it from another shaman who could pick up burning logs and stuff with his bare hands but who died of old age before he could pass on the secret. I feel confident that I will be the one though that rediscovers, independently, the secret; and I will make him very happy by then sharing it with him.



Fire is vitality dude. I'm on day 2 of a 7 day slef-initiation into fire. Vitality is more about doing something physical that unblocks all your stagnant shit and lets it flow and circulate. Don't sleep for 5 days, exercise daily with daily progressions and low rest periods, and generate/train your fire. Take a hot as fuck shower, light a candle and burn yourself, that shit.

It's the fastest route to take. And be brave. Jump into the fire. And post your shit, what could you possibly show off? We won't know until you show us. I'll try to hit a new high here soon.



So wait, how long could he hold onto the log?



95.54 F body temperature for reference.

Attempt #1: 96.44 F

Attempt #2: 96.08 F (got dizzy)



100.04f or 37.8c



forgot my flag



Nice. We're in the 100F range now.



What is your reference body temperature though? That's important.



True that is important.

It's about 35.5.







Nah that depends on the person. Some run hotter than others.

The point is that we should be able to hit 100F +, which is beyond normal temps. We should hit 120F +.


Where are my tumo posters


Anyone working on their fire element out there? Tummo? Anything related to body heat? The Alchemist works on both the spiritual and physical plane at the same time, after all… according to someone somewhere… oh how useful the inner fire is.


Where's the challengers? C'mon


So no one is posting because they can't do it, right?

Test your meddle faggots.

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