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I am suffering extreme anxiety right now. My mother hasn't fucked off now for like maybe two weeks. She keeps saying she's going to go and then stuff keeps happening to prolong her stay here. I did a valiant job of keeping myself functioning by doing ritual after ritual in what little uninterrupted time I could get to do it despite no fucking sleep but now I'm beyond worn down and my skin is getting all enflamed and fucking up and my eyes are burning and I'm utterly exhausted to point where I have tremendous difficultly to relax and to bring in an inflow of vital energy. She has zero regard for my well-being and sleep and sabotages it badly. I am at point where I can't draw in any more vital energy and my body is suffering. I hate this because when I get into a low-energy slump like this, it takes a long-ass time to recover and get out of it. I hope she fucks off soon as I'd like to make a formal request for an energy boost at that point so I can get out of the slump fast and then get my life back on track fast as well. I also missed an opportunity I had where I could have helped heal someone but couldn't because fucking mundanes present that cause too much interference because they're too fucking retarded to not interrupt me over and over while I'm in trance. I feel mighty tempted to put all these mundies out of their misery. Right now I still just got wait this shit out, can't really read or do much at all right now.

Anyone got any recommendations on how to get extremely disruptive mundanes to leave you the fuck alone for hours at a time? I get interrupted day and night by my mother and she just loops over the same shit over and over like a broken crazy woman. Fucking old people, this shit will be the death of me if she doesn't go away soon.


maybe she keeps cheking on u bcuz u attempted suicided not long ago



Her actions undermine my well-being and drive me towards such an inclination. The only other thing that oppresses me so bad is humidity, that fucking shit makes my life hell too, and is practically impossible to escape.


Seriously need some tips on how to transcend humidity. Hot and cold don't bother me but humidity fucks my shit up.



keep urself hydrated, wear thin light-colored loose-fitting clothes



When faced with a challenge, the individual needs to have faith in the individuals own magic and in the Universe's ability to deal with the problem.

The individual needs to assume that the challenge is a lesson, a muscle tearing experience, meant to grow and expand the individual experiencing it.

The uncomfortable, even unbearable nature of the experience is necessary to drive the individual from its comfort zone to react and respond.

Like a video game, if it were too easy it would be boring and not fun to play.

And like a video game, the individual must learn to not take it too seriously, again having faith in the Universe that a solution is available but must be found by the individual.

>Anyone got any recommendations on how to get extremely disruptive mundanes to leave you the fuck alone for hours at a time?

Try using a spray bottle with a mixture of water, lemon juice, and a little salt. Every few minutes mist the air around you. Once the mundanes have retreated, continue misting the air about every ten minutes, then every hour to maintain the atmosphere.

It may be helpful to decorate the spray bottle with an appropriate sigil related to the desired outcome, but this is a matter of personal preference and ability.


Sounds like you're a preteen angsty baby who wont take responsibility for his feefees, overreacting, and general disrespect/contempt towards others. Check yur own ego m9



That does absolutely nothing to mitigate the effects of humidity on me. Furthermore, I'm not sure what makes you think up what you just said to me, like where did you even hear this stuff and start thinking it would somehow work for dealing with humidity?

The only thing I can think that might work is some kind of breathing and or trance techniques maybe that might cool the body down. In humid weather I overheat and can't do shit to cool down properly.

Oddly though today I had 2 sweaters on plus my usual bdu shirt over top of that and was somewhat cold / kind of warm throughout the day.

Also last night I was ice cold but then morning came and I got an influx of energy and went into the complete reverse, pooling sweat all over my body, while my body worked super hard to regenerate itself and produced tons of heat and healed lots within a short period of time.




>Try using a spray bottle with a mixture of water, lemon juice, and a little salt. Every few minutes mist the air around you. Once the mundanes have retreated, continue misting the air about every ten minutes, then every hour to maintain the atmosphere.

I mostly just need to keep them coming through a particular door and attempting to bother me in a particular room. I like your idea but you got any suggestions for getting them to leave me alone in my room? Also I need to protect the kitchen so they stop hounding me there too and in that case your bottle method seems great.

I think I should somehow combine this sigil work to this meme so I can get the normies OUT heh.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That was just an intuitive suggestion about the water bottle. Change the atmosphere and make them uncomfortable, eventually they feel uncomfortable and leave. Plus it probably smells nice.

I've never tried it myself, but I live alone physically so that isn't something I deal with.

Hoodoo has stuff about hotfooting people, making people move on to greener pastures, meaning any pasture that isn't around you. So I'm sure they have something more simplistic that may apply to your situation.

The movie "The Skeleton Key" showed people using brick dust to keep unwanted people out. You may want to contact a hoodoo practitioner for advice, try some of their stuff.

I've always liked looking into hoodoo magic along with pow wow magic, but my path is purely chaotic/intuitive/make it up as I go. Just the direction I've been led into and am most comfortable with.

For clarification, Hoodoo isn't Voodoo, and are pretty different. An admixture of Native American and folk magics. A lot of blues songs reference it.

Vid for atmosphere.

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