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Be strong /fringe/. No matter who you are be strong. Be discerning.

Take your rest as needed, but life is a war on all fronts. Fight hard, love harder.


The flag for this post is "Hermeticist".

Just go hard as hell. I find it is not so profitable for one to be concerned with "competing", however… or to be "in competition" with others however, which is how the rich appear to want the poor to be. I.E…."Jews v.s. Gentiles" or "Whites v.s. Blacks"….etc.



If (((they))) want competition why do they constantly demand total subservience, demand we "just get along" aka give up all our labor and future to them, and create monopolies all the time?

No they don't want competition. At all. They certainly do want their slaves working themselves to death, exhausting themselves mentally and physically.

Like it or not you can be a placating cuck type or you can fight. Peace if for women who give up their pussies to the invaders… or for conquerors who eradicate their enemies. Those are the only ways to know peace.

All our resources and everything are being strained. Everyone feels it in the depth of their soul; the world needs a great big cleansing, a reset. Too much peace, security, etc. has just become a miserable slavery.


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There's more important shite to worry about rather than egotism, religion, or other peoples' struggles, or how you fit into the "rich man's economy".

Hermeticism has "Mind over matter…" written all over it.


Read Metaphysics of War guys.


Will bring clarity to the mind and put war into its proper and sacred place.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you're a typical "raised on computers" no attention ADD degenerate then this short video is a good intro.



Explain to me what is egotism please. I don't understand what you mean by that term.



I mean egotism as in extending your will over others or comparing yourself to others.

As in how the foolish rich are egotistical concerning fleeting pleasures of materialism.

How the foolish poor pity themselves.

Egotism concerning the egotism of the gods with all due respect to 'em.



I am a non-smoker. Such addictions are weakness, IMO.



Some rich are work af. Other are complete fools consumed by their own wealth. Lot of rich people who are degenerating fast because they spend all their fucking time being miserable, neglecting their children who end up growing up with severe problems, wasting money and their thoughts on acquiring bullshit, etc. The way I see it being rich sucks if it consumes you. You have to worry about some business, worry about family feuds, worry about making deals all the time, etc. it's a big sacrifice that eats the soul up. I am glad rich people exist and take care of the things they do as I'd not like to have their responsibility. Some rich people though use (and acquire) their wealth in such a way that they just corrupt and shit up the world though and as far as I'm concerned they should be gassed and have their assets seized by more altruistic types. Certain industries need to just be shutdown. Anyways being poor is also shit and consumes you too. The ideal I think is to become a rich aristocratic NEET who organize his time in such a way that he can put aside large blocks of time for self-development and spiritual work and for other things at other times. The point is not to get enslaved, be it enslaved to poverty and it's bleak struggle for existence (or for paying for some woman's child support or paying debts), or enslaved to wealth that you work all the fucking time for it.


>work af

That slip of the subconscious.

I meant WOKE af.



>"become rich"

I think chasing wealth is only appropriate if you have a special calling for it.

I personally live in sin, which I am trying to climb out of.

For instance, some of those wealthy people have family they have to rear, or have servants they must look after.



Swami Vivekananda talks about wealth and poverty and talks about how the enlightened can be found in rags and in palaces.

The main thing to remember is to never act out of cowardice. Are you avoiding wealth because of cowardice? Then you must pursue wealth. If you are afraid of poverty? Then maybe that's what you need. Then again it's all about mental attitude, karma yoga is. You don't have to try and live out everything, you just have to know that you have a mind which is unswayed by the extremes of wealth and poverty, a mind which is above it completely.

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