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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What will be written in this thread will help those that are ready and instigate those who are not ready. With the wisdom gained from understanding the great illusion pulled upon many, you too can become like the sages and prophets of the past in your current life.

Disclaimer: The text below will trigger the one inside you that is not you.

1. You are not your body.

When the body changes with time and age, your spirit does not get wrinkles and diseases. Stop identifying with the body in order to become free of the suffering. The body is the temple, but the spirit only resides within the temple.

"Pain is certain, suffering is optional"


2. You are not your thoughts.

You are the one experiencing thoughts but you are not the creator of most thoughts. When your thoughts say to you: "I hate this", "I love that", it is not who you are, it is the devil in the mind.

3. You are not your memory or past experiences.

What you are is not defined by what you can perceive in memory. You can remember things but you are not the things you remember. It is possible to believe in memories that has not happened which may lead to suffering. When talking about memories, state your memories as experiences and not the opinion of those memories, these are two different things.


4. Good and bad does not exist.

It is an idea in the mind created by the devil and perpetuated through culture. You will not find any proof of good and bad existing in the Universe, thus it is part of the illusion. There are no good suns and no bad animals.

5. The devil is in no other place than behind your eyes.

The devil will say: "Look here, this is evil, these people are bad, the devil is in the heart of men, the devil is over there!", but this is not true. He is hidden in the last place anyone would dare to look.

Satan is the one pretending to be you inside your mind using thoughts. Lucifer is the common man falling through hubris to Satan's realm. Jesus is perfected man, one with God. God is absence of Satan.

There's a reason why Lucifer and Jesus are both referred to as the "morning star" and that is because they are the same metaphorical character, one falling in illusion after trying to steal the fire and one with fire within because he knows the truth.


6. Thoughts of the mind leads to sin.

The devil justifies actions based on reasons known to its realm. The origin of thought has no concern for others than itself, thus it will indulge in the behavior it seems fit for itself. Thoughts eventually becomes habits and negative habits becomes detrimental to spiritual progress.

7. Lying blocks the throat chakra.

Lies encourages the devil and sin and creates more sep,aration from what we are inside. Specific use of words creates unknown lies to the individual, so you have to become aware of the way you speak to yourself and others, for the word of God is powerful.

When the devil says to you: "I am tired", turn this negative statement into a positive one by correcting it and say: "I am full of energy". The sooner you can realize the power of words, the sooner you can manifest your own life.


"…When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies."

8. Opinions are not based in facts.

Just like good and bad that doesn't exist, opinions of others or their political opinion, religious faith or taste of music are not important. The devil will find a way to turn you against your friends over a dispute of taste and opinion, those unaware of the game will fall for it ignorantly.

9. Blasphemy affects yourself.

Blaming anyone, blaming god, saying or thinking things of God leads to blasphemy which only affects your own experience. Not even the devil should be blamed, for that is the meta game of his illusion. Observe your use of words, especially the ones that involves affirmations of yourself.


10. Heaven and Hell does not exist.

These are states of mind that the individual experiences either by being a slave to the devil or by being free from illusion. To believe that your life will change after the body decays is just an idea that can be used to justify sinful behavior. The one free from illusion will live in the kingdom of heaven in life, not in death.

11. Change your belief to change the world.

Do not seek to change the material world or the opinion of others, for that is weakness. Seek instead to change the way you see the world, so that you may change. What is happiness and anger but a choice of the individual, following the thought train of the devil leading down to hell, or the master of self, knowing in heart that there is joy in self?


12. Seek no justice, for there is none.

It is unknown to us, why we are here so there is no one to blame. It is unknown to us, why some are born wealthy and others poor, so there is no one to blame. If by the devil anyone choses to find justice, they will also find great suffering, for justice does not exist, only in mind.

13. The devil does not exist, he is not real.

Being aware of the devil allows us to choose the hard path outside of habits. Paradoxically, he does not exist objectively, he only exists subjectively. He may exist within many, but he is not a concrete object. He will try to convince you that he exists and that his opinion is important, but opinions are not fact and are not important.


14. Do not believe in anything simply because people say it or believe it.

If you believe you are right in any topic, you are indeed a fool. Base your reality on what can be observed and not based on what can be believed. Do you believe there is a superior religion in comparison to others? Do you believe there is a superior political opinion in comparison to others? There is no such thing. There are only those who suffer and those who does not.


When you wish to awaken from your trance of ignorant sleep, ask yourself inside your mind: "Who am I?"

For you are not the one asking and you are not the one answering the question. Any answer that comes to you: "I am human", "I am first name", "I am you", these things are not you. When asking the question in mind, the only acceptable answer is silence.

After you have exposed the monologue in the mind known as the devil, it is no longer a monologue. In dialogue, you can ask it questions and get answers. It is its own sentient being. Teach the devil manors, teach the devil how to properly behave. Use fact and truth to determine your life's heading instead of opinion and belief. In short time, the belief of who you are will be replaced by knowledge of who you are.


Learn meditation with this profound new perspective. Sit down and don't move for a long period of time. When it starts becoming uncomfortable to remain seated, that is when the meditation starts. Observe within you who is suffering and observe who is not suffering. These are not the same.

It is only through identification that the individual identifies as the voice in the mind. In deidentification from mind, the soul is free of the torment and suffering. If you are angry after reading this text, you will have to look within and put the spotlight on that which is angry, for it is not you.



Pretty cool. Past 4 starts getting a little sketchy though.

Thoughts are tools in some respects. They produce tangible results. Quantum entanglement stuff.

The Devil is a generalization. Lots of bad stuff abounds, or maybe its just neutral stuff that just has bad outcomes for certain others. Like internet trolls.

Still, I enjoyed reading it and found it useful.



Who was it that enjoyed it and found it useful? Don't follow the voice in your head.



Why is it that i can't stop thinking? Really makes me think…



Disregarding everything you just posted then, even though some of it is pretty axiomatic.



Shut up Mossa.



Find the origin of thoughts and tell it to stop.


Make sure to let everyone know that you are disregarding it so you can feel better about it.



Are you "awakened"?



It is possible to see things in our experience that others do not. It is possible to reflect upon the origin of things and the illusions upon others do not reflect. It is possible to be present in every breath where others are stuck in past and future.

To claim to be awakened is to believe to be something that which we are not. Words define, words limit. He who is awakened can say he is not asleep, but is there a spectrum upon someone measures wokeness? Anyone not sleeping believes themselves to be awake, yet their eyes do not see the illusion even when their gaze is directly upon it.



Is there any proof?


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Bring your body into subjection through force of will.

"Have dominion."


Just read most of what the OP wrote. Really solid stuff (imo) I anyone else is reading.


OP, unfortunately I find that I am too stuck in the material realm and in the external realm because of what seems like external and material pressure exerted upon me in the universe.



Only subjectively and only by the standards that all agree upon is what we can call awakened.


Do the meditation. There is no opinion.


That is an idea of your mind. You are equally stuck here like anyone else, your being stuck here is not more suffering than anyone else. Look for the answer. There is a way out and others have found it before you. Read the Emerald tablets. Learn astral projection. Practice kindness inwards and outwards daily.



I like this answer


You can not stop your mind, Not by force. The mind does what it wants and the more you try to wrestle with it the worse it will get because you give it attention.

Let go of it.

The secret in stopping the monkey mind is to not try. It is effortless, and effortlessness is hard because you are used to stressing your mind.

Just let go, Relax your mind, don't stress about it if you find it hard. It is fine if you fail but you just jump back on again and not entertain the monkey mind.

The mud will settle and the water will become clear if you let it sit.


OP made a totally cucked version of this


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