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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 54cc30a78577f21⋯.jpg (583.6 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, fffffff.jpg)


A newly forming religion, Autismysticism.

We worship Venus in the form of Korean Idols, The Sun and all explosions, the Soul which combines with the body to form ourselves, and Mars whomst takes the form of an Apache Helicopter.

We draw our doctrines from The Golden One, Styxhexenhammer666, and Jordan Peterson. Borrowing from Judeo-Christian and Pagan principles.

Devout Followers of all that is good, our mission is to find Virtue, to Sort ourselves out, to free ourselves and our brethren from Vice, and to destroy all that is degenerate.

Together we can overcome all. Together we can flesh this religion out. Together we will answer the call to save our Immortal Souls from the suffering that is life, to finally join our gods in the upper realms.


File: e0ae2034b841556⋯.jpg (25.26 KB, 355x193, 355:193, crew.jpg)


File: 5a8cb2b35e77664⋯.jpg (376.98 KB, 900x1350, 2:3, arin-stitch.jpg)


Welcome to the Table, brother.

The first step towards becoming and enlightened Autismystic is bettering the self. A step that once you start, you can never stop, for there is always room for improvement.

Do you have any questions? I'm am but a low tier Autismystic, an neophyte perhaps initiate at max, but I can do my best to answer in a way that I believe would please the Gods and puts my Soul at Peace.


File: 218a98ad3f0408e⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 3050x2000, 61:40, celts.jpg)

Lo! Hear ye, anon.

I know not of this faith. I shall consult the elders of /x/.

Peace betwixt us!


religion from 4chan

highly skeptical


File: 8e47033322cb8dd⋯.jpg (233.06 KB, 900x1348, 225:337, arin-zftlkol.jpg)


Our Origins, are not from 4chan. We come from nowhere except from the gods in our search for Virtue.


Peace be with you, brother.

Autismysticism is a religion of Peace.

Violence is only morally justified in terms of defending ourselves, our families, and our brothers from those who bring violence against us.

All whom walk the path of self-improvement, stand for liberty, and love Virtue are welcome in the Autismystic Pantheon.


>I will sing of Mercie and Judgement: unto thee, O Lord, wil I sing.

>2 I will behave my selfe wisely in a perfect way, O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walke within my house with a perfect heart.

>3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the worke of them that turne aside, it shal not cleave to me.

>4 A froward heart shall depart from me, I will not knowe a wicked person.

>5 Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high looke, and a proud heart, will not I suffer.

>6 Mine eyes shall be upon the faithfull of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.

>7 He that worketh deceit, shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarie in my sight.

>8 I will earely destroy all the wicked of the land: that I may cut off all wicked doers from the citie of the Lord.


File: f138d9b4cd0fc2e⋯.png (31.07 KB, 128x128, 1:1, Arin Pray.png)


File: 807aa20e86eccab⋯.gif (130.9 KB, 650x920, 65:92, 1507127208946.gif)

Halloween wat do?


File: 2c416a408f82f7d⋯.png (555.41 KB, 540x720, 3:4, debil.png)


Have a happy spooky day~

Don't be a degenerate though, but it is nice to have festivities in moderation.


File: 61013cd6f630f5e⋯.jpg (187.78 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 1433484236011.jpg)


Fuck off you disgusting gook lover



>borrowing from Judeo-Christian and Pagan principles

Oh, so basically all the religious principles, because everything that isn't christian is pagan.



Rather rude.


Yes we borrow from everything.

We also enjoy Yoga and the various teachings from the Buddha


File: ae8b3281872f2ee⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 236x337, 236:337, ebaba5af72cc2537539e67d4ae….jpg)


I have heard it been said: "Buddhism - is the 'way' of saving people."


File: 7cd49f4f94b0f45⋯.jpg (199.2 KB, 448x363, 448:363, arinfanartliar.jpg)

Flawed as you are, speak the truth as best you can~


I feel the image of Buddha is very similar to the Image of Christ.


File: 1f9e39a94bb8cfa⋯.jpg (209.29 KB, 970x645, 194:129, arinmedical.jpg)

I love Venus, Apollo, Mars, and the Soul.

I believe that Venus shows herself to us in the form of Beautiful and fertile women, coming to us currently in the form of Korean Idols.

Apollo shows himself to us in the great works through time, from the great Epics to Shakespeare to tasteful Pepes, in the knowledge of the past, and in the light of our sun.

Mars shows himself to us in the form of Raw Military power, his most direct form is the Apache Helicopter which everyone should own. He comes to us indirectly through the power from explosions that we use to smite our enemies; from Nuclear Bombs to the lowly hand grenade Mars bestows to us some of his strength.

The Soul is the immortal being within ourselves, it is the most treasured artifact within Autismysticism and it yours and yours alone. The soul is your inner being, to whom you most fill with Virtue in order to set yourself free.

What brings the Autismystics together is the commitment to the Soul. What other gods you need to bring within your pantheon may be different to each depending on their needs, but what unites all Autismystics is the commitment to the soul. Autismystics are those whom walk this path of self-improvement and are searching for the greatest Virtue. We believe that the only way to save the soul is to fill it with Virtue; this can be accomplished by sorting yourself out, abolishing Vice, and by helping others by spreading your knowledge. Whilst accepting that you do not know all, the Autismystic must be willing to accept rational, logical corrections and to always strive to learn more, about his self and the world in which he inhabits.

We love Virtue, Liberty, and the Soul.

We believe these to be necessary for effective and good improvement of the self.

We hate Degeneracy, Tyranny, and Nihilism.

We believe these will be the downfall of our society.

We are committed to helping our brothers walk the path of Virtue, while finding that path ourselves; as well as, helping our Brethren break free of their Vice’s and Shattering the Tyrannical, Nihilistic, Degeneracy that has been tearing our Souls apart.


how 2 join pl0x?



File: 80ace3e5cac1c41⋯.jpg (163.08 KB, 900x852, 75:71, 022A1545.jpg)


Welcome lad, You need to get Baptized in a Mtn Dew, while listening to this


After that you need to write down what you want your life to look like in 5 years, what you need to do to accomplish that, and what your life will look like in 5 years if you keep following your Vice's.



as long as this isn't some stupid absolute garbage race riot revenge nonsense, because if it is you're way out of your element, sorry just saying… i don't intend any disrespect

(my post is assuming that the anon who is posting the cutie azn lolita waifus is part of a larger network of conspiracy also present out in the street in my local area)



as long as this isn't some stupid absolute garbage race riot revenge nonsense, because if it is you're way out of your element, sorry just saying… i don't intend any disrespect

(my post is assuming that the anon who is posting the cutie azn lolita waifus is part of a larger network of conspiracy also present out in the street in my local area)



double-post….pls delete



double-post pls delete, sry about that


File: 516bc020c2f0e99⋯.jpg (141 KB, 744x1328, 93:166, pray.jpg)


Don't worry Anon, This is a real religion about us bettering ourselves and loving qties. Not about Race wars


File: 956ad7e9d4cdc94⋯.png (1.63 MB, 525x1257, 175:419, ArinS21.png)

Climb the Dominance Hierarchy.

Become the most you can.


File: 4a3a3c649866788⋯.jpg (719.84 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, worshipmearin.jpg)


I normally don't read Harris because I think he is an Idiot, but that does not mean he does not contain any useful knowledge.

One of the highest Virtues of the Church of Autismysticism is to not lie. Further, it is a better way to live. If you are always Honest you don't have to waste time attempting to keep your story straight.

I thank you Apollo, for this Enlightening piece of Literature.


You guys sound very noble and very virtuous.


File: 0372eb5032788e6⋯.jpg (680.87 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, owo.jpg)


Thank you kind gentlesir, that is our aim. It is however a process, that in my personal matter is in its infancy.

Remember that all our welcome within the Church of Autismysticism, as long as they wish to better themselves and join along in the Journey to filling the Soul with Virtue.


It is a good idea to keep a Dream Journal and to communicate with your Anima/Animus, here are my communications with my Anima as I help her Develop and she help me.

Dream 9/30.

I meet anima for the first time and start paying closer attention to my dreams after this.

She seems rather degenerate was smoking weed and surrounded in with Vice, other person describes her as "stunted".

Dream 10/7.

She returns and is in class with me, we take a test together, then go to study while being taught something by my old High School Principal. I drive her around, she tickles me, and we see a bunch of rainbows. This is the first time I actually spoke in my dreams, I told her "Yes, I'm very ticklish." described as "sexual".

She seemed much less degenerate, wasn't smoking weed, was just with me, and looked quite happy/content.

Dream 10/12.

She returns again after I take a long journey through the elements, as I get closer to my destination she gets closer. When she finally meets up with me the elements completely vanish and everything is beautiful. I showed her my weakness and she seemed disappointed; unsure if she was disappointed in me for the weakness or because I was afraid to confront it. Described of as "in harmony"

She seemed beyond my current reach, as if she was beyond me almost, disappointed that I wasn't up to her or worried that I might regress. At the start she seemed content/happy and was smiling as she jogged towards me, but as I was cowering behind her lost her smile and seemed disappointed or perhaps confused as to why I was acting in this way.


File: 58c32ad3f8efb53⋯.jpg (190.77 KB, 900x675, 4:3, ArinC134.jpg)

The head of the Autismystic Church would like to remind everyone that there is nothing worse than a Canadian.


File: 6253a06989689e1⋯.jpg (33.18 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, arinfanartflower.jpg)

Reminder to always be chaste.

To Pray daily to your chosen Idols.

To give thanks to all that is beautiful.

And to practice a skill everyday.



Thank you.


File: 313329b94000949⋯.jpg (107.23 KB, 630x630, 1:1, SpaceCowboy.jpg)


Stuck forever with some astral chink who never puts out, listening to Jordan Peterson's I-just-got-kicked-in-the-nuts Canadian whine. I applaud OP for describing a particularly painful sort of hell. Bravo, you sick fuck.


>The Golden One


>Jordan Peterson


I'd rather be in actual hell than being part of this shit.



Agreed, hell is preferable. At the very least getting a hot poker up the ass would be more interesting!




I have heard that the protest has been relatively disorganized.


File: f564b5921e97cb1⋯.png (349.69 KB, 512x724, 128:181, Astolfo1.png)

This entire thread is cyberspace beauty.



This is literally hell.

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