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Recently stumbled upon this, wanted to ask if you know something more on this topic

>The rank of Magus is reserved for an elite class of philosophers and metaphysicians who hold the keys to divine knowledge. Mundane, consumer-oriented culture of postmodern Earth has cast down these noble spiritual teachers in the name of hyper-rational materialism. Ancient wisdom is lost amidst the rise of flashy exoteric performance, forcing the magus outward into the exoteric categories of stage (MAG)icians and stage (MUS)icians. Clues as to the tangible content of a lost musical knowledge are scattered throughout encyclopedias and books on tonal harmony.

>The Discipline of Audiomancy requires an investigation into the structure of holographic sound, the mechanics of western tonality, and conditioned responses to particular musical signatures. It is a study in correspondences in as much as it is a study of emotive signatures. It expands into an inquiry into 12 tone equal temperament, or the mechanics of the ether and its ability to manipulate the material world. Via the pineal gland, lucid dreaming, vision states and states of ecstasy are within every individual’s capability. Dolphins are able to see with sound, as do bats who have evolved an ability to translate dimensional information from sonar. Much like we see through solid objects with ultrasound. This is why Whales sing. This technique has been used to map the ocean floor from a satellites in earth orbit, spy on a fetus through the walls of a mother’s womb, and peer into the dark recesses of hidden chambers buried under the earth, and it is all just a matter of tuning into the right frequency.

>The ancient Egyptians in their texts tell us that they believed F# to be the tonal frequency of our planet. The King’s chamber inside the pyramid of Khufu resonates at exactly 16 hrz which is below the frequency of human hearing. When combined with its pentagramic chamber rooms a distinctive pattern of frequencies start to emerge. This pattern is identical to the tonal structure of the f# cord. The Egyptians believed this to be the heartbeat of the world. It was these Egyptian Priests who first introduced Greek music to Pythagoras during his studies in Memphis and Phoenicia. Belonging to the hermetic Philosophers of Osiris, Horus and Isis, Pythagoras’ harmonic theory can trace its origin back to the Orphic Lyre or scale of Orpheus which tradition tells us was passed down through Apollo the God of light. These Greek modes have been carried over to the western musical tradition and are evident in all genres of western music. It is commonly referred to as the 12 tone system and is derived from the tetractus or theory of harmonic ratios.




>Paul Foster Case a prominent member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn integrated this 12 tone system into a table of correspondence which connected the zodiac and the color wheel, to 12 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The twelve tones are arranged clockwise ascending chromatically and are each tied to a primary, secondary or tertiary colour. When pitch is introduced this circle extends to a cylindrical spiral. Through the sounding of particular chords platonic solids are formed . For example, scarlet is associated with the first note of the apex of the circle, that note is C and its complimentary tone is F# which we now understand to be the resonant frequency inside the sarcophagus of the King’s chamber at the pyramids of Giza. The cymatic shape of an octagon is strongly correlated to the re-occuring geometry found in the pyramids of Giza and the World Trade Center in America before its collapse. the exterior of the towers were embellished with symbolic tuning forks creating a wave or intonation that reverberated across the ether.

>Sound provokes the mind into investigation, a sensory trigger for the imagination where the thoughts of the individual coalesce. Commonly positioned at the top of church towers, bells are large acoustic resonators coordinated to spell out specific melodic patterns in relation to the time of day. The shape of the church bell represents the egg, the hammer the male phallus, symbolically the moment of inception when the male impregnates the female with new genetic material- the Ring. Monotheistic music is synonymous with the term western music in that they are both forms of solar worship. there are 12 months in a solar year, and 12 notes in a sub-divided octave. The 12 pointed circle may be extended from single tones to form major and minor triads. There are 24 hours in a day divided into day and night thus we see music is directly related to time. As evidenced in a the term time signature.

>Correlations can be drawn between visual relationships detailed in the colour wheel and auditory harmony quantified in the rule of 5ths. Symbiosis and application of the two disciples came from Hindu sages who used the practices in tandem to manipulate the physical body and thus their immediate environment through meditative thought. Just as a Chakra’s vows are intoned to reveal its landscape so to is its corresponding colour invoked to help facilitate a shift in consciousness. In the west this belief that colour and sound affects human behavior was developed into the discipline of chromo-therapy. It was designs to correct a person’s psychological other-self or Jungian shadow and its authentication relies just as much on Johannes Itten’s seminal work on colour psychology, as it does on a faith in Eastern mysticism.


Every time I see an explanation of the occult significance of music and specific elements of music, it has a whole lot of words and no useful substance.

>Paul Foster Case associated each chromatic note with a zodiac sign

>the chamber of a dead Egyptian king resonates at similar frequencies to the Earth

>some animals use sonar

Okay, great. What do we do with this information? Can we use it to compose music that has some kind of magical significance? Can we use it to know what kind of music to avoid listening to so we can lessen the power structure's grip on our minds? Can we use it to map out a series of specific frequencies that accomplish specific known things when we produce them with binaural beats or whatever? Is it useful in any way, or is it a bunch of interesting facts?




Give us a practical way to use this knowledge OP


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Okay, let us cover some of the practical aspects of audiomancy, after all what is the benefit of knowledge if it's not being used?

First of all, the obvious:

Audiomancy, adds a new layer of correspondences(i'm talking about tones/notes whatever you like to call them) to planets tarot and astrology in general. The corresponding tones/notes can be used in both invocation rituals and sigil work.

Secondly, a look at music as an (inner) alchemical process.

A practical example:

Imagine a nun.

You probably thought of a woman who's modest, quiet, charitable and compassionate.

It can be said that the environment around her and the music she listens to shares the same characteristics as her subconscious beliefs, therefore they are in a harmonious rhythm.

Now, let's say that the nun for some reason, decided to started listening to some "straight edge satanic black metal" band.

The chances are high that the new music will be in conflict with the subconscious beliefs and values, therefore not of the same rhythm and creating a conflict of beliefs.

The two opposite polarities, can't coexist, so therefore the person will have to adjust one way or the other and normalise to the rhythm of the dominant polarity and in turn changing the personality.

Basically the nun has two chances: to pust through the subconscious rejection of the new music until it harmonises itself to the new rhythm, following change of polarity and new personality, or to abandon the new music and stick to the already accepted rhythm.

If the nun, for some months sticks to the new music, it will eventually get through, and as we said it will change the personality, kind of like alchemical transmutation.

The key here is that, the lyrics, with enough repetition, will get in the subconscious, but the lyrics are only half the stuff.

As we all know, music is made of notes, notes are the foundation of music. They are the other half of the stuff that will get into.

I personally think that notes are more potent that lyrics, because most people know very little and don't give a fuck about notes in a song, which makes it harder for the subconscious to pay attention to them, it simply isn't used to.

Therefore the notes have a way easier time bypassing the conscious mind and programming the subconscious side. (Yes, not knowing the lyrics of a song can also increase it's influence on the subconscious, but still, for most people it's easier to catch a word than a note).

And lastly, i want to say that i, am also fairly new to this kind of stuff.

I am currently reseaching it on my own, have had some interesting results, but yet i have only scratched the surface of this peculiar discipline.

The fact that it was present in some form in ancient egypt intrigues me further to investigate, hoping to discover something from the wisdom of the ancients.

Here is a documentary of some sort, will probably watch it tomorrow and see what it has to say.


This article has some interesting things too:



The universe is mental, our minds are waves vibrating at certain rates to create certain senses and patterns. Our ears are powerful receivers (like radios). Our eyes are our superficial sense to keep us in check with reality, while our ears are our intuition. Women are more intuitive because they have a hormonal cycle that resets their "radio". Magicians are more intuitive because they are more in touch with real life (5 senses). Left handed people are more intuitive because their frontal lobe is more active, making them more likely to adapt. People with blue eyes or people who lose their eyesight or limbs are more intuitive. Force of will exists, people who manipulate information manipulate reality. That's why there's a war to control the internet. All musicians are magicians, good music creates a good reality. All works of fiction are prophecies, the bad prophecies are there to be avoided, the good prophecies are there to inspire potential.

Right now JoJo's bizarre adventure part 6 is the closest prophecy of what's happening. Some people who want to become God and attain heaven are fucking up with sound (remote hypnosis and synchronicity) and gravity (scientists). We're gonna go back to normal eventually (that's the LAW) but a lot of pain and deaths can be avoided if we channel our will in the positive vibration.


It would be very cool if we could congregate all of this information and actually produce some kind of guide that explains its uses and applications. Some kind of occult music writing guide or something. Once I have some free time in a few weeks I'm probably going to spend more time like OP looking into this kind of thing. I'd like to bring up a thing Montalk wrote about this, but I'd also like to point out some parts of it that I think are bullshit.


>Atonal Music

>Melodies that have no tonal center and whose notes have no obvious relation to each other, have no musicality or harmony, whether explicit by the stacking of tones, or implied by the juxtaposition of sequential notes in memory. If harmony is associated with the astral body and melody with the etheric, then atonal music represents a body devoid of both. It is a series of events not threaded through by any conscious and emotional perception. Recall how in some science fiction films, the noises a robot or computer makes was typically a random series of beeps, representative of the machine’s lack of sentience or humanity.

This is clearly written by someone who hasn't studied music theory anywhere past basic scales, chord progressions and modulations and hasn't listened to very much atonal music. He does obviously know some music theory, based on other parts of this, but saying that all atonal music is just random notes is plain stupid. Using random notes, like in a couple things John Cage and Iannis Xenakis did, for example, is in the minority of atonal compositions. There is a lot of emotion in this kind of music if you understand the music theory used to compose it and find the right music. Even aside from regular atonal techniques, there's stuff like chromatic harmony, which doesn't always fit any particular scale or mode, but is written or improvised based on more complex theory related to the notes around a particular part to make some very emotionally resonant music set aside from music that just sticks to a major scale or something. Montalk sounds like one of those people who hears something more complex than they're used to and says "it's just a bunch of random notes". The reason I brought this up is because this subject matter seems to have a lot of objective facts, like the resonance of that Egyptian king's tomb, and a lot of assumptions based on subjective opinion, like Montalk saying that all atonal music is just random notes with no emotion behind it. There is a bit of useful information in this link, but a lot of the useful information I remember from it has already been brought up in this thread.


The main idea I've personally taken from this thread so far is that particular notational patterns (common scales and chord progressions) are associated with particular emotions based on common human experience, and that, for anyone who hasn't studied music theory, listening to a particular kind of music generates a specific emotional response based on what everyone else tends to experience subconsciously. That sounds a bit unlikely to me. It's completely subjective. Based on my own experience, there seem to be more happy, friendly people who listen to stuff like death metal (which Montalk mentions in that link as having "intrinsic resonant value" towards being "violent and dark") than there are people who listen to happy radio rock. I get it when it comes to people who haven't listened to a particular genre labelling it a certain way, since that fuels an egregore around it, but if there really is a way of stripping this stuff down to a set of rules that define what kind of music has which occult attributes, it has to be very complex and it has to be dependent on other factors such as the type of person listening to it. If that's the case, I'm starting to question whether there actually is any way to use these ideas without them having to be aimed towards a specific person or group of people. There's also the big possibility that I have no idea what I'm talking about, of course.


Nada Yoga


Creating music, I find wandering melodies that keep coming back to a particular turn around or run of notes as the most effective vehicle for my intent. 3rds & 7ths are nature(all). 4ths & 5ths are of the mind kind, they also (as well as unison) do well to carry intent.

Modes/scales are what give ethereal body to the work. These (excluding prose or lyrics) do most of the legwork for conveying and producing results.

Major is exactly what it seems, we've been programmed or exposed to this mode the most. The harmonies and jumps in this mode exemplify joy.

Minor is more complex to most listeners so it results in a lack of resolution. A lot of people will interpret this feeling as "sad" or "scary" I feel Pluto highly with minor keys.

I personally haven't consciously gone into the other modes but they're all variations of each other so insight can be had.

A beat is just as important if not more so than the harmonies.

4/4 is the heartbeat

3/4 is the brainbeat

6/8 is the bodybeat

In my experience. With this one its helpful to play a drumkit. I feel the shapes of what I want and try to outline that with rhythms accents. If programming or using a piano roll then this could get super technical, you could have overlaying time signatures and a way to kind of skip the technique training physically speaking.

You'd put these together and build yourself a thought form just like any working but assign values and channel them through the various parts of the composition.

If you want more "here's the 'answer'" look into music therapy and what tone series they use. Also 440vs444vs432 (hz)

A lot of music is subjective…at first. Once you see there are only so many patterns and you can quickly recognize them, the objectivity will come out.



The chords and harmonies are geometric. A major chord is a major 3rd played at the same time as another M3rd. A minor: m3 then M3. Pythagoras has a decent explanation of harmony that relies more on the math and geometry.

Essentially (I believe) we have these harmonies coded in us whether exoterically or esoterically. Bird songs, the whooping of an animal, or maybe air raid sirens, the tones of our phone. They all have harmony or the relation of one pitch to another. Maybe these pitch jumps can be traced back to other "harmony" the planetary ratios, the harmony of the sky or DNA. There are levels to the use of music, some for invoking emotional states, some for physical and some purely astral.

The physical music is quite objective but only so powerful to get the first two wheels spinning.

Emotional music is fairly objective as most people are easy to understand and you leave a lot of the intent in the instruments instead of lyrics. Effective lyrics leave the subject vague yet describe it sublimely. This allows the listener to imprint their own energy and further the effect. This will get wheels 3 4 & 5 spinning

Astral music rarely has lyrics. If it does they're usually quite hard to understand and use the voice far more like an instrument. It usually transports the person to a scene and it is very subjective. Or maybe I just havent nailed it yet. (Jamming, when done right is an excellent exercise) this usually spins the third eye and occasionally you'll get a crown opener…all within my experience of course.


I use binaural beats to bring me down to theta or delta state while playing a mantra recording of my own voice to train my subconscious. So far it has been a simple, effective, practical method.

This site has free tones you can download in high quality.



What does it mean if I create and enjoy listening to harsh noise music?



Static fishing. You could write pieces about individuals for an aural audio file. Analyze your pieces alongside a birthchart for the inception of the idea or recording. Invoke entities in the noise makers. As far as usability you picked a very niche market with all the amenities to be used as a magic vehicle. Getting your target to listen in a relaxed state I imagine can be a little tough. Then again you could play on their anxious animal response and cut straight to the subconscious.

As for what it says about you, I see a few options.

-you use music as a place where your power is limitless and in your control to within a single grain of static. (Power vacation in a normally restrictive life)

-you thrive in chaos and the astral link with music really activates your almonds

-the dissonant/harsh nature of the music gives you valves for releasing energy build ups (soothing to soothsay)

The nature of the genre really gives you so many opportunities to use music and hear it on a subconscious level




There are a lot of practical applications that don't involve making you own music. Get a playlist you know inside and out, lyrics, everything, and go play music for the homeless. Do it for months. Understand that each song is a spell. You'll start to see some spooky results.



I'm curious.

So motivational music would make homeless people more determined?

This is an interesting thought. I ought to harness my musician.


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The sign-color correlation makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Ignoring the fact that colors have emotional connotation by themselves while notes do not (yet intervals between notes and chords do), it doesn't stand up to basic testing:

Lets try and make a pallete out of Cmajor. We get Red (C), Yellow (E), and Cyan (G)…? Weird.

Now lets try Cminor: Red (C) and Cyan (G) and this weird orangy yellow (Eb/D#)? It is even more vibrant and upbeat a pallete than major, makes no sense - not in a music theory perspective, neither in a color theory perspective. Notes that should be absolutely dissonant together (the B-C-C# cluster, for example) make for pleasing palletes, unnerving symmetric (diminshed 7th, for example) chords make for pleasing palletes, while actual harmonic chords are all over the place.

Now, if we substitute this weirdly unfitting chromatic progression for this sweet circle of 5ths (pic related), surprisingly it starts to actually fit.


Right image here makes more sense, though. I don't particularly agree with the Lunar nature of Minor (though I don't particularly disagree too), but there seems to be quite a lot of merit in the interplay between the Planets and the Modes.



it goes much deeper. you can put people to sleep, make them believe things (as long as you believe and understand why you can)



just what i was thinking. if anything i'd associate a minor7 or dominant 7 as "lunar" or moon themed but who cares


>makes no sense - not in a music theory perspective, neither in a color theory perspective

But it totally does?

altering pitches to change chords from major gives it "character" or color

Pretty sure the point of the chart is to explain how making more complex chords gives your composition a more complex combo of "color"



music! audiophilry! my area of expertise! yayayayayayy!!!

I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The 4c threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."

Peace! Really, peace!! I hope that this helps you a lot!!



argh thought this was the updated version! well it's not! i will have to go get it

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