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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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In this thread I will use videos from the 1993 German film "Stalingrad" to illustrate, and remind /fringe/ about the harsh realities of war.

It may be that the nature of war is contrary to nature. It may also be that war is part of nature.

I think that although we observe war in nature, I think that it is contrary to our "spiritual nature".

I know there are many who might disagree, and I could definitely fathom a differing position to mine, but this is my personal conclusion based on all of the reasoning and experience I can muster.


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Stalingrad (1993) - "Otto's Suicide"


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Stalingrad (1993) - "Ending Scene"


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Another subject for personal study of reflection on the "harsh realities of war"….

I've heard it been said by both a personal friend and by Jacqueline Kennedy that "War and Peace", by Leo Tolstoy (if you have the ability to read novels, an ability which I don't have) is a great subject-piece on the nature of what you might call the "realities of war".

Jacquiline Kennedy said something to the effect of it illustrated the nature of politics, and it was my personal friend who recommended this book regarding the psychology of war and such things…


The only value of war is removing us from this horrible existence, even if it's just for a (relatively) short time before we end up back here again



Cells in nature sometimes isolate themselves and develop themselves in a different setting or environment.

Be weary of spirits which attack you and certainly attack your mind.

I think there are many of them usually present around individuals. This is my personal opinion.

Life is like a game of Halo. Everybody kills eachother in an insane frenzy. If you can find a place away from all of the commotion to just mind your own business, perhaps you can attain towards a decent life.

May God judge those who infringe upon the innocent.




>"How Navy Seals Stay Calm & Relaxed Under Immense Pressure"


Go read Julius Evola The Metaphysics of War and stop hating on War. War exalts our spiritual nature, it's this pacifist cuckery that stems from fear and deathphobia.



The Nazi view on war is quite well-known, but flawed IMO. War does not only exalt us in our spiritual nature, it does not only make heroes, it also breaks us down and makes us shellshocked shadows of our former selves.

True, battle can be seen as a test of strength, wits and will, but all that goes out of the window when you see young boys take up arms and join in. Hope vanishes in the sight of young women being raped and civilians being shelled 'by accident'.

The horrors of war are equally well-known. Even though those horrors can make us stronger, war is nothing glorious. War, the destruction of our fellow men, is not in our nature; struggle is.



Tolstoy preached a philosophy of non-violence and pacifism to the bitter end, even if it meant the entire destruction of a nation, so to try and use him as a platform to justify your war thirsty ideology is quite redundant and ignorant.

To try and raise an argument for how World War 2 was a good thing is fucking insane. You shower yourself with all this rhetoric to say "war is inherent in mans nature", essentially shoving your head so far up your ass you can't even see the grim and brutal realities war can present. I also think its fascinating how you advocate war sincerly and yet have never engaged in one other than indulging in youtube videos and writing that you already know tells you what you want to hear.



I do not know if Tolstoy was a pacifist or preached a philosophy of non-violence.

He of course served in the Russian military while writing a few of his works when Russia fought the Turks, Britain and France in the Crimean War.

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