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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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How do I make a pact with the most powerful deity or whatever to make someone really really suffer?

I was hurt like I was never hurt before and I decided I'm going to take revenge. I will do anything in my worldy power to achieve this but I want to strengthen my chances with one of those pacts I heard about.

So basically you give your afterlife to achieve anything you want on earth? Can someone tell me what exactly I have to do? And can I like choose what will happen?


You should only do this if you'll really enjoy it, and you should seriously consider using the same power to become someone who wouldn't really enjoy it instead. There will always be someone excited by the chance to mirror your flaws and play with you. It's an extension of the rule that there's always someone smarter.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't trade the immaterial for the material. Things will work out in time. Let that person go and move on. //// "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." - Buddha. /// Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.////


If it is like satan, be careful, don't trust 'em…..afaik they may just try to get what they can get….like pure evil…just to screw ya and trick ya without even doing anything for ya


OP you're going about this all wrong. All you need is your emotional pain to put to death the other person or torture them. Just remember that whatever pain you inflict on them is power they can utilize over you the same way you can use your own pain against them. Now with that said, simply concentrate on your enemy, and use your intense pain to create really powerful thoughtforms to fuck them up.



>revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.////

Oh hmm, I didn't think of that. What if this person's afterlife is better than mine? Then I'm angry again.

Alright I will use the conventional methods.


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You're silly! :p



The fault here is 'jealousy', 'envy', 'mad folly'…..etc…

People do what you are referring to but it is likely they end up worse for it

This is an opportunity for you to overcome and be more acquainted with true power and true enlightenment

"Discretion is the better part of valor"

I'd say the universe is too vast for such a narrow minded mindset as yours OP….i do not mean to offend but it is like banging your head against a wall (which I have seen people do our of their 'evil treasures' within them)

live to thrive between you and the universe rather than being 'stuck in that person's fantasy' or 'stuck in that person's thoughtforms' and such


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I would have thrived in love, sex and more money than I will ever earn in an honest way if it wasn't for that person.

Don't worry about offending me. I usually don't get offended by anything, just to give you a sense of what I lost here. My life would have been complete if this person wouldn't have acted the way they did.


>messing with the demon Jew

>getting revenge to satisfy your hurt ego instead of moving on and learning from the experience no matter how painful it was

>not blessing your pain until you start crying from happiness




If you want material happines then look for Reality creation thread in the catalog instead of messing with demon Jew and damming yourself



Pinch yourself and you feel the pain of the part of your body pinched.

When you are hurt the All feels it and responds.

Pain that makes you vivid, makes you lucid, is power.

Just remember that if you hurt someone else after they've hurt you, God feels that too.

If you can find way to deal with the problem where you get satisfaction and no particular stirring of emotions occurs in the target or the emotion's of the target are misdirected away from you out of ignorance or what have you, that is the best.

Also you should be concerned about the dead, for many illusions fall away from the minds of the dead, and they can make your life hell.


He can create servitors and other lowly entities out of his pain that have to follow his commands. With higher entity though he can make no dealings for he is the subject and not they.


If you don't care about optimizing your own happiness and existence and moving forward with your life, if you don't care that you may get locked into a psychic war of attrition, in which neither side really wins, and both suffer; then go ahead for our entertainment and engage in all kinds of folly. When you have learned you will remember my suggestions, open yourself to God, and be on the path of harmony and peace.





Thank you that was very informative.

But I think I see what you're trying to do especially since you mentioned God. I know what it's like to believe in God and follow Jesus Christ and the peace it brings.

But for me this never lasted. I want to decide against it. I want pain and suffering for my enemy and I'm willing to hurt myself for it also.

But thank you.



FW isn't a christian tho 😂

He was probably using "God" in the hermetic sense though he doesn't have the acumen to elegantly explain his ideas.


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They don't give a fuck about me. They don't hate me, they really don't care if I'm happy or not. This is entirely my thing.


Alright I will try to work with their entities then if I'm on such a low spiritual level that I can't do anything else. And God or the Universe or whatever it its.


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…my bad. You should self improve none the less and try to reach, whatever it is in life.. that you find to be "success". Depending on what that is.. uh you know like.. as long as you don't have some sort of mentally ill,edge lord goal, like… dylan roof or something…


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I am sorry that they hurt you and I hope that you get well.



>that picture

Perfectly enapsulates modern society tbh.


this thread is epic win


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(Rule 5)
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Um guys

I forgot to ask how to create a thoughtform and guide it towards my enemy…


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(Rule 5)
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Maybe but that's not what I want to do.



I'm just saying you should consult with the omniscient, all-knowing principle, to figure out just what you should be doing. It could be very well the case you get the stamp of approval to kick their ass and curse them like a madman.

Also as the anon said I'm not really a Christian and this blind Jesus worship stuff is nothing I'm big on.


Sorry anon, I am not the anon you are responding to but to second this…

I am not a fan of Christianity either because I find it results in 'evil fruits' and the furtherance of iniquity.

I like anything, on the other hand, which results in 'good fruits' and the furtherance of good.

Regarding the OP cursing them and kicking their ass 'like a madman'…it all depends on the context.

You could say that the United States is a "madman" for all the crimes they commit globally, but I am sure they probably think that what they are doing is administering justice worldwide.

OP might be justified or might not, but is obviously justified in the sense of righting a wrong or declaring justice where there is no justice….as opposed to blind rage, harassment, evil-working, hatred, contempt, revenge, and such things as these.



Sorry anon, I am not the anon you are responding to but to second this…

I am not a fan of Christianity either because I find it results in 'evil fruits' and the furtherance of iniquity.

I like anything, on the other hand, which results in 'good fruits' and the furtherance of good.

Regarding the OP cursing them and kicking their ass 'like a madman'…it all depends on the context.

You could say that the United States is a "madman" for all the crimes they commit globally, but I am sure they probably think that what they are doing is administering justice worldwide.

OP might be justified or might not, but is obviously justified in the sense of righting a wrong or declaring justice where there is no justice….as opposed to blind rage, harassment, evil-working, hatred, contempt, revenge, and such things as these.


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I had to ask because I wasn't sure his mom had to do it for him!

(Rules 5 and 7 and 8.)




> I am not a fan of Christianity either because I find it results in 'evil fruits'

> and the furtherance of iniquity.



Selling your soul is the selfish version of dedicating your life. The statement you are making is, "If I had this, I would be satisfied forever." Sell your soul only for such a purpose that your satisfaction will be true. Expect to work towards your purpose, and not be handed it; whosoever has sold their soul is in their own employ thereafter. There will be no infernal taskmaster directing you, and indeed, no fresh source of metaphysical power or knowledge will open to you. Selling your soul draws a line in blood through the outer bound of your morality by giving you knowledge of the price of your soul. A sworn oath of revenge should draw that line already. If you need more before you can have revenge, count yourself lucky to have stopped short of something foolish, and take a petty vengeance or none at all.


Are you still here OP?



Yes hello!



but i'm not a true believer. i'm unsure about wether there is a heaven or a hell.

what if life is just life and i can never get revenge?

then i would have to take matters into my own hands.



i understand


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What if you were convinced otherwise what then?


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Why don't you just use that negative energy to knife them in the spine?


If you really want retribution in exchange for your soul, here you go…


but don't do this unless you're prepared to take the consequences.

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