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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I've been hanging out with an older alpha male legionnaire (FFL) and his behaviour is completely contrary to how I've been raised to act.

I literally can't help myself. I don't want to be the way I am. However my father was a beta cuck who settled down with a 30 year old woman, having been a virgin until about 40, and created me; then got dominated by my mother who basically just spends his high income all the time and never cleans or works or does anything but is entitled to everything for merely having a vagina.

Growing up I was raised by mother who didn't let me have friends, didn't let me play, never let me swore, never let me do anything dangerous, and basically raised me to be completely cucked and soul-broken. She now wonders why I am in my mid 20s and still haven't married, never had a gf, never have kids, etc. inbetween ordering me around to do bitch work like taking out the garbage, cleaning the table, doing the dishes, etc. while she does nothing. All my life for some reason all the choirs of the household, all the cleaning work, all the shit my mother should have been doing; it all fell on me. Meanwhile my sister was raised to have everything, have friends, more masculine upbringing, she drinks alcohol, parties, works a job, etc.

When I should have been learning how to be a man I was instead being coddle by abusive narcissistic mother and forced to do everything for her because she's too lazy to even open doors for herself or do anything at all. She treated me like a complete bitch and that's what I've grown up to be. An unusually effeminate, tired, low-test, no beard, bitchboy. I could become a trap easily.

Regards from the neo-marxist dystopia of Canada. How do I undo all this damage and transition from a sissy boi to an actual fucking man? Is it too late now? Do people ever change themselves from effeminate bitch to proper man at this age?

Also feel free to share your stories of having been feminized and dominated by your mothers or others here too if you are suffering from this same problem. Found this board btw from a skype chat where we were talking about this issue.



>Found this board btw from a skype chat where we were talking about this issue.

Where exactly did you get this chat from and who are those other people?


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Op if you're a manlet, don't let your dreams be dreams! Become the trap that you were meant to be!


>still haven't married

Over half of all marriages end in divorce. Also unless you're rich like Donald Trump, if you're poor or middle class you will be financially raped by alimony.

>never had a gf

It's usually not a very glamorous experience. Didn't you have a relationship with [redacted] and [redacted]? Didn't work out so well, did it? It's time to program waifu AI and make robot waifus so that real women would be forced to compete with them, heh.

>never have kids

Don't have kids unless you're financially capable of ensuring they have their own property, even if it's just some cheap plot of land with a trailer. Otherwise they will be just as miserable as you when they become adults. This is a blackpill that cuckservatives refuse to acknowledge because it was WAY cheaper to buy property in the 70s and 80s. Who knows how long it'll take for the housing bubble to burst. Or just save up, move out of Jewnada and come to Mexico since that's where I'm headed. Mexican president Vicente Fox is probably more h'white than you are.

>bitch work like taking out the garbage, cleaning the table, doing the dishes, etc.

How's that "bitch work"? Everyone has to do that unless you're rich enough to afford a maid or have a housewife. Btw in Mexico you might be able to afford a maid who can clean for you weekly.

>neo-marxist dystopia of Canada

Canada's policies since the 70s have been neo-liberal. The richest people from Hong Kong, China, etc. have bought up much of the property in the major cities. There's a reason why they call Vancouver "Hongkouver."

>I was instead being coddle by abusive narcissistic mother and forced to do everything for her because she's too lazy to even open doors for herself or do anything at all. She treated me like a complete bitch and that's what I've grown up to be. An unusually effeminate, tired, low-test, no beard, bitchboy. Also feel free to share your stories of having been feminized and dominated by your mothers or others here too if you are suffering from this same problem.

Is your mom hot at least?

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>How's that "bitch work"? Everyone has to do that unless you're rich enough to afford a maid or have a housewife. Btw in Mexico you might be able to afford a maid who can clean for you weekly.

Listen. I was doing this while growing up my whole life while my sister, my father, and my mother did nothing. They just used me as a slave. I cleaned up after all their messes. I did everything for the. Do you understand now? Hell I'm ashamed to say it but I like to clean and keep things organized. Problem is it's all I can fucking do now and the even bigger problem is the disrespect and sissification. If I was doing it on my own, living on my own, that would be one thing. However since nobody else in the house does fucking anything and I do it for them as their slave, that's just… fust… fusdfokdsfosdfsdf


My mother is obese and disgusting, a complete subhuman, and I have to serve her like the sissy boi bitch I am. She should be fucking gassed. I feel ashamed to be born of her. I exist for her to be lazier, to slave for her, so she can be miserable and abusive anyways.


My whole family is white trash subhumans that exist to serve small asian cock. Work, work, work for nothing and get dominated by Asians.


I'm sick and tired of it. I want to be a real fucking man but I can't. I reek of effeminacy. Poisoned by the jew mind control and sissification. Raised by a feminist and a sorry excuse for a "father".


I wish my whole family line was destroyed, nothing good has come of it, all bad.


I'm starting to hate myself and my recent ancestors and feel a pride in it. Is this a good progress or no? At least I just felt good about myself suddenly for one moment of incredible rage, a certain feeling of satisfaction and optimism that I will put to rest this nightmare.


In what way is this /fringe/ tho?

Try /fit/ instead.



Exercise does fucking nothing. It's a mental problem.



Then 8ch is not the place for you if you want to feel better, this is a place for fags, traps and niche anime fetishes.

Try wordpress blogging.


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The solution is to start hate fucking your mother. Give her the dicking that your father hasn't given her. Make her submit to you. Do it faggot op!



There's got to be some wizards here who have successfully gone from the feminine mindset to the masculine and seen the corresponding changes in their body or some shit though.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is your destiny op! Make her your bitch!



I can only call myself nothing more than an Initiate, but I've had the desire to become a female at one point in my life. I overcame it by discovering the occult.

This is not the place you should be to me purely more masculine. Here, you are meant to find balance between both polarities. TheRedPill subreddit has more that will help you than here.

Remember, it's all in your mindset. Desire it, will it and so it shall be.



No, magic is often hyper feminine. In order to compensate you must be hyper masculine, just to be normal masculine…. though a much more powerful male as you survived something incredibly feminine. Magic shit is incredibly fluid and receptive and mental. The reason why a masculine mind set changes a man is how it changes his actions and inner organization. Go read up on what masculine people did in the past and what they DIDN'T do… on their rise, not their fall, mind you. Everyone turns ugly when they fall.


Yeah quit being a bitch. Your mom is a bitch, fuckin disown that worthless trash hoe. Listen to some masculine music (needing music to be a man is pussy shit though this is your kindergarten of masculinity) like hard rap, hip hop, rock, metal that type of shit. Start training. Don't call it some faggot shit like exercise or working out or whatever, call it training. Train for 3 things: Fighting to subdue and kill, Fitness for function and endurance, and a steel body and will.

If you're going through psychological torture and torment then you're doing things right. If you're attacked all the time, feel like everyone is trying to choke you out or that no one likes or approves of you, you're doing something right. If it feels like you're all alone and only have yourself, you're doing something right. If even being wanted or desired by others pisses you off because women (everyone) are manipulative thieving scheming cunts who like ruining people then you're doing something right. Though in the end this is more a measure of your weakness than your strength, it's great to know where you require strength.

>"wow so edgy i bet you think you're a real man huh angsty teenage little shit? insecure over-compensating blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH BLA–

Don't be a pussy who needs to follow the cultural and social currents of the time. Start conquering your faults and weaknesses one or two at a time, and developing your strengths two or three at a time.

Work with the Fire and Metal element and forge yourself.



Fucking kill yourself you worthless pathetic trash piece of shit. Implode in the company of your demonic brethren and swear off the plague-like kind you made your brothers and sisters in the aftermath of your ruin.



>Listen to some masculine music (needing music to be a man is pussy shit though this is your kindergarten of masculinity) like hard rap, hip hop, rock, metal that type of shit.

This is Andrew Anglin-tier advice. Yes goy, just become a wigger.



It's basic rhythm and rhyme with heavy intonations. Eat shit. Don't worship their cocks you borderline homosexual, just listen to some aggressive fucking music. Embryonic sludge.


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>There's got to be some wizards here who have successfully gone from the feminine mindset to the masculine and seen the corresponding changes in their body

Yes and they're fat neckbeard armchair occultists.

Join the succubus path and accept femininity as your guiding principle for real succes!



How to?


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Pay no mind to this succubus business. It's a load of rubbish. The last thing anyone needs is some rogue spirit coming in and muddling their life.

/fringe/ 101 should be like… "Don't summon a succubus."


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This is a bit of synchronicity for me because it is now four people in the space of a day in which I have had to give this piece of spiritual guidence.

It is time to confront your dark side and integrate it into your personality. You may think you are completely feminised and some little bitch nice guy but there is a dark part of you that is resentful, angry, furious, perhaps even slightly malevolent. Stop telling yourself you are a "nice" guy. You're not. Part of you is waiting to burst from the amount of illusion you have placed on your own personality. This kind of splitting of the self is very dangerous, you need to develop yourself and it is very positive you have taken this step of realization to know this, but it is no wonder why you might suffer from mental health problems if this is how you've been dealt with.

Now the other side, namely





This is the wrong way, this is not unification of the selves but an abdandonment of one for the other. The way is not hatred, the way is not anger, the way is not murder, the way is not sexual domination of others.This path is more suffering for yourself and for others and it should not be encouraged as a responsible way of self-development and eventual enlightenment. Do not pass the unfortunate destiny on to others, such is the cycle of suffering; samsara. Leave behind your resentment brother, don't look into the abyss of the past lest you be turned into a pillar of salt, move forward and do not restrict yourself with the chains of negativity. Think of it like the Yin and the Yang, one is dark, one is light, but both sides contain a drop of the other within it. It is 2 sides, placed in one harmonious body, it is good, and it is bad, it is strong, and it is weak, it is masculine, and it is feminine.

When the two parts fuse they become something greater than all these things, they become whole. You have become overwhelmingly casted into one side, and now it is perhaps time you negotiate which new parts of yourself need to arise, but always try to achieve balance, anything else just leads to the same problems, just with a different skin. Meditate, become mentally strong and disciplined, train your body with a routine of body weight excercises so that you can become strong and shaped in the projected image you want to be. You are on the path to self-improvement, it is long and narrow, with many oppurtunity to fall off, but as long as you orientate yourself towards the higher ideals you will find your way.

You'd be surprised how many from here come from overbearing mothers or abusive homes. I have met some people that have gone through the worst of upbringings with the most insufferable parents and yet they are still some of the strongest people I know. They realise that they are the Master of their own lives, their own Teachers, and their own responsibility. It is inspiring to know that we can transcend even the most brutal and deranged of environments, you can too. Enjoy getting in touch with your darker masculine side, integrate it well into you, and become something greater than what you are. We are all greater than the sum of our parts.

If you are looking for active spiritual discussion and advice from a range of perspectives check out Fringe Chat https://discord.gg/kUnE84k

The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You.


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ty anon for quality content



ty for reading anon I give out my whatever knowledge I can in hopes it can alleviate suffering and prolong prosperity.


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Synchronicity after synchronicity recently! You use your metaphors and I'll use mine I guess but its all a metaphor for the same thing. Funny how that works.





What you need to know is posted in this archived thread.

This is not succubus summoning, this is the path to becoming an eternal succubus. It has nothing to do with changing your physical apart from the benefits of guidance, the changes take place on your spiritual side.



Why oh why would you want to become a succubus eternally? Some trapped soul constantly bound to feeding off male sexual energy? Succubi turn into scabby old hags who can't even communicate outside of sexual stimulation. They are the kind of thing you banish and get rid of universally, succubi are never seen as good, they are evil creatures whose sole focus and intent is on the animalistic pleasures. You reap what you sow I guess, only a fool would take this path when having been showing the way to peace and transcendence. Being baited with sex and greed, we've been telling stories for thousands of years which tell over and over again how ignorant and reckless such a thing is.



What happens to the physical body? Do I need to 'off myself'? Also, the thread is dead so I can't follow the given instructions. Should I just yell out my intent in the astral or something?



What you are talking about is a misconception. While there are such spiritual beings, they are not beyond reincarnation and exist only as ghosts with an unstable form.

A real succubus is a demon with "god" standard, meaning they have internalized the reincarnation process and do not change form. They do evolve but they will remain as succubus.

Most the the current succubus are daughters of ancient demons now sleeping somewhere deep down in caves no one can access. As the world religions are failing, this has opened up a possibility for succubus to start recruiting the indetermined souls of humans (and non-succubus female demons in general).

Oh and you can't banish a real succubus, she will stay where she wants, you can't stop her.

Why would you not want to be a superior entity? Only a fool would want to keep reincarnating, eventually you'd end up in a degenerated society and destroy yourself out of ignorance.



Either you live as normal and die of old age, your spirit will then be guided to your realm of choice and you will have the form you evolved. Or you manage to transform your human body directly and turn physically immortal. If that should happen you will have a near death experience and then wake up again. Your secondary souls will then be removed and you will be in full control of your bodily form. This path is different and you will have to learn how to adapt to other dimensions before you can go to the succubus realms in full body. The advantage is you don't lose your human assets and can keep coming back here if you want.

I guess you just need to express your wish, it's not important how as long as you're clear on what you want. I've heard the letter method is effective. Write a letter and burn it in a ritual setting, that is sure to attract attention.


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does /fringe/ have any suggestions on anti-aging skincare products and what to avoid?


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nice piggybacking off of unknown spiritual currents noob



>A real succubus is a demon

>They do evolve but they will remain as succubus.

>What you are talking about is a misconception

Nope that is pretty much what I said, a soul trapped constantly bound to feeding off male sexual energy. Why would you want to be a demon? Why would you spread lust and bait people into turning themselves into something malevolent and against virtue and God? You refuted nothing I said, just said: You're wrong, and then elaborated on the demonic nature of succubi. Lusting for sex and power is not a responsible solution to problems. You're an agent of Satan, spreading lies and encouraging the indulgence of desire and passion, a self-proclaimed demon lover whose words are worth nothing.


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>You're an agent of Satan, spreading lies and encouraging the indulgence of desire and passion, a self-proclaimed demon lover whose words are worth nothing.

Those a harsh words for a seemingly unconnected /fringe/ post by another anon, unless there is something personal taking place which I am not aware of or you are speaking on this plane in reference to that individual concerning things pertaining to a higher plane of existence.



> or you are speaking on this plane in reference to that individual concerning things pertaining to a higher plane of existence.

Thats right. Though it should be blatantly obvious that someone actively trying to encourage people to summon succubi and become a demon through sexual power is an agent of Satan. As a Rosicrucian do you condone "becoming a demon"?


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Of course not.

Was just trying to fish out more information out of that post to determine as to whether or not it was an anon trying to accuse me, or as to whether or not it was in response to the anon actually talking about the succubus.

Sometimes the universe tries to throw a bunch synchronistic doublespeak rubbish at me which I have to filter out of my life.



>a soul trapped constantly bound to feeding off male sexual energy. Why would you want to be a demon? Why would you spread lust and bait people into turning themselves into something malevolent and against virtue and God?

Trapped is not the correct word to use here, it implies hindrance of some sort. You are however trapped within the concept of demons being only those who hate god and will remain in hell for this reason. This is a narrow view. A "god" is simply someone who's freed from the suffering of reincarnation. Higher demons are also gods in this regard.

It also seems you're working from the perspective that all humans are positive and should follow your narrow definition of what a god is. This is not fair to those who will never be successful on that path because their inner nature is of different origin.



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>A demon is this thing that I exclusively define it as and every other source of information about them throughout the millenia is wrong and I am right.

>I changed the meaning of the word demon to suit my own axiomatic viewpoint which is backed up by nothing but my own word

>Forget what everyone else has said, discredit all faiths, all religions, all the literature, demons are are gods just freed from suffering, everyone else is a liar and I am right, everyone will stay in hell until they accept demons are not what they are etymologically, historically, culturally, religiously, overwhelmingly believed to be

>You are trapped in hell becuase you don't agree with me

>Buddha, Christ, and everyone else are all wrong because I say so, the only way you transcend suffering is to become a demon

>Some humans will never be successful pursuing the higher ideal of goodness because they are innately negative and evil, so don't try to better yourself

>god (g)

>It also seems



>full of shit

gtfo out of here Draconian



This picture is beyond parody


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You can't even differntiate between the idea of a god and God. You're trying to tell me you are some transcendental demon who doesn't even understand such a basic theological concept? You profess ignorance as truth, you present the way to enlightenment and positvity as hell, you are like the serpent offering the apple and God shall give what is due to you. Personally I don't even believe you are a succubi, its the kind of thing I'd expect to read on some little girls tumblr blog after reading some Crowley.


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>not greenpill comics


Everyone recommending I channel negative energy and get mad at others and stuff, just think of the Greenpill Man from the comics. If I got mad at others I'd just turn into a dark edgy bitch boi and still be feminine. Real alpha men are like fathers and happy with life.



Real talk you're right now conversing with an actual MK Ultra'd drone straight out of pedowood

t. knower

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


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(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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I tried many things and then I got a job at this one place where I was the cashier and I watched what people bought and I noticed an old woman with perfect skin buy a whole bunch of this one product and so after my shift I decided to buy it as well (was only $4 each btw). It was made in Slovenia or Spain I think and it has, unlike so much other bullshit I have tried over the years that did nothing, revolutionized my skin. It's some kind of yoghurt-honey bathwash thing. Pic related, just found it. FA Vanilla Yoghurt Honey Bodywash.



>there is only one god

This view is the biggest flaw of christianity. I am not presenting an argument within that framework and I have no interest in your theology either.

What I talk about is from my own experience rather than trust in ancient scriptures. Some parts of those I've confirmed true myself, some ideas - like monotheism - are based on ignorance.

Have you ever experienced anything beyond the ordinary, or are you just blindly accepting what someone wrote, trying to to use your intellect to make out truth from lie?

You do know trusting your intellect you are following Lucifer and not your god?


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You're catty, rude and spread false information.



There is only one Alfather/Allah/All. The all must be the all, for if anything is held to exist outside of the all, then the all would not be the all.

Hermeticism and Voodoo to name two "polytheistic religions" recognize one supreme/absolute being above them all.

The problem with christfaggots is they don't like less deities/archetypes/spirits to be worshipped and want to ignore all the layers of reality that stand between them and God.



DAILY REMINDER! The [redacted] poster aka [redacted] has a [redacted] and his username is [redacted].

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
Post last edited at



Both monotheistic ignorant slaves and succubus fags are complete trash blind fools.



The existence of everything doesn't posit deification you intellectually defecating cunt.



Though at least you try to understand and know "all the layers of reality that stand between them and God."



>The existence of everything doesn't posit deification you intellectually defecating cunt.

What is Omnipresence, Infinite, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnisentient, Unchanged, Self-sufficient, Uncaused, etc.?

Also have you even read The Kybalion?


>Though at least you try to understand and know "all the layers of reality that stand between them and God."

What the hell do you think I am? Do you think I'm some sort of Christfaggot or something? I regularly, every single day, interact with spirits and higher intelligences. For example a few hours ago a spirit showed me a whole bunch of photographs of someone, showing them at each stage of their life from when they were young to when they were older.



Okay, I'll do that.


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I am in fact not a monotheist but it is very intriguing how you need to make such a projection to have something to respond to. You make out that I reject any form of achetype or other spirits but I never said anything of the sort and all of this is pure 100% projection then creating a strawman of generalised Christianity to attack something that was never said. Judge on the fruit something bares not on the tree that it grows from. What fruit does your tree bare? Calling people ignorant slaves and intellectually defecating cunts without proper exploration? Passing off casual assumptions as something that was said? That is rather ironic, you cast the stone to say someone is ignorant and yet do not try to engage in anything other than petty insults. How about you ask rather than presume?

Honestly you still pretend to be some type of transcendental demon? The entirety of your post avoids everything that was said so you can just green text

>there is only one god

God is an absolute, God is something greater than a mere spirit or Archetypal figure, that does not mean that anyone holding this belief cannot see the existence of gods (small case g, you got that yet "demon"?), it doesn't mean you can automatically and pathologically project an image of someone believing in a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint. Maybe when you joined to become some supernatural entity which you self-proclaim is above us all you could of at least been granted an elementary intellect or knowledge of theology. You do realise that demon is a Christian term?

>inb4 no its a Koine Greek word I just use the Christian iteration and spelling because hurrr fuck you monotheist

So you defy Christianity and hate it yet still label yourself in the boundaries of their spiritual terminology? You really have no idea wtf you are talking about do you?

>Have you ever experienced anything beyond the ordinary

Yes, nice projection again

>are you just blindly accepting what someone wrote

Actually that would be what I was doing if I just took your word for granted on all this demon bullshit

>trying to to use your intellect to make out truth from lie

Its clear my intellect offends you. I am very pitiful about your irony and the blatant holes in your way of thinking that you cannot see because you are too absorbed in your projected assumptions to see anything other than what you would like to. I am also aware you have completely changed the subject artifically so you can defend yourself on superficial grounds.



>God is an absolute, God is something greater than a mere spirit or Archetypal figure, that does not mean that anyone holding this belief cannot see the existence of gods (small case g, you got that yet "demon"?), it doesn't mean you can automatically and pathologically project an image of someone believing in a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint. Maybe when you joined to become some supernatural entity which you self-proclaim is above us all you could of at least been granted an elementary intellect or knowledge of theology. You do realise that demon is a Christian term?

In the west we have a christian tradition, I never rejected this fact. Our language and law is based on it. There are demons in other religions as well, including asian religions. Would you prefer I use a term from another continent? That would just make it seem like I was trying to be special. None of that matters. Maybe I should stop calling Hell by the christian name too? It's language and I'll use whatever conveys the meaning.

>I am in fact not a monotheist but it is very intriguing how you need to make such a projection to have something to respond to. You make out that I reject any form of achetype or other spirits but I never said anything of the sort and all of this is pure 100% projection then creating a strawman of generalised Christianity to attack something that was never said

Weird, I as you just said

>God is an absolute, God is something greater than a mere spirit or Archetypal figure, that does not mean that anyone holding this belief cannot see the existence of gods (small case g

You are confirming you're monotheistisc the moment after you said you're not. This is some double think… by differentiating between "God" and "god" you're trying to say you're polytheistic and at the same time you clearly place "God" as ONE absolute being greater than other "gods". This is exactly what monotheism is about. There is no one greater god, it's a mere position, one among many, that's the meaning of polytheism. You're twisting semantics to fit your flawed logic.

>Its clear my intellect offends you

Interesting how you're not denying what I claimed


>You do know trusting your intellect you are following Lucifer and not your god?

As for


>>Have you ever experienced anything beyond the ordinary


>Yes, nice projection again

This was not a retorical question. I asked if you had ever experienced anything out of the ordinary, something that your faith could rest upon. Your lack of answer implies it is as I said, you ARE blindly accepting old scriptures and have not been able to confirm or discard any part of it, so you're trusting your intellect instead.


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>Monotheism is distinguished from henotheism, a religious system in which the believer worships one god without denying that others may worship different gods with equal validity, and monolatrism, the recognition of the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity.

Given this information, once again, you have no idea wtf you are talking about.

>This was not a retorical question. I asked if you had ever experienced anything out of the ordinary, something that your faith could rest upon. Your lack of answer implies it is as I said, you ARE blindly accepting old scriptures and have not been able to confirm or discard any part of it, so you're trusting your intellect instead.

>lack of an answer

You are aware I said yes right? I'm pretty sure you are because you quoted it yet you still say I didn't give you an answer. Utterly ridiculous projection to say I blindly accept whatever is said in the old scriptures without thinking about it or that I have no experience backing up my beliefs when I explicitly said otherwise. Such a conclusion is entirely unwarranted based off of anything I have said. You also expect me to blindly believe whatever you say without any justification in the slighest, is that not contradicting yourself for like the 5th time now?

>Have you ever experienced anything beyond the ordinary


>then you are just blindly accepting whatever you read in the old scriptures and must be a monotheist because I don't know what monotheism is and it suits me better to just call you that and derail into a meaninglessness instead of engaging in a productive dialogue even slightly related to the original topic

You do realise you aren't making any arguments just presenting projected image and strawmen and inserting little axioms with nothing to back them up right? I'm starting to think you do realise this and are just doing this for the sake of it.

>You do know trusting your intellect you are following Lucifer and not your god?

Ah, more projection. How do you know who my God is? Why do you think you understand my beleifs when you take 0 time to ever explore them? You must assume that anyone who says God must believe in this exact image you already have in your head. If anything your definition and view of God is the one that is narrow not mine, you are incapable of seeing anything outside of your own bubble. There are many interpretations to God universally, the fact you can only imagine one is very telling. You might believe that the intellect is some representation of Lucifer but I nor anyone else am bound by such a crude and simple generalisation. Ever hear of the Logos? And are you actually still pretending to be a demon by the way?

>hurr hurr your actually worshipping lucifer because you have an intellect

What a bunch of asinine drivel. Done with this discussion I have said what I have said and I do not think you can comprehend nor wish to explore the ideas I present. You are already lying repeatedly and evidently have little knowledge on terminology you persistently cling to. My energy is better spent on those with ears to hear and eyes to see rather than have discourse with a fool who thinks he is a demon.

>inb4 being so dumb that people no longer wish to talk to me means I am right



>I call myself christian but I'm a special snowflake so I can't conform to organized religion, my view of god is competely different from other christians, I can't even specify what I believe in or what it's based on.


>I follow Lucifer and call him God but I'm totally not a demon worshipper


>be me

>go to the part of the city today near the homeless shelter

>go to the occult store

>on the way there and also on the way back, encounter so many people talking to themselves, tulpamancing, engaged in various occult practices, etc.

Homelessness is greenpilled af.



You do realise that Christianity encompasses such a vast range of differing beliefs and perspectives that it is hardly a viable term to express anything specific on that matter? I think that is part of your problem and why the anon thinks you are projecting so much, you think that because he is a Gnostic that he must believe all imagery in your head of what a Christian is but thats just not true. Organised religion doesn't have anything to do with it, nobody has to conform to organised religion, and even if they did, it still wouldn't mean they have to believe all this stereotypical Christain stuff you are so inclined to put him under. That whole thing about Lucifer being the intellect is nonsense, I am not surprised if you are so stuck into that perspective that you are acting the way you do, there are so many religions, even beliefs in Christianity that hold intellect highly such as Logos. To just sort of say "haha you worship Lucifer becuase you're smart and I say so" isn't really making any points at all its just showing how inadequate you are of thinking outside your own metaphysical boxes.

And do you really think that you are a demon btw? Whats up with that? You sound kinda schizo to be honest.



Yeah, you find a lot of stuff like that on the streets……you also find a lot of good things, as well, especially if you are in-tune to it.

Some people living on the streets are clearly possessed by unclean spirits.



Some homeless people living on the streets are also angels in disguise.



>that armchair word sallad

Try talking like that in a church and we'll see who gets called a schizo.

I'm beginning to doubt any of you people ever took part in any organized religious practice.

>Organised religion doesn't have anything to do with it

Religion doesn't have anything to do with religion? How dumb can you get? Sitting at home and having "views" is not religion, you have to actually confirm your faith by your actions.



I've read the fucking Kybalion. I don't believe everything I've read, even after seeing it in reality, because I understand that appearances don't make it so.

I interact with spirits and intelligences as well. I don't consider them higher nor lower though I know what you mean by that. I guess I consider them higher and lower… I'm higher they're lower hhhehheh :^)

Omnipresence, omni this, omni that, infinite, a bunch of other shit; but not including every single individual consciousness/entity? That leaves next to nill for God, now doesn't it? The universe can exist by many ways other than a divine patron you can mooch off, be saved and rewarded by for eternity. Nothing about God is self-evident you fool.



You in fact believe in one god. The rest are under this one, infinite god; they are finite underlings. Thus if you thought, you would realize that I don't reject the existence of powerful spirits or whatever, and am not getting into that subject. You do in fact believe in one all powerful deity. I never said you reject spirits or whatever the fuck you shit. You're the one projecting 24/7, that's what believing in god is all about you TBI sewer rat. I've tried believing in God and was successful. For over two years actually. Then I had to unfuck my mind and forcefully go back to not being retarded because I know when I'm being fucking retarded, and I felt more and more retarded going down the dark dank shitty spiral of a false positive like God, despite my brain or body trying to trick me into associating normal subjective experiences with some cucked bullshit. So I know exactly what subjective synesthesia your words are referring to when you talk about "God". You're just talking about your fucking flesh you numb freak.


Don't worry religious people are always in a constant state of double think, they're handicapped.


Henotheism doesn't claim the INFINITE BUZZWORDS of their ONE GOD that Monotheism always does, you purposefully and conveniently obtuse rectal reconstructionist. The point being that you believe in one god that is SUPERIOR IN ALL POSSIBLE WAYS IMAGINABLE EVEN THE META GAMES. Fuck you. And fuck your "you're narrow minded" bullshit. I have no image in my mind I have years of experience flowing in and out of my mental vision faggot, and I'm telling you you're full of lies and deceit and untruths. It's shit, you're shit, eat shit. I don't think you're christian just a monotheistic shill, that part of the conversation should be fucking dropped.


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>You're a monotheist

No I'm not

>You in fact believe in one god

No I don't

>The rest are finite

No they aren't

>You do in fact believe in one all powerful deity

No I don't

>You're just talking about your flesh

No I'm not


No I don't

>I know when I'm being fucking retarded

>fuck you fuck you fuck you religion is for fuck you TBI sewer rat you're shit obtuse rectum fuck you fuck you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

lmfao tbqh fam


OP did humanity learn anything from gamergate?

are alt-right 'reactionaries' really justified?



Literally nothing you have said in this post refutes what I said and belief in God is not bound by being contained in organised religion.

Why do you keep avoiding the question if you still proclaim to be a demon btw? Is it because admitting such a thing makes you look retarded?

The way you cherry pick posts and green text to forge your own atrifical context is quite impressive.


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So, being more 'masculine', depending on who you are, is certainly not out of reach….anyone can 'toughen up', I'd say if we judge masculinity by this

Indeed, we must be 'tough' to some extent to survive

However, I am not sure that 'masculinity' necessarily equals toughness, strength or power

It does for you, if that helps you identify with yourself or if that helps you for personal reasons

…..however, I think that "toughness" is something that only can come through real life experience

There are different paths to strength and power

I believe the Bible refers to this mysterious and all-encompassing quality of humankind as 'the will'…

It may be something deeper in life you are searching for rather than 'masculine identity'…….natural selection tells us that when it comes to survival, anything goes

Try to look at life when you remove society from the equation or by reflecting upon yourself and your relation to the natural universe



For instance, part of me likes to be an impulsive nihilistic equalizer who thrives on violence and filled with a primal instinct to destroy things

This however, is not the same thing as being strong, nor is it conducive to my survival or progress

This mischievous inclination (which is how I view it) is conducive to masculinity (IMO) but is not necessarily the same thing as masculine gender identity (IMO)

It is really kind of a 'crying out' of sorts, to God, I think

….someone in the thread said something along the lines of "dads are alpha males"…..i think this is true. Also, one thing I've noticed is that the opposite sex will bring forth your 'gender identity'…..nothing is quite as 'alpha' as being with a woman, right? ….and this seems to fit nicely with what we observe in nature


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Perhaps OP, you may find that it is better for one to not 'over-analyze' oneself

You may find this to be great wisdom and profound truth since our remains, after death all return to the common ground, even if our souls travel off to somewhere unknown



>sodium laureth sulfate

nice try…



>the question if you still proclaim to be a demon btw?

I never claimed this and it's irrelevant to the discussion who I am. Notice how I didn't use a flag either? Flagfagging is turning cancerous here, why not go full trip, or are you maintaining the illusion that you somehow are better than those attentionwhores? I've used a trip in my own threads and been open about who I am, but this is not my thread and not the place for it.

If you were interested in the topic it's all explained in the linked archive here:


Unlike the limited viewpoint from the past religions tells us, souls have an alignment. They're either positive or negative. If you're negative you are of demonic alignment. Being a god is not in conflict with this, it's a measure of standard. This terminology is not limited to that of traditionally existing religions.

What you are is up to you to find out by searching inside. Using eastern concepts, this is determined by your soul being dominated by yin or yang. If you are dominated by yin you are demonic and your inner nature is also ruled by femininity.

>OP wanted to suppress his feminine side but this may not be the way forward, so I informed of this.

I guess is this provocative for followers of the patriarchal worldview where God is a man and women are to remain silent. Succubus have been "demonized" by the yang dominated culure, to the point where the word "demon" itself implies "immoral" or "degenerate". There is no such connection, rather it seems these demons are better suited for withstanding against the degeneration of society than positive beings.

Religions of positive alignment have been trashtalking the negative beings for 1000s of years and not allowing them to openly follow their path of spiritual development. Denying the existence of these beings and humans with this alignment is a downright lie.

This will end now and the succubus religion will take over.

Churches in the west are failing to follow the new testament and people calling themselves "christian" have no idea what they are doing - as has been shown in this thread.


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Define 'Christian'.

Here is the man who is called the "Father of Latin Christianity"….

>”And do you not know that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway: you are the unsealer of that (forbidden) tree: you are the first deserter of the divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image, man. On account of your desert—that is, death—even the Son of God had to die. And do you think about adorning yourself over and above your tunics of skins?”

>Tertullian (155-245), De Cultu Feminarium (On the Apparel of Women)

The nature of Christianity shifted so radically after the time of Jesus that today we don't even know who the early Christians really were. Here is a rather common absurd statement, much like many other absurd statements by scribes and pharisees involved in government and religion. The people who constructed a dogmatic belief system and then said, "anybody who doesn't believe this is to be put to death". These weren't the teachings of Jesus, and no Christian argument can really refute that without agreeing upon things that Jesus never did nor taught.



>today we don't even know who the early Christians really were

Read Nag Hammadi library and you can have a pretty good idea who they were.



Do you believe that "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

…because if you do, then from the existence of the finite, the caused, the temporal, the powerless, the ignorant, the loveless, and the void we can infer that its opposites all exist.

>The rest are under this one, infinite god; they are finite underlings

Everything that is, partakes of the principles of God in degree, just as the cells in your body partake of the character of the man (in degree).

>You're just talking about your fucking flesh you numb freak.

The fuck? No. God is The Mind in its ultimate conception.


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I'm competitive you ultra cucked dip shit. Eat my cock.


You believe in a God that is One With Everything and encompasses All but also isn't because it's an entirely different thing as well so it's more like we share infinitely with said God, and you might believe God shares infinitely with us as well because YIN AND YANG FUCKERS all that shit.

I have experienced said God or rather Divinity, and Tao, and so a Drop of its everescence (that word reminds me of an evergreen tree, which is intentional). It is the consciousness in all consciousness, the breath in all breath, the sleep in all sleep, the word in all word, the love in all love, the hate in all hate, the free and the will in free will… and it is not, it is our sovereign consciousness and breath and blah blah blah so on and so forth.

If you don't believe that then why did you say you did you faggot ass preaching cuck. But you do believe that.

Infinite Axiomatic Cloud Computing can suck my cock.

Yours may be a slight deviation in that you believe that All is seeking to transmute – no, evolve itself into a positive totality… yes, you do believe this. If not in those words, then in reality. You may believe "positive" is really just "balance".

You may believe that we can take a piece of the material that God is composed of or keeps for itself and keep it to ourselves, telling God to go fuck itself or because it is given to us or that we are created with it; this would be a true state of affairs rather than an illusion in your perceptions; but God can just take that shit if it wanted to because it's fuckin' powerful and so the ownership of such materia or spiritual substance is illusory in that sense of the word. Ultra-cucked slave morality at its finest. You basically have the morality of a cell in a body. You also have the mental and intellectual sense of one as well.

>Omnipresence, Infinite, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnisentient, Unchanged, Self-sufficient, Uncaused, etc. ?

So you definitely believe in the "one with Everything but not because it's a whole 'nother everything and just shares in every experience 'cause our shit ain't shit compared to God who can do all this crazy shit."

So monotheism exists as the OMNIPRESENT, INFINITE, OMNISCIENT, OMNIPOTENT, OMNINSENTIENT BLAH BLAH BLAH FUCKING DEFINING QUALITY in your cloud of nebulous experience and volition (very yin water may I say), as believing such a being as God exists, would mean such all-permeating qualities would all-permeate YOU and YOUR BELIEFS FAGGOT. an All that is the most All and it is God, sets of infinity (which is relatively more finite than God, with one side of the polarity being most Infinite and the other being most Finite, and is what I mean by saying that we are Finite), that the All/God could do whatever the fuck imaginable and does but doesn't but also both but only one of them because we're not fucking retarded are we? Because I don't speak in axioms and have actually processed this shit and criticized and analyzed and deconstructed and constructed WITH and thought WITH and done WITH these axioms and beliefs.

you think I'm fucking retarded for not typing out poetry for you… go suck a dick because you have a real circle jerk fantasy. Axioms have a DISTILLED existence in reality. That means they're paper fucking thin most of the time. We don't need more thin ass nebulous shit to compound the weakness of axioms. It's great if you're an inventor and innovator… dealing with very fucking heavy material shit, or the thin edge of growth that is progress; really good for the ole creative intuition. For the truth? It must be tempered by REALITY. Practical and technical reality… consider this a forced association. Like a smiths hammer smelting together two billets of iron. As a poetic analogy…


I believe that all perceptions are filtered through the biological experience more than we are self-aware about, and that many experiences of God are a harmonic resonance of flesh/physiology with other flesh parts as well as or only with the environment (powerful shit) so I "projected" (terribly fucking used word, just a buzzword at this fucking point) that bit.

And as for the "God ain't superior" bit, I see that you have the "Finite is superior in X ways, Infinite is superior in Y ways, that's why the polarity exists" belief. In which case it makes no fucking sense why you would love and worship God you fucking cuck. It's like being a whore that fucks a different person every day because of the "divine union", you just want to find the "rock bottom" or middle point of the polarity instead of polarizing to one side or the other… if you're trying to change polarities to become like God then fuck you get off the Earth shit head what the fuck are you doing on this god forsaken planet? Your first task is to fucking kill yourself to remove all that "tiny infinity" flesh you got, and get into the BIG COSMIC SOUP.

None of this is true when you're just fucking retarded.

You just try to use axiomatic contradictions like an engineer. Cool, but at least be honest about it. Not for the sake of Truth but rather to construct a spiritual/meta physical engine. That's what you're doing. Fuck you.


Well OP, sounds like it's time to end it!



Well, we're in a Yin age and the Spring of Yang is coming up soon here. Thus Yang people are the most clashing and contrasting, and this can create quite the friction. In the Yang age, the Yin types will be the contrasting and clashing, in their own yin way.

Yin is most rejuvinating now because it's omnipresent. Yang is difficult and thus those types fight the hardest.



I believe that polarities are easier to understand for people, and then there are things easier to understand out side of polarity, yet you and others favor the Kybalion teachings and whatever the Kybalion branches from.

And I've read the Kybalion so you can stop reciting it. You guys never had an english class have you? You're not suppose to recite the text mindlessly, you're suppose to have an original and constructive or deconstructing (critical) thought about it. Fucking hell. Jesus fucking christ. God damn. What the devil is this nonsense.

And I say "flesh" because you guys are characterizing immediate sensory experience with axioms you've memorized from a book, which is done with the flesh, (the brain is flesh) you sensualist intellectuals are low-brow as fuck. God is your Mental Perceptions which are "psychic" in effect (the causal mechanisms obfuscated by false or inconvenient premises and lack of empirical examination) and so you slowly simulate the functions of mind until you understand how the mind itself works, in which you call God. It's your own individual understanding of an evolving, changing objective thing, that hides and reveals in so many ways that you'll never grasp its totality without limiting yourself to axiomatic perceptions, which in itself is a limitation in understanding and grasping (thus undermining the force and meaning of "grasp" and "understand").



You're just an Empiricist retard, same shit as Robert Bruce, and coming to irrational conclusions about things based on your empirical approach.

You have not offered an alternative system or theory that makes any sense and have materialist leanings.

You'd probably love the bullshit Robert Bruce writes. Good luck with ever advancing very far though with the empirical approach which is shit.



I'm not a fucking principle and I'm not giving you a crutch fucking system or theory you mentally and physically lazy shit. Materialist leanings? You mean, standing on the fucking Earth? What is this garbage. I think spirituality is fucking retarded, or at least in the form it exists in, if that's what you mean.

Who the fuck cares what Robert Bruce writes.


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Why are you so angry man?


defoo is the protip



>Who the fuck cares what Robert Bruce writes.

People who think the empirical approach to knowledge is the best.



I thought that classification of phenomena was lacking, explicitly. Discernment felt low, redundancy felt high, self-awareness wasn't where I thought it should shine. This entire board is much too impressionable. People freak the fuck out when they think they'll lose this website… in other words, they have no fucking footing. There are persons on /fringe/ that need solid grounding. They need to internalize the process of 'grounding'. Wake up to the reality of the situation.



Because you enable and exacerbate the illness around you without conscience. Consider those whom you speak to and for. Consider those who listen.

There's no functional "grounding" on this board. No fun competitiveness, no application of skills, no reference to oneself or livelihood, incredibly high ambiguity and often purposeful deception, active destruction of identity, self and grasp on reality, etc etc etc

In other words this is an open nuclear reactor designed as a cool secret club waiting for anyone to walk through it. "designed as" or not; it's how it is perceived. "cool secret club" or mind expanding axiomatic meditations; it's still toxic to many individuals.





pick one


>today we don't even know who the early Christians really were



You're mother has ruined you enough and sucked up enough of your precious time.

Take any menial job and move thousands of miles away from your family. Not necessary to cut off all communication, but at least severely taper it off until you heal.

Don't seek out a relationship, but try to meet new people with common interests for friendship.

In most cases, your friends will make you happier than family or girlfriend, etc.

Most of all, learn to be your own best friend.



go to a doctor and get a prescription for testosterone.


Perhaps feminization of men is the future. Masculinity is a barbarism.



Gender is polarity, so that's pretty stupid. You would know that if you'd read literally any of the entry-level books, which you clearly haven't.



Nah. Polarity is a lie, a deception. Femininity in men is the highest level of existence. It's been suppressed by barbarism for so long.



boysoy nation



Take super male vitality, I'm not even joking…



Traps=men from the future



>an impulsive nihilistic equalizer

It's only nihilistic to your ego, or, the higher brain.

>who thrives on violence and filled with a primal instinct to destroy things

>This however, is not the same thing as being strong, nor is it conducive to my survival or progress

It's a survival instinct and survival is paramount. Ruthlessness is at the root of survival. If you have no violence and no instinct to destroy things, you'll be destroyed. You have to be ruthless to improve in anything and master it, and you have to be ruthless when getting anything done in the world. There's no room for morality regarding this, as the on-going existence (survival) of the universe depends on the individuals that compose it to have an on-going survival instinct. You can't change anything positively without it either. Even if it's repressed and restricted, it's still there. Just being bold and decisive requires this violent destructiveness. That people tell you otherwise is egotistical in the sense that the ego is derived from higher brain structures and functions and can trivialize or conceptually attack anything, including the violent and primal destructive aspect of survival, strength and progress. To be progressive you have to destroy what's established. To be strong you have to be ruthless and destructive to your resistance to training and discipline.

>This mischievous inclination (which is how I view it) is conducive to masculinity (IMO) but is not necessarily the same thing as masculine gender identity (IMO)

Except that it directly results in strength, progress and survival. It's what fuels it. Even Khan admits that the Yang path is a demonic cultivation path. It's the path of the rebel, individual, contrarian, tenacious, vivacious, dynamic, violent, ruthless and powerful. Trying to castrate men is what leads to this fucking bullshit SJW tranny anti-masculine corrupt bullshit we see in the fucking world. Who tells pedos that they're a sexual orientation? Femme faggots and women. Who hangs pedos by the rope? Men.

>It is really kind of a 'crying out' of sorts, to God, I think

Pollutants, which I believe plastics are the main culprit of, lead to the hormonal decline of males and their infertility. These pollutants accumulate from generation to generation (women are also polluted you see). Moralizing is, once again, an appeal to authority with no justification. Turning this into a crying out to God and trying to frame men as victims is enough to get you a severe beating in some places, and it's warranted, because you are both defiling the authority of 'God' with anti-masculine social sabotage and manipulation that only serves to corrupt and destroy civilization, and calling men weak pussies who need their booboos kissed. It's fucking insulting to say the least, and no one should allow you to systematically insult men by turning their instinctual male vitality into a "cry for help".

I am certain that you are a woman.



Ah rambled a bit about pollutants → I mean that men declining is why you think it's a cry for help, and at another time in history you wouldn't even think this. I don't think the pollutants are the cause really, I think it's the mental, physical and social emasculation of men that has resulted in our decline. Pollutants wouldn't be a big deal if our bodies and minds were more vitally masculine.

>….someone in the thread said something along the lines of "dads are alpha males"…..i think this is true. Also, one thing I've noticed is that the opposite sex will bring forth your 'gender identity'…..nothing is quite as 'alpha' as being with a woman, right? ….and this seems to fit nicely with what we observe in nature

No. Being a slave to pussy is not manly. Being a father doesn't mean deferring to the mother either. That's a weak father and a weak man. A man doesn't defer to women because he's scared of being the bad guy, if he is in fact a man. Being around a woman shouldn't make one more a man, as that would mean that he wasn't living much of a man's life beforehand. I don't see why men would be hanging around women unless they were trying to fuck them or have some purpose for interacting with them though, so you have a point. There are exceptions, since there are millions of scenarios to consider, but those prove the rule.


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Polarity itself suggests that it is one thing, and poles shift according to natural/universal law all the time. It's in their nature. The new-masculine identity is now more feminine by old standards, and the new-feminine identity is more masculine by old standards. But if you actually look around you without nostalgia as a filter, you'll realize… Those are the new norms. "Masculine men" by the old definition account for perhaps, at most, 1% of all biological males now. "Feminine females" as they were thought of as recently as the 1970s are again, at most 1% of the population under 30.

So if >99% of men and women exhibit a list of traits, then it only makes sense that those traits are the new "poles" that define masculinity and femininity. The universal "location" along this spectrum that is "stoic, muscular, hardworking, active in influencing their surroundings" is not different, but as a pole it is no longer the locus of force.

Again, this polar shift is true for the earth, magnets and of course behavior. It'd be strange if humans were immune to this influence.

Surf the current or get sucked under the tide, it's your choice to make, brother.



Being sucked under the tide is exactly what happens when you look around and just go along with the flow of what's 'normal'. That's how decay occurs, when you're too weak to resist any change in the weather.

A loss of polarization (aka becoming the center) is feminine or childish. Being strongly masculine is in fact what permits the feminine to exist. Modern phenomena is a result of your kind of thinking. When men are weak, civilization is weak. The solution is a resurgence of masculinity and old-fashioned character virtue (without the signalling). Just having children isn't enough. Anyone can have children, and anyone can be a child. What's difficult is being a man, and what's difficult is being a woman when there are no men. What's difficult is extreme self-improvement and self-realization. Unplug from the fleeting fancies and dying embers around you, and fucking focus your self into one endeavor whole heartedly.


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It's quite understandable that someone who is only concerned with two possible positions of poles would think in dichotomies.

I'm not suggesting being sucked under the current, "losing polarity" or "going with the flow", and if you reread the post above yours, you may recognize that fact. (try reading it backwards by paragraphs, tends to help with these things)

What I'm advocating for is shifting momentum. If we think of the motion as a wheel spinning as it goes along a path, where things once were is the path behind us, where we're going is the path ahead of us. Reversing the motion of the wheel would be extremely energy intense, more intense than speeding it up, more intense than stopping it, and more intense than slowing it down, because you have to do all three of those to reverse it's direction: Slow it to a stop, then accelerate it again to the previous speed.

All of that being said, the path is infinitely wide or at least effectively so.With a minimal amount of force, you can redirect its motion to one side or the other. You want to be the brake and the engine, but the brakes don't exist and the engine is a separate piece of the machine. You can, however, turn the wheel. Or to put it as a platitude, "Be the change you want to see in the world".

"Masculine" and "feminine" are not absolutes, they're descriptions of lines drawn between absolutes. These lines aren't arbitrary, but they also aren't rigidly defined, which naturally means they are subject to evolution.

Women are more capable than you think, and sex distinction is becoming less important by the day. Within ten years (likely within five), we'll have artificial wombs. Easily within 15 they'll be commonly available. When any family can have a surrogate and with the inevitable breakdown of traditional monogamy bringing additional caretakers into the home as we move towards post-scarcity, there's no reason for gender roles as traditionally defined. And if you have any knowledge of tribal culture, you'll realize this isn't a novel concept, gender roles were a recent invention that bucked tradition in its own time.

I think you could stand to read your own post while considering (and only CONSIDERING) the possibility that it's a piece of you trying to speak to yourself. Particularly your concluding sentence.





The word "druidess" didn't even exist until the mid-18th century. ALL druids were considered to be both male and female.

Straddling the gap is a basic requirement for competency. If you can't balance internal forces, you'll never balance external forces.

Prove me wrong.



and all druids were women because only a female body can be a vessel for both.



This is generally true. I just want people to stop calling what is feminine masculine and what is masculine feminine or not calling it for what it is at all; discernment, in other words, but for gender/sex. There's so much dissolution that it's necessary.

Artificial wombs or semen are both terribly misconceived (heh) ambitions. Might as well just replace people with robots, because that's the path you take when you do such a thing. Science and technology don't steer away from their fun mad science so easily. Once you start, with government assistance or without (though not if banned), you begin to undermine humanity in most all aspects.

If robots can do everything a human can, but better, do we let them replace human beings? There's two ways that happens: Assimilation or annihilation. Either way, who would allow this? Not me. I'd rather fight to the death, I don't care how 'superior' you are, I'm not going to have cyborg children or robot mothers or robot surrogates. Politics is so unstable and ideologies so radical, we can't allow even an artificial womb. If things were stable then artificial wombs would be a safe alternative for women to give birth or get pregnant. That's not the case though.

Anyway… post-scarcity isn't going to solve all of our problems.

Tribal cultures are very different from civilization creating cultures. They're like… incubators of sorts. Small world, small pond. Ocean dynamics are different. We have to think a bit more originally when scaling up. To do this, there has to be more thorough thinking of the difference between men and women, human evolution and potential, what is and isn't, etc. It's just not simple. At all. This requires great strength though, to be a great swimmer (ocean). The simplest way I think to figure out the difference between men and women is to exaggerate their differences, not reduce them. Men should be more masculine, and women more feminine. When that is done, we should place children and thus both the future and the past, in the middle. When we're fighting for our territory all the time, we can't think reasonably. Men and women stepping on each other's territory is destructive… stepping on children's territory even (hheheh).

Do you see what I mean?



**artificial wombs would be a safe alternative for women who can't give birth or become pregnant.

I still think it would result in dead eyed mentally ill children. Surrogate mothers would be better but still not very good. This is where ritual purity and a sort of spirituality for surrogate mothers should exist; in this way the child is born healthy, well-rounded and integrated. The Virgin Mary, patron saint of all surrogate mothers heh.


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>I just want people to stop calling what is feminine masculine and what is masculine feminine

You're bright enough to know we're in the midst of a transition of eras, why do you believe something as superficial as gender expression will remain the same from the end of one cycle to the beginning of the next when it hasn't remained static throughout the singular cycle we're in? I'm all ears, but I can't cognate that thought process.

It's been said elsewhere but I'll reiterate it for the sake of those who haven't read it yet: If you're really that tied up in whether your expression is masculine or feminine, the issue is not masculinity or femininity, it's insecurity.

>Might as well just replace people with robots

Our bodies already are organic robots. The only question to my mind is whether we will design a more optimal consciousness container for interacting with the physical world and more accurately .

>If robots can do everything a human can, but better, do we let them replace human beings?

The body is a vessel. Personally I like the idea of clockwork cuz steampunk is cool, I've heard propositions for graphene, I'm not attached to the outcome because I can use my body quite well already. I'll be ready for what comes.

>There's two ways that happens: Assimilation or annihilation.

The compulsion to present false dichotomies persistently baffles me. Exercise your corpus collosum. Space-time is not a fork in the road.

>post-scarcity isn't going to solve all of our problems.

Never suggested it would.

>Tribal cultures are very different from civilization creating cultures.

And the next step is neither. But our ancestry is universally tribal, our roots are the same. Universally.

>Ocean dynamics are different. We have to think a bit more originally when scaling up.

A fractal shares the same structure at every resolution.

>It's just not simple.

It isn't, so why boil things down to "masculine is what I believe, feminine is what I believe, elsewise upsets me"? Intuitively or logically, it makes no sense.

>Men should be more masculine, and women more feminine.

They are. You're just attached to what you feel those words should mean.

>Do you see what I mean?

I feel that I understand your thought processes, but I continue to reject your conclusions, as I elaborated above quite well if I may speak for myself.


Patently untrue. Men have an XY, women have an XX, if anything it would be the inverse but that is of course also untrue. In both cases, male and female,

Instead of directly addressing you, I'll share a factoid. One of the Norse schools of magick was called "seiðr", which translates essentially to "string" or "thread", as in the strings of Fate (or string theory, or plank lengths, or quantum foam). The archetypal mage's staff comes from a distaff, which was a weaving tool. As such, seiðr (or "weaving") was seen as womanly. However, Odin was one of the masters of weaving, so though magick was "womanly", nobody would dare deny that Odin was hypermasculine.



> In both cases, male and female,

Whoops, failed to finish this thought.

In both cases, male and female inherit half of their mother and half of their father. There are elements of both in each of us. The question is if you repress it or not.

In astrology, modern interpretations of Mars and Venus have already shifted from classical. Once, Mars in a woman's chart was exclusively seen as the men she was attracted to, Venus in a man's was seen as the inverse. The thinking was that a woman repressed her masculine elements and sought them in a mate, and vice versa.

Now, astrologers (unless they are ULTRA old school, which is rare), interpret them roughly the same in both sexes charts. A woman might repress her masculine traits to some degree, and of course if there's a stressful aspect between the two planets it would be more likely there's an internal struggle, but it's expected that men and women will exhibit both traits. The classical interpretations stand, but they also are emphasized: A woman's Venus can also suggest the sorts of sensitivity she desires in a man.


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>superficial gender expression

Sex is real down to the cellular level. XY vs XX. It's not about empty expressions, it's what we're made of. You are either a man or a woman or suffer some sort of genetic deviation, which can be added up, according to what I've studied about them (not much in honesty). XYY has more elementally masculine forces, XXY is possibly a true hermaphrodite but it's open to interpretation, and XXX has more elementally feminine forces. At a certain point it's pure elementalism though, and loses meaning.

You keep talking about self-expression like a modern identity politic fuck, reusing today's cognizance to construct your own thoughts without examining the reality underneath– tied to an expression or not.

You are trying to turn this into a psychological game of insecurity or security. THAT is INSECURE.

It doesn't matter how confidently someone eats shit or how insecurely they do the right fucking thing, you shit eater. <<< It doesn't fucking matter how CONFIDENT you are when you make the wrong decision, or how INSECURE and TIMID you are when making the right one; the priority is that you did the wrong or right thing. After that you can think about doing either with confidence or security.

Why do people place more importance on looking cool and being hip and sounding smart and well-adjusted to a sick people and ideology? It's in fact more primitive and base than an ooga booga do right thing BAD THING BAD no care if sound w-weak or STRONG good is good ooga booga think strong after good no before OOK OOK. Ironically superficial.

Our bodies are not organic robots. You're just sounding more and more modern and culturally centric. I'll mention for the sake of this discussion that Alchemy is a white person's process and that there is strong evidence that alchemy was taught to the East.

It's pure hubris to believe you can do what ~1.4(?) billion years of diligent evolution by our ancestors did. No you will not design a better "container" as you degradingly call it. If that were true, you would already have done so with your current 'container'. Instead you're going to, what – rely on some group of people to create robots for you to turn in to? You're going to trust them? You're going to trust their incorrigible ambition? You're going to adopt that ambition?

>I like the idea of clockwork cuz steampunk is cool

>I'm not attached to the outcome

And you think your nihilism has any place in a living reality? You think your ideas or thoughts or beliefs merit any consideration? That because you have an opinion, even one fueled by indifference and "who cares let's see what happens", because you suffer no consequences for having this opinion because this is an anonymous fucking image board and people are slowly decaying into primordial sludge without conviction or a sense of proportion or connection to reality, that you can just spout your nonsense here? Eat shit.


It's the course of power and you use dichotomies in your thinking without realizing how fucking simple minded you are because you're playing language games and fancy yourself pretty good at them. You think supermen with controllable minds (robots) aren't going to be hijacked by men with ambition and a drive for power? You don't think they'll engineer and program technology to slowly invade the space-time of you or me or our grandchildren? You really have no sense of the flow of power, opportunity or course of history? You insult me for a lack of intelligence yet you are clearly the one stark naked and without a shred of cloth from the fabric of true reality to cover your bare ignorance?


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The most comprehensive is the emptiest. You talk of tribes yet seem to have no sense of territory, binary, finitude nor proportion that a tribe would confer. For instance, you seem to believe that everything is a fucking fractal. You clearly know nothing about scaling nor logistics. Have you ever even left your fucking home? Everything changes at different scales, ffs. You miss the mark every time.

>why boil things down… something about being upset for believing that there are two sexes

Anything else is a genetic defect that should be noted as such, though can be part of humanity by fulfilling some specialist role, but without reproductive rights if it's inheritable and they can indeed reproduce. Otherwise they can leave the society they were born in. Intuitively and logically it makes perfect fucking sense. XY, XX. They both have their special purpose. You just dissolve this purpose and their reason to live into nothing or bread crumbs (coming from someone who is so apathetic for so much, except perhaps their own egotistical and intellectual stimulation and basic human drives, that's not saying much). The reason why men have to struggle to fulfill their role and women theirs, is because they have a fucking role to fulfill. They're good at being men and women, but their roles require some fucking effort. They're built as men and women. Everything isn't a social construct, you just live by them.

>They are (masculine and feminine).

You have said yourself that men are becoming more feminine and women more masculine. You're contradicting yourself when it's very easy not to (you, specifically, should not have an issue contradicting yourself with such a clear cut bullshit belief system, yet you somehow managed to fucking do it).

You don't understand my thought processes because you are possibly uneducated or deliberately rejecting facts out of extreme demoralization and/or an easy life without the hardship to beat you into shape. Why would you turn everything into a matter of 'thinking' or psychology? Because you are in direct contradiction with reality and thus can't win anywhere but in a mental and social sphere of ideas and emotions. It's why you have made this about my insecurities and simple-mindedness, instead of facts. Facts are too hard for you.


Weaving reality is powerful, vs weaving… yarn. Still stuck on appearances and their superficial meaning, tingled in the brain by a contradiction of… APPEARANCES.


It's not a matter of psychology. Why are you taking advantage of people's ignorance and impoverished self-knowledge? When you move, you REPRESS muscles in order for others to move you. Would you like irrepressible muscles? Have fun with your spine and neck snapping, or being stuck in a paralytic rigid pose for the rest of your life.

You are full of so much shit for believing that men and women are only psychological existences besides the most bareboned factual reality (which you can not possibly deny and get away with; no one would speak to such an idiot and should not allow him to vote nor participate in any conversations), wishing to erode at logic and see atrophy empirical observation and 'thought' through their own superficial and childish applications of it.

You see nothing wrong with everyone becoming a fucking hermaphrodite. Nothing to do with truth nor what's right, just a lot of fucking words and psychological games. I'm guessing you masturbate to chicks with dicks… SO MODERN AND UNREPRESSED OF YOU, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.

And before you respond with something about my emotional or psychological issues, try responding to literally the bulk of what I fucking said, you cheap mindless cuck. You never know where the actual point is, you just spray and pray with your close minded empty gamifying bullshit. Life isn't a fucking game.


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TBH I could do a point by point of this but it's pretty clear you're not ready for it. You're hashing over the same points you've already made with more anger and an obviously bruised ego, while not actually acknowledging anything I said.

Maybe in a year you'll come back to this thread, reread our posts, and have an "oh shit" moment.

You're welcome to dance around in the endzone gloating in the feeling of victory, do it up Mr Man-man.


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You would not win a point by point argument. Such would require extending yourself outside of your psychological fortress, and this would shatter your ego, your arguments, your belief structure, and the mental echo chamber you reside in like a hermit crab.

When Epyc Shyt plastered the walls of his thread with walls of text, I steeled my mind and fought on. When I almost abandoned the thread and discussion, I doubled back and spat my mexican food fueled shit right back at him, because a fight isn't won for not having fought it. I even fought fair.

You will not win the argument. It doesn't have to be point by point, but you will not win either way. Arguing would put your shell at risk. Arguing will lead to shattering your weak ego. I may be sore, but I woke up sore, and it felt good.



If I may sum up your argument to make it easier:

Gender ROLES are fluid and open ended. They are heavily subject to interpretation.

Is this correct?



>How do I undo all this damage and transition from a sissy boi to an actual fucking man?

For cases like yours, I'm afraid that your first step is going to have to be fucking somebody over. It's not a pleasant lifestyle, but if you want to take a single step out of being a bitchy faggot, you're going to have to fuck somebody over purely to understand what it feels like. Then you can go from there.



>My mother is obese and disgusting, a complete subhuman, and I have to serve her like the sissy boi bitch I am

What happens if you don't?

>I wish my whole family line was destroyed

Perhaps it's good that you are so effeminate then, it's probably happened for that reason.



and Y is a degenerate X. men are just women without the female parts with the male parts exaggerated. parthenogenesis is how the ancients procreated and genetic blood memory was the norm.


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Nope. TBH you're not even in the right ballpark. You're playing a different sport.


y u haff to be mad

is only a game



Well yeah, which is why men are so fucking damaged, it's literally what created them in the first place. Look at any thread here where the topic is "restoring" masculinity and it'll slap you in the face, it's obvious.

Men see the world through a broken mirror and most of them spend their lives projecting their internal issues out on women for various reasons.

Women are the action-takers in the world, men see the big picture, but most say "I'll do it later" and procrastinate indefinitely. They've got all these big plans that mean nothing because they have no appreciation for the work it takes to complete them. Have a conversation with a man about anything and you'll quickly see that even having a conversation is difficult for them, they can talk about "stuff they did" and "stuff they wanna do" and they all talk over each other shouting "ME ME ME ME ME". When you have the eyes to see, you can't help but pity them for the pain in their eyes. Deep down, they know they're broken, but god save you if you point it out.

And then the ones that doesn't apply to? They're the ones that "manly men" attack for being girly. But they're also the ones who get shit done in the world, and they think they're "feminine" because they pick up their toys when they're done playing with them.



Men aren't women. Embryos aren't female in the womb. The XX/XY differentiation happens very early on. The only woman in the womb (with a male fetus) is the mother. Your intuition is suffering from induction.

Also… wut. Genetic blood memory is fine, though the name doesn't necessarily describe the mechanisms that it works by. I don't know where you're getting parthenogenesis from.


"The world is changing and sticking to 'manly men' and 'femme women' is going to make life a lot harder for you. Why cling to it? It's not a destination to reach. There are many times in many places that have had feminine men and masculine women as the norm. What makes you think it's in any way superior to turn back the clock, so to speak? You're not leveraging your options well at all." – and if I may tl;dr – "WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR THIS"

Does that sum it up well enough for you?


I'll use your own admitted statement:

>men see the big picture

Put on some nightmare goggles and you'll see the big picture. Men put on the same glasses and it all looks the same.

>Men are damaged

They have a sense of gravitas, consequence, and the big picture.

>men see the world through a broken mirror

Men see asymmetrically

>Women are the action-takers, men procrastinate


>girly men get shit done, manly men don't




You fall for the bait my friend, lol



But sir, this thread is literally started by a man who is emasculated. They exist. Thus, if I don't at least give them hope and something to fight their emasculation with, they will be lost for too long to crawl out of the dark cave before it's too late to live a purposeful life.

Men must learn to articulate themselves out of these traps, rather than just break them. A mental exercise and skill.





I thought those posts were so stupid that there is no chance in hell that they are actually real, but whatever. Maybe you are right and those poor souls actually mean what they say. Maybe it is some trauma because of some degenerate men who hurt them too much. There are definetly some degenerate, idiotic brutes who do way more harm than good. But there are also women like this. In fact I could go on a massive rant of how inferior women are to men and then see how they would respond, but let's leave it at that for now.



I mostly mean the rando lurkers. I guess I have a weird way of saying what I mean.



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>"The world is changing and sticking to 'manly men' and 'femme women' is going to make life a lot harder for you. Why cling to it? It's not a destination to reach. There are many times in many places that have had feminine men and masculine women as the norm. What makes you think it's in any way superior to turn back the clock, so to speak? You're not leveraging your options well at all." – and if I may tl;dr – "WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR THIS"

>Does that sum it up well enough for you?

Definitely better than before. Better enough that I can work with it with a minor adjustment: Those cultures didn't see them as feminine men or masculine women. They saw them as feminine women and masculine men, measuring them by different criteria than you do.

>Men put on [nightmare goggles] and it all looks the same

>big picture blah blah blah

You're contradicting yourself and supporting my own statements, men are broken so they see the negative side of reality and believe it to be the full picture. Women also see a negative side of reality… The grass is always greener, blah blah blah.

Why am I explaining obvious shit to you? If you only use half the information, you only have half the information. Duh doi.

>>Women are the action-takers, men procrastinate


>>girly men get shit done, manly men don't


It's obvious once you learn what you're looking at. Who taught you to pick up after yourself as a child? Who taught you how to fold your clothes? Who taught you to clean up after yourself while cooking?

If men ran the world, the laundry hamper would be the pinnacle of clothing-organization technology and dressers wouldn't exist, LOL.


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Corgies for the corgod. Fluff for the fluff throne!


Women and men have different talents. Yin and yang. Order and chaos.

Order without chaos is stagnation and death, chaos is the destruction that leads to growth.

Mom puts the dishes away so that the family can get them dirty eating, then she does the dishes and puts them back away, and the cycle repeats.



sage in all fields, this is like the 3rd gay thread on the front page.

This is /fringe/, not /pol/ or /b/ or /lbgt/ or /po/ or /qst/, etc.



>When I should have been learning how to be a man I was instead being coddle by abusive narcissistic mother and forced to do everything for her because she's too lazy to even open doors for herself or do anything at all. She treated me like a complete bitch and that's what I've grown up to be. An unusually effeminate, tired, low-test, no beard, bitchboy. I could become a trap easily.

This is called being programmed. Read some philosophy and realise that everything is not what it seems.



>contradicting yourself, supporting my statement

And how the fuck am I doing that? If you don't see fucked up shit going on, you're blind. I'm not putting the weight of my argument on that statement either, nightmare goggles are a fucking may may singaporean fishing image board joke.

I just need you to be very explicit about what you're saying, so you can't worm your way out of the fucking conversation with bullshit deflections.

>blah blah domestic shit

Single fathers are worse about that shit than single mothers you dumb fuck. My FATHER taught me that shit, plus more.

I'm convinced that you're just joking at this point.

This is a /b/ tier thread, delete this shit heap. Where the mods at? >>122781



The thread is should be discouraged purely because it is not /fringe/ related.

But it could be fringe related if there were more in depth discussion and perhaps reference to something like magick. Like there's a gay thread on the front page, but it at least talks about, somewhat, something /fringe/ related.

The problem is defining "fringe related". Because I definitely think feminization could be fringe related if the OP were modified to discuss it in a more fringe manner, example:

>I've even heard rumours of occult related phenomena that is said to cause the feminization men, what is the basis for such a rumour

Or even perhaps something on a philosophical tangent.




Tribes aren't morally superior to the majority of society. They don't have superior gender roles or beliefs about men and women. Their culture isn't superior. Their ability to reason, think, conceptualize and perceive aren't superior. If anything, they are inferior to some degree.

>hurf ur jsut a supermezist ethnoer centricl racists

The fact that they are a small group, largely isolating themselves and left to their own devices, and haven't achieved mass organization and built civilizations, yet we have, makes us superior in some way. Is it a superior superiority? No one wants to be superior at being fucking retarded, afterall. Looking at the evidence of our work, we can say that it is superior. Despite less direct control, we manage to keep everything running and everyone playing along. We manage to build, perceive, reform and destroy consensus and continue civilization, whilst still fighting for and claiming individual freedoms. A long march through time, and we have made very principled decisions along the way.

Can we say the same about these tribes you want to suck off as some sort of disarming of culture all-together? Culture is an idea. A small group of people can be as radical, controlled and cult-like as they want, irregardless of the validity of their ideology. Any tribe can decide that all men and women are homos and procreation is a curse that we must endure in order to give birth to children to fuck because pedos are actually fucking saints and their rape is the greatest gift to child-kind, and validates their existence and the need to procreate.

Do their existence lead us to believe that our own beliefs are irrelevant nonsense pulled from the fucking ether and that we should just stop standing for anything in our fucking lives? You spineless cockless slime? Is it a fucking engine separate from the wheel to turn and not reverse because that's intense or some fucking diarrhea you spilled a few posts back? I am stuck in dichotomies like some braincel normie (HA) retard who can't think for himself, OH GOD THOSE AWEFUL DICHOTIMIES OH GOD IT'S ALL MEANINGLESS MEANINGLESS JUST DEGREES ON A WHEEL A HERMETIC ALCHEMICAL CONCOCTION A MATERIALIST DREAM THERE IS NO MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN, STEP AWAY FROM THE CURTAIN, I AM THE ALL POWERFUL OZ, OBEY ME


You fucking balless cucked faggot bitch. You disgust me. You have no point, you've just made illogical arguments with no fucking legs to stand on, yet you try to act haughty and superior, crustaceous fucking man-child retard. kys.

>It's SOOOOO obvious, you're just too stupid to see it teehee ~ XD





>Culture isn't necessarily in alignment with reality

>Tribe cultures aren't superior


>What tribes do have no bearing on this conversation.

>Civilization is better equipped to understand the role of man and woman in life, and has a greater fucking imperative to reach the truth, than a bunch of fucking OOKS


disinfo dindu gtfo


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Holy shit you're insecure, have you taken your yang pill lately? LOL

OP, eat onions.








never happened to me. autists have abnormal high T levels and are prone to latter day Madonna-Whore complex regarding women. I did lose mine at 21, however the women I dated were basically garbage dumps. my mother wasn't necessarily narcissistic, but rather a controlling helicopter parent (which affected me later as I began exerting control over my exes, resulting in break-ups) to use Freudian terms, my ego is tamed by my superego so badly that the superego takes form of the mother and father at the same time, taking care of the id by itself, since it felt the ego abused it so much and was an unfit mother for the id. my mother was overtly critical of me and made good things that happened to me like small potatoes and anything bad, it was the end of the world. on the contrary, my stepfather was strong yet a very chill, cool guy. Biker dude. trucker. (is/was should be the preposition here as both are still alive). I can't explain it, to further my point my sister and I were close until she became a teenager and became unbearable. we do not speak. in essence, besides my beloved late grandmother (rest in peace, Doris) I only got along with male family members.



no wodner you became a whiny shitposter on /fringe/


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dude I rarely come here, but here's a (You)






Sunscreen (and sun avoidance in general) during the day and using retinol (vitamin A) at night. Not the fake stuff, the real prescription stuff. It banishes both wrinkles and acne, and literally nothing on earth works better than it (at least from non-magical means).

I work night shift and my coworkers look alarmingly young for their age. They just don't get those carcinogenic rays on their skin on a daily basis due to their lifestyle, which has amazing results. However, if you choose the path of eternal youth, make sure to eat foods that are rich in vitamin D!




how does this come about like this specific response

is this 'official self-help' information that groups go around posting with honest intentions to help or are you just a random anon

i've been told that the other /fringe/ board is a 'containment board' - where the original owner of /fringe/ is said to have created his own board (supposedly)

i suppose a 'containment board' might be in place for T.I.'s or for people who the false authorities don't want on 8ch because of publicity


lol eastcourt village blew their money on this bullsh*t


Lol Eastcourt Village blew their money on this bullsh*t




this is not a "matrix allegory'

i am a T.I…. the evidence should be apparent as to how these fools with nothing better to do are spending their time and money


while all of the elderly people here and medical patients are suffering and dying



The original owner of this board went to mewch and then came back here. He currently posts here




What do you have to teach that renders you TI?



I used to have gender dysphoria. I studied hermeticism, the law of gender and polarity are very helpful for what you are seeking.


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I didn't know smiley was a girl. Or isn't smiley the actual board owner of fringe?

Not that I care much…well time to fap anyway.



He went transvestite


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Most important post in this thread.



I see you can't detect shitposts and lies. Bullshit Occultist.



Thank you. :*)



>It is time to confront your dark side and integrate it into your personality.

I'm in therapy because of my traumatic childhood and this is something I'm having to now deal with.

I've held myself back my entire life, consciously, because I am fucking terrified of myself. I can't quite explain it but I've always known I'm pretty fucking strong (the shit I've been through often kills people, I've certainly thought about it).

I thought I was effiminate as fuck as a kid (and, granted I was) but I wasn't, it was in my own head. The abuse caused that thinking but I ran with it. I never fought, and was scared about fighting. Not because I didn't want to, I really fucking want to, but because when you fight you fight to destory the other person.



True of most of us in some form I feel. The stronger the gift, the stronger the obstacles placed in your way. The few times I've been pushed to the edge of violence, the other person was absolutely TERRIFIED of me and backed down immediately. Doesn't matter if they were bigger, deep down I think they knew: If I go to the point of violence, I won't stop until my enemy is dead.

Most people never see that side of me though. I'm all peace, prayers, puppies and hugs. I'm okay with that.


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OP, if you are alive then provide us with an update. I had a similar upbringing only that I wasn't the house maid for everyone, had a couple masculine friends when growing up and always had a rebellious (like a Jew) character. In regard to the latter, the sissification brought temporary damage but never destroyed the very core of my character.

What advice would I give to you?

>move out asap

I don't care with what means, getting a shit job, living by friends, relatives, getting NEETbux whatever. You need to cut off the tumor first before the healing process can begin. This is your highest priority.

>start doing sports

No matter what sport, as long as it is physically demanding and not feminine. It boosts your confidence and testosterone levels. We men ought to use our bodies for physical work, or else become depressed, then lethargic and useless.

>stop masturbating and other kinds of bad habits like vidya and anime; anime is for faggots anyways (with a few exceptions)

Masturbation effeminates you because it keeps your testosterone low, especially if it is to porn since you are mentally cucking yourself by watching a man fucking a woman you'd like to rape. Media consumption that enables melancholy and self-pity, and gives you a feeling of satisfaction - despite your situation being unsatisfactory - because they have bad vibrations that mess with your brain. Everything you hear and see influences you in many ways. Be a fascist and develop a feeling of what is harming you and what not. For me, it was Jazz and Classical and generally relaxing music, reading things that are informative and overall not negative (this is why I'm going to leave this board once I finish this post). Again, I cannot stress not masturbating enough, if not for forever, then at least three months because you will see significant changes in your neuro-chemical wiring even if you relapse.

>cut off all shitty and weak friends and seek strong masculine ones

That's it, but avoid females because you will get oneitis and emasculate yourself if you restrain yourself from rap– penetrating her. Additionally, women will never understand men's problems, they have nothing constructive to offer, only feelings and their bodies.

>join a club, church, whatever gets you social and a feeling of belonging

Do that as soon as you have a better disposition, because if you start with negative vibes the people will notice, perceive and act accordingly, and, most importantly, will remember their first impression. Some anons posted that here but are 100 % right in saying that the world is only a reflection of your inner self - sure, the (Western) world is objectively shit, but believe me, if you become optimistic you are able to project it on global problems. People are attracted to such people because in this world of moral decay they crave a shining light and charismatic personality.

>visit a Psycholojew if necessary, but be cautious about his Freudian sexual psychology tricks

This could be useful, but nitpick what you want to talk about, never let the Psycholojew choose the topics or else he will try to analyze your problems through the lens of sexual deviancy/dysfunctions. This causes more confusion than necessary. Just address your problems, and if you think you got enlightened on some things and it's enough, then get the fuck out there.

Do all of that in that order, you can put the Psycholojew earlier but don't postpone moving out. You are a lion in a cage. You need to get out of the cage before you can hunt and learn new tricks.

t. hypocrite that was there but fell back on bad habits

Never relapse into the bad habits you fought off, becuase it will be 100 times harder to get out of them.



Learn to box. Take test boosting supplements. Realize your mind is plastic and its only a matter of time and effort before you are completely converted. Read "The Manipulated Man" and "The Rational Male". Also, your mom (and others) will keep doing that shit because they are able to get away with it. Find a good reason to go ham on them every once in a while and they'll probably stop once any real resistance to their bullshit is put up. Good luck.



>visit a Psycholojew if necessary, but be cautious about his Freudian sexual psychology tricks

This could be useful, but nitpick what you want to talk about, never let the Psycholojew choose the topics or else he will try to analyze your problems through the lens of sexual deviancy/dysfunctions. This causes more confusion than necessary. Just address your problems, and if you think you got enlightened on some things and it's enough, then get the fuck out there.

LOL, my buddy did that back to our psych doctor. he's a real fucked up dude.



yeah manlets build muscle faster than lanky soy-ridden jewish nigger faggots



pretty sure women are more degenerate than men but go on..>>122824>No one wants to be superior at being fucking retarded, afterall.

you underestimate the power of Pol Pot


>In fact I could go on a massive rant of how inferior women are to men and then see how they would respond, but let's leave it at that for now

oh I agree but continue…


>Over half of all marriages end in divorce

obviously, but look at who initiates them. women. being bored is not an excuse for divorcing anyone and our marriage laws should resemble Iran, if not the entirety of women's "rights"



>especially if it is to porn since you are mentally cucking yourself by watching a man fucking a woman you'd like to rape

What about lesbian porn? Or chicks masturbating themselves?


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Never. Sex is not about the woman if you're a man. You should not focus on how to pleasure a woman nor look at material that promotes it. Porn is evil. If you really have to masturbate, then use your imagination and better think about how you dominate the woman and have your pleasure.

>pic related



Here's the trick. Cut mom out of the chain of command. Get your shit directly from dad. Then you don't need to tolerate any shit from mom.

You don't need to win any arguments or fight or anything. Just befriend your dad in a real fucking friend way. He probably doesn't have any real friends anyway and is just as lonely as you and will take to you like father to son. Then you can just ignore mom.

Do not ever engage mom. All she wants is the attention from you. Just ignore her and she has nothing. Then when your mother sabotages your shit and something's amiss in the house, you ask your father what happened to it. Just act like it's some minor curiosity. This way he constructs his own narrative of abusive shit mom. Do not ever get between dad and mom or talk about one to the other. You only do this if mom speaks for dad. You immediately go verify her fucking word against his. You're just shifting the pyramid a bit. No lying. Do not lie. Liars are obvious and hated by all. He will take care of you. That's how the world works.

You do this at work, too. Cut the niggers out of your chain of command. Butter up the boss. Then you're free to do as you please. No more niggers.



I must add you're always non-confrontational and friendly. You must make your mother's exaggerations sound absurd.



Most fathers are useless. I only grew when I threw my parents out of my life. They were toxic perverted pieces of shit.



>Ask daddy to do everything and kiss your boss' ass.

Wow, you told OP the secret to being a huge queer, congratulations.



Father's aren't always present these days. Actually we're probably reaching the point where a father who is regularly in the home is a rarity and most children grow up with occasional contact with their father if they are lucky.



> Most fathers are useless.

> They were toxic perverted pieces of shit.

Well then please go back to shoving a black dildo up your ass like the rest of /leftypol/.



I'm /liberty/. Anyway – it's true. Most fathers let the wife dominate them like sissies and raise their sons. Most fathers are terrified of being divorced so they kowtow liked cuck little queers. If you're going to follow a cucked queer sissy DADDY then you'll end up like that. Meh.



He's right, a father in your life is no guarantee that you have anything like a decent role model, and often a father who is just there enough but mostly absent can prevent decent role models from becoming father figures by getting in the way.



You have enough awareness to fully realize the situation. I think that's all you really need. Go forward with whatever helps. Get away from her immediately too.

To hell with a society that enables this shit.



I feel like I may have encountered something like this after I started to do kegel exercises. They're not just for women. Not at all.



hi /liberty/, this is /fascist/

the only way to do this is to reverse women's rights to 1950



Advanced Magick for Beginners?


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OP I have some unorthodox remedies for you to finally step into the man you were born to be, there is no specific order and all of them require the same force of will.

1. - Women run at the sight of cockroaches and other insects, as such, train your manhood by stepping on them often. For a bigger increase in testosterone levels crush them with your bare foot on sight. Wipe the insect intestines with a hose. Or manlier even, keep on walking barefoot like it's nothing for an hour until the scum is mixed with the filth in the ground and you can't tell one from the other.

2. - Women don't feel attracted to unintelligent, submissive man that they can sit onto or outwit. To increase the amount of anti-submissive liquid in your balls (a.k.a. semen) and therefore your amount of overall manliness not to mention its size, masturbate violently for a straight week, in the same way that going to the gym increases muscle size by disrupting present muscle fiber and reconstructing it, emptying you balls consecutively will signal your body to increase the production on Manlyc fluid, for a more healthier and manlier life where your set of balls speaks for you. (For greater optimum results repeat until you feel you are hallucinating or your balls can't go anohther round).

3.- Women have smaller brains, but they use theirs more effectively and coherently even during tiring multitasking events, they can bitch and whine and brag about pretty much everything that happens in their day-to-day life, pretty much all at the same time and always when you listen to them. To grow a powerful beard, pay attention to the things that affect them, and become then the actions that produce an effect of them, that they may bow to your will and your beard. The energy of their act of paying attention to you goes straight to your skin and gives you a radiant skin. (Hint: real alpha male vernacular power ranger leader man don’t care about this shit in any planets in this system).

4. - Women love what they can't put their hands on or figure out. To become the object of their devotion and moistness you must pretty much unlearn everything you have ever been taught, and everything you believe that you know. Ask yourself what a real woodsman would do living alone in the woods in his own all-time-manly-hand-built-house. They would clean their house, mop, sweep, take the trash out, do the dishes, and cook their food, all barehanded and without gloves. They would then go out and hunt and pick up wood, knowing perfectly well that no act of housekeeping can lower their god levels of manly confidence and security projecting testosterone.

5. - Women love and obey a man that loves them and understands them. Behold! The ultimate truth!! Thou shall never understandth a woman completely!!! Accept this in your heart with all you might fully and well and you shall instantaneously become a SUPER SAIYAN phase 4 straight out of Dragon Ball.

6. - Women respond easier and amiably to man that respect them and lose their temper upon whining, non-verbose children. Learn to love them, and respect them, if you believe that light is the measure of lack of darkness, and heat the measure of lack of cold, then your manliness is the measure of your love for them, for you are a man not because other man point to you, but because women recognize you as such. Period.

7.- To transcend ALL levels of manliness in the earth plane and go straight into manlyhood where every doubt of effeminateness has been wiped out and obliterated into non-existence never to be gazed upon again, and sit with the man gods and have your own harem, meditate on this my commandments of the intergalactic Manlyc religion of the Zhun.

A real man knows how to take care of his problems, a real god-man knows how to ask for advice to take care of his problems. Be the man of tomorrow, Today.

May the word of Zhun be hear throughout the Universe.

Good luck. OP.



Despicably weak.


This post was written by a womanchild.



This is a good post. Follow what this person says. My only amendment is to cease all masturbation after the one week spree.



Truely disgusting post, even for 8ch /fringe/ standarts.



You're having to cope with the results of the "great work" which was always about breaking down the barriers between the sexes. The priest class's story begins and ends with a/the hermaphrodite. One that makes man and another that's made out of man. The goal has always been efficiency and usurpation of female control over the group. This is because the priest class was always perpetuated through homosexual abuse and pederasty. There's only a certain type of male who wants to be completely removed from females and demands young males be made to join his ranks, cloistered away from the general populace.

From their perspective there's a hidden backdoor to power which comes from publicly condemning certain types of behavior while running a monopoly on those those same behaviors behind closed doors for blackmail purposes. They likewise pose in a very feminine manner (fancy robes, jewellery, incense/perfume) to illicit the same compassion/confession a motherly figure would get. Devi(sanskrit for "goddess")Ants(societal insects) want something that has been removed from them (hence the story of how Eve was something "removed" from Adam) by an "imperfect Creator". However they can only shape and mold instead of bringing "life" into the world. The great work through the ages has been separating a certain type of male, forcing him into a feminine role and having him play "good cop" (devine confessor) to his brother's "bad cop" (generally the military, law enforcement). The "new man" is shaped through their interaction with these opposing forces and is led down the garden path

Did he take to this role because he was "stabbed in the backside" at a young age (a la Cain and Abel)? Or was he a "widow's son" who had more of a female presence in his life (because his father had been removed from the picture, usually through war or conflict)? The result is the same either way; a person at odds with their very nature who is easier to control by a group who doesn't have the same hangups.



Thanks for the loosh, noob. Good luck with your life.



File: 2084ddc98d49a29⋯.jpg (242.96 KB, 2048x1151, 2048:1151, 10547799_358561454302139_4….jpg)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAdsqqExPHU Mark Passio - "Most Men Are Chickenshit Cowards"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65GNSDDnh_8 Mark Passio - The Unholy Feminine - Neo-Feminism & The Satanic Epi-Eugenics Agenda - Part 1 of 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVPxYXc6Cbo Part 2 of 2


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The problem with you all is using sexual release as a sole mean of entertainment, rather than as a natural biological release. You have low self esteem, so you stifle your sexuality to feel better about yourself.

You wonder why you relapse? It's because you're pent up, let it go. Sexual denial is a favorite tactic of corrupt religious orders all around the globe, religion is losing its light, psuedoscience is the new dogma that wants to keep you tense and sexually pained.

If you're concerned about releasing your seed to nothingness, ask your higher self (or favorite deity) for a kind, good spirit or egregore to help you with sexual urges, and your emotional needs.

They will help you the same way a physical partner can.



Great post



we must fight gynocracy



1. You already know an alpha male to learn from. Ask him to mentor you. Don't have any expectations, though.

2. If you are really self-conscious about your looks, read up on and check with your doctor about HRT (hormone replacement therapy).

3. Start lifting. You describe yourself as conscientious and that's gonna help when you lift. You might have anxieties about being seen as a whuss in the gym or whatever, conquering it is a part of the process of becoming a man. Look up Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe.

4. Try nettle tea to grow hair on your body. Good to drink and to apply directly on skin. In general, anything that's green and edible is good for your hormonal profile.

5. Nofap.

6. Honest self-reflection. This is imo the sign of maturity in either sex and necessary for self-improvement. I notice f.e. that you talk a lot about what your mother did to you. I was raised by an abusive single-mother. I used to complain a lot, too, but it just makes it worse. I empathize with you, Anon, but your mother will keep having you under her thumb as long as you relate to her this way. Your resentment feeds her—it makes you slave and her master.

Wish you all the best



There is no "gynocracy." Feminism is oppression of women, and ultimately the rest of us.



>feminism is what i want it to be


>I hate mommy because she made me do chores!

Grow up, anon. We all had to do chores. Sounds like you’re the lazy one.

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