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As an unenlightened mundane scum, is there anything I should know before killing myself? I can't promise I'll do it but I strongly feel this time might be it. I'm scared and I don't want to do it but I have to. Redpill me on death please, encouragement would be good too. Sorry for the low quality personal thread and attention whoring, just this one time.



If you killyourself you will go to hell and it's worse than your current life. Don't do it.

What's the issue anyway? Elaborate pls.



I hear this a lot and after looking a bit into the occult I came to this conclusion myself sort of, but I feel so desperate I don't think I care anymore. I'd like to hear more on that, something more concrete.

There isn't some one big issue, it's complicated. Basically I'm insane, ill and poor but let's not get into that.



you are still stuck in the limitations (((they))) put you in



> I'm insane, ill and poor but let's not get into that.

Maybe you have demonic possestion. Have you tried visiting an evangelical pastor and asking him to exorcise you?

Someone I know did this. He was still pretty fucked in the head but he said it had some sort effect. If you're poor that's your free choice.


It's not like you can prove hell in any way, but this one does a pretty good job of explaining the idea.


Yes I'm aware this can be viewed as just some korean religious propaganda, but if you really consider killing yourself, you need to see this.

It's a series of paintings made by a woman who had decided to kill herself, but was shown this in a dream and changed her mind.



No matter what kind of advice I get, I won't do anything. There are plenty of other reasons. I'll kill myself sooner or later, it's inevitable


I want to go deeper



All mundanes die sooner or later, so why hurry?

Wouldn't you be better of taking some risks for something you really want to do instead if you already are prepared to give everything up? Are you really?

If you die you won't have any of the everyday things that could provide comfort and a way out. It's the same as being homeless, but you don't even have a body and no way to interact with the world.



I don't want anything, I don't know what I am or what is this all about, all of this doesn't and can't make sense. My mind and body are ruined, I'm surrounded by garbage, every day is a torture, I'm tired of it all and I'm not capable of changing anything



Have you tried camping in the woods with no contact with civilization for a few weeks? Sounds like you need to clear your head and not be exposed to all these impressions.



life is shit, nothing will ever make sense, but if you're in the northern hemisphere it's shroom season. get picking. make the most of it.

Post last edited at



> is there anything I should know before killing myself?

Yes a couple of things.

1. The All Is Mind. Basically, everything is mental in its ultimate nature. Being mental, everything is influenced, ordered, and controlled by mind. Mind at various degrees of development runs everything.

2. Developing psychic powers of all types is actually very simple. Imagine some new condition, circumstance, etc. vividly and imagine it as actually real, as in regard the imagined thing as being ACTUAL, REAL, SUBSTANTIAL, a PART OF REALITY. This will cause your mind to influence reality directly. The more concentration and the more emotion you pour into it, the faster and stronger the influence. Whether you're cursing or healing someone, remote viewing them or seeing into their past, or looking at their aura; you just do it all by intention and you exercise the psychic faculties every day. Just don't exhaust yourself, it's like physical exercise, don't overdo it and yet don't be lazy.

3. Killing yourself is just going to lead to you losing your body and ending up in the astral. What can you expect in the astral? Well, every time you think some thoughts, or dream a dream you are doing that in the astral. What kind of thoughts do you attract to you, what do you dream? That's what you're going to be stuck in when you don't have a body. If your thoughts and dreams are disturbed, then you're bound for a very hell-like experience in the astral. If however you are at peace in your thoughts and dreams, that is what you will get there. The astral can be rather disorienting.

4. After being dead for awhile your spirit will be attracted to a new birthplace and you will reincarnate to have new experiences. This is determined in part by your own personal desires (karma) and the world's desires (karma) concerning you. So you'll get a rebirth that is basically a mix of how the world sees you now, plus a mix of how you see yourself. How do you see yourself? How does the world see you? Are you sure you want to die now and be faced with reincarnation?

Regards, an adept.


are there any ways to become immortal?



Semen makes you immortal. Drink semen.



i do this regularly already, how do i make a faustian pact?



Read the goetia. You'll want to start out with Baal.



Yes but the peace is temporary as I have to get back here and continue this shitty life


I don't have my own place to stay, even if I found some there is nothing I can do with it


I feel like I'm barely conscious, it's all a blur, my imagination barely works and I have no concentration, not doable. My dreams, like real life have no positivity or negativity usually, I don't remember them, they're abstract mess. There's just this constant feeling of needing to get away from everything.



>is there anything I should know before killing myself?

What would be the benefit of any acquired knowledge ITT if it then simply evaporates upon death?

If you want permission to die, then I'm giving it to you. Feel free to kill yourself. You will be a corpse sooner or later anyway. Choosing to live will not spare you.

Goodbye and enjoy your suicide.



>Choosing to live will not spare you.

Fighting back might, though. Immortality has been achieved before, if that's your goal.

Sounds like you don't like being alive, though.

But focus on spiritual development, OP. There is no more worthwhile activity.


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Although killing yourself can sound appealing, I'd say ride it out because not all things are in the hands of mankind.

>5For Moses writes about the righteousness of the law, "The one who does them will live by them."

>6But the righteousness which is of faith says this, "Don't say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?' (that is, to bring Christ down);

>7or, 'Who will descend into the abyss?' (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.)"

>8But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart;" that is, the word of faith, which we preach:

>9that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

>10For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

>11For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed."

>12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek;

>for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him.

>13For, "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."



I can tell you what it means to me. No idea if it's what it means to you though.

When you die you take with you two things; baggage and creations. All the bad is in your baggage, all the good is in your creations. Every sour feeling, every time you stopped your day to help another, every time you acted on the will of your soul. If you don't have enough creations to help you move your baggage you're gonna have some leftover causes and needs you need to attend to. That's gonna potentially lead you to another existence in this reality.

After that you pretty much have free will to do whatever. Someday I wish to create my own reality where I mesh well with the existing denizens. That would make me real happy.


I didn't expect it would get revived. So I'll use this chance to blogpost. Nothing has changed. I'm sinking deeper into insanity. I'm now trying to describe how I feel, typing and deleting stuff over and over and I can't come up with anything sensible. I completely lost control of myself, literally, it's like I'm not here. I have no imagination anymore, my thoughts are all the same, I can't come up with anything new, I can just repeat and copy. I wish there was a shortcut to change all this.


I think I would like to get into religion again. But just like with everything else, I can't and I can't describe why.


You're already on the upswing buddy. Writing/speaking your thoughts (even attempting to) is a powerful key to the layers of shit surrounding our soul. The answers are being given to you and you are listening. Instead of failing at trying to describe how you feel now, try to describe how you want to feel.

You're already manifesting. You typed it yourself that there is no shortcut, yet you are already using one of the most powerful shortcuts we have. Build on it, wizard.



stop trying


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1. After you die, can you actually reincarnate into a ""better"" version of your previous life? aka an improved lifecycle? For example, in my previous cycle, I was born John Doe, lived in a neglectful family and was genetically and physically weak, I passed away at age 14 because my alcoholic daddy wanted cummies and shot me in the face with his revolver for refusing to gib cummies, thus, I get the option to reincarnate into an improved lifecycle where at least daddy is not an alcoholic and has a good paying job, spends more time with his son, etc? Can you like create a custom reincarnation set?, Like creating a character on an RPG?

2. After you die, assuming time is not linear, can you reincarnate back into the past? Say, Jane Doe was born in 1988 and died in 2005, can she reincarnate in, for example, 1492 as a conqueror?


You chose to come here and now you're fucking off. You're only going to come back, and you have no idea if the next life you live will be worse.



Time serves an explicit function, it is linear at least in the sense of how humans are supposed to experience it.

There is no memetic/quantum purpose to reincarnate into the past, it's already happened. Think of the sum of all history of everything that has happened as being a physical recording of events in the mind of god.

The purpose of existence is to generate quantum novelty until there are no more novel things to generate, at which point the infinite return begins and the purpose for the stratification of multiple dimensions has been fulfilled.

Read the myth of Er to have at least something of an understanding as to how things work. We come into this world to fulfill a purpose and prematurely leaving only guarantees that you may well not have a choice in how you return.



So you are saying we are trapped in hell, being forced to reincarnate over and over again? Fuck this shit, I don't want to reincarnate here anymore. What about my free will? I want to go where I want and to do what I want. Maybe I want to be in other dimensions and on other planets?

Who is making this fucked up rules, who is enslaving me? This makes only sense when we are actually all prisoners of some fucked up sadist god, and I hope its not true



If you kill yourself your next life in whatever dimension you'll end up will be even worse. Stop being a little fucking bitch and sort it out with big determination, faggot. That's the reason why we live in the first place


Look at your extreme misery OP. The human body is a sacred vessel to help us on our path to enlightenment, and you're coming very close to destroying it. You're in hell right now bud, and in one way or another you chose to put yourself there. The good news though, is that if you could put yourself there in the first place, you can take yourself out as well.

Suicide isn't the way to do this. Go that route and you'll likely just sink to a lower level.

You have the tools you need OP, don't discard them.


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You're going into literal perpetual hell when the DMT starts producing as you die.

It will slow your perception of time and you'll be having a bad trip for eons.

Consider this.

The main purpose of a living being is to live. If you're going against it you're basically doing one of the most twisted crimes against the world which is your mind.

You'll be compensated accordingly.



I can't do anything. It's not just self suggestion. I just can't, I'm lifeless. I've become an animal, no awareness, no control of myself. I constantly crave escapism and follow old habits. I can barely think, I just recycle same thoughts. A looping nightmare with no end


All these folk saying, "don't kill yourself or it will be worse in the afterlife". Tell me, are we human in the afterlife? Is our perspective human as we exited human flesh?

You're just talking out of your asses using flawed "feel good" logic because you so desperately want to be a good person? Or is it something more sinister, like harvesting from OP as he releases the energies of suffering?



Well OP should at least be aware of the possible risks from suicide. All major philosophies and religions, ancient and modern, speak of a sort of punishment.

Of course in actuality we have no idea, maybe there is no punishment. But I personally would not take the risk.



Or by being risk intensive he will simply double down. After all from his current perspective how can he say anything contrary to his current understanding? Maybe he does have what would be the equivalent of beautiful women and beer on the other side?

The only thing I could think of would be what kind of sorry excuse of a story would end in self-termination. It's more fun to read how the hero of the story suffers and fails, sometimes succeeds then suffer and give up.

Let's face it, were not here to succeed IF this is hell. Just to suffer and fail in the most entertaining manner that whatever lies on the other side takes pity on us and lifts us up.



"If you dont consent to eternal rape in this kike prison world, you will suffer more!" Wow thats the same exact thing abusive people say to their girlfriends! You are such a creative con artist!

The truth is, if you kill yourself instead of the people who knowingly caused you to lose faith in the world, then the selfish fucks pay 20x the pain you went through. The world is designed so that nobody zero year olds can be built up from nothing to something. Countless people made sacrifices so that every spoiled faggot narcissist could become CEO. It's every persons eternal duty to make sure everyone has the right to peacefully create in freedom. When you violate that contract which allowed you to even have life by jealously leeching off people in pain instead of pulling the dagger out of their fucking back, you are thrown in the trash. Nice try dumb fuck!



I know something that you would be great at. You could join the US Army (or your country's army). Because you have nothing to live for, you would actually be above average on the front lines, as you would not fear death. If you survive your tour of duty, life would have a new meaning for you, and you would be grateful that you have your life. As an additional plus, most jobs scramble to hire people who have served in the military at one point, because of the that fact that SJW outbreak makes it hard to find people who even show up for work. If you die accidentally in a life or death situation, you get what you wanted anyways, and if you survive your tour of duty, you wont want to kill yourself. It's a win-win. The only way that I can see this going terribly wrong is if you kill a non-combatant and / or combatant in a non combat situation, i.e. interrogation. A general rule with karma is that if you do something involuntarily, no good or bad karma is gained. Period. That's why when NEET's parents take away their computers to make them take out the trash, they don't gain karma for doing someone else's chores, because they were forced. You do gain bad karma from voluntarily signing up for the military rather than being conscripted, but it's a small amount, which can be won back by saving other's lives, or in your possible later civilian life. Even if you just buy a homeless man a dollar menu McDonalds cheeseburger, you've already begun gaining karma.



Yes goy, good idea. Become zogbot and die for your (((country))).



I didn't mean it like that. Private paramilitary organizations separate from the government work fine too. In fact, anything where you have to have discipline and work in life or death situations could be done, that was just an example. I in no way condone what the (((U.S. Army))) is doing, but it was just a suggestion for OP. Also, what patriot doesn't want to invade North Korea, even if just a little?



Yes, NK sure is an evil communist country, not nationalists at all. That's the reason the USA who were allied with the Soviet Union and Maoist China are opposing them. It's all very logical.

…. or wait, forget what I said…



Okay, you've managed to convince me. I guess North Korea is better than I thought. I still think that you'd get shot -or worse- if you said you were against the communist party of North Korea. Then again, a lot of this is probably war time propaganda. Thank you, again, for red pilling me on North Korea. Bit of a newfig here, sorry (not a normalfag though).



Do they have a filter on newfag? Really?






NK is a dictatorship, obviously. But the difference from the communists allied with the US is nationalism. America only supports real leftie communism with no racial awareness. The norks are basically yellow supremacists and they call their great leader their mother. Racial diversity advocates like the US can't have that.



Depends on Karma

Focus on positivity to get positive Karma and incarnate into higher realms easy



Shaun Weed's testimony.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


or look up Canary Cry Radio ep on NDE's



I don't think you'll go to hell, but I think you'll negate the option for God to give you your life back which has been stolen by demonic ties, bloodlines and/or this world. I don't think you're sane at the moment and I think you should not be drinking and/or abusing substances. Try exercising, but seek the True Jesus Christ, not the fake one. Just seek Him. Trust anon. Trust. You want to fix things or do you wish to stay a victim? It's time to fight back. Life is difficult. It's okay to break down and cry. I hope you come find Truth.



>As an unenlightened mundane scum, is there anything I should know before killing myself?

It's pointless.

It's the equivalent of washing your clothes in the washing machine.



>If you killyourself you will go to hell and it's worse than your current life.

Not mutually exclusive.



>can you actually reincarnate into a ""better"" version of your previous life? aka an improved lifecycle?

different? maybe.

improved? subjective.


Before you kill yourfels, do a 5g+ psicule cubensis trip or smoalk 50mg of DMT. If you do that you can see the place your going after death without dieing. Suicide is a kind of problem solving with the little catch that it doesnt solve anything, you will just go in circles and even further strenghen your agony. Just do psychedelics dude, you are going to kill yourself how could it become worse? Become insane? You much more insane than killing yourself can it be? Ask the shrooms how it will be if you kill yourself and they will send you to the place. If you actually want to try to heal yourself you should start in lover doses tough. But if the gun is already pointed to your head go with the heroic doses, it cant get worse, youre going to kill yourself anyway.



Where do you even get psychedelics, though. Plz don't say Silk Road or the deep web or something; I don't want to be vanned.




Watched it all, didn't seem convincing.


Impossible, don't have my own place and no friends, getting it is also hard as hell. Anyway I don't think I'll even manage to kill myself.

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