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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Has anybody else noticed a complete absence of spiritual activity?

On the day of the eclipse I felt spiritually whole and amazing, but every day since I've felt myself becoming more and more mundane. Lately I've just been like a stone.

I'm pretty skeptical that the alignment of the planets today is actually meaningful but share your happenings. Even if nothing happens in the physical world I fear the consequences for the immaterial.


This is exactly what has happened to me OP.

On the eclipse I had a very vivid and legitimate vision that I shared with others that ended up being validated a few weeks later and giving me a ton of wizard cred. My power level was so high.

In the last while though I've been constantly having to deal with mundane shit and I've been worn down to where I am sick, can't think properly, and my power level is at an all time low now. I have had no opportunities to do anything, just been constantly having to deal with trouble-making mundanes.


I noticed many changes around the time of the eclipse. Not only did I quit my job after but many others were quitting too. On another board I go to, there has been a recent return of many old posters. It was like a shift occurred, with many things returning to a state from many years back. For me though, it's a return to spiritual activity rather than an absence.

Think back to the way you were around 2011. Maybe you have to work more in the physical for a few years before coming back to the spiritual.



Nothing spectacular at all. When I read the stories in this thread, it just sounds as utilising the own willpower to change a situation and attribute it to an external happening i.e. the solar eclipse.


No. Quite the opposite, i`ve been more avake than the whole summer.



Holy shit! I have been feeling exactly the same since after the eclipse on 23th august and it only get's worse, cam anyone please explain what this means?



Since after 21th august after the eclipse i mean* can*


YES. Absolutely. I usually have a very fluid connection to my higher self through synchronicities and for a few days now they have been very very scarce.


File: ca52222bff71cd4⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 853x433, 853:433, chemtrails-geoengineering1.jpg)


Can be due to those chemtrails..


I've been taking advantage of this spiritual deadness to raise my kundalini without any harm.


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Presupposition: loosh cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred and transformed

Predicament: our loosh is disappearing

Hypothesis: some entity has channeled away a significant portion of humanity's loosh and is concentrating it for some purpose


Quite the opposite, everything is getting much more intense since the eclipse and even before. Last night I had a life altering experience, brushed up against death, she is a harsh mistress. It isnt the first time either, this is at least the 3rd of 4th time the intelligence of death has communicated with me through a few of its many forms. Yall probably heading for ruin with the way you walk your paths. Everyone I know whos walking their own right path is experiencing more and more every day. Have fun in the lower astral realms when this is all over; say hi to death for me!

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