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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 58693cafc16c49d⋯.png (56.25 KB, 450x450, 1:1, werewolf_imprint_love_soul….png)


Is there any way to completey rid yourself of being a social animal?

All I want to be is isolated however my animal needs to socialize come back out…

Ive tried tulpamancing extreme interest in hobbies. I honestly do not know how to comoletely rid myself of the need for humanity. Ive made it my lifes goal to figure it out..

There has to be a way..


Have you tried objectively becoming enlightened?


Rule 2 is a good one. hiding


For me, I don't fully comprehend my mind until I've tried to explain a chunk of it, and rubberducking has never worked at all. (I forget what I'm saying to a rubberduck, or where I am in what I'm saying.) I don't know how to replace that need yet. Or, if I do, I don't know that I know how to replace that need.





Is that the rule where you post in questions thread?

I have like 3 unanswered questions since the threads so dead.



Coyote Shaman path might be something you'd like to look at. It's a combo of a couple of disciplines.

- ranger

- hunter

- wizard

- healer

- detective/shamus

- lawyer of sorts

- recluse but able to do a little travelling in cities or the outskirts of them.


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>Is there any way to completey rid yourself of being a social animal?

>There has to be a way..

Spend a couple of months with a self identifying narcissistic psychopath.

Allow yourself to be completely immersed in their reality.

Don't defend your boundaries when they cross them.

Allow yourself to be completely destroyed.

If/when you finally free yourself of them you will need a long while of self isolation. This will be instinctive, based on primal survival mechanisms and not surface personality.

I would advise having magical remedies already in place in advance, because you will be like a burn victim after, and extremely vulnerable to things.



Tulpas is the wrong way to go because then you are not giving up your needs to socialize, you're just replacing them with fake interaction. Tulpas may work if you manage to move all your social interest to it and then gradually dissolve it, at the same time dissolving your need for it. But that may just as well work with humans, or pets.

Maybe you should start off by telling us what kind of "socialzing" you want to get rid of? Do you plan to live innawoods with complete self sufficiency? Then your social needs = material needs and it's easier to define them and how to handle them yourself.

If you are fine with social interaction for basic needs and just want to get rid of "social behaviour" such as a need to chat or see people, then you should change how you look at those interactions. Get rid of any social interaction that isn't necessary for material needs and replace them with whatever you want to have that time for.


File: a3d0b3cb7e0ef9e⋯.jpg (203.85 KB, 443x662, 443:662, Scene.jpg)


Rise up, and vanquish your overlords.


File: 027799a017637c4⋯.gif (382.1 KB, 241x360, 241:360, 1wa1hs.gif)


Made a sigil gif.


File: 63eaed734039ea2⋯.jpg (120.49 KB, 1200x689, 1200:689, wow-south-park[1].jpg)


Wolves hunt in groups, btw.

>Is there any way to completey rid yourself of being a social animal?

Keep trying, friend.



Pic unrelated


I want to limit it as much as possible. No sexual relationships no friends. I understand work stuff and thats fine. I just want to live in atrailer by myself amd my tulpa.



Don't do this. It doesn't actually work like this. Those who collapse their boundaries against abusers become less solitary, rather than more, for abusers teach the lesson of dependency.

Try instead reinforcing your boundaries heavily, and placing your life in secure contexts that have little practical need of people.


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If done as described, finding a self identifying narcissistic psychopath, its guaranteed that you will not be more social after disengaging.

These kinds of people run on a specific cycle and don't deviate. The outcome is always the same.

If you are trying to fast track aspects of your soul development, exposure to them is inevitable.



The idealization-devaluation pattern is itself training for dependency. It's meant to constantly add and subtract from your opinion of yourself to maximize your vulnerability to this form of exterior control.


Why do you desire social isolation in the first place?



I am 26 years old

I have realized that there is no such thing as a good human being.



I know that feel. Best of luck finding a better crowd. There's nothing like knowing that you can trust somebody.



>I have realized that there is no such thing as a good human being.

And yet you're here, asking other people to help you.

If you truly believed that, you wouldn't be here in the first place.

Anyway, as long as you're part of this universe you're going to have to interact with other people, might as well get better at it.

And trust me, there are good people out there, they're simply somewhat hard to find because the age we're living in is toxic for the soul and good character.





The thing is im nearly retarded and can barely function. I also have a microdick. Im literaly always going to be the laughing stock of humanity. Everyday o want to kill myself. I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week just to escape but since i cam barely do my job its insane pain.

I want to die more than anything. All i want is to be solitude. I dont want work dreams. I dont want to hear thekr voices.throughout the day in my head.

I dont want friends i def domt wnat a lover. I want to die completely alone. Occult is the only way i can thimk of that will help mein this.

Im going to keep.saving up amd hopefully get a trailer with a shotgun and live alone. I hate humanity i hate myself



Just get the shotgun already. You don't need the trailer if you're just going to off yourself in it.

I'd say there's nothing wrong with you that medical tech won't eventually fix, but it doesn't sound like you're into that kind of hoping for the long-term.

In terms of more positive power…

For prolonged solitude, study local maps and find ways to walk off the beaten path. Get to where people aren't and rest away from them. You can at least use your one day a week for that. If you're overworking yourself "to escape", you can cut back on the excess once you've found somewhere you can be in private for a better escape.

Once you can get to a placid demeanor, it's easy to meet new people. I know the fear that there are no good people in the world, but I also know a stable long-term relationship. There really are good human beings. There are seven billion people in the world. All kinds of people. Some social environments are just very unhealthy. You're talking about eliminating the need to socialize, as though it were something you're failing at. What new patterns have you tried? Are you presently dependent on any people who make you feel terrible?



I live with my dad and my gf…i have to quit my job soon tho since im literally autistic and cant do it well..i cant fold clothes or drive im 26..it makes me cry everyday.. I cant swim..

I dont think im going to kill myself but im just so miserable..i need company so i have to create it…was thinking abiut trying to become good at technology and personifing the computers and other stuff i collect in order to not feel alone…i hate being retarded..



Pfft. Go talk to an ELIZAbot.




You actually managed to remind me to go tell my husband I love him.

I've been enjoying the autovalidation these shenanigans give me for the unbelievable person I actually am, but I'm not fit for the local noosphere in any real way, and the person I actually am hasn't anything to say to anyone here. I think I'm going to stop haunting this forum.

I believe I was stepping into some pre-existing shoes coming over here, mantling some other spaz's role, so… Hopefully the other guy will come back for you. *shrug*




I am the same except I can swim but I have no gf and I'm 24.

I can't do basic shit, can't drive, etc.




sadness and loneliness are just genetic programming aberrations. they are manipulations of a cruel and indifferent nature. the pain of these negative emotions is meant to drive us towards socialization, benefiting the species through possible reproduction and enhancing personal survival.

i don't have the answers, op but, like you, i am seeking a liberation from the pain of isolation, into a job of isolation and complete self-sufficiency.

good luck, brother




You can't make any definitive statements about reality because you have limited knowledge. You would need complete knowledge to make any claims, such as "x is true" "y is not true"

But I get your point. There are lots of shitty people in the world. We have limited time and energy. You could spend the rest of your life seeking out one decent person and never find them, or stumble onto one blindly through sheer chance (luck). There is no logic behind it and "effort" isn't any more likely to help you in this regard than buying multiple lottery tickets would significantly improve your odds of winning.

Instead of thinking, "I want to isolate myself because people are bad." it's perhaps better to simply become self-sufficient and without a need for others, i.e. enjoying the pleasure of your own company.



I am writing a book on isolation.


What the fuck is this thread? Define the "need to socialize"

It's a good thing I am autistic, I guess



In my quest for knowledge and during my fairly grueling education I turned to nootropics. You should try Noopept. It turned me autistic or something, in a good way. Not only can i not stand other people, I feel no desire to interact with them in any way other than these anonymous messageboards. I also dropped my video game addiction and have focused on more beneficial matters.



Even autists crave socialization.


i never really felt them tbqh



Is there any way to completey rid yourself of being a social animal?


All I want to be is isolated however my animal needs to socialize come back out…

>so you cant

Ive tried tulpamancing extreme interest in hobbies. I honestly do not know how to comoletely rid myself of the need for humanity. Ive made it my lifes goal to figure it out..

>you cant lel

There has to be a way..

>killing yourself and spending in eternity alone is a good way



I do not care about socialization though. So what am I?

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