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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Alright, this kind of thing doesn't usually happen to me but today I had a profound experience during normal meditation. My thought process was basically like this:

"I am Consciousness"

"Consciousness is Energy"

"I am Energy"

"Consciousness and Energy are everything, this is God"

"Reality is fake"

"I am God"

"Lucifer and God are the same, in different polarities"

"Humans are Lucifer cast down to spend an eternity trying to become God"

And then I was overwhelmed with this tremendous ominous feeling, my heartrate paced more quickly than it has ever and I felt that at any given moment if I were to continue this train of thought my life or even the whole universe may stop existing at once.

I would like to know exactly what this experience is and if anybody has had something similar happen to them.

On an unrelated note, there is no Luciferian flag and there probably should be, yes?



Sounds like someone/the universe presented you with a question to solve as a part in reaching enlightenment, similar to a zen riddle given by a teacher.

It's implied humans, like lucifer, will stay put and oppose god forever while remaining in hell. But as they are in a place with no hope, they can only look up and never reach the sky.

Can you accept this, or will you resist this view and still try? If you accept it you will remain as lucifer, trying to endlessly solve a mystery with your intellect, with your -human- intellect, which is contrary to god.



>not realizing both to their fullest



What a nice little snotty comment you have there. Pls do, stay human and oppose god while becoming god.



>> stay human and oppose god while becoming god.

Entirely unrelated.



>stay human

you don't know what i identify as, i'm a cluster of energy nesting in a warmer cluster of energy feeding energy to my meatpuppet so i can experience through this interface and learn energywork so i can take better take shape once i leave this game



Not all lines can walk both paths. Be mindful.


there is a choice to be made eventually. Existence when realized becomes so hyperreal that no choice leaves you burdened. (I mean that in both directions)



You have two hands, one left, one right.



>all people have two hands and the ability to use both hemispheres of their mind simultaneously.

I don't believe so. I think some are born so, some are awakened and fewer still "make if so"

You are right in saying they COULD the hardware is there. Most people just aren't equipped to grow that much and transcend duality. If they don't move beyond II then those two poles vying for equilribrium will rock the shit out of their boat.



>during normal meditation

>thought process

I have news for you. It might be that you haven't meditated at all. Ever.



Meditation isn't just zen or buddhism in general where you have to repeat a a mantra or think of nothing. You can also "meditate on" something if you have a certain problem, OP didn't specify which method he used.



Found the F-grade student in physics, not what energy is. Energy is just potential in a system for movement, heat, or physical vary. Your spirits speaking to you are retarded.



>physics is relevant on an occult board



Ok but that isn't what energy is



>low energy post



<High energy post about low energy



Scientific illiterate



Why the fuck are you here? This isn't a science board and no one talks of energy in the sense it's used in physics here. If someone says they

>have no energy to do something


>that person is energetic

it's not the same as the energy used in physics.

Now fuck off back to whereever you came from, fedora kid.



Dude you sound like you looked up "what is energy" on Google and think you know everything. Read Kybalion or GTFO.


If you want more flags then create them and upload them and I'll add them.

Also go read 2013seriesOfLessons.pdf and come back to me when you aren't so… basic.



This tbh.


See: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1906dynamicthought.pdf


What is energy/substance/ether etc. is a valid topic of philosophical speculation.



>implying there is one form


Poetry is better to think about.

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