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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So I undoubtedly have an entity attaching itself to me.

It's some type of subconscious implant that creates negative emotions/thoughts, and I can feel it restricting the chakras from the solar plexus down.

Thing is, I know this entity was on a "friend" of mine before; an idiot who messed with the occult and didn't know what he was doing. Pretty sure it attached itself to him when he started to try NLP, and that's pretty much the same time I stopped talking to him too. He's an insecure, jealous and power-hungry person, so I just did not need that type of energy in my life. He also backstabbed me a number of times in his pursuit of 'status'. I don't know how, but it seems as if he's merely taken it off of him and transported it to me. Still haven't figured out how.

Swapped astral bodies? Made a deal with the devil? He doesn't have much intelligence or concentration power so I honestly don't know how he's managed to rid himself of it and give it to me, but I just need to know how to get it off for good. At this point I don't even know if I should attempt to send it back to him, or if that would just proliferate the issue. I just sincerely want this thing gone.

I'm all ears for the strongest techniques and advice you have, since I'm feeling very drained at this point and have tried a few things (visualising pulling it off, visualising an auric bubble, telling it I do not want it).

Thank you.


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Find it and tear it up, contain and burn, transmute your emotions so it starves and leaves, walk over moving water, a bridge, cleanse your area with ssge, overload ypur body with light that burns everything negative.


Isolate it and /tear/ its space.

Find, isolate, trap in a sphere and burn it.

Get rid of everything, after you got the bigger part, breathe in light and out darkness, coaxing it from the body with each breath out until you feel that you are so clean that on the breath out you breathe white light.



Make sure to gather it in a spherecontainer at all times


As for that mantra, sit entirely still and move only when it prompts you to.


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You need to stop feeding it but you are still giving it so much time and fixation just by making this thread.

>I don't know how, but it seems as if he's merely taken it off of him and transported it to me. Still haven't figured out how.

You have a strong connection with your firend perhaps even a moderatley psychic one, if you presented no oppurtunity for the thing to feed then it would not have came for you, it requires food to survive and it essentially loosh farming you and thriving from your negativity. That is why you have to gain a degree of positive mentality, you must make your mind passive so that when something tries to infiltrate it or attack it does not actively get gripped or pushed away but rather slips through you without tension. If you cultivate a sensually positive environment and keep a clear mind not prone to regression then it literally will not be able to survive nor find any sort of enjoyment from sapping you.

Now are you 100% sure that this entity was formed by your friend and cast over to you? Could it not be possible that in fact you created the thing or that you have come across it from somewhere else? Do not be quick to make assumptions on this because these things can be picked up quite naturally without any real conscious malevolence behind it. Regardless if it is a sapping neg the same advice applies and even if your "friend" was actively transmitting this energy towards you he still would not be able to affect you with a disciplined and leveled mind. If you achieve passiveness then all that would be done is the negativity basks in itself and ends up destroying itself. Your friend would harness all this negative energy and the only place it would touch would be him. By opening up to it you give it a foothold to have power over you - don't do that.

They can be an awful lot like trolls, telling a troll to go away and that you don't want them doesn't make them stop it makes them realise they are getting to you and encourages them to stay, but if you ignore them and don't give them the attention they desperatley grasp for then they just fade away till they find the next best opening for loosh.



Find a root worker through google. They will tell you what you need and how to use it.

Likely will be salt bath and some rituals.


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Thank you.


What sort of mantra would you suggest?


We did have a strong connection, we were best friends with many similarities for years before he suddenly became cunty. He was the one to openly instigate an issue between us, and continued to do so even after I tried many times to ignore and forgive perceived transgressions. Once it became obvious that he had a problem with me I just removed myself from the situation.

I myself am slightly psychic, and I can feel his impression all over this entity, it actually matches the feeling of his insecurity. I didn't exactly invite it, but the other day I started thinking about asking people to send me their negative energy so I could remove it for them. I had a kundalini awakening last November so I believed I was equipped to help everyone. I did not expect a fucking evil entity to be sent to me though, I didn't even really expect anything of it to be honest. It was just a passing thought during a moment of arrogance and wanting to help.

Thing is, whatever this entity is doing, it's shuttling energy around between a few different people. I don't know if it's in multiple people at once or if it just operates from a single location, but I just want to deal with it as safely as possible. I was in two minds about sending it back, but after thinking about how things between us got so corrupted, I feel part of this ordeal is for me to stop being so open to those who I know want to hurt me. I feel like it should go to him.

The fact that it's draining my loosh is causing me massive anxiety, the kundalini opened me to vast amounts of sexual energy that I'm fretting over not having right now. I'm pretty certain this entity came to him when he attempted to copy what I was capable of. His insecurity disgusts me.

But I know focusing on it is not the way to healing, I just felt that trying to understand it first would be helpful.

He has some of my loosh right now, but I can tell he's still anxious. I can feel it.


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You are actually sapping yourself and digging yourself into a hole when its time to STOP.

>I'm anxious

>My libidio troubles me

>His insecurity disgusts me

>I don't know

>I'm not sure

So you have actively encouraged malevolence to enter you, admitted a certain degree of arrogance, overconfidence in ones own ability without fully understanding what you are doing, continual negative focus on someone you have a psychic link and long lasting friendship with. You are dabbling in a lot of unknowable assumptions which will cause you more stress by presuming to know (classic mistake), entities can be deceitful you know, but I think its quite clear you have had quite a hand in projecting whatever this is. Your problem honestly doesn't so much seem to me as a problem with an entity as it does with your emotional self-control. If you control your mental state and keep at it consistently you will have the self-defence in place, you will also just be in a better zone anyway, leave behind any petty disputes, rise above that shit and leave it behind and as a result the chaff clinging on to your back will burn off.

>I know focusing on it is not the way to healing, I just felt that trying to understand it first would be helpful.

Better to understand when you are healed rather than trying to make sense of things when you know your mind is undisciplined and in a fluctuating state. You have the tools at your disposal to get rid of it but you still want to look it in the face and see what it is - thats it getting to you. Brush it off like its dust, clean your headspace and inner self, nobody TRULY understands these things. The longer you feed it and let it siphon you the stronger and harder to remove it shall be.

You have made the most positive steps you can because you recognise there is a probem and now you try to fix it but the answers are all actually rather simple and mostly rely on your own mental effort and input.


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Alright, I hear ya.

Do you have any recommendations on what I should train my mind on?


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One of the best things you can do to keep yourself fixed on this goal of calmness and positivity is to change something in your external environment. Lots of things work like a visual cue, moving the position of something keeps you firmly rooted in your aspirations, stopping you from drifting back into negativity. All senses work really, smells, audio, ambient soundscapes like rain fall or sailboats, all of these help to reinforce you psychologically. This does more than that alone though, because negs also hate positive, clean, and relaxing environments. You help your own mind, and push away the entity, then when your mind is more positive the entity cannot even gain access. Even if it is something of a different nature this stuff even throws of remote viewers and loosh farmers.

Think of it this way, we learn how to live before we learn how to think, and so we are habitually prone to unconscious desires and trails of thought. Our thoughts create the world, but we do not have control over them till we take steps to reversing the process. We have to make sacrafices so that we then become habituated in productive passive thinking, instead of consuming active thought. It is hard to clear your mind when your environment and routine are the same as when you are anxious or drained thats why it helps to make those conscious changes. Start a new habit, do something you would like to do which is different, pick up reading some cool books, or find some good places to take walks around and contemplate (decide for yourself and find your own way). There are probably all sorts of interests you could be into that would also help divert much of your mental energy into something productive.

For controlling your actual thoughts I know nothing better than meditation, if you have never done it before just start trying to do 5 mins, then 10, then 15 etc and don't beat yourself up to much if its difficult at first. The mind is like a muscle, you can't lift 200lbs if you have never trained at all, just like how you can't expect instant results in the mind and soul without persistent dedication - but thats the crucial part - persistent dedication, the rest just comes with time.

Now if you do these things, even if you were not being stalked by an entity, then you would probably see benefit regardless, but it will totally disrupt anything trying to breach you, even your psychic links will diminish because you take active steps to change yourself. It raises your self-defence emotionally and mentally from ALL beings. So you have a whole lot of choices and options to make suit you:

1. Ways of shaping your environment and reinforcing positivity psychologically with sensory cues to keep yourself orientated to a spiritual goal.

2. Taking steps to dehabituate your typical thinking patterns which result in anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions through new pursuits which appeal to your sensibilities and character through productive and refresing actions.

3. Grow mental discipline to gain control of your thoughts and emotions through meditation which all in all will improve your life dramatically; personally, spiritually, psychologically, external, internal, the whole shebang it does it all.

Now there are various forms of banishment but in my opinion they are pretty much worthless unless you believe in them, and even if you do, it is not a simple case of just doing a little spell and "poof" its all gone. Nah, you need to get them at their source, but if you can do these things and come up with, or know, any personal banishment spells chuck those in as well. Everyone has their own personal banishment ritual you just intuitively find your own through experience and what you're like. Hope this helps.


> feel really really inexplicably tired

> decide to lay down and rest my eyes

> become overcome with extreme lethargy

> strangely go in and out of sleep and dream

> wake up for about the 6th time to the sound of a strange drowned out and distorted laughter, constant laughter coming from the left side of my vision

> realize I'm having a sleep paralysis episode but the laughing won't cease

> 0% panic

> nonchalantly will myself back to moving

> try to pay attention to the laughter to see if it's still there

> sound is slowly being drowned out

> visualize the source of the sound being crushed, pierced, burnt, ripped apart, tormented by vicious energies

> sound ceases

> shake off groggy feelings

> realize what I just experienced

And that's how negative entities should be dealt with



This is the only non retarded response in the thread so far. There are rituals for this shit much more tried and perfected than muh visualize teh energy in ur chakras lelelel fugging mundanes amirite guise??




If you stop reading books and masturbating and instead do the fucking work it will come a time when you are accustomed enough to thinking in symbolism and arcana that you will come up with effective rituals on the spot.

Most faggots areund these parts are sheltered little shits who think their privileged lives are somehow the result of one day deciding to be the magicians to get back at their parents, when in reality they have never once in their lives faced a real crisis and are BELOW MUNDIES in terms of knowing how to handle themselves in the world.





Nice try, obullshitist. The bible does nothing. At worst it will actually attract jewish entities to fuck with you.



Fuck off Alpam.


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>he uses the lesser banishing ritual

No. That is incorrect practice. He is only using half of the sigil. To truly banish all things you need the ENTIRE key to perform the BANISHING ritual.

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