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Does Alex Jones not know WHY technologies are kept secret?

Most technology is kept secret because of three reasons. The first is that even though a lot of technology has many peaceful and practical applications, the same technology can be used as super weapons. This is why a lot of technology related to transport is highly expensive, regulated, or downright secret. Any technology that demonstrates a high mastery over matter and energy or which can accelerate something to very high speed is dangerous as fuck. For example a vehicle that can accelerate to extremely high speed can be used like a missile and cause tremendous damage to whatever it impacts. A teleportation device can be used to move entire blocks of stone and build homes in minutes, but also to kill and destroy in just the same time. With these technologies it is very important not to let it fall into the right hands and I also believe there is a big campaign of conditioning to try and make people think of these technologies are only being useable in one way and not to come up with other ideas, so that one day if they are introduced to public use, people don't get the idea to use them in other ways then intended.

The second reason and the one I personally dislike is that societies and governments want to suppress decentralization. They want to keep you in a perpetual work cycle just to keep a home or pay utilities and so on. They want to know everything you do and have control over it all.

The third reason pertains to our enslavement. These days we're increasingly moving more and more to a society where you DON'T OWN ANYTHING.

Ownership is key here. If you OWN stuff you are the master. You own a business, you own stocks, you own land, etc. then you are the master and get to make the serfs work for you and you get rich off of their labor and sacrifices. Right now we're moving forward in a way where we don't own anything though.

What are some examples? Phones. How many phones do people actually own? Unless you get an unlocked phone, you don't really own your phone. Even with unlocked phone, it's not like walky-talky, you have to pay for the service. There are insane numbers of places selling phones and accessories for phones everywhere and tons of people who are all truly redundant have jobs relating to phones. It's a huge and bloated "industry" probably making billions maybe trillions of dollars all the time.

I don't feel people should have to pay so much for phones and to use the services of the phone network.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Then there's cars. Nobody actually owns their car. Yes you can rent a car but even if you "own" your car, you still HAVE to pay insurance. The insurance industry is bloated as fuck and the people who offer insurance make an incredible amount of money when they really offer nothing at all. Insurance is just "we take your money and maybe one day if something happens we'll give your money back + a bit more of money from other people we took money from" but in practice that never fucking happens and your insurance rates are spiked sky high so you're forced to pay everything back. You may as well NOT have insurance to begin with and just take out a loan in the unfortunate event you have a problem with the vehicle and get into a crash or whatever. I fucking hate insurance companies. Everyone is forced to pay the insurance jew, effectively meaning that even after you've bought your car, you still have to endlessly pay for it. If you ever can't keep paying insurance for some reason, such as you lose your job or whatever, your savings will be drained fast and then you're fucked. With constant inflation and other issues in this society, you have to work forever just to own a car, you can't simply buy a car and you own it now and don't worry. It also sucks dick that cars require so much maintenance and seem to be intentionally built to be shit and that there's all these scams with specific parts being hard to obtain and being overpriced to get and so on. Car technology has been held back intentionally and heavily regulated so that anyone who might dream to own a car and never have to pay any further expenses has their dream crushed.

Land is practically impossible to afford. It costs a shitload to buy and then once you have it, you pay a property tax. If you're even allowed to do anything with your land and to build on it, you are then cucked by all kinds of regulations, which usually don't allow you to live off-grid and force you to abide by their bullshit. If you want internet also in my area, you're forced to have a television. You don't want a television? Then you're not allowed internet. How fucking shit is that? …and I see people with the audacity to criticize North Korea for forcing a television that you can't turn off and plays state propaganda in every home. At least we can turn off that stupid fucking television and sell it and just not use the dish they install. The thing that really grates me though besides the useless dish is that when you're paying for your internet, part of that money is also being paid to fund CNN and such bullshit, which works around the clock to enslave and degenerate the nation and destroy the white race.

Alex Jones talks about China in his video. In China they build entire ghost cities for the keks. That's the world we live in, where you can work 10 years and not be to even afford a shit-shack in Canada, but China can build empty cities for the lulz. In Canada all the homes built are fucking shit, because there is always concerns to save money. The labour that builds the houses gets an insane amount of money, which drives up the cost of the house to 450k at the minimum in areas like Sarnia, Ontario, but the house itself is built out of materials that is fucking CHEAP and will be destroyed by any shit weather. Houses are built in a way that doesn't take into account our weather. I never see shutters on the windows; so how do we close our windows in the winter and keep the heat in? You just can't. You're forced to pay thousands of dollars just to heat your house in the winter that wouldn't be necessary if it was built better. New suburbs are always under construction and I don't see any LEDs being installed, they create brand new houses with incandescent and fluorescent lighting, even though LEDs are fucking cheap… and probably cost less to manufacture. They don't care at all as they aren't going to live there personally, they just use whatever cheap shit they have, and leave it up to the new occupants to be smart enough to replace everything and optimize the building for efficiency. I've talked to some of the people that are involved in these kinds of decisions and their lack of giving a shit for people just makes me really upset, so many people in this country looking to maximize profits, even if it's just a little saved, and the result is shit for the fools that buy the place.


There is extensive social engineering in the culture to ridicule anyone who doesn't want to work themselves to death 6 or even 7 days of the week just to barely hold onto anything while still falling into debt anyways. I get called "lazy" because I want to optimize things and make everything more efficient and free up my time so I can be healthy and use my mind for more than brute labor and mindless busywork. Everyone looks at the past and thinks they worked tremendously hard; yeah they were more physically fit but they did not do nearly as much physical or mental work as is forced onto people these days. All this work doesn't even get anything worthwhile productive, it's only purpose is to mentally and physically strain and oppress people, so their senses don't work, so they can't think straight, so their whole life is wasted. By the time retirement comes around, you may as well just kill yourself, because you're already worn out and useless. All this effort to waste our prime years of life is destroying the race and enslaving us.

What is the biggest concern of politicians? "The economy". They always want to create more jobs. More work. Keep the goyim busy. Complain there isn't enough jobs and we need to make more work… but then at the same time force in millions of immigrants. That's how they keep the bubble from ever popping. They just bring in an endless stream of immigrants.

I don't fear a reset. I don't fear economic collapse. Who fucking cares if you have a million dollars today? It's nothing now. The only reason I don't move to the third world is it's not white. Otherwise I'm quite jealous of them; because they can easily obtain everything they need for life and not do any work or do VERY little. The cost of living is insane in Canada. I want the fucking economy to die already and property values to collapse and all the rest. I have been working for 10 fucking years for nothing, I can afford a car, if I ignore that I'd have to pay insurance. That's it. My money is useless. I can't find a way to use it for anything worthwhile.

I wish we could just get a leader who'd say "lets kill everyone who is non-white and take their stuff". A lot of our problems would be gone overnight. Imagine if we stole all their wealth and things. It'd be great. The government is intending to destroy us though and I can't take it anymore. I try to find some loophole, some way out, so I can keep – no – REGAIN my health and sanity. They have snuffed out every opportunity though, found ways to ensure that nobody but old boomers and non-whites and invalids get to have anything, while the actual core of the society the youthful men and women are degenerated and worked to death.

I think I'm just going to have to focus on decentralization technologies that I can somehow obtain or make myself and find ways to just completely ignore the law. I'm not sure I can really do that but it would be great. The only real solution that is left otherwise is to go to war / the accelerationist option. I need to sabotage the economy and destroy the ability of the masters to keep their slaves working. I need to reset the society so the dystopian nightmare that already exists in China doesn't become our future.


If I were to write a manifesto it would be explained best by this one ideal; enabling voluntary living. I don't want a world where one HAS to work, or HAS to do anything. I want to realize the ideal of the voluntary life, where one's time and energy is invested not into numbing the tremendous pain of the daily grind of life, but is freed up towards higher purposes.


How can you expect me to be ok with being a slave when my work is not purposeful?

What greater overarching narrative does my life feed into?

To what end do I work?

To what end do I sacrifice and suffer?

It is all for nothing; and it is a meaningless and preventable suffering.

I am not work adverse; but I am adverse to pointless waste and suffering.

There are no arguments to compel my subservience.

The state fucked up when they decided to create propaganda to humiliate and demoralize its slaves.

At least in North Korea each man works knowing it is for the Korean people.

We don't have that. We get to work for nothing but our own destruction.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wage Slavery - Peter Joseph


>tldr; mundane blogpost and muh jews are responsible for me focusing on negativity and attracting it




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Alex Jones is controlled opposition, more news at 11 !


First subject about releasing technology is how to harm people with it.

Second if first can't do the purpose, is how to profit from it.

And if both criteria aren't met the technology will remain secret.

That's how fucked up these crooks are. And they have technology from transport to medicine, that could make everyone's life so much better.


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>Thorium power plants are much safer than conventional nuclear plants

>Fuel is much cheaper, being as common as lead

>Can be used to safely dispose of radioactive material from conventional nuclear plants

>Can be scaled down to fit into an aircraft or even a car

>A thorium-powered car wouldn't need to refuel for 100 years and would create enough power you could plug your house into your car and run all your appliances

>Initially, thorium power was ignored in favor of uranium power because enriched uranium = nuclear bombs

>Now nobody wants thorium power because it would provide clean, cheap energy and none of the corporations producing "green" energy would get government subsidies and kickbacks

>Carbon nanotubes are used to make batteries with 10 times the battery life and a much longer service life

>Now your laptop can run for 20 hours on a single charge, and the battery doesn't go bad within just a year or two

>The new batteries cost a fraction of what conventional batteries cost to make

>You could sell the batteries that are 10 times better for 10 times as much and people would willingly pay that

>Rather than make a massive profit selling these new batteries, battery companies instead buy the technology from the people that developed it and shove it down the memory hole so they can continue selling shitty batteries

>Dr. Gerard O'Neill and a team of NASA engineers and scientists develop the O'Neill Island 3 space colony

>Big enough to house 5 million people per cylinder, colonies consist of 2 cylinders

>Self-sufficient, grow their own food, colonies have their own internal weather cycle, produce their own breathable air, produce their own power via solar power

>Can be parked near the moon, the asteroid belt, or any other planet in the solar system, allowing us to mine resources, refine them, turn them into finished products, and sell them anywhere

>Smallest near-Earth asteroid has estimated $500 billion worth of iron, more platinum than the Earth mines in a year, and a bunch more resources; there are literally millions of asteroids, and some of them are the size of countries

>Building O'Neill space colonies would solve overpopulation (move into space), separatist movements and political division (move into space with likeminded people and declare independence), world hunger (grow crops in massive greenhouse in space), energy shortages (beam solar power down in the form of microwaves), make us rich beyond our wildest dreams by putting millions of workers next to unimaginable quantities of resources, provide a huge tech boost during the R&D and construction phases, and provide literally millions of jobs for all the space miners, construction workers, rocket scientists, restaurant workers (space miners gotta eat, ya know), farmers, etc. involved

>NASA decided it could be built with technology available in the 70's

>O'Neill and NASA sat down and calculated the cost of all the raw materials, technology, rocket launches, training astronauts and workers, etc., then doubled the cost just to cover their asses when something inevitably went over budget

>Adjusting for inflation, one space colony would have cost less than what we spent on welfare in 2011, and welfare spending has gone up every year since

>Given the option of advancing all of mankind, solving serious issues plaguing humanity, giving us a home among the stars, and vastly improving the quality of life of everyone on Earth and in space with endless, cheap resources and advanced technology, or paying niggers to sit on the couch smoking crack and popping out babies, we chose to pay niggers to smoke crack instead of working

The more I learn, the more I'm convinced there are (((interests))) who want to keep both technology and society from improving.


alex jones is an OG, haters gon' hate




Most braindead thread I've seen in all the chans


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Pic related is my phone, I've had is since 2012 with an unregistered sim card, and I don't have a drivers license, so

>illuminati BTFO

I guess?



I was with you all the way until you decided to go off the rail and start pirating the non whites



Post more




OP in case you'll check your thread out again can I ask if you saved the videos you linked too?





It appears that asteroid mining is the solution to humanity's problems. However, the elite are seeking to monopolize the $400 quintillion worth of materials in the asteroid belt for their own uses rather than the benefit of mankind.

But perhaps it's best that larger humanity doesn't have access to these resources. It would make things too easy for people who didn't earn it. One of the complaints about modern society is the dysgenic effect that comes with not needing to work for food. Now imagine if people has access to gold as easily as we have access to food today.

It would be hell on earth if we had a million times the current wealth jammed onto one planet. We would have a trillion people living in gold castles, but nature would be choked out. If we are to bring such freedom and power to mankind at large, mankind must first be capable of handling it.

Humanity's technological prowess has already outpaced its moral development, now that any retard can buy a gun and any retarded government can buy a nuke. Now imagine if recreational nukes were no more expensive than bullets, and if African dictators had weapons that could sink continents.

Thus, these resources should be kept in good hands, but who exactly are these good hands?

Just some food for thought.



The solution to dysgenics is always to the same: pay the underclass not to reproduce. Eg. sterilization grants access to welfare.Encourage productive members of society to reproduce. We've regressed so much because we're doing the exact opposite.



If you didn't make it or build it, how do you justify your demand of ownership? Futhermore, how do you justify your access to the resources required to build or make anything in the first place? If you accept a product or service with all its contractual obligations from another, is it their fault? I just dont understand your entitlement. You came into this world owning nothing and you will leave it the same. Nothing youve been conditioned to construe otherwise will ever change that. All persistent continuity that you identity with in this world, is already gone taking your present with you. If you want to posess, it will only be satiated in the action of making or taking that which you desire, which can never be completely satisfied.



I'd rather kill them all. God blessed them when I wasn't born as a force of nature.



They can't justify it either, hence there is no sin in not paying back loans, credit, or insurance. Breaking the law isn't a sin either. Only brainwashed fools would think otherwise. Concerned people might tell you not to, but those self-righteous types are only going to wake up to being eaten and gone forever.



>but those self-righteous types are only going to wake up to being eaten and gone forever.

Not talking about the people being concerned, but those that DO take made up laws as God's law.

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