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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Post fringe technology and ideas in this thread. I am trying to achieve, via technology, an independent lifestyle free from the oppression of utility companies, government taxes, and anyone else that would try to keep me stuck in a cycle of busywork forever.


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ah shit disregard the truck, it uses hydrogen, that guy was rubbing his hands jewishly throughout the vid, hydrogen is bullshit to use as a fuel


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idk what to think now… except I guess we'll see how it turns out in practice.


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We need a Nikola Tesla flag.


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FML there's regulations in my area that prevent people from having these eBikes.


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>I am trying to achieve, via technology, an independent lifestyle free from the oppression of utility companies, government taxes, and anyone else that would try to keep me stuck in a cycle of busywork forever.

The only way to do this and still exist in modern society is to become a homeless person/transient.

Squatting in abandoned/foreclosed properties.

Use day labor companies for income.

Maintain an on paper income below the taxable limit.

Bypass vehicle registration and ditch your drivers license. Dark web can get you credentials.

Use Tails for all internet. Use a laptop without a hard drive, only use encrypted usb sticks.

Have multiple caches hidden in wooded areas where you can set up camp when needed.

Cash or prepaid cards.

Prepaid phones.

Get a basic understanding of how a rocket stove works, so you can have wood heat without smoke.

Connect with others with the same values.

Avoid law enforcement.

You give up comfort for freedom.

Some people do this living out of an rv or van. Some people ride freight trains for transportation. Snow birds, moving south when it gets cold, then moving north for work.

I'm guessing though that your looking for some kind of magic bullet and this thread is just larp'ing about "secret technologies" that never seem to actually work in the real world.

If that's the case then your fucked.


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Truck driving will give police the opportunity to pull you over and immorally try to f*ck up your driving record.

You will also be sitting down in a small enclosed space for long periods of time. Sometimes breathing in various gasses.

You are also putting money into the pockets of the world's criminals by partaking in polluting the Earth with fossil fuels.

Sitting down for long periods of time will be worse off for your blood circulation and health, so if the corrupt powers like corrupt cops or the corporations want to attack your health somehow, then it will be easier for them to do things such as try to trigger a heart attack.

In my experience trucking companies are interested in doing honest business (for real, you get what you deserve), but with the corporatocracy and politicking involved you may still run into some bullsh*ttery as a truck driver.

Lastly, If you do not already have a CDL, and you are one who is persecuted by the dying empire(s) then you will be stuck for a temporary period in your life where you must be in debt to a corporation.

I say trust in God, and do what is right. The reason the dying empire(s) is/are dying is because they do what is wrong rather than what is right.


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I found the technology op is looking for…

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