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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I'll tell you what /fringe/.

I love God and I love Jesus and the religion of Christianity and have been on such a way or path for several years now.

I think that I have finally broken out of this "mental cage" (the cage of the Christian thought paradigm) and I am happy to have done so.

I feel that within that specific "thought paradigm" or "dogma" there is like some sort of otherworldly monster just absolutely dying to further its glory and suck life out of people. It's really crazy.

One time I heard somebody say on the internet that there are forces which 'hi-jack' conventional dogmatic thought patterns and conventional thought-paradigms such as organized religion for nefarious purposes.

I am still a tiny bit in shock, but unfortunately I write this as a warning to anybody reading that I am afraid it might be true.

It sort of has some really negative implications for Jewry, unfortunately, as well….in my opinion. Not that I reckon myself to be antisemitic.


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So, I am not any longer a Christian.

One reason I give so much credit to Fringe Wizard here on /fringe/ is because I think he seriously dedicates his life to researching theology and is obviously intimately acquainted with both Christianity, probably Judaism and also other such thought paradigms and religious teaching.

Another reason that I give a lot of credit to Fringe Wizard is I feel he is clearly some sort of "Targeted Individual" so faces a lot of overpowered enemies.

Even though I am not an Hermetist, I've noticed when Smiley talks, he clearly uses references to the teachings of Jesus, the same way that the writers of the Kybalion and also many other occultists. I feel that reflects very well on Hermetic thought and the Kybalion.

So, all in all, although I repented of Christianity and Rabbinic thought patterns independent of /fringe/, using /fringe/ here on 8chan has been a very enlightening experience.

I take religion seriously and I've dedicated my entire life to it.

If God exists, may God testify that all things I say here are true.


At least Christianity is a safe religion to dissent against.




I've repented of Christianity and Rabbinic thought patterns*

In the first post, I said…

>"One time I heard somebody say on the internet that there are forces which 'hi-jack' conventional dogmatic thought patterns and conventional thought-paradigms such as organized religion for nefarious purposes."

For this reason, although I have a great deal of respect for Islam, I am also a bit weary of Islam as the other major Abrahamic faith I haven't properly studied.

I trust pagan thought a bit, because I have seen positive results when communing with pagan spirits…although I may be the fool in the matter, and the pagan spirits may be taking advantage of me and I just don't know it.

Christian thought patterns have made me very weary and suspicious of spirits.

Objectively, I can say that pagan spirits have helped me in very small ways. I will have to keep walking down the path that I am on, and focus more and try to better myself and my environment to see what the truth of the matter really is.

To quote David Hume on the nature of 'truth':

Hume says something along the lines of….

>"It is a presumption, to think we will uncover the real nature of truth, since the greatest minds of us have struggled with great pains and have not succeeded."

I'm sort of starting to agree with Hume here, to be quite honest. I think Marcus Aurelius may have said something similar.


In defense of Christianity, I will say that I have never seen any single group or thought patterns or institution or philosophy or ideology or any such thing which rivals the success of Christian charity in that real, public Christian charity is found EVERYWHERE in society, which I feel reflects very well on Christianity, even if I think the thought-paradigm itself is dangerous and harmful.

The other good thing I can say about Christianity is that it empowers people for a time with a sense4 of hope for the future and a sense of hope or faith in good things.

Perhaps it is meant by God to be a 101 to spirituality or meant by the universe to be a 101 to things spiritual or something like this…


It makes you wonder….

What would the future of humanity have been if Constantine had not been so convinced that he was receiving a visitation by the Christian God or had not been so convinced that he was 'doing the right thing' by making Christianity the official state religion of Rome.


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Theoretically one might still be able to PROFIT by believing in Jesus Christ (ONLY SO THAT YOU DON'T GO TO HELL IF CHRISTIANITY IS REAL….), however after that initial belief to get out of hell free, I wouldn't bother trying to live out the Christian ideals unless they are clearly leading you to better things in life, clearly producing "good fruits" in your life, or clearly good for you even though it's bad for others, or if you clearly have some sort of special revelation that nobody else has such as God telling you Christianity is actually true.




You can never profit by serving a basilisk meme. Recognize them and discard them as the epistemological failures they represent.


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Regarding discernment, perhaps you might recall a time in your life…

>You felt happy and peaceful inside.

>You felt inspired by the sight of something beautiful.

>You felt safe and protected.

>Your mind became quiet and settled.

>You felt loved and lovable.

>You felt connected to a higher power, whether you labeled it as God or not.

>You felt refreshed and renewed.

>You longed to know the truth about life.

>You realized that you belong.

Perhaps you may consider these things to be valuable in your life:




The world has many 'wisdom traditions'.

There are 'ways' or 'paths'.

Examples would be…

>Path of love and devotion.

>Path of action and service.

>Path of knowledge and truth.

"People are constantly crossing the threshold of eternity. The door is open if you can stay awake."

- Rumi (Persian poet..)

Perhaps it is so, and the narrative I am sort of insinuating upon here, is that moving on from dogmatic thought patterns (at least Christianity or Judaism) is a form of 'evolving'. It may not be that Christianity is 'false', but that it is not what the Bible claims it is. Perhaps the nature of truth is not found in dogma or in the nature of logical language.



Right, yeah.


That's a good way to put it.



Thanks for thinking of me, anon. I just realized the NEET flag doesn't apply to me.

Not much does. I'm mostly IN that time of my life.

The only thing I can never have is belonging.

There never was a time when I could have that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You can usually tell if there is a ring of truth to any particular religion. Those with some actual spiritual substance won't get bogged down in lengthy explanations.

One of my favorite experiences was reading the New Testament from a purely objective standpoint and realizing that Jesus was either completely nuts or telling the truth.

Mathew 6:31-34

Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?'

For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

It is a provable statement and was my first introduction into the realm of high strangeness.



Hmmm… Hell, I think you're a standup character. I'd welcome you into my pub.

Sometimes life is way more simple than we think it is. It is sometimes way more simple than (((they))) want us to think it is.

Sometimes all the complexity is just so that (((they))) can win, and the real proletariat can lose.



I was referring to Fringe Wizard seeming to be a standup character.


^If this anon is Fringe Wizard.

Maybe a bit nerdy like we all are. Hell, I'm very nerdy. Maybe a bit Jewish. Nothing wrong with that.



I have followed this teaching of Jesus's and in the end it ended in PROFIT.

However, it did not stop me from departing from Abrahamic religion.

For sure, Jesus may have had his 'foot to the plow', the same way Buddha did, or the same way anyone else did, etc….

I have not studied religion in the wider context to be quite honest, to be able to say for sure.

I have primarily only studied Christianity and a bit of paganism.

I like using the term "organic" when referring to religion or spiritual teachings. I have a personal preference for 'indigenous religion', as objectively I perceive it to be just a bit "organic".



Not-a-NEET here. Yeah, I'm a character alright. No idea if I'm your Fringe Wizard character.

You wouldn't recognize me in your pub. I tend not to notice people, and people tend not to notice me. I'm a quiet, distant person, admiring the world from afar. I walk on sidewalks formed of human thought.

I mean actual sidewalks. Someone had to think of them in order for them to exist, and then a lot of thought happened along the way of making them, too. Every time my faith in humanity falters, society just casually reimpresses me.



That anon is not me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>dangerous dogmatic thought patterns

Can you elaborate? Because I assure I'm not a blind believer I became a Christian because of various arguments philosophical or otherwise


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My take away from my experience was and still is that faith is a practical thing. It is like a muscle that needs to be used and not an abstract idea.

Religion will always try to put the individual in invisible chains of dogma because it has to justify its existence. Our reality is a construct based on what we believe, what we have "faith" in, mostly on an unconscious level.

Here lies the path to the grail.

And the key to meme magic.

And a bunch of other deep stuff.

Also my previous post has the holy trips of truth. Hard to discount such a coincidence of numbers paired with that particular passage (from the NAS by the way).



Faith is simply trust it is not blind. If it was blind it would not be faith, it would be ignorance. Everyone needs faith to function for it a man had no faith he would have no trust in the physical world's stability and trying to understand it would be futile and pointless and thus science could not exist.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Depends on what your faith is in, or about. Its more like 'managed expectation'.

"Don't worry because its going to be taken care of" means to actively manage your expectation. You have to stop the part of your mind that usually worries. [Your expecting God/The Universe/VALIS/Whatever to take care of your basic needs]

All faith is blind. Your actively expecting an outcome different than what seems obvious.

More so, your not putting constraints on what that outcome might be. Though as a wizard there are obviously going to be times when you want specific outcomes, hence the whole point of being a wizard and not some mundane just randomly bouncing around inside the pinball machine of the Universe.

So instead of "Faith", lets call it what it is, managing ones expectations for the purposes of bending reality.

Explains all the illuminatti stuff and empowers the individual to take control of their reality. The big caveat is that most of it is subconscious and the subconscious is notoriously hard to hack when its your own.

Good luck and try not to bring about a zombie apocalypse or something.



Trances and reaching alpha state helps with controlling subconscious, right?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The surface personality is like the surface of the ocean with an entire ecosystem going on underneath.

It's less about trying to control your subconscious and more about creating impressions in it for desired outcomes.

It (the subconscious) really is like a huge ocean, full of force and power and very mysterious.

We are floating on the surface, dealing with the day to day stuff of existing in the here and now, but deep down its operating outside of linear time, space, and whatever else is going on down there.

We get impressions all the time, always getting input from our enviroment. The stuff that bypasses conscious thought gets past the filters easier. Also we get input from within as well, precognition, intuition, etc., stuff trying to help us out or just let us know whats going on in general.


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This is why I'm a Gnostic, and not a Buddhist. For what it's worth, I consider the Buddhadharma to be the clearest, most direct path towards Universal Truth ever delivered to man, but due to the fact that we as Westerners have inherited many thousands of years of unconscious Abrahamic brainwashing, for most of us the Buddha's teaching are all but impossible to grasp consciously.

Gnosticism then is what I've discovered to be the favourable middle ground. It still has all the Christian imagery of angels, demons, Christ figures, saints, creator gods, etc. but it's message is fundamentally different to mainline Christianity, and is more or less just the Dharma put into Western terms.

Also, your observation of a "targeted individual" strikes a chord with me. I believe, if I am not being too presumptuous, I may also be one of these targeted individuals, for my connection to the unconscious is so strong and so vibrant that I find it hard to leave the bed most days, due to the sheer amount of spiritual activity always going on. It leaves me deathly afraid most of the time, and honestly I am terrified for my future. I pray to Sophia for guidance.


I am the OP in this thread.

For those of you who may know me IR L, do not emulate my lifestyle, behavior and circumstances because I am at the present still stuck in trespasses and sin, it sux. I am often homeless, but it is not by choice. Perhaps that is God's punishment upon me.


What real life implications are there to you leaving your Christian faith?

Has there been a change in action or do you still do the same things you have always done?



There are 'powerful' spirits or a 'powerful' spirit which seems to have power over time and nature and parts of the synchronicity and such things as these which reinforce the Christian religion or at least reinforces certain aspects of the Christian religion. I have also witnessed miracles in Christendom or miracles "in the name of Jesus Christ".

One implication of leaving Christianity is of course that I would not want to hurt God, Jesus, Mary, and the angels and saints….other Christians, etc…

Leaving Christianity also puts me at adds with the claims insinuated through my experiences with the synchronicity, as well as being at odds with voices in my head and various other sorts of intelligent thoughtforms.

There are also the 'warnings' mankind has written to itself, such as the warning of destruction of 'heathens' in the Abrahsmic scriptures.

No real changes in action, or much change in society and the universe towards me really. God's punishments may be yet to come.

I can't use the Bible as a weapon, of course, if I am not a Christian I'd reckon….at least use it with integrity and belief. I can't justify real life shite like altruism either by man's dogma anymore, but I am more in it for the integrity of the matter rather than the gains to be had.



Leaving Christianity also puts me at adds with the claims insinuated (insinuated by the synchronicity) through my experiences with the synchronicity, as well as being at odds with voices in my head and various other sorts of intelligent thoughtforms.*


I think Hegel (maybe Hegel's students) and Søren Kierkegaard are some decent philosophers who gave an honest and thorough criticism of Christianity.

People may find the famous French or Jewish philosophers like Spinoza to be too edgy or someone like Hume or Richard Dawkins to be too offensive and cynical. These are sorts my opinions on many real opponents of Christianity.

I'd reckon you can of course still be a Christian and also a rational thinker or philosopher like Descates or Hegel or Immanuel Kant.


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A lot of the problem with philosophy and religion I'd say is that we're straight up dealing with the unknown. There's straight up clearly something going on with all of it (aka "the truth is out there") but either God hides such truth from us or it is just some hardcore unknown shite like so.e sort of truth which will only be found in the depths of hell, or the bottom of the ocean, or the vast reaches of outer space, or the Second Coming of Christ and such things as these. Unless we have special revelation like Jesus said He did or something.


Op you may want to look into the works of Jacques Ellul.

His works on Christianity you may find useful.



Ty so much anon. Sounds like a great fellow to learn from.

World famous non conformist. A Christian anarchist.

Hell yeah.



Your welcome. I'm glad you took the time to look into him. I deliberately left out any description of his material, since it does require a little work to consume and understand.

His book "The Subversion of Christianity" was a great help for me in understanding the disconnect I had found between the obvious and simple truth I found in the bible and the quagmire of theology I found in Christianity.

Its been too many years since I last read it though, so I can't really speak to the ideas presented in it any more.

As I stated before I took a purely objective look at the bible and found a very straight forward provable statement that for me would show whether it was just another made up religion or something else.

Prior to that I would have described myself as a Christian. But after discovering that the statement proved true I could no longer truly belong to anything. Its just the nature of the path.

Religion will always be part of the machine. Self perpetuating mechanisms feeding off of the energy of those bound by its constraints.



>Maybe a bit Jewish. Nothing wrong with that.



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imho, France has an extremely interesting history of Christianity, even underrated Christian history dating back to the bizarre esoteric irl prophecy of Joan of Arc….and then even further back to stories about Jesus in the south of France in the middle ages….not to mention all of the "da Vinci code-esque" conspiracy theories about the apostles and early Christians (Mary Magdalene's skull) emigrating to Gaul


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Considering that Western civilization appears to be the dominant civilization of the known world,

(If not alternatively the civilization of "mass production" or the civilization of "globalization" being the 'dominant')…

In the context of 'the West' alone, let alone the history of global Christianity, there's such a grand old wealth of knowledge, wisdom and information connected with Christianity that (IMO) it's surprising 'Orthodox Christianity' still has the exalted position of repute among world religions

I don't think I could read all the existing Roman Catholic literature alone in a single lifetime, let alone all of the intellectual offshoots of such things


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Posted this American Hip Hop Rap Music video which touches on some Christian concepts…..posted in response to internet censorship and various violations of the (U.S.) 1st amendment here on the imageboards and such things as these….the reason being because I think community action against civil liberties violations by other human beings should be exercised or else they will just start cucking decent folks into FEMA camps and into ovens

The democrats who work for the government dragnets here in the U.S. may not realize they are doing deeds contrary to the wishes and ideology of Martin Luther King.




The problem with history is that most of it is bacon wrapped bullshit.

If you want to dig a hole, you grab a shovel.

If someone wants to distract you from digging a hole, they are going to give you a 24 volume compendium on the geomantic principles of soil dislocation.


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My honest opinion is that Christianity is a bunch of nonsense, plain and simple. Maybe some egotistical or vindictive Jew spirit reigns over it. Same for all Abrahamic religion as far as I could possibly guess.

I've been at it for years, dying to survive and trying to live as a Christian.

I think Christianity is like some sort of Jewish/Mediterranean dogmatic, population-control system left over from the old Roman Empire.

This is literal scripture from the Old Testament, book of Amos:

>18Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD!

Why would you have the day of the LORD?

It is darkness, and not light,

>19as if a man fled from a lion,

and a bear met him,

or went into the house and leaned his hand against the wall,

and a serpent bit him.

>20Is not the day of the LORD darkness, and not light,

and gloom with no brightness in it?



P.osted Taoist Yin Yang symbol not to imply that one "needs both light and darkness", but just because after reading the Tao Te Ching, I feel that text spoke a decent share of wisdom.



Yes those monsters are the influence of fundamentalists who utilize dogma for political agendas and radical athiests that dissent seeking a false sense of intellectual superioirty and attention from like minded but less articulate people.

You have failed to see these devils leading you astray and for that you have lost your place in eternal salvation.



But who is the judge of eternal salvation?

How can we make statements about "eternal salvation", being mere humans?



>One time I heard somebody say on the internet that there are forces which 'hi-jack' conventional dogmatic thought patterns and conventional thought-paradigms such as organized religion for nefarious purposes.

>I am still a tiny bit in shock, but unfortunately I write this as a warning to anybody reading that I am afraid it might be true.

>It sort of has some really negative implications for Jewry, unfortunately, as well….in my opinion. Not that I reckon myself to be antisemitic.

This was always the case with christianity. "Praying" to entities that do not serve you and giving yourself to them allows those entities to take advantage of you with zero defense. This is why the rituals within christianity have always been about control. Tell me if you have heard of these in prayer, mass, etc - because spoilers: you should have

> we give ourselves to the lord

> we are powerless without the lord our god and/or jesus

> various repeated forms of, "we pray for our lord's mercy," etc

Furthermore, look into the history of the religion and jewish religions. Jews have always worshiped demons. The core of their esoteric worship revolves around demon worship and demonic sacrifices. Studying the early days of christianity is not only easy but encouraged and you will instantly learn a non-secret that the original & early christians were jewish. Jesus is also a composite figure and ripoff of varous sun gods. This is another non-secret you can learn via basic theological research. He is thus, for all intents and purposes, a thoughtform that jews invented and after a few hundred years of non-jewish converts, caused non-jews to worship a jewish thoughtform.

But the nightmare does not end there. YHWH or Yahweh is verifiably a demonic entity. According to basic christian tennets, jesus is the "sun of god" and yahweh is his father. Thus, jesus is actually a demonic entity and the son of another demonic entity. This is all the more terrifying when you realize how long these two demons have been worshiped and how christianity is spiritual subjugation when you break it down and study it objectively. A christian worshiper is programmed to feel completely helpless because he seeks intercession for himself by his "lord." Thus the theological foundation of christianity for empowering the worshiper is for the worshiper to make himself powerless, in reality powerless to demonic entities - demonic entities that were created for the purposes of serving jews.

Look for yourself to see that for the amount of time that these demons have been worshiped how the jews have become stronger and have had more control over non-jews.

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