I am back. Let's see what we can find out.
>What's your view on Jungian topics such as the "collective unconscious"?
Carl Jung is a good source to study, much like Alan Watts mainly because they were both involved with real philosophy and the metahphysical, occult phenomena and admitted them as real, unlike almost any other scientist, doctor or wannabe philosopher. Those were great guys actually who still had an open mind somehow (imo at least). The collective unconsciouness is defintely real from my own observations, but one can also call it the collective ego. Besides most individuals being egoistic/unconscious retards, when many of those get together they form this meta ego/unconsciousness and become like a hivemind, all individuals become bound by this meta ego in addition to their own egos. That is of course society, but can be anything where few or more people are involved. Religion, lodges, clubs, clans, guilds and so on. Isn't this why it is said of a real master to never be part of any group? The sage abhors any community because he is aware how this unconscious hivemind entangles all it's members and limits ones own freedom.
What's your oppinion of this? Maybe you don't agree with this at all.
>Have you ever had a spiritual experience or dream that played out symbolically, and then was later mirrored in waking reality with more tangible people/objects/locations?
I don't really know. I am not so advanced, or should I say aware yet that I can tell such things. I can hardly remember my dreams at all.
>Have you had recurring dreams of sublime landscapes or architecture?
>Sometimes it feels like there are other people, real people in the dreams, like a shared dream
Sometimes, but very rarely I have extremely vivid dreams that I have no trouble remembering at all. Those dreams seem to be of a completely different order than normal dreams. A lot of times in such dreams I get to visit the same magical, beautiful location where I would love to stay forever if I could. It feels extremely good to be there. A lot of times it's a mysterious place in nature, something like a lake or forest of the utmost beauty and mystery. Sometimes it's a place where when you look into the sky you see a sky full of galaxies, colors and swirling stars. Rarely I will meet a person in such a dream that seems to be self-aware, or real. A person that is not a product of my dream mind but who exist by itself, so real and uncommon they feel. I have come to the conclusion that those dreams are not actual dreams. They are legit astral travels during sleep. Travels into hyper reality. My waking state in this physical existence seems like a lame joke compared to the magnificence of such dreams.
>Did you find a relation to any symbolism within his pieces?
A lot, but for the sake of this post I won't go into it. I am pretty sure you will find a lot yourself.
>I'd be interested to hear a more detailed description of the girl in your vision. Do you think the upper face and the lower face belong to the same entity? Any emotional expression?
Well I don't know if the two halves of the face belonged together and were of the same entity. Maybe even not. Maybe it was hallucinations. The lips were red and the eyes were blue, and somehow cold pirecing through me. I don't want to interpret too much into it because most likely it was a trick of the mind anyway, a hallucinatons. You get this stuff when you sink into deep trance. But maybe it was the Gnostic spirit of wisdom, Sophia, who I have been asking recently to help me attaining Gnosis and to show me the way. Or maybe it was the Tulpa that I am trying to create somehow starting to manifest before my eyes. Who knows.
Judging from your experiences with entities and how you do reseach you seem pretty advanced so I assume you will know most of this stuff already and come to your own conclusions. Unfortunately for me no entitiy came into contact with me as far as I know and I received no direct guidance, unless maybe passive that I do not know about. I would like to get in contact with helpful entities but I guess it cannot be helped.
Also I am sorry that I can not answer all of your questions and explain more because frankly I don't know too much myself and my experiences are also pretty limited. However I attached a book about the third eye which I believe is not in the fringe library…and even if it is, who cares. Maybe you will find it helpful if you haven't come across it yet.