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Esoteric Wizardry


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Fringe I have been researching various pharmaceutical solutions non-stop for a wide variety of problems I have and also some random other conditions I know others have or that catch my interest during all my waking hours for the last hundred or so hours.

Literally article after article I go through it's the same shit over & over; every drug is not proven effective and apparently placebos work just as well. Study after study conducted fails to prove any of the drugs more effective than placebo.

The harsher drugs all come with terrible side-effects and basically poison you and have a bad track record of actually helping people.

The less harsh drugs that are more easily obtained are not really effective unless you believe in their efficacy.

What's more is that going deeper and deeper into researching these various problems I find a strong emphasis on stuff like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and various approaches to healing which target the MIND. It seems most professionals just give people drugs because they expect a drug to help them and it works well as a placebo but that to actually treat people they need to fix the way they think about things and the drugs should at best be a temporary adjustment thing.

It seems that modern medical science is way behind the legitimate power of shamanic practices in healing people. I have no idea why fedoras put so much faith into doctors when they have such a bad track record of actually helping people and most of modern medical science is toxic and based on some pretty bad science. People like to look at the quack cures being used in the past and how absurd they were but it's no different from what's being done today, the present system of healing is still faith based, it's just the faith fedoras have in doctors and pills that makes them better; and those who lack that faith don't get better usually.

>A number of investigators are agreed that the popular medical systems of tribal, peasant, and allied peoples are "effective." Most of the literature closely examining that effectiveness focuses on the ethnopharmacological dimensions of the healing systems and generally ignores psychosocial factors. Recent developments in psychophysiology may offer insights into these neglected areas. The specific idea to be examined here is that successful "general medical treatment," or "symbolic healing," by either the shaman or physician, is based in part on a psychosocial mobilization of the patient's biochemical response system. Moreover, it is argued that to account fully for these processes we must reconceptualize the character of the human organism; a unitary alternative to standard Western Cartesian dualism (mind vs. body) is proposed, based on a model derived from recent research in neuroendocrinology. This model can be the basis for a nonreductionist theory of medical effectiveness needed to account for a series of observations (derived from both anthropological and medical contexts) which seem to transcend the explanatory powers of the traditional reductionist biomedical model.

Post last edited at 2014-11-25 09:39:01


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Modern medicine is materialistic and should be generally used as a last resort. It's not "healing"…


I use it as a first resort and it always fucking lets me down and never works.


Meds worked just fine for me.


In 2007, bitter almonds (not regular almonds) were becoming popular with alternative medicine due to their vitamin B-17 content. Health food stores stopped selling B-17 in the form of apricot seeds in 2002, due to armed raids. The F.D.A. openly banned apricot seeds, and the extract, because it was touted as a cure for cancer; and curing is not allowed in America. The British Government followed suit, and did the very same things during 2002. Innocent people in both countries were arrested and charged for merely selling apricot seeds, a carrier of B-17 (laetrile).

This is just one of many examples…




Well there are some things that are pretty solid.
>antibiotics (when prescribed propperly)
>bone setting
>triage/trauma treatments

Their approach to drugs is shit because companies "design" drugs by synthesizing a new compound and then decide what they want it to do based on what they need a new drug to market for.


>implying shamans/wizards/etc. don't do all of those things better

Sanitation: they know not just to keep the physical place clean but also to do banishing rituals and keep the whole place spiritually clean
Surgery: they get input from the spirits to know exactly what to do and what to avoid
Bone setting: they can do it and enhance it with magick to make it happen all faster
Antibiotics: honey is an example of a traditional anti-biotic that's so effective it's recommended for use by doctors in some cases as being as superior alternative to literally every other substance that could be used


I didn't mean to imply that there aren't shamans out there who can do a better job than doctors, my point was that doctors are very good at fixing material problems with the body.

They are less good at healing and recovery, hence their tendency towards less invasive procedures as they refine their techniques.

And if you ever go to a doctor for mental problems you're in the wrong place entirely.

The thing with shamans is that their quality can be dubious. Powerful ones are rare and hard tofind and there are a lot of charlatans masquerading as shamans who cn't do shit.

I would say shaman's strength over doctors lies in speeding healing and aiding with mental issues.



So you're basically the /fringe/ equivalent of anon's mother who swears by all these "natural path" methods of healing yet is consistently the least healthy/fit member of the family?

I feel sorry for you, man.


>Surgery: they get input from the spirits to know exactly what to do and what to avoid
>Bone setting: they can do it and enhance it with magick to make it happen all faster

When has this ever been done? The Aboriginal/African/native American shamans are usually useless. Surgery and bone setting have been done since ancient times anyway, it's hardly modern.


Nah I have mostly just stuck to regular medical science for muh healing and it has failed me, still got to try out more /fringe/ stuff.


>recognizes they've been done since Ancient times
>thinks it totally implausible that Shamans can do it too


Do you know Bioresonance therapy? There is this Russian trademark Deta Elis and the people I know that used the devices say they work.


I can't go full /fringe/ on medicine regarding already existing issues. On the other hand, I believe it could be vital in prevention.

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