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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Does anybody have any experience hearing auditory sirens from police vehicles, firetrucks, and ambulances IRL as part of the synchronicity?

…Or as sounds that synchronize, almost coincidentally, almost like they are supposed to be communicating something with everyday actions and such things as these which take place in your personal life?

Are these sounds actually taking place or is it all supernatural/paranormal in nature?

Could the mind just be imagining things?

I've noticed that many times what appears to be complex IRL phenomenon associated with the synchronicity, it almost seems like the synchronicity is at work to perform its coincidental actions, but at the same time there is also a secondary real life human force at work (made up of humans) cooperating with the synchronicity to perform covert, synchronizing and coincidental actions and things such as these like sirens and whatnot.

Do you know what I am saying?




"bump for great justice"


I've been feeling the same for about 4 months. I know I'm not going insane cause I know someone else who's been feeling the exact same things.I wanted to talk about it with someone else for a while but I feel like there might be shills on 4chan (everytime I make a thread about it I'm called a retard or whatever) and everyone here is too busy talking about jerking off to tulpas. I'm conviced right now that what we're experiencing is part of a Psy OP by the NSA linked with the same people who orchestrated events lie 9/11 and the school shootings, while we're misled into thinking that we're receiving orders from god or something like that. I've been lurking this board for a while waiting for someone who experienced those same things. I know they can't get me because I didn't do anything wrong yet but I'm still careful about exposing myself. You're not alone, OP, and I know there are more people like us. If anyone wants to talk I'l be avaliable on this email address for a while though I'm really busy with my life right now to even think about those things.






Fuck sorry

im so fucking tired @ proton mail dot com

(no spaces)



The thing is, we experience symptoms but it might be spiritual or supernatural in nature.

It might be spirits at work rather than humans.

We should strive to be objective and proceed with caution unless we have really conclusive evidence regarding (((they))) and regarding the symptoms I (the OP) have described in the original post.



Thank you Thank you Thank you for replying.

I know why you would be scared of discussing this subject but I feel like I could make you feel at ease with all the things I found out. Also I want someone to talk about those things and (the only person I knew who went through those this is really unstable right now) and I know we should tread lightly but I'm working my ass off to find a way to save everyone even if it kills me

Love u all


Remember to laugh. For if it is god they will recognize you as a creation reveling in the world and award you as such. If it is not god then you've given up no useful energy to malevolence and only confused the casters. Don't fall into the trap of fear or uncertainty, magic has existed longer than the NSA or any alphabet soup orgs. Synchronicity may be getting toyed with but your own intuition isn't. Follow your heart as lame as it sounds.



I know you're telling the truth

Thank you



This is my every day experience of life where the improbable always happens and everything that ever happens is a part of a constant message/communication with the All.


>synchronicity could be getting toyed with

…is this to say that the synchronicity could be being abused or manipulated to deceive people (or could be being mimicked) in our modern era of advanced technology and capabilities

perhaps it is some group like the cabal of world bankers or something or the Jews or whoever wants to point the finger at whoever…perhaps they are working to fulfill the Book of Revelation or something like this? i have heard people put forth this conspiracy theory in more recent times



I remember thinking that you were going insane some weeks ago but the fact that you're still alive is reassuring.



I was scared and wanted to discuss this with OP in pravate but we don't have time to be scared, someone might die if I don't say it right now. I have evidence that the other person I know who've been through the same things was a victim of the "Balll of wax" project from NSA. I also have reasons to believe that they could target anyone with EMPs from satelites and force us into certain emotional states. (I forgot the name of it but it's all on Wikileaks) and trick us into killing ourselves or go on rampages, killing other people, sexually attacking other people and other disturbing stuff. What's been helping me is staying away form all electronic devices and the internet. Also I've been hacked (some program got into my Windows computer and downloaded pictures of children on my hard drive ( I couldn't delete them and they could be used to get me in jail).

Also my phone started to get really weird and it wrote an e-mail. It was going to send all of my personal info to someone but i turned off my phone before it actually happened.

I feel like the only thing that could help us is knowing that our blood is keeping us alive and not betraying our memories. If we get stressed out we lose. We're at war and we shouldn't joke around.

(((They))) can track all of your electronic devices (Snowden was right) and find out your location and who you are if you're not careful.

I'm so scared of being hacked that I bought an old car because I thought that driving automatic would kill me.

Stay sane anons, don't get carried away by bad thoughts, vampires can only hurt you if you let them inside your head.


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I am afraid of being "burnt at the stake."



No use in going down without putting up a fight.

But as long as you play dumb you'll be fine.


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Waterboy here again. I got some sleep and I think we might be up to something. Have you guys been seeing a lot of birds lately? I think that a lot of weird coincidences with birds might have something to do with some recurring human instinct about birds and we're being triggered by our own instincts. Maybe it's not a psyop (though the CIA did experiments with LSD before and it's been proved that the whole weed/LSD madness is being fed by the electromagnetic Jew to drive us all insane). I live in an isolated place a la Varg Vikernes so I'm basically immune to Jew magic. I know a lot about health and those fucked up things could be explained by high levels of acid (not necessarily LSD or weed but the H2CO3 in our blood). Basically get a lot of exercise to clean up your blood, follow the green pill thread and if your health gets better the stuff in your head will stop. I only have a phone right now (I fucked up my own computer because of an old Debian CD I had) but I'll find my shit up and if you guys are interested I can write more about this.




Succubus like to use birds to send messages to people because they have wings and are easy to possess.



One time I saw a bunch of birds chirping at eachother, like a group of 'em, and it reminded me of how silly people are when they all get together and fight with eachother.



I have a pet theory that they might be trying to change through CERN by speeding up time. Not in some fictional JoJo's Bizarre Adventure way but by manipulating the weather so everyone will go insane or sick. Maybe it has something to do with gravity and why Pluto disappeared and we had a black hole like planet. Something similar to the weird ball of EMPs that was found between Russia and China in 2000. I've read all of those things on WikiLeaks, I've been reading a lot of WikiLeaks lately, I always find something that could reasonably explain my tinfoil theories there. There has definitely been something going on since 2000.

I feel so much better since I saw this thread. Stay sane, brothers.


Well to be honest you can throw in a siren for anything, people are spooked by whatever, it's hardwired to be reactive and come to rapid conclusions about stimuli. You're uncertain about everything, you're into the occult, you're going to make every connection that the open air will allow possible.

You're not going to make it far if you're worn down from inventing connections all the time. Keep free association to creative projects.


Birds would probably signal a healthy environment not an unhealthy one. I could be wrong there could be some crazy shit.

Truthfully, social things, communication nuances, they travel fast. People are constantly adapting to their environment. Don't worry about small changes that you can't discern fact from fiction, actively become more physical and grounded and methodical. That's my suggestion. When you have that anchor you can really ignore most shit. Maybe keep a single journal that you write your conspiracy theories in. Practice regular Op-Sec.



ty anon, very helpful


Though honestly, weird coincidences is often the free-association of humans and animals. People mirror each other without even realizing it. It can be agonizing. Not being too social is actually the appropriate response…




Ah the double honesty.



>The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.


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True. Same with discipline, which is a self-imposed law.




I have reasons to believe this is happening wherever you live. This is definitely happening in Chicago. I don't know if ESP is real or if they are fucking our shit up with satellites and EMPs but this is real.





I used to hear shortwave radio in my head some years ago, however some time later I got a visit from some ayyylmaos (might have been government aliens) who experimented on me and I lost this ability .


>Are these sounds actually taking place or is it all supernatural/paranormal in nature?

both, sigh….here we go, the way experiencing reality works for you, is things do happen all the time but when your focus is on a specific things , it means they are a synchronicity and they mean something.

You obviously focused on it enough to post about it here. so pay attention, also it may or may not be signaling a future event that you may need to make a decision or do something. it's different for each one




Exactly, FUCK

I can tell you what happens to such people who have psychic abilities,

>the year 2011

>I used to hear radio transmissions of people talking like police radio…etc

>it went on for a week

>I hear random radio waves in my head.

>go to sleep one night

>feel a presence in my room.

>sleep paralysis

>something is approaching me

>I levitate

>hear a loud buzzing

>feel a drilling in the top of my head.

>wake up some time later and find hours passed.

a typical case of what people call alien abduction.

The curious thing is the radio sounds stopped completely.

I think I have been implanted anons.

I am afraid to go do an x ray or something, I mean how will I get it out ?





I don't believe in the alien stuff (I believe human life only was possible in earth by luck and it will probably never happen again) but this guy's analysis about the whole abduction stuff is spot on. The American government (not Trump or Obama but the real government) has a history of getting rid of people who know too much. If you have reacollections about alien abduction you were probably kidnapped by the government. If you never had any experiences like that you're probably just sick or being toyed with by some rogue paramilitary group.


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[ - ]



There aren't any implants. We've been implanted our whole lives through Vaccines, "healthy food", fluoride through water/dentists, and medication. They want you to go outside peeing on your pants and asking for someone to remove your microchip if they can't get you to do stuff like the Batman shooting, Elliot Rodgers and 911. The only cure is taking the Green pill/Iron Pill/whatever pill that will get your health back to our default state so your sanity won't be affected by their scare tactics.


I know for sure now they got technologies that are very advance to what we know .

>They can cause sleep paralysis

>they can mask themselves and the surroundings.

(make you think you are in your room while you are on a table in a craft)

>they can travel vast distances in mins.

>They can teleport

>have technology to place tiny implants into people and have it control their psychic abilities.

After all if I could listen to SW radio it would make me an excellent spy since I could listen to military radio.


possibly not real aliens, but gov agents masking as aliens, or synthetic aliens or actual aliens working with the gov , idk



I hope so and it's the best I can do right now, I am not as psychic as I used to be back then, but it would be good getting my health back.


ty so much for this thread y'all



Hey if anyone will, report in and tell us if you experience abnormal chest pains, trouble with blood circulation or excessive anxiety abnormally which you think might be associated with spiritual attacks or technological attacks….(if it is unnatural such as by reason of age or poor health or a genetic condition…)

This way we can pool together our common understanding and experience with this phenomenon and try to develop some sir of 'open-source' defense protocols….



I'll keep adding stuff that I think it's relevant. This is so exhausting and I'm putting myself and everyone I love in danger even by thinking about those things, but I got to do it because I didn't chose being part of all of this and I want to break free from this madness.



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I felt all of those symptoms, also really bad dreams and suicidal thoughts out of nowhere.

There are two people I know who felt the same, one young man in his mid 20s who almost went out on a rampage and one teenage girl who tried to kill herself multiple times. Worse than that, they were both forced into mental institutions and residential care, drugged against their will, and I found the names of both institutions on a WikiLeaks list.

Ever since I looked for those things I keep seeing stuff about diseases and pedophilia popping up on my computer and phone, they want me to go insane.

I don't think they want to kill us, they want to manage our behavior. Just the fact that we're talking about it makes us terrorists.

I don't know for how long God/mother nature/the all will keep me alive, but those people are evil. They're not human. They need to die.

I'll stay away from the internet for a while, stay sane bros.




Google "how to stop remote neural monitoring". Lots of good stuff




What if I need fresh air to breathe properly?

Not saying you are wrong, I'm sorry anon. I don't mean to be rude.

Want to remind anybody who is going through this type of stuff to be weary of disinformation. If we really, truly are Targeted Individuals, there is probably most certainly a disinformation campaign associated with us, or with information pertaining to the topic.



I have my own garden and I go there everyday, agriculture is such a good activity to pass your free time. You can even get physical exercise on it.

About misinformation, I know Vice is compromised. They used to be normal before but now they're almost dedicated to spread misinformation and make people like us look insane.


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I have back pain and neck pain. Afflicted locations are at the base of my skull where it connects to my neck (throat chakra), my spine between my shoulder blades (heart chakra), and the small of my back (sacral). This pain started around 2012 after I had a sleep paralysis dream where a serpent with no scales (it had leathery skin), the face of one of those scary looking green eels, and a tail with a tuft of silky black hair crawled into my back via the sacral chakra; before it crawled all the way in I willed myself to regain movement and I grabbed it by the tail and started to pull it out and then I abrubtly woke up gasping for air.

I am 24 years old, male, thin (not lanklet thin) and in nearly perfect health. I have been a habitual alcoholic since I was 15 and a cigarette smoker since 18: even though I have unhealthy habits neither of them could explain chronic back pain. If you can make any sense of that dream be my guest. I'd appreciate it.



Anon, what do you mean by "final redpill". Are you referring to something outside of this thread?


Anons, do you suppose that the God of the Christians or the Abrahamic God participates in these human rights violations upon people, choosing to favor those committing the human rights violations rather than protecting the poor from them?

It would seem that relying on the Christian God made me even more of a victim to many persecutions rather than seeing the Christian God deliver me from attacks and persecution and whatnot.

It's almost like the Christian God was just laying this burden on us, which is okay, if we have things from God which is needful (per the 'Christian' calling) but not okay if we are without that which is needful for us.



I asked God if I should bring this to light, and ask publicly if the God of the Christians was also guilty in assisting those who commit this persecution upon people. I think that the God of the Christians told me to do so, which seems appropriate since we are trying to get to the truth and the honesty of the matter.



I just meant that it was something that I think might be completely true (not the microchip stuff but how the whole radiation stuff works).


Sleep paralysis could be a sign of forced stimulation of your subconscious, so the sonic jew can plant thoughts during your most vulnerable state (sleep).

Please stop drinking, it will fuck up your liver and invite hallucinations and evil spirits. Though cigs are ok, they only fuck up your lungs but they don't seem to affect our mind.


The Christian god exists in nature and it's not visible and it doesn't talk to us through voices, numbers, computers, or anything like that. Chances are that you're being fooled by your own ego or fell as a victim of brainwashing (be it conditioning through media or some organization who wants to fuck with you).

>It would seem that relying on the Christian God made me even more of a victim to many persecutions rather than seeing the Christian God deliver me from attacks and persecution and whatnot.

It just makes sense that God/Mother Nature/The ALL/Your ego wants to protect you and save your energy, always taking the path of least resistance. Just be careful and pay attention if you're really doing the right thing and not having thoughts that aren't yours.

Sorry for the typos and shitty grammar I'm tired. Also I'm scared I'l get cancer eventually though I'm in my mid 20s and almost perfect health, as long as I don't die before I'm 40 then whatever

tl:dr: Stop looking for signs, stop looking for images of god, have faith and things will sort them out by themselves



There was a thread on /pol/ about how smoking natural tobacco filterless isn't actually as bad as (((they))) say it is. The only thing I remember from the thread was that the additives in cigarettes and the microfibers from the filters are what cause the majority of damage to the lungs. And yeah, its killing me. I can't drink and recover the next day like I used to.




These are their protocols. If you live in the US stop reading this or you might get v&. There aren't any microchips or sonic weapons, we've been hypnotized through satellite waves and conditioning through the Internet. The symptoms are just collateral effects and mean you're free (if you don't get hypnotized again). Don't make threads about this on 4chan because 4chan is compromised and 8chan could get fucked too.


beware of Popery my brothers and sisters!


Christian history, pg. 666


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>drunken with the blood of the martyrs

>city of 7 mountains

John Calvin:

"To some we seem slanderous and petulant, when we call the Roman Pontiff Antichrist. But those who think so perceive not that they are bringing a charge of intemperance against Paul, alter whom we speak, nay, in whose very words we speak. But lest any one object that Paul's words have a different meaning, and are wrested by us against the Roman Pontiff, I will briefly show that they can only be understood of the Papacy. Paul says that Antichrist would sit in the temple of God, (2 Thess. 2: 4.) In another passage, the Spirit, portraying him in the person of Antiochus, says that his reign would be with great swelling words of vanity, (Dan. 7: 25.) Hence we infer that his tyranny is more over souls than bodies, a tyranny set up in opposition to the spiritual kingdom of Christ. Then his nature is such, that he abolishes not the name either of Christ or the Church, but rather uses the name of Christ as a pretext, and lurks under the name of Church as under a mask. But though all the heresies and schisms which have existed from the beginning belong to the kingdom of Antichrist, yet when Paul foretells that defection will come, he by the description intimates that that seat of abomination will be erected, when a kind of universal defection comes upon the Church, though many members of the Church scattered up and down should continue in the true unity of the faith. But when he adds, that in his own time, the mystery of iniquity, which was afterwards to be openly manifested, had begun to work in secret, we thereby understand that this calamity was neither to be introduced by one man, nor to terminate in one man, (see Calv. in 2 Thess. 2: 3; Dan. 7: 9.) Moreover, when the mark by which he distinguishes Antichrist is, that he would rob God of his honour and take it to himself, he gives the leading feature which we ought to follow in searching out Antichrist; especially when pride of this description proceeds to the open devastation of the Church. Seeing then it is certain that the Roman Pontiff has impudently transferred to himself the most peculiar properties of God and Christ, there cannot be a doubt that he is the leader and standard-bearer of an impious and abominable kingdom." Calvin's Institutes, Book 4, Chapter 7, Section 25



Tommy knockers. Usually when I'm almost asleep. But sometimes even when I'm in a deep sleep. Wake up thinking someone just knocked at the front door. Clearly heard it. Probably little people/leprechauns or some sort. This has happened most of my life.

One time the back on my smart phone kept popping off. One of the super tiny screws in it had completely backed out, pushing out the cover.

Every once in a while I hear electronic tones in a specific order, but again only when near sleep or just waking up.

Sometimes whatever phone I'm using will do funny stuff. Wrong ring tone or just make odd noise. I often reach for it just before an actual call comes in.

I got into learning about alien abduction stuff because I woke up one time and found I had a hole in my arm where you normally draw blood, after sleeping all night. It was one of the times I heard electronic tones, coming from a different room in the house. I lived alone at the time and there was nothing in that room electronic.

An early childhood fear of mine was going into a dark closet or bathroom. Pretty sure its related to the abduction phenomenon.

I don't really sweat any of it anymore. I don't bother trying to talk about it to people because most people just can't handle it. They are either too freaked out or way too new age flakey to be around.

Best description is that we exist in a very complex, invisible to us (consciously), ecosystem [or maybe 'exosystem'].

I think we are in a training wheels environment for our development. We have a 'normal narrative' that occasionally gives way to something 'extranormal' that hints to us abilities we haven't yet mastered.



i've heard that such spirits as leprechauns cannot come within the grounds of an Orthodox Church….the story was from a Russian folk story ….it might be any type of Church, but it just so happens that in the Russian folk story it was a Russian Orthodox Church



I don't know much about that.

I've never sensed any animosity from anything that comes around me or in nature in general. I think most stuff just goes about whatever jobs they have. My ancestry is probably more of why I get the tommy knockers.

The only times I've ever sensed anything directly hostile in the spiritual was both times in empty churches between services. One was a military chapel and the other a small pentecostal church. Both times was when I was a devout believer in the Bible.

I think what was there fed off the emotional energy of the people involved. But its likely that they were also being used by cults surreptitiously as well, and that would definitely put me at odds with "things" they would attract, even today.

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